The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 228: All kinds of frivolous (below)

Chapter 228 Mischievous (Part 2)

Chapter 228 Mischievous (Part 2)

Last time when Zhang Yang traced to m, he knew enough about these people's cautiousness. They almost spread all over the world, and they had to go around the world for a while. ; Will not simply log in a few casually and directly open the vest to come to the official website of the Ministry of Public Security.

Xing Yangye has already halted the flag, but these guys are ruthless enough, and they have succeeded in diverting their attention. They still haven't given up. Could they say that they will not give up the official website of the Ministry of Public Security? Shouldn’t it? But that's fine, as long as Zhang Yang can pull out a few more people, it's probably big enough to be able to find it.

In the remaining chapter 228, there are still six data streams of various insignificance (below). These people are obviously in the middle of these data streams. There is no result on Zhang Yang’s side. A cry: "My day, isn't it!"

"What's wrong?" gd asked again, and after Zhang Yang paused, he quickly refreshed the official website of the Ministry of Public Security. The official website that has just been accessed normally has been unable to connect normally, and the few attackers who were still active outside disappeared directly. Zhang Yang refreshed again, and a new announcement appeared on the official website of the Ministry of Public Security: "You Lost, last time we carelessly, this time the game is over."

A very simple sentence, but written in Chinese, Zhang Yang and three people immediately reacted, the Ministry of Public Security has been hacked! And the black people are definitely those who are provoking in Xing Yangye. Gu Zhu's dreams are okay. They didn't realize anything, but Zhang Yang's heart was a shock!

His ghost virus is still tracking these six data streams. Although Zhang Yang can’t guarantee that these six people are mysterious hackers in the nubi organization, at least part of them are them. Zhang Yang’s ghost virus is tracking them, and Zhang Yang has just n Chapter 228 All kinds of frivolous (below) are paying attention to the progress of the invasion on the official website, but no one expected that the official website of the Ministry of Public Security would be directly killed, without any indication.

Obviously, when this person entered the server of the official website of the Ministry of Public Security, the Network Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, even Zhang Yang and Gu Zhu's residual dream, did not find it! Master! Is it a shot in person? In Zhang Yang's memory, only he has seen this ability, but the hackers of the nubi organization that just invaded obviously do not have this ability, that is to say, there is a person who has been hiding in the end until the public security has just been hacked. The official website of the Ministry then jumped out.

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Gu Zhu's residual dream asked inexplicably. Although honestly, Zhang Yang thought of it, but he didn't understand the meaning of the announcement they sent. Zhang Yang didn't understand it, especially when the other party issued the announcement. It’s still Chinese. Do these guys want to create an illusion for the Ministry of Public Security and the Internet Security Bureau? Are they also Chinese hackers? And this action is a gamble between two Chinese hacker organizations?

Literally, Zhang Yang understood so much, but after thinking about it, Zhang Yang realized sensitively that this might not be a big one, but rather a big one! If they haven’t made the decision, why do they need to make an announcement in Chinese? Zhang Yang did not believe that the organizers behind nubi would be Chinese. Judging from the conversation between gld and m, a laboratory will cost hundreds of billions of dollars of funds, so nubi's financial resources are undoubted.

Under such a super-strong control system of the domestic financial system, with such a large consortium, it is impossible for China to find it. Obviously these guys are putting smoke bombs! Wretched, extremely wretched! Zhang Yang couldn't help whispering something, mlgbd, these guys are still a little smart. In this way, the subordinates of the Ministry of Public Security and Guoan may cooperate, and then put all the objects of love investigations on domestic hackers.

At that time, all domestic hackers were unlucky. Although it is impossible to kill all the hackers, if one hacker is caught, the power of the domestic hacker community will be reduced by one point. This is a fact. The fact that no one can change! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang talked about Gu Zhu’s residual dream and gd. After Zhang Yang said it, Gu Zhu’s residual dream shouted, “I’m good, enough! Vicious enough! If that’s the case, I'm afraid Black Hawk will have to find us in a moment."

"Not only that, you look at this." gd suddenly came out, and after that, gd gave a website on the public screen of the chat room. Zhang Yang opened the website and saw it. It was from the French Cybersecurity Regulatory Authority. The official homepage, gd just said that he found the general country where several people are located, so he must be paying attention to foreign websites. The time difference between Europe and China is about seven to eight hours. France at this time is just six o'clock in the afternoon. Not yet.

Zhang Yang does not understand French, but the system browser he made has automatic translation software. Although the translation effect may be relatively stiff, it should be no problem to understand the text, and the official announcement statement should be very standard , Generally not wrong.

After opening this announcement, Zhang Yang became angry when the translated text appeared! I am grass, mlbgd, is it still too greasy?

The title of this announcement is "Chinese hacker threat theory." This m Chinese threat theory is mentioned by the West every day. Now that hackers have become China's powerful? Return to Chinese hacker threat theory? After looking at the contents, the more you look at Zhang Yang, the more intense it becomes. After reading it, Zhang Yang, who understands the causes and consequences, will completely understand. If you say this, if the announcement issued by the French Cybersecurity Regulatory Authority and these hackers It doesn't matter, Zhang Yang didn't believe it.

Perhaps nubi has nothing to do with French politics, but the announcement of such an announcement does not require the support of the entire French politics. As long as there are some influential French parliamentarians who are bought by nubi, this can be done to publicize the financial resources of nubi currently known. Buying a congressman is as easy as drinking water.

The general content of this announcement is this: "During this time, international cyber security has increasingly attracted the attention of various countries, especially the ancient country in the East. Their wisdom has been amazing since ancient times..." Listen. Speaking of which, this announcement is still here to pour mí soul soup to China, and still praise China, but there is nothing good about m later.

