The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 222: Liu Chengyin (Part 2)

Chapter 222 Liu Chengyin (Part 2)

Chapter 222 Liu Chengyin (Part 2)

It seems that God really doesn't want to take it easy and spend this life indifferently. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and hid all these things in his hand. After Zhang Yang quickly reconnected to the network as a springboard, Zhang Yang logged in to his account on the nubi forum, which is the l.

Speaking of it, I haven’t been here for a long time, just came up, Zhang Yang received several prompts to receive new messages, and quickly opened these messages, all of which were Zhang Yang’s only friends on Nubi, Zhang Yang When I opened it and looked at it, most of them were asking why Zhang Yang hadn't come up recently, and whether Liu Chengyin (Part 2) of Chapter 222 was abandoned.

Zhang Yang is still full of goodwill, and from the lines of the words, Zhang Yang can feel it. He is definitely a genuine Chinese hacker, and he belongs to the kind of stupid type, that is, the kind of helpless people. In return. Because Zhang Yang hadn't come up for more than a month, the last piece of news also expressed regret for Zhang Yang, saying that Zhang Yang was the best student he had ever seen.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang couldn't help but smiled bitterly. He has been busy dying recently. In fact, Zhang Yang's talent in computers can only be said to be average, but the combined experience of two lifetimes and Zhang Yang's obsession in this regard, Let Zhang Yang have the present achievements, and even Zhang Yang has developed more than those so-called geniuses.

In order to achieve his own goals in the previous life, Zhang Yang’s knowledge developed abnormally, which led to the terrible basic skills of Zhang Yang. After the systematic pouring of horrible knowledge, the accumulation of power was the growth of strength. Zhang Yang didn’t feel much about it, but if he took it Compared with the death of his last life, Zhang Yang is definitely more powerful than his last life.

This is only the time of more than two months in Chapter 222 Liu Chengyin (2nd). Although nubi has a purpose, but nubi has done a good job in this regard. At least the purpose of others is hidden deep, and no one has it. figure it out. Zhang Yang quickly sent a message to the knife through the nubi channel: "Great God, I recently learned something, and I am relatively busy, so I have no time to come here to find information, but I will not give up on the computer. of."

After sending the message successfully, Zhang Yang started to wander in the nubi forum. The previous few visits to Zhang Yang were directly into the Chinese sector, but this time Zhang Yang did not, he was very open to see all the national sectors. Looking at it, Zhang Yang mainly pays attention to the main moderators of the various regional sectors, and their ids. Are there any people that Zhang Yang is familiar with.

After reading it for a while, Zhang Yang probably knew it. Although the plate here is divided by country, it is not available in all countries. For example, some relatively backward places are only divided by state, like Africa. African countries even have poor network infrastructure, not to mention hackers in African countries. Even if these African countries have hackers, they may be Africans studying in Europe or the Americas.

The main moderators of these districts are basically part-time, Zhang Yang probably counts, there are only 13 people in total. Nubi is an ancient Egyptian mythology, and it is also an ancient Greek mythology. As for Christian mythology, there is only God, and God represents everything. There is no such thing as nubi or such a **** of death. Some are just Satan the devil. Zhang Yang does not understand these myths. The system of ancient Greek myth, er, in modern terms, is a mythological system of lun. What is the son of the brother and sister, the other **** born by the son and mother, anyway, these gods were born in this way.

After traversing these general moderators, Zhang Yang did not see any information about this id, not even similar ones. But Zhang Yang still remembered the id of these moderators. In the nubi forum, there is a world hacker ranking, which is ranked according to the annual hacker contest.

The so-called hacking competition is not a competition. Strictly speaking, it does not even have a single rule. In the field of hacking, although defense is critical, the main theme of hacking is always invasion, so the so-called hacker contest rules are also very simple, that is, intrusion, mutual invasion! At the beginning of the game, the nubi forum will give the i addresses of a hundred servers, these servers have been sorted out by experts.

Then everyone started to invade these servers. These servers have a very high degree of defense, and they are all nubi masters, but it is not just that they have invaded these servers. After the intrusion of the server is successful, all people can invade each other. . Whoever first hacked into a hundred servers successfully, found the information hidden in the one hundred servers, and released the evidence on the official website of nubi forum for the first time, then who is the number one hacker!

It looks like a play, but this ranking is definitely deserved! You know, it was only the server that needed to be hacked at the beginning, but then, one hundred servers were flooded with hackers from all over the world. You want to invade from one server to another server, not only need to To deal with the defensive measures of the server itself, you also need to deal with hackers who have taken control of the server.

A hundred servers cannot have only one hundred hackers. Sometimes, there are several hackers in each server. Because the strength of the masters is sometimes close, everyone can know that they are after a short time. It's not that they haven't fought each other, but master hackers who often choose to cooperate are not without it.

Who can not master the master who can be killed from a hundred servers and hundreds of super hackers? And more importantly, when invading these servers, it does not mean that you are safe. So many hackers, there is not a small number of hatreds between each other, follow the data flow of the other party, and the black party looks for the other party’s real i It's not that things haven't happened, but almost during the hacking competition, it happens every moment.

