The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 242: Preliminary plan (below)

Chapter 242 Preliminary Plan (Part 2)

Chapter 242 Preliminary Plan (Part 2)

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. If it's not that I don't have a game company, I can even get the agency right of this game." Zhang Yang said with a laugh, Tan Tandie thought deeply. That day, Tan Yudie, the conversation between Zhang Yang and Fortu, was also nearby, and she also heard it. She naturally knew what Zhang Yang said was true.

Although foreigners are more rigorous, most of them are public affairs, but businessmen all over the world have a characteristic, that is, the supremacy of interests! Zhang Yang is fully aware of the gold-absorbing ability of World of Warcraft in the future, so if he really has the money, the price he can naturally give is not enough for the current Jiucheng Energy Chapter 242 preliminary plan (below).

After all, Jiucheng is actually an iǎ company. The cost of negotiating with Blizzard’s agents is still in installments, so Jiucheng doesn’t have much money now, and Zhang Yang doesn’t have to worry about them. But the only pity is that Zhang Yang does not have a game company and no experience in operating games. Otherwise, Zhang Yang will definitely have a hand in World of Warcraft, but now that he can’t, he has to influence it in another way.

If you have the ability in the future, you can help the Lich King's review progress. As for the operating company, Zhang Yang does not care. In his view, in fact, strictly speaking, whether it is Jiucheng or NetEase, it is the same. Yes, businessmen will never consider issues from the perspective of players. They will not consider them for players. They only consider their own interests.

Therefore, Zhang Yang can only help to influence the speed of the Lich King's review as far as possible, which is a dream of his last life.

"Uh? Are you serious?" Chen Xiaowei didn't believe it. After all, this kind of thing must have a profound impact on Fortu. In fact, the so-called foreigners are rigorous in their work. Chapter 242 is preliminary. The plan (below) is because the cost is not enough. If you can pay enough, you will find that there is no difference between foreigners and Chinese people.

"Of course it is true, what's wrong with you, but I estimate that the negotiations between Blizzard and Jiucheng should be similar, you set up the company as soon as possible, and then we can start negotiations." Zhang Yang said quickly .

"Uh, but our company is still a matter of discussion. It may only take half a month to register a company for business licenses, rent office buildings, etc. Is it possible to register? I am afraid it will take at least one week to register. And you have to pray that the approval of those ministries can be faster." Chen Xiaowei said helplessly. Obviously, although Chen Xiaowei is studying abroad, he still has a deep understanding of the domestic situation and knows the speed of these domestic ministries.

"Cough...cough..." Chen Xiaowei's question made Zhang Yang couldn't help but cough a few times. Tan Yudie next to him vigorously gave Zhang Yang a glance. Of course she knew why Zhang Yang coughed. Even Li Keqing, who had always been simple, knew why Zhang Yang and Tan Yudie's expressions were so weird, and she couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Xiaowei asked, looking strangely at the strange three people.

"No, this is not a problem. After a while, you will sort out the company's information. I will make a call. You can get all the registration information tomorrow morning." Tan Yudie said helplessly. For Tan Yudie, these problems are nothing more than a phone call. Even her dad can handle this matter without having to go through. In the eyes of others, it is a big problem. In Tan Yudie's view, it is not a matter at all. So Zhang Yang didn't have any hypocrisy.

"Uh, then it's trouble for Taniǎ sister." Now Chen Xiaowei thought about the taste. When Tan Yudie said this, Chen Xiaowei immediately understood that Tan Yudie's identity might not be simple. She was not a fool. Although it is said that the company is Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, but the e of this company is her, Tan Yudie is willing to help, but actually helped her the most, so Chen Xiaowei is naturally happy, and registering the company is a big trouble.

"It's okay." Tan Yudie waved her hand. Tan Yudie didn't know about Zhang Yang and Zou Xiang's betting. She still thought that Zhang Yang participated in this competition to help her, so Zhang Yang will naturally try his best to help. Especially when I saw Zhang Yang playing the code war in the computer room of the school today, she was sure that Zhang Yang must be very talented in programming. Otherwise, the company he opened now would not be related to this aspect.

After four people had lunch at noon, Li Keqing was taken away by Chen Xiaowei and Tan Yudie. The contract with Chen Xiaowei and the contract with Wu bō required them to be drafted. Anyway, Zhang Yang was not prepared to participate at all. In the company, the most is that he solves the troubles behind the scenes. He has no interest in other management problems, so these problems will be responsible for Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei in the future.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhang Yang flipped out the business card that Fortu gave him, and then directly called Fortu. The phone was quickly connected, and Fortu's voice came from the phone: " Is Mr. Zhang you?"

