The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 247: Financial bomb (on)

Chapter 247 The Financial Bomb (Part 1)

Chapter 247 The Financial Bomb (Part 1)

While walking towards the bathroom, Zhang Yang took out his d and quickly checked it. The piano music was not a phone call or a text message, but a message from the honeypot set by Zhang Yang. ; After deciding to match up with the nubi gang, Zhang Yang added a honeypot to all his information, including the account information in the public security system, as well as the school’s student status, bank account, and even his physical examination at the school For the record, Zhang Yang placed a honeypot.

All the information that can be found from the Internet, Zhang Yang has placed a triggered honeypot. As long as it is aware of Zhang Yang's information, the honeypot will send Zhang Yang an alarm. At the same time, this ringtone is also the financial bomb of Chapter 247 of Zhang Yang ( Above) the information that several of the first-level units were invaded, so Zhang Yang is still not sure what is going on.

Pretending to follow the phone into the bathroom, Zhang Yang casually opened an unoccupied cubicle and squatted in, before beginning to quickly check the information in d.

After clicking on the message, Zhang Yang's face became strange, and killing Zhang Yang did not expect that this honeypot was actually touched. Each honey pot of Zhang Yang has a serial number, so upon seeing the information sent back, Zhang Yang knows which honey pot was touched. Zhang Yang originally thought that someone might have read his information, but did not expect it to be bank information.

The network security of the domestic financial system can only be regarded as average in the world. The reason why ordinary people think that the banking system is very safe is because if there is a problem with the financial system, it will not be on TV or newspapers, even Occasionally, I went to the TV and the newspaper together. That was also a very small number of cases, most of them were suppressed.

Otherwise, where did the major state-owned banks add up to more than tens of billions in cybersecurity costs each year? Zhang Yang knew from 04 to 10 years in his previous life. There were at least 20 major cybersecurity incidents in the financial bomb (upper) banking system of Chapter 247 of Silver, and many Zhang Yang did not know. .

At present, there are only two possibilities for people to check their bank account information. The first is that someone in the country is investigating. Otherwise, the bank cannot check the information of the depositors casually, and the second is that someone has hacked the bank's system. Zhang Yang’s bank cards are all opened by ICBC, and ICBC is still good in China. Especially the network security technology can be said to be the most advanced. Although Zhang Yang invaded ICBC’s system, he did nothing but just placed it. It's just a honeypot.

Using his own d to connect to the No. 1 satellite, Zhang Yang found a few springboards and stole mō from the left to enter the ICBC system. There are quite a lot of countermeasures in the bank system, so Zhang Yang did nothing. However, even if a honeypot is left, even if it is finished, Zhang Yang's firewall will pop up an alarm directly after entering ICBC's system.

"Virus?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment. The virus in the bank's system is not a strange thing, but even if it is infected with the virus, there will not be too much problem with the depositor information such as deposits in it. Remittance and transfer systems are relatively independent. Yes, and there is a separate encryption system.

But generally speaking, it is impossible for ordinary viruses to infect the banking system. The banking financial system is special. Except for a few viruses, most of the viruses that can infect the banking system are specially prepared viruses. . Checking that there was a virus in the bank's system, Zhang Yang quickly scanned it with his firewall.

Soon the continuous alarm sounded. The virus in the banking system had begun to attack. Zhang Yang frowned, pulled out the scanner and quickly scanned the work performed by the virus, and Zhang Yang frowned immediately. The virus makes crazy transfers within the banking system, but the amount transferred is not large.

The amount of each account transfer is only 10 yuan. No matter which host of the banking system has a self-check program, large frequent transfers will trigger the firewall in the banking system to alarm. For example, the system of ICBC, all frequent transfers of more than one hundred yuan will be detected by the system, but less than one hundred yuan is no problem.

Even if there is no problem under one hundred yuan, the bank’s host will conduct a self-check on its account between 5 and 7 a.m. This kind of transfer made by the virus simply cannot hide the self-check of the banking system. Don't look at each account is only 10 yuan, how many registered accounts of the entire ICBC? For more than 100 million yuan, each account is 10 yuan, which is calculated according to 100 million accounts, that is 1 billion.

But what Zhang Yang does not understand is who is so stupid? This kind of financial bomb came to China, and RMB is not like the US dollar in the world. How do you want to remit money? How to transfer so many amounts, even if there is a perfect money laundering system, it is easy to be traced.

The reason why Zhang Yang’s honeypot was touched was that his account was also transferred out of 10 yuan, so the honeypot set by Zhang Yang was triggered. This virus transfer is illegal and naturally cannot be concealed from Zhang Yang’s detection system. .

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang didn't pay attention to the virus in the ICBC system, but quickly exited the ICBC system, and then started to log in to the systems of several other banks. Zhang Yang wanted to see if the virus exists in the systems of these banks. . After logging into the online banking of several other banks, Zhang Yang's firewall immediately began to report to the police again.

