The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 243: Cheng Biaojin (Part 1)

Article 243 of the Articles of Association

Article 243 of the Articles of Association

"I'm here to find President Zhu for cooperation." Zhang Yang is not nonsense, he directly stated his purpose.

"Cooperation?" Zhu Jun froze for a moment, and his face was a little ugly. The first thing he naturally thought of was the problem of agency rights in World of Warcraft. Jiucheng is making games, so cooperation is naturally cooperation on the game. Acted for a miracle world, and the miracle has been tossed out by the plug-in. No one is a ghost or a ghost. The official website is about to stop serving. If you can’t win World of Warcraft, the next step is how to go.

As for the cooperation in Zhang Yang's mouth, Zhu Jun naturally understands that for the cooperation of the 243rd chapter of the Warcraft Agency's Article Bite Gold (Part 1), it is strange that his face looks good.

"Yes, it's cooperation. Originally, I wanted the agency of World of Warcraft, but then I thought, this is better for Jiucheng. Professionals will do it for professional people, but there is still cooperation between us. Foundation." Zhang Yang said quickly.

In the mall negotiation, the smoke bomb is put. Zhang Yang puts pressure on Zhu Jun first. I tell you, I have the opportunity to win the agency of World of Warcraft, but I didn’t want it. Jiā gave it to you, so the next negotiation Zhu Jun had to consider the issue that Zhang Yang could obtain the agency power of World of Warcraft.

After all, the contract between them and Blizzard is still not signed, then everything is possible, and Zhang Yang also knows the Fortu, so Zhu Jun naturally dare not take it lightly, but from the meaning of the just Zhang Yang words, Zhu Jun also heard, Zhang Yang It is forbidden to compete with him for the agency rights of World of Warcraft, so what problems do they want to cooperate with? Zhu Jun couldn't think of it at all, could it be that the sales of point cards?

That's what Zhu Jun can think of. After all, it's about game companies. That's about it. "It's the 243rd chapter of the Articles Bite Gold (Part 1). I would like to talk about the idea. I just became a new technology company. The main software currently is system sorting and optimization... …" Zhang Yang said about the function of his product again, and then talked about the way of cooperation.

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Zhu Jun completely understood: "You mean that we need to put your software on the official website and recommend it as a must for the Warcraft game? At the same time, what do you do for World of Warcraft?" Zhu Jun directly Zhang Yang's purpose was asked.

"Yes." Zhang Yang was not hypocritical, and nodded directly. Many of the previous World of Warcraft ā pieces were not produced by Jiucheng or Blizzard’s official website. They were produced by third-party studios, organizations or individuals. Then they were recognized by Jiucheng and Blizzard. ā pieces were not plug-ins or Plug-in, it is run through the game's personal user interface, just for the convenience of users.

Zhu Jun is playing games, and he naturally understands what ā pieces mean, because now World of Warcraft in foreign countries is already running, and there are also ā pieces in foreign countries.

"So what's our benefit in this matter." Since it is cooperation, Zhu Jun naturally wants to maximize profits.

"Well, we recommend each of them in their own software. We recommend World of Warcraft in our software as one of the top ten online games in 2005, and how do you recommend our software as a must for Warcraft? ?" Zhang Yang said cheerfully.

by! Zhu Jun almost shouted the word directly. I have seen shameless and have not seen shameless. You are a new company that has just been established. Your software is not well-known. What benefits does World of Warcraft recommend to us? How many people go to see it? But my recommendation, because 90% of World of Warcraft must advertise, but once their company’s products are recommended as necessary for Warcraft, that is to say, to maximize the guidance of players who are going to play World of Warcraft, download this Software, then advertising for World of Warcraft will be basically the same as advertising for their company's products.

Although it seems that they are all fair and recommended to each other, can this m be fair? Zhu Jun was speechless for a while, but of course he couldn’t say it clearly, and more importantly, Zhang Yang mentioned it at the beginning. Others said that he had a full chance to get the agency of World of Warcraft, but he didn’t take it. Jiā gave 90% Because Zhu Jun did not know Zhang Yang’s system, and because Fortu did indeed know Zhang Yang, and it seemed that Zhang Yang owed a great deal of affection, Zhu Jun had to consider this issue.

What if, if you disagree, you angered the other party and robbed yourself of agency? Even if the other party can’t take it away, once the other party has strong financial resources and ambitions, if he wants to make a profit on this side, it is bound to pay more for the negotiation with Blizzard. Zhu Jun is not stupid, he certainly understands that even if the other party does not want to If he wants this agency right, if he jumps out to fight with him, he may lose more than tens of millions, even tens of millions of dollars.