"Uh, it's me." It seems that this phone is a call from Fortu, and after last time Fortu made a call on Zhang Yang's cell phone, it was obvious that he had written it down carefully after going back, otherwise he would not know Zhang Yang. Phone.

"Hello, I'm also going to call Mr. Zhang. You didn't expect you to call me." Fortu said with a smile.

"Uh, in fact, I have something to find Mr. Fortu." Zhang Yang thought about it, or went straight to the subject. Chen Xiaowei was right. This matter is actually still negotiating with Jiucheng, although Fortu said It can be affected, but the impact is not large.

"Mr. Zhang, please tell me if I can help, I must help. Is it because we said the last time we met? Does Mr. Zhang want to get the agency of World of Warcraft? If so, I will Discuss this issue seriously with Mr. Mike." Fortu immediately said very seriously.

Zhang Yang was a little surprised. Generally speaking, in a situation like this, Fortu would certainly not take the initiative to say these words. After all, no one knows the purpose of the other party. It is so easy to say that he wants to help, it is very likely to let The other party made more demands. As the president of a company, it is impossible for Fortu to not know this, but he still said it, so it proves that Fortu really wants to repay Zhang Yang.

"Oh, this is it." Since the French old man, Fortu, went on the road, Zhang Yang naturally did not intend to hide it, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Well, this is a good thing. Mike would agree to this. Mr. Zhu Jun should not refuse it. I thought Mr. Zhang, you want agency." Fortu smiled. In fact, although Fortu said that it was giving Zhang Yang agency rights, Zhang Yang naturally could not get agency rights for free, and even if Fortu said, even if Zhang Yang really wanted this agency right, then Blizzard, or Vivendi In the end, you will only earn more.

After all, if there are two strong competitors, then the issue of agency fees will naturally benefit Blizzard. Blizzard will benefit. As the parent company of Blizzard, Vivendi will naturally benefit. As for the question of who the World of Warcraft jiā represents, as long as they have money to make, even if you buy the agency and do not operate others, there is no opinion.

"Oh, if there is any trouble, then Mr. Fortu will help." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"No problem, but I'm already in France. Blizzard is in charge of negotiations in China, so if there is any need for help, Mr. Zhang can call me in advance, and I can easily arrange it." Fortu laughed Said.

Zhang Yang nodded and greeted a few words before hanging up the phone. Opening his own computer, Zhang Yang directly hacked the mobile server and found Zhu Jun's phone in it. Zhang Yang directly called Zhu Jun's mobile phone number. At this time, although the mobile phone number such as Mobile Unicom has not yet implemented a real-name system, it looks like Naturally, the mobile phone card of people like Zhu Jun cannot use other people's ID cards, so Zhang Yang can easily find Zhu Jun's phone.

But Zhang Yang was looking for the mobile phone number of another person in Zhu Jun. After finding it, Zhang Yang dialed it directly. The phone was quickly connected, and someone over there soon picked up: "Hello, hello, please ask who you are looking for." The voice on the phone was exactly what Zhu Jun had seen once before.

" Hello President Zhu, it's me, I'm Zhang Yang. We have met in Hilton before." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, I don't know what Mr. Zhang is looking for?" Zhu Jun Shen Yiling immediately asked with a smile, but he quickly began to wander about the purpose of Zhang Yang in his mind. The conversation between Zhang Yang and Fortu that day was Zhu Jun. Hearing next to me, because of this man’s words, the negotiations between Jiucheng and Blizzard were much more difficult. Jiucheng had at least paid a lot of profits, but even so, the negotiations between the two sides did not formally reach a contract. .

No signing of the contract, no matter how good the talk is, it may change at any time, especially this young man who intends to be an agent of World of Warcraft actually knows the CEO of Blizzard’s parent company, although Blizzard’s wholly-owned subsidiary operates independently. Yes, but if the parent company has no influence on it, then the ghost believes it.

So what does this young man's phone call mean? After seeing Zhang Yang that day, Zhu Jun made people investigate Zhang Yang, but the time was too short, and there was no useful information at all, so Zhu Jun did not know the details of Zhang Yang until now. A! ! ! ;




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