"...So the speed of China's network development has also amazed the world, but for this reason some negative situations are also more serious than all countries in the world, especially network security! Because of China's large population, it leads to a considerable number of Chinese hackers. Many, the battle between China and mysterious hackers that occurred some time ago, and the Sino-Japanese hacking war, the Chinese hacker gd hacked into the Japanese Defense Agency, the Japanese National Computer Emergency Response Center, and the world caused by gd. The hacker war has caused huge losses for all countries in the world..." If it is said to be barely audible here, then all of their purposes will be exposed below.

"... To this end, we call on the Chinese government to strictly control cyber security, and hope that the Chinese government can increase its network supervision. For this reason, China will work with the British government to raise a bill at the United Nations to discuss the supervision of Chinese networks by many countries. Hacking and discussing whether similar hacking is terrorist, because from a certain perspective, the disasters caused by hackers are even more harmful than terrorists..."

Grass you nǎinǎi! mlbgd, the United Kingdom is one of the permanent members, and France is so engaged in, the purpose is self-evident, in order to put pressure on the country at the United Nations, so that the domestic intelligence department to increase the arrest and handling of these hackers. They may not know the nubi organization, but Zhang Yang knows, and knows the terrorist power of the nubi organization, so if this matter is benefited by nubi, then I am afraid that the target of the attack is not someone else, or gd!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang is relatively quick to do, and thoroughly cleans the suspect that gd and himself are alone. Otherwise, if the purpose of France is really fulfilled, I am afraid that is the case. If there is a policy above, Guoan will definitely not As gentle as the previous investigation of Zhang Yang.

"...Because of the harm Chinese hackers have caused to the cyber security of the world, I suggest that the hackers caught be sent to various victimized countries such as Europe for a public trial."

"What does this mean? I wipe." Gu Zhu's residual dream is estimated to have finished reading, and called out directly in the channel.

"Calm down, although it is unclear what the purpose of France is this time, but it is obviously to put pressure on the country through this announcement, they also know that this announcement can not play a role too, let’s not say whether the UK will agree This bill, but even if it is agreed, it is brought up in the United Nations, but it has not had much impact on our country. Don’t forget that our country is also one of the permanent members of the United Nations and also has a veto power. Obviously , France just wants to disgust us and disgust us." gd's unusually calm voice rang in the channel.

The words of gd made Zhang Yang a little surprised. Zhang Yang was curious about the identity of gd. The person who can say these words is really not simple. It is really not a person who is a technical person can say. At least Zhang Yang couldn't say this. Although Zhang Yang probably can think that the bill mentioned in the French announcement may have zero success, but Zhang Yang can't be considered so thoroughly by GD.

"Disgusting disgusting us? Does France want to be wicked with our country? If not, this announcement should not appear." Gu Zhu Can Meng also knows a little about current affairs politics and asked quickly.

It’s hard to talk about it. This kind of thing is happening all over the world, and our country is now the world’s largest exporter of commodities. These European and American countries cannot give up such a big market in our country, but why is it that I I don’t understand, but these things shouldn’t be considered by us. What we have to consider is what impact this matter will have, especially if the gd guy knows it, God knows what will happen. The thing is obviously more against gd. "Gd said quickly again.

However, gd said that Zhang Yang had already made a decision. The analysis of gd might be correct, but Zhang Yang was not prepared to do so. What a joke, mlbgd, I didn’t show up, just such a pot of dirty water Broke it out, has a half money relationship with Lao Tzu? Also, you France think Japan wants to end the same as Japan, right?

But Zhang Yang is not stupid. Of course, he will not be reckless enough to invade the French Cybersecurity Supervision Bureau. Isn't that true? Zhang Yang will give them some breaking news first.

"I think the gd **** shouldn't be too reckless? After all, gd is not stupid." Zhang Yang said in the channel, but when he said, Zhang Yang had already switched the screen and the system, and he had already started. Entering France quickly, Zhang Yang directly found a server of an iǎ company, and after hacking it as his own, Zhang Yang would come over with the worm.

"That's inaccurate." Gu Gu's remnant over there replied again, while Zhang Yang was pulling eggs with Gu Zhu's remnant, and quickly began to copy and set up the infected insect.

There are too many goals that Zhang Yang needs to do, and it is necessary to use infectious insects. After setting the infected insects on several official website targets, Zhang Yang lived the infected insects. Zhang Yang's fingers couldn't stop tapping the desktop, and he was anxiously waiting for the feedback of the infected insects.

While Zhang Yang was waiting, the ghost virus finally had its results. After seeing the last few i detected by the ghost Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. Nnd, I just sent a pillow when I was drowsy. I happened to need evidence here. I didn’t expect to send one here. Two of the six people Zhang Yang followed have failed to track, and the remaining four i All are foreign.

Among them, one in Japan, one in the United States, one in the United Kingdom, and the remaining one is French. Zhang Yang made a trace file of the ghost virus's tracking record, all the records, and all the things I did, and the infected insects also successfully infected the websites of the French Cyber ​​Security Inspectorate and several intelligence departments. .

Opening the website of one of the intelligence departments, Zhang Yang directly opened it with an infected insect and entered the official website of this intelligence department. This intelligence department is a defense and security agency under the French Ministry of Defense, which is engaged in counterintelligence and intelligence security work internally. of.

Confidential information may not be found in this system, but some ordinary criminal information can still be found. After finding the details of more than a dozen hacking crimes in France in the past year, after copying, Zhang Yang sneered and left the national defense defense The website of the Security Agency. A! ! ! ;




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