The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 246: Can women attract women?

Chapter 246 Can nv people also attract nv people?

Chapter 246 Can nv people also attract nv people?

The sound of this voice is very sweet, and listening to the sound of the sound has a hunch that it is a beautiful nv. When Zhang Yang raised his head, he was stunned for a while, and a perfect figure with convex and concave appeared in Zhang Yang's sight. When he looked up to see that look, Zhang Yang was amazed, it was a picture no less than Li Keqing. Their nv children's jīng face, but unlike Li Keqing's youth, the nv's face is that kind of mature and charming.

After a slight stun, Zhang Yang withdrew his gaze. Obviously, many men around him were attracted by this nv man. Even women in Chapter 246 can attract women? Li Yuxuan and each of them looked at each other. Still Chen Xiaowei was relatively calm, took the resume that the other party handed over, and then checked it carefully.

Looking at it, the expression on Chen Xiaowei's face became surprised. After a long time, she raised her head and asked, "You are Luo Tianshu?" The nv person smiled and nodded and said, "It's me." Zhang Yang had never heard of this. The name, but he has noticed that after Chen Xiaowei said the name, Li Yuxuan, Tan Yudie and Ouyang Xin's faces were all a little surprised.

"Can you tell me why you are coming to our company to apply?" Chen Xiaowei asked with a little surprise. While asking, Chen Xiaowei handed the resume in his hand to Li Yuxuan and a few of them. Li Yuxuan didn't think much, but just swept two. His eyes were handed over to Tan Yudie. Tan Yudie didn't look at them. He passed them directly. The eyes of the two of them focused more on Luo Tianshu.

The resume quickly arrived in Zhang Yang's hands. Zhang Yang looked down at this thick resume. The more we looked at Zhang Yang's face, the more weird it was. This resume was really too awkward. In the column of work experience, Zhang Yang probably counted. Can the women also attract women? Has at least more than fifty companies, and in these companies, Zhang Yang saw that her positions are quite high, at least all of them are at the level of department managers, and in several companies are even vice presidents, and even CEO position.

Moreover, none of these more than fifty companies is simple. Even Zhang Yang saw a few of the world’s top 500 companies in China. These companies are all enterprises with state-owned assets. After probably reading it, Zhang Yang's curious eyes also focused on Luo Tianshu.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Luo Tianshu smiled slightly, and then spoke softly, "If I said, I am because your company is so beautiful, do you believe it?"

Believe it? The expressions of everyone were stunned for a while, and Zhang Yang was full of weird faces. When a super beautiful nv came to apply for your company, I finally came to the sentence, I am because your company is more beautiful, do you believe it? What will you think of first? Anyway, Zhang Yang's first thought was Lala, Lily, Lace and so on.

"I believe, but our company has no way to provide a very high salary. If Sister Luo is willing to come, I can take the initiative to provide Sister Luo's salary to 50,000 monthly salary, which is already the limit of our company." Chen Xiaowei Stand up quickly and say with a smile.

Zhang Yang did not object to Chen Xiaowei’s independent salary increase for Luo Tianshu, nor did he say anything. Chen Xiaowei is the company’s executive president. This right still has some rights. If he does not have these rights, this executive president is no different from a puppet. What's the use?

But Zhang Yang is more curious about the resume in his hand and why Chen Xiaowei values ​​this nv person so much, and from the reactions of Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie, they obviously have heard of this nv person, otherwise they His expression will not be so weird.

And even without these, Zhang Yang dares to guarantee that Luo Tianshu is easy to find a job with an annual salary of one million yuan. Although these working hours are not long, the shortest is one month, the longest is more than half a year, and none of them reach one year.

"I agree." Luo Tianshu nodded with a smile.

"Well, this is my phone number and address. We can sign the contract now. Sister Luo can call me tomorrow and formally go to work. We have a negotiation to talk about." Chen Xiaowei directly printed her yesterday. A good business card was handed over.

Luo Tianshu took it politely, tilted his head and looked at Li Yuxuan, Luo Tianshu suddenly smiled and said: "Should I start working now?"

What a smart nv! As soon as Luo Tianshu's words were spoken, a trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes. The meaning of Luo Tianshu's sentence was undoubtedly to understand Li Yuxuan's intention today, and no doubt, her own appearance was no worse than Li Yuxuan's.

"No, I believe Sister Luo needs a good rest, and I can put myself into work soon." Chen Xiaowei said with a smile.

