The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 241: Preliminary plan (middle)

Chapter 241 Preliminary Plan (Part 2)

Chapter 241 Preliminary Plan (Part 2)

"Okay, I just have a lot of things that I don't understand. I want to ask you." Li Keqing immediately said with pleasure, since Zhang Yang decided to hold her accountable, Li Keqing would not shirk, but worked hard to do the things that Zhang Yang did. . Tan Yudie is somehow the vice president of a large group of Jinghai Group. Although she is known, she knows more than she is a novice.

Zhang Yang couldn't understand the excitement of Tan Yudie, but since someone was willing to help for free, Zhang Yang naturally had no idea. He quickly pulled out his mobile phone and Zhang Yang called Chen Xiaowei and asked her to come directly for a fresh trip. When Zhang Yang finished his phone call, Tan Yu's preliminary plan for Chapter 241 (middle) Die turned back and asked strangely, "Who should I call?"

"Our company's future e, CEO Chen Xiaowei." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Chen Xiaowei? I haven't heard of it, but why don't you hire me if you hire e? Don't look down on me, anyway, I am also a graduate of finance major?" Tan Yudie said quickly.

"You are here, you are the vice president of Jinghai Group, you come to my iǎ company? I can't afford you a big Buddha. Besides, haven't you graduated yet? My company needs a diploma! Zhang Yang said with a smile. In the last sentence, Zhang Yang aggravated his tone.

Tan Yudie snorted before continuing: "If you want to, I will immediately resign and leave my job, I am just a vice president at Jinghai Group, and I have an ideal from I started my own company, but my mother disagrees, so I can only help at Jinghai Group."

"But the company's largest chairman in the future is Ke Qing. I'm nothing. All shares must be in Ke Qing's name. You can ask Ke Qing for these things. She has no idea who will help me." Zhang Eryi Chapter 141 The preliminary plan (center) shrugged his shoulders. He decided that regardless of this, everything would be taken care of by Keqing, and it would be impossible to plot Keqing as Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan. Coupled with a Chen Xiaowei, Zhang Yang has been quite at ease.

But thinking of the combination of these people, Zhang Yang thought about it again. If Xia Yiyue was brought into the company, wasn't the four major schools all coming to his own company?

Zhang Yang's words made Tan Yudie a little stunned. After she recovered, she looked up and down. Zhang Yang couldn't help but said: "I don't see it, you are still a good man."

Zhang Yang smiled and didn't explain. Chen Xiaowei came quickly. After all, he was his future boss. So when Chen Xiaowei came, the three Zhang Yang had been waiting in a cafe near the school. After Chen Xiaowei came in, he saw the company. With Zhang Yang's Li Keqing and Tan Yudie, Chen Xiaowei's face couldn't help but a trace of surprise and weirdness. After looking at Zhang Yang again and again, Chen Xiaowei couldn't understand it. The boy looked very ordinary, although he said It's rich, but there are too many beautiful nv kids around, right?

Like nv children at the level of Li Keqing, there are three or four casually around him. Such nv children, such as Chen Xiaowei, many nv people who know a lot in the world, have not seen a few, and more importantly, these The nv boy seemed to get along very well with this boy.

"Introduce, Chen Xiaowei, the future CEO of Starry Sky, e. This is my classmate Tan Yudie, vice president of Jinghai Group, Li Keqing, you know." Zhang Yang gave a brief introduction to both parties. Zhang Yang’s introduction made Chen Xiaowei’s The expression is even more weird. Although he has just returned to China, Chen Xiaowei, who is seeking development in the country, will naturally know that Jinghai Group, a large company with total assets of more than 10 billion yuan.

I didn't expect that the beautiful and ridiculous nv boy in his twenties was actually the vice president of such a behemoth.

"Fortunately, I will." Chen Xiaowei reached out and shook Tan Yudie before sitting down.