In order to give each other a free advertisement, to lose more than tens of millions of dollars, is it worth it? Zhu Jun didn't need to think about this issue at all, so after hesitating, Zhu Jun said decisively: "Of course this is no problem, but I have a problem, that is, your company's software is really as easy as Mr. Zhang said. , And are the optimization effects on the system so obvious?"

Since I can’t refuse, then Zhu Jun will naturally have to look at the quality of the partners. If the quality is good, then maybe it’s because of this. Jiucheng really attracts the player’s goodwill. Maybe Zhu Jun is a person in the i world. For the software described by Zhang Yang, naturally know its market and future development.

"Of course, I have confidence in this point, and I can guarantee that if this software is actually used, in fact, the optimization of the system can allow many players to use the graphics card more power and open more when playing World of Warcraft. "The special effect." Zhang Yang said with a smile. He certainly understood the reason why Zhu Jun asked this question, but the optimization system really meant to Zhang Yang.

In fact, everyone's computer hardware can't give full play to all of its capabilities, and a system that can show 60% of the hardware's own capabilities is quite awkward! By optimizing the system, the hardware can be used more than 10%, and 20% is not a problem at all.

Especially Microsoft's system, which has too many services, as well as various useless ports, functions, system process impact energy, as well as the integration between various hardware, compatibility and other issues are all major influencers, Zhang Yang is very Confidence can do this.

"That's no problem, I agree in principle to the cooperation between us. After all, it is a strong alliance. But I have a requirement that your software must be used by our technical department. There is indeed an optimized system to help speed up the game. Only with the function of speed, can we sign a cooperation contract, otherwise... I'm sorry, I can't agree, because we are the company responsible for the player, we can't deceive the player." Zhu Jun said awe-inspiringly.

Zhang Yang almost vomited. He originally thought he was shameless enough. He didn't expect Zhu Jun to be more shameless than him. This can actually be said. Can't he deceive the player? In 2008, Nine Achievement knew that NetEase would take over the agency of World of Warcraft in 2009. At that time, this news was not circulated on the network at all. Netizens and players did not know it at all. Blizzard NetEase also did not announce it, but Jiucheng was the current Can the operation function of World of Warcraft not know this kind of news?

However, with informed knowledge, Jiucheng also opened a lot of new districts at that time, ignoring the interests of players at all. Now Zhu Jun told Zhang Yang that he cannot deceive players? by! Zhang Yang pointed a **** directly at Zhu Jun, although he could not see it. "Mr. Zhu, don't worry, I agreed to this condition. I don't know if we can test it tomorrow, and then sign the contract?" Zhang Yang said quickly.

Tomorrow all the certificates of the Star Company will be available. Tan Yudie believes in the efficiency of her work! If Tan Yudie couldn't do this in a day, Zhang Yang felt a ghost. Zhang Yang also knows that the reason why Zhu Jun promised to be so refreshing has a lot to do with the sentence he just opened. This is also the reason why Zhang Yang said the sentence. Therefore, this contract must be signed early, and it must be signed at Blizzard and Jiucheng. Sign before signing the contract.

Otherwise, Zhu Jun can fully repent and ask them to publicize their advertising expenses. Zhang Yang’s words made Zhu Jun almost fall down, but Zhu Jun also understood that the other party is not stupid. Since the decision has been made, Zhu Jun is also very courageous. If the software can really achieve that effect, it will be beneficial to both parties. In fact, even though 90% of the initial loss is relatively small, it will not lose much. It is just a matter of adding a sentence when advertising.

Therefore, Zhu Jun readily agreed after considering it. Anyway, his condition was just mentioned, that is, this software must really optimize the improve the system's ability to run faster, otherwise, Jiucheng can refuse this contract. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang couldn't help but laughed smugly, but didn't expect this to happen so smoothly.

Thinking of going with the software tomorrow, Zhang Yang thought about it, and quickly opened his own software to start modifying it. First of all, the function needs to be adjusted. At present, there is no improvement in the ability of the graphics card to accelerate. In fact, adding this function is not difficult. However, the range of functions that can improve the performance of the graphics card is also very limited, but if the system is optimized and then combined with this function, then the effect is obvious.

Moreover, all the software made by Zhang Yang is very concise. Buttons and the like can be described as ugly, that is, simple text, and now it needs to beautify. Packaging is an important marketing tool! The last point is encryption. Encrypt the source code of the software to avoid others' cracking and use. This is very easy for Zhang Yang.

Although the encryption program he researched is not as good as that used by nubi, but it is very clever. If Zhang Yang does not say it, others may have little chance to unlock this encryption program. A! ! ! ;




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