"That's good, then I'll leave first." Luo Tianshu nodded, then turned around and walked out of the talent market. After Luo Tianshu left, there were many people outside the Starry Group who were preparing to deliver their resumes even more crazy. Another heavyweight beauty nv!

Although Zhang Yang is curious, he also knows that it is not the time to inquire, and he can only wait for a break at noon. It stands to reason that there is little chance of encountering such beautiful nv in the talent market. After all, although the city's talent market is based on recruiting personnel The quality is different, the hall also has a diversion, but it is still very crowded, like Luo Tianshu's level of beautiful nv, it is normal to eat tofu in this crowd.

The recruitment progress far exceeded Zhang Yang's imagination. In just one morning, all the vacant positions of Star Group were basically recruited. Although further interviews are needed, these people are enough to put Star Group into the current shelf. Pull it up. In particular, the technical staff in programming has recruited a lot. Now that the software is a finished product, all they have to do is to maintain and develop the local functions of the functions. These people are enough.

So at noon, Zhang Yang and a few nv packed things out of the talent market. After casually finding a restaurant nearby, Zhang Yang asked curiously, "What's the matter with Luo Tianshu?"

"Oh, I know you want to ask this. Luo Tianshu, this nv person, is not easy. It can be said that if it is not her appearance, Luo Tianshu is no problem now as the CEO of Jinghai Group. Her ability can definitely be qualified for this position. "It was Tan Yudie.

"Uh? The appearance problem? What's wrong with the appearance." Zhang Yang didn't understand it. Although Luo Tianshu was very beautiful, it was similar to Tan Yudie and they are all the same. Since Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan are fine, what does she have? problem?

"Let me tell you, you can also see Luo Tianshu's appearance. That kind of style is not comparable to them. They are comparable to those with less nv, and the CEOs and chairman of large company groups are generally men. The age of these men It can’t be too iǎ, more importantly, they can’t be single, plus Luo Tianshu looks like she looks very flamboyant, but her personality is extremely strong, so..., you understand." Finally It was Chen Xiaowei who took Tan Yudie's words and explained it to Zhang Yang.

It's just that the result of this explanation made Zhang Yang stunned for a while, but I didn't expect it to be the reason, but when I think about it, Zhang Yang nodded and expressed his understanding. With Zhang Yang, a person who is accompanied by super beauty nv every day when he sees Luo Tianshu There was a shocking feeling, not to mention other people, and the mature charm of Luo Tianshu really attracted men, so those who are the bosses are not so good.

"... From her debut until now, probably in less than 10 years, a total of 13 companies have been brought back from the brink of bankruptcy, earning more than one billion profits for more than 30 companies. At the same time Because her style is too strong, and her family is just ordinary people, there is no status, so there have been more than fifty companies that have changed." Chen Xiaowei shook slightly and explained with a smile.

Although Chen Xiaowei said it was simple, Zhang Yang was shocked by the data. It seems that this mall is also talented, not just the talents that Zhang Yang learned from the news. Talents like Luo Tianshu, I am afraid there are many in the entire business community.

"Haha, it seems that my method is still very useful. I didn't expect to attract Luo Tianshu." Li Yuxuan said with a smile. Zhang Yang burst into tears and laughs. He didn’t expect that this bad idea was actually brought up by Li Yuxuan, but Li Yuxuan was right. This beautiful beauty of Luǒluǒ actually attracted a beauty to come Liiǎ said no Wrong, it is estimated that Luo Tianshu doesn't want to continue that kind of life, so she only chooses our company when she sees that our company has so many beautiful nv. "Chen Xiaowei couldn't help but want to laugh.

This reason seems ridiculous, but from the perspective of Luo Tianshu, it is not ridiculous at all, and Zhang Yang can understand her situation. Men like to conquer nv people in the bones of men, so the more unavailable nv people are, the more they are. Okay, Chen Xiaowei said, Luo Tianshu's stiffness, coupled with her perfect appearance, may be why so many men are rushing to her.

Isn’t there a good saying? Wife is worse than concubine, concubine is worse than stealing, it is better to steal than stealing. Zhang Yang just wanted to say something, his cell phone rang suddenly, a melodious piano song was unusually nice, Zhang Yang's face changed slightly, but few nv kids didn't see it, Zhang Yang quickly recovered Normally, he stood up with a smile and said, "I'll answer the phone." After he finished, he quickly stood up and walked toward the bathroom. When he turned his head, a flash of jīng light flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes. A! ! ! ;




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