The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 227: All kinds of frivolous (middle)

Chapter 227 All kinds of frivolous (Part 2)

Chapter 227 All kinds of frivolous (Part 2)

Because Zhang Yang is not in the server, he doesn't know the other party's attack method, but Zhang Yang can guess that if he attacks from the port, he is obviously using various access requests and then testing the firewall rules. As for how they are looking for leaks, it is not clear. But since these people are in the nubi organization, I am afraid they are also masters in previous hacking contests.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yang hesitated for a while. The Zhang Yang of these people must not know from the side. If they want to cause obstacles to them, then Zhang Yang can only join the attack and create trouble for them. After all, they want to crack the fire. Chapter 227: It is certain that all kinds of insignificant (middle) walls or some access rules are missed by the system. If Zhang Yang pampers them, they will certainly not achieve their goals so easily.

However, this also has disadvantages, that is, it will not cause much trouble to the other party. After hesitating, Zhang Yang was cruel and immediately made a choice. He directly uploaded the ghost virus to his outermost periphery, then Zhang Yang directly entered the website of the official website of the Ministry of Public Security, and then Zhang Yang lived the ghost virus. . The ghost virus does not actively infect the computer or reside in the computer system. The biggest function of the ghost virus is to conceal and then track the data flow of various attacks.

When Zhang Yang sent the ghost virus directly to the official website of the Ministry of Public Security, all i linked to the official website will be tracked by the ghost virus. After the virus was placed, the software in Zhang Yang’s computer showed that the number of ghost viruses immediately split by thousands. .

To be honest, the traffic on the official website of the Ministry of Public Security is actually not very good. Even few years later, not many people look at this kind of political website, let alone now, not to mention that it is already early in the morning, except for these night owls. There are not many people at all. It is already quite remarkable that there are thousands of flows of various insignificance (middle) in Chapter 227.

According to the progress of the ghost, Zhang Yang immediately canceled hundreds of useless ghost viruses directly. The hundreds of addresses of the ghost worms have almost just started tracking to get the results, and there is no further information. Obviously just some ordinary Human computer, and the progress of the remaining ghosts is relatively slow, but after more than ten minutes, Zhang Yang also blocked most of the i, leaving only about thirty data streams. These thirty Ghost viruses tracking multiple data streams is very slow, and it is not a result at once, no matter what these people are, they are obviously computer masters.

While monitoring the ghost virus, Zhang Yang looked at the official website of the Ministry of Public Security. At present, although the official website of the Ministry of Public Security is difficult to access, it is still normal. They should not have taken down the official website of the Ministry of Public Security.

Looking at the progress of the ghost virus, Zhang Yang did not do anything else. In fact, Zhang Yang did not know exactly which data streams were these hackers. The other data streams should be hackers who got the news. These people don't know where they got the news from, but the hacker circle is very small. As long as one person accidentally sees these announcements, they will definitely be circulated by then. .

After hesitating, Zhang Yang did not continue to pay attention to the Ministry of Public Security, but turned back to the official website of Xing Yangye. The purpose of the nubi organization was to divert attention, and they may not necessarily give up the latest research materials of Xing Yaoye. So if you come here, you can still catch them.

But at this moment Xingyangye's official website has been upgraded and maintained. Anyway, Xingyangye's official website is no different from whether it is or not. They do not expect the website to promote their products, and the website's traffic is also pitiful, even if the upgrade is closed for ten days. No one will say anything for half a month.

"Spirit of the Dreams, aren't you the security staff of other people's websites? That website has no control?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I'm going to upgrade and maintain for the following people, anyway, it is to maintain a backup of the system, I just checked, they did not destroy the data or anything, just issued an announcement, as long as the announcement is deleted, you can restart the server. "Gu Gu's dream replied quickly.

What Zhang Yang wants is this sentence. Since it is only to update and back up the system, although the official website of Xing Yangye is inaccessible at the moment, their network connection is not interrupted. Zhang Yang quickly followed the i address when he invaded, and really found the address of Xingyangye's server, and Zhangyang re-entered the Xingyangye's server after he left.

The maintenance of the server is not over yet, but the work of those technicians is obviously done long ago, but it is just not restarting the server. Zhang Yang quickly copied the infected insects in. After setting up the infected insects, Zhang Yang left Xingyang's server. The hidden ability of the infected insects is undoubted. I am afraid that even the lonely bamboo dreams are difficult to find.