Under such circumstances, he can win the first one hundred servers, his strength need not elaborate. Therefore, the entire hacking contest will last for a long time, one month, or two months, the longest time is more than four months before someone can get all the information.

"You are here, I thought you gave up, it would be good if you didn't give up, people insist on perseverance, as long as you insist, you will definitely have a day of success, as the saying goes, as long as the kung fu deep iron pestle is ground into needles, hardworking people There will definitely be gains." With the sound of Ding Dong, a rush of news rang on Zhang Yang's computer.

Zhang Yang opened it, looked at it, and smiled. It was also very interesting, just like the teacher was teaching the students. After hesitating, Zhang Yang asked, "Great God, don't you know if you have other contact information? I have something to ask you."

"Well? Isn't it OK here?"

Zhang Yang has a headache. What should he say? In the eyes of outsiders, the nubi forum is definitely the safest jiāliu position. There is no need to worry about being hacked here, but these people who are accustomed to the existence of nubi have forgotten the truth of the black under the light. , Nubi's system, and their strength, etc. are indeed people feel safe, but everyone ignores the nubi forum itself.

If their founders have any plans, it is difficult for other people to prevent. After all, this is the territory of others, and the computer technology of these people is quite scary, so it is too simple to do something. At least Zhang Yang understands that the hacking competition is not only a ranking of world hackers, but more importantly, it is probably a nubi selection method for recruiting talents.

With the help of Zhang Yang in the previous life, he was ranked first in the world by hackers. At that time, nubi sent an invitation to Zhang Yang. I didn’t know that nubi was intentional, and I really saw Zhang Yang. However, the invitation was sent, but Zhang Yang refused. Too.

Zhang Yang was giving a headache, but he quickly gave Zhang Yang a mail address. "Then we will contact separately." Zhang Yang sent a message to Yidao Liu, and then directly quit the forum of nubi. After exiting, Zhang Yang did not check his computer. It was not that he had confidence in himself, but this id. , Certainly won't attract nubi's attention, he has always behaved like a rookie.

Opening the mailbox, Zhang Yang quickly sent a message to Yidao Liu: "Great God, are you safe over there?"

"?" A question mark came back in a flash.

Zhang Yang was a bit tangled. For a long time he simply gritted his teeth and said quickly: "Dear God, do you carefully check and confirm that there is no problem in your system? I want to talk to you about things." It can be seen that the technique of one-handedness is quite awkward. People like one-handedness will definitely get nubi's attention. If you want to give some traps to the one-handedness, it may really succeed.

So Zhang Yang only let a knife pass check, and after about seven or eight minutes, the message sent by knife pass came: "I checked it again without any problems, but I can't guarantee 100% security, if someone can really invade my computer, And not being discovered by me, I can only recognize it."

Zhang Yang said it all, and Zhang Yang didn't say anything. Zhang Yang quickly asked: "Great God, have you received the information that nubi has invited you to join?"

"Why are you asking this?" It took a long time for the mail to be sent by the knife, but instead of answering the question, he asked instead.

At the moment, the gd sitting in front of the computer was full of weird faces. Zhang Yang's question reminded him of a long time ago. Is it that this rookie was also invited by nubi? What a joke? If not, how could he ask such questions suddenly?

"No why, this is the case. I saw everyone in this world-class hacking professional forum but I don't know if anyone thought about it. What happens if nubi itself has a problem?" The message from this person named l, gd stayed a while, and then directly fell into contemplation.

People who can achieve such achievements on the computer are not stupid, and gd is naturally not. Zhang Yang's words are very abrupt, but it makes gd have to think about this problem.

"What do you mean by this?" gd thought, and thoughtfully returned a message.

"It's not interesting, just ask casually, but I also thought of it accidentally during this time. If the founder of the nubi forum has any ideas, I am afraid that everyone will be sold by him." Zhang Yang issued a random The expression of the past.

Zhang Yang did not want to share anything with Yidaoliu. Zhangyang now wants to sound the alarm for someone like Yidaoliu. Only if they have a similar idea in their hearts, they will definitely prevent it. Once they start their methods, they will find out sooner or later. problem. Zhang Yang is not arrogant enough to rely on himself to deal with other organizations.

"This is what you want to do with me?" gd continued to ask again, he wanted to see how this would be answered.

"Yes, this is what I want to Zhang Yang didn't refute.

"Thank you for your reminder, I will consider it, but there shouldn’t be too many problems. After all, everyone has been in this circle for so long, and it’s not a rookie anymore. By the way, even if nubi often invites people, then it can’t explain anything? After all, many hacker organizations are beckoning new members. This is a normal thing." gd thought about it, or gave l a reply, of course Now, this does not mean that gd will put down the question just sent over.

On the contrary, gd pondered this question very seriously. Lan Mo, Shenyue killing them also think they should tell them about it.

"Well, that's what I want to think about." Zhang Yang didn't continue to say anything. He was too anxious to eat hot tofu. Some things couldn't be done overnight. After turning off the mail, Zhang Yang scratched his head, m this matter will hit all of Zhang Yang’s plans. Originally, before the time next year, Zhang Yang was not going to do anything, but now it seems that he does not do anything. He couldn't help it, so many things happened in one accident. A! ! ! ;




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