"To call you here today is to discuss the business of the company. I haven't opened the company, so I don't understand this, you need to be busy with President Chen." Zhang Yang turned to Chen Xiaowei and said.

Chen Xiaowei smiled: "Of course, you are the boss, and my salary is from you. These are my jobs. This is what I need to do when I go back to my company. Because I don't know our company yet. What's the matter, I haven't done the operation plan yet."

As he said, Chen Xiaowei took out several documents from the folder he brought with him and handed them to Zhang Yang, Li Keqing and Tan Yudie. Zhang Yang was a little dumb, but did not expect that Chen Xiaowei had actually made all the plans. Opened it and looked at it, in fact, it was not too detailed, but it has written all the things that need to be paid attention to when starting a company, including the company name, registration, etc.

Soon, the three people finished browsing the files in their hands. After reading it, Tan Yudie looked up and looked at Chen Xiaowei with some surprise. "Although it is only a simple project, but I can see it. Sister is full of confidence in doing well in the future of the company."

"Of course, otherwise, wouldn't I be sorry for Mr. Zhang's five million annual salary." Chen Xiaowei nodded confidently, although the opposite was a vice president of a tens of billions company, but Chen Xiaowei was not stupid, she It can also be guessed that Tan Yudie, the vice president, is moist. Otherwise, Zhang Yang cannot involve the vice president of another company in the process of establishing their company.

Chen Xiaowei's words made Tan Yudie look at Zhang Yang again, and she realized at this moment that Zhang Yang originally gave a high salary of 5 million annual salary to the company's future e! Such a salary, in general, the profitability of this company must be at least 100 million, in order to raise such an e.

After all, the high salary of e, the entire company can not have only one e, the salary of the personnel below naturally cannot be low. "Well, then I would like to talk about the company's future products and operating plans." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Uh...Mr. Zhang, did we sign the contract first?" Chen Xiaowei hesitated before speaking. Zhang Yang smiled, of course he knew what contract Chen Xiaowei was talking about, it was the contract to hire Chen Xiaowei! And Zhang Yang also knows that Chen Xiaowei is not willing to contribute because he is not signing a contract, but is considering Zhang Yang.

After all, to establish a new company, it is impossible to have no idea at all, so whether this idea is a new product or a new idea, it is the secret of the company. If you tell others without signing the contract, Chen Xiaowei knows this secret , Ran in the afternoon, Zhang Yang had no place to cry.

Knowing that Chen Xiaowei was considering for himself, Zhang Yang said with a smile: "I believe in the character of Sister Cheniǎ, so the contract between us will be filled later."

"No! I don't think so. This is not a question of trust or distrust. I hope Mr. Zhang can regard this as an important issue. After all, knowing people knows their faces, and Mr. Zhang believes in me. I am certainly moved. But after all, Zhang It is impossible for Mr. to know what other people are thinking. In order to avoid huge losses to the company due to similar situations in the future, I think we still follow the rules, so that whether it is Sister Li Yiǎ or Mr. Zhang can develop a good It is customary to want to be an excellent company chairman. These details are all things that must be paid attention to. Ji's love belongs to ji's love, rules are rules, these are two different things." Chen Xiaowei paused, and then said sincerely.

"She was right." Tan Yudie also nodded her head in support of Chen Xiaowei, it didn't matter whether it was trust or not, it was a matter of regulation.

"Okay, but can we do it next time? I don't have to be so serious this time, I know that, and if we now go to a lawyer and then draw up a contract, I am afraid it will be too late." Zhang Yang was helpless Said with a shrug.

"Uh... alright." Seeing Zhang Yang said so, Chen Xiaowei could only helplessly nod and agree.

Now that Zhang Yang is not polite, he immediately clarified the detailed functions of the software he used to prepare for the computer contest, and some ideas he learned from 360 from later generations. After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Chen Xiaowei and Tan Yudie's faces were full of admiration.