Zhang Yang has set the infected bug as long as someone illegally acts on the system, then the infected bug will automatically infect and track the person's i address. The tracking method of the infected bug and the ghost virus is not the same, although it is also the same. , But the ghost virus is based on the other party's data flow, and then reverse calculation, but the infection is different.

Infected insects are infected all the way, and any computer connected to the target computer cannot escape the infection of the infected insects. Switching back to the official website of the Ministry of Public Security, Zhang Yang felt that the delay in his network response speed was already quite high. Opening the analysis software and looking at Zhang Yang completely fainted.

"This group of beasts, why is this trick again." Zhang Yang was completely speechless. At the moment, the official website of the Ministry of Public Security was like a battlefield. It was similar to the situation that Zhang Yang encountered last time. A variety of virus bombs Almost everywhere, and no one knows what happened.

"I rely on! This group of animals, isn't this purely pounding? Didn't they help, but helped a lot of people, day! Wipe!" Gu Zhu's residual dream suddenly shouted in the channel. Zhang Yang didn't know what happened over Gu Zhu's residual dream. He hadn't waited to start asking. Zhang Yang couldn't help but also called me to lean on. A mail bomb was sent directly along his i.

The mail bomb doesn't have to be sent to your mailbox. In fact, as long as the sender has an address, no matter whether you have a mailbox or whether you receive it, this bomb will be directly activated, although this low-level mail Bombs have no effect on Zhang Yang, but this is like getting on the battlefield. Of the ten dead people, only 2-3 were actually targeted by the enemy, and the remaining 7 to 8 were strayed. Killed!

Zhang Yang belongs to the kind of person who was hit by stray bullets. It is estimated that the lonely bamboo dream is so sharp, and it was also given to this person by yīn.

"What's wrong? Zhang Yang didn't know what gd was doing, but when gd was talking, he could still hear his keyboard constantly striking. Obviously, gd's work was also very busy. Otherwise, you will not have time to pay attention to this side.

"Nothing, just a group of people attacking here in the country." Guzhu Can Meng was depressed.

"Wait a minute, I'm almost ready here. They will have fun at that time." gd said quickly.

"What are you doing now? I don't think these people's offensives have weakened much. You can't do it." Guzhu Canmon asked quickly.

"Hey, guess, I’ll tell you when you guessed, the data streams of these guys are all well hidden, I can’t find their specific i, but I mō to which country they are in, I am hacking these countries The official website of the relevant ministry. After I got dark, in case you can’t hold it on my side, I’ll give them a misfortune here.” gd said with a smug smile.

"You are so cheap!" Gu Zhu's remnant dream only commented for a long time. Zhang Yang was also a little speechless. I didn't expect gd to be so insignificant and actually went to burst people's words.

After a while, gd suddenly came out again: "But tell me, why didn't the **** gd show up this time? He has been mysterious for more than half a month, this guy just needs to use him , He will be empty."

"You are a bitch! You said I came out and I came out, and I am not Ultraman. When I should come out, my elder brother will come out." Zhang Yang murmured in front of the computer, gd this guy is enough, At that time, it was said that Zhang Yang's gd was causing trouble. At that time, Zhang Yang was not seen again. Didn't I just make you bear it twice? As for it.

"Why? Do you miss him?" Guzhu Can Meng asked with a smile and By the way, I miss him? I think he is a dry bird, I am afraid that he will come out at the last critical moment, and then grab my limelight. "Gd shouted, Zhang Yang was happy. Since you said so, I will come out and grab your limelight after a while, but I can also see if this limelight is good. If it is not good, then brother But it will never come out.

"Bingo! I'm done." Gd snapped his fingers and whistled. Zhang Yang didn't know that he had hacked the websites of the relevant ministries of several countries, but he could achieve his goal in such a short time. There is no doubt.

Zhang Yanggang was about to ask about it. His computer suddenly sounded "didi". It was the ghost virus that had the result. Of the 30 or more data streams, only six of them were left. In an effort to track down, others got specific i addresses.

After checking these i addresses, they are all domestic. Although there is no guarantee that the nubi hackers are all abroad, these domestic people are probably not, they are not enough! A! ! ! ;




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