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Chen Xiaowei said: "Mr. Zhang is very thoughtful, and according to this, our company’s products can definitely make money, but there is a very serious problem. According to Mr. Zhang’s operating method, it is all free, and If the profitable content has to be launched later, then all the funds upfront will be invested, including the company's staff salaries, servers, and most important advertising expenses."

"No, no, there is no need to worry about the ads at all. I suddenly had a good idea." Just when Chen Xiaowei said this, a thought suddenly appeared in Zhang Yang's heart and he could not help saying.

"What a good idea?" The Internet also needs advertisements. For products like this, the initial advertising investment on various websites is definitely not a number. So when Zhang Yang said that there was a good idea, all three couldn't help but looked at Zhang Yang, and Chen Xiaowei couldn't wait to ask.

After all, the company's future e is her, which can solve the biggest problem of advertising, then the rest is very easy to solve.

"Hey, I know Jean Renner Fort." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Uh?" The strange foreign name made Chen Xiaowei all stunned for a while, but soon Chen Xiaowei reacted violently, looked at Zhang Yang inexplicably and said: "You mean, Mr. Fortou, the president of the French Vivendi Group ?"

"Yes, it's him, and I also know that he is currently in the city, and he is talking about the agency problem of a game with the domestic Jiucheng Group. My idea is to match our products with this epoch-making game. Together, our products provide players with optimized software and games, and Jiucheng helps us promote our products on their official website." Zhang Yang said quickly.

Zhang Yang's thoughts made the three face to face, and Chen Xiaowei couldn't help but ask for a long time: "Is it possible? A game only."

"Do you know which game company belongs to Vivendi Group?" Zhang Yang couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." All three, including Chen Xiaowei, shook their heads uniformly, Zhang Yang was a little speechless, but it was also justifiable, in fact, Chen Xiaowei could know that Jean Reina Fortu was from Vivendi Group The president has been very surprised. After all, there are so many companies in the world. If it is not in this industry, basically no one will know these people.

"It's Blizzard! Blizzard Entertainment's product!" Zhang Yang said immediately.

"Blizzard? What's wrong?" The three nv people looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously. The mí confusingness on the faces of the three nv people makes Zhang Yang feel impulsive, but think about it too. People who don’t play games and are not games mí simply cannot understand what the word Blizzard represents in the eyes of gamers all over the world.

It can be said that Blizzard's position in the game world is like Inel's position in the field of processors, and Microsoft's position in the field of systems. That represents jīng products. The so-called Blizzard products must belong to jīng products, but they are not empty words. Some people may say that Microsoft's operating system is full of leaks. How can it be called a jīng product? Yes, there are many leaks in Microsoft's operating system, but you can't deny that Microsoft has also created an era, an era of operating systems, from the era of d to the window!

No one can deny this, if Microsoft's products are really garbage, then Microsoft will not remain in a monopoly for so long.

"Okay, let me tell you How many gamers are there in the world? No, not to mention the world, let's just say that there are tens of millions of gamers in China, and hundreds of millions in the future! Blizzard represents jīng products in the eyes of game players, and World of Warcraft is a game that I have confidence in!" Zhang Yang can only say. There are tens of millions of registered players in World of Warcraft in China, and the peak?

And these game players can undoubtedly be the first batch of people in the domestic Internet era. The promotion and publicity role of this group of people is undoubtedly. If your product is really easy to use, you don’t need to advertise it at all. These players alone The effect of mutual promotion will definitely far exceed your imagination!

"Well, anyway, if it can be negotiated, it will at least help our company get the first batch of users, but what I want to know most is, why do you think Jiucheng will agree? Although you know Fortu , But Fortu is not the president of Vivendi Group. Although Blizzard is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vivendi, the operations of the two parties are separated. Besides, how to operate in China. After discussing the agency rights, it is 90%. The question is not related to Vivendi and Blizzard?" Chen Xiaowei thought about it and asked the most critical question. A! ! ! ;




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