As a result, I don’t need to say much. Forehead Zhang Yang is somewhat unclear. Domestic hackers are impossible. As long as it’s not an idiot, no one in China dared to start the financial system. The problem caused by this is not a little bit. Since it is not a domestic hacker, there are only foreign hackers. The first thing Zhang Yang thought of was the group of people in the nubi organization. After all, their strength is not difficult to produce such a virus.

Zhang Yang hadn't figured it out yet. The mobile phone in his hand rang again. This time it was a phone call. When I looked at the electric display, the number was very strange. Zhang Yang picked it up quickly, and there was an nv sound just inside it :"where are you?"

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, his voice was somewhat familiar, but Zhang Yang didn't hear who for a while, Zhang Yang subconsciously replied: "Where are you eating outside?"

"It's me, Bai Su. You have a grudge against a man named Pan Wenlong, right? A friend of mine has something to do with the Tao. I heard that he wants to deal with you. You'd better be careful. If I still have something, I will hang up first. "After finishing talking, Bai Su directly pressed the phone.

Listening to the blind sound from the phone, Zhang Yang could not help scratching his head, Bai Su? Zhang Yang already knew Bai Su's identity. The source of this news didn't need to know where it came from, but what made Zhang Yang feel weird was how Bai Su called him.

And she seemed to be anxious to listen to her, and how did she know that Pan Wenlong was in trouble for Zhang Yang? Even Guo'an can't monitor everyone anytime, anywhere. After Bai Su left last time, Zhang Yang had stolen mō's investigation, and all the forces on Guoan's side to investigate him have been withdrawn.

Therefore, the source of this news is probably not from Guoan, but since Bai Su made the call, Zhang Yang could not ignore it. Is Pan Wenlong better? I learned from Wei Wuguang that Pan Wenlong had dropped out of school. It is estimated that Zhang Yang's last foot was a bit ruthless, but it was absolutely impossible for Pan Wenlong to know that Zhang Yang also kicked him.

It seems that he is not ruthless enough. "Zhang Yang couldn't help pondering. Bai Su's phone call Zhang Yang hadn't figured out yet, his phone rang the piano again. Zhang Yang frowned, if the financial virus had just extracted his account information and triggered the honeypot, What's going on?

Opening the information prompt, Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed instantly, or the honeypot information from the banking system, does this virus still want to transfer money once?

"Ding Dong." With a sound, the prompt of the short message sounded. Zhang Yang picked up his phone and looked at it. It was a short message sent by ICBC. When he opened it, Zhang Yang was completely stunned.

"Your account is deposited in yuan at 13:15, the balance is yuan." Looking at the long series of numbers, Zhang Yang couldn't help but called me to rely on!

His account was transferred to 820 million? My day, Zhang Yang immediately felt a little embarrassed, what is the situation? Suddenly, Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the virus in the bank just now. Every account transfers 10 yuan. Although I don't know how much money the virus has stolen, I am afraid that it is not far from this number, but no matter why, why this money Will it be transferred to Zhang Yang's account?

Zhang Yang's phone flashed in Bai Yang's phone, Pan Wenlong? ! Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed in an instant. Now Zhang Yang can be sure that this matter has nothing to do with Pan Wenlong. Bai Su's phone should not be untargeted. Although Bai Su did not explain how Bai Pan Wenlong was going to deal with him, but now this matter If the bank's system self-checks the alarm at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, don't think about it. Any publicity can be expected.

He may soon be invited by Guoan to drink tea again, and this time is definitely not as simple as last time. Such an evil incident, Guoan would be a ghost if he did not seek Zhang Yang’s trouble.

This grandson is smart this time. Zhang Yang's mind quickly started to work, what should I do next? Return the money? No, as soon as this idea popped up, Zhang Yang directly denied it. Not to mention that these more than 800 million were transferred from tens of millions of accounts. Only by thoroughly retrieving the entire bank system can these accounts be confirmed. If you want to return the money back, Zhang Yang secretly mōmō to If you do, it will take at least three days.

But now it is only 18 hours before 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, and Zhang Yang has no time at all. In addition, and again, even if Zhang Yang returns all of this money, the transfer records in the banking system will still exist, unless Zhang Yang completely destroys the entire bank's data.

In that case, I am afraid that ICBC's loss is not just as simple as 800 million. This step must not be selected. What's more important is that once Zhang Yang does it, Guoan is not a fool, and immediately finds Zhang Yang's computer technology very high! Even if he will not be linked to the id of gd, it is also true to the fact that Zhang Yang has entered the banking system! At that time, Zhang Yang could not run away.

But if you don't pay it, Zhang Yang will still be unlucky tomorrow. I am grass! Pan Wenlong's grandson didn't expect to play such a brilliant method. As for who did the financial virus, Zhang Yang knew that it was definitely not Pan Wenlong. As for who did it, Zhang Yang was extremely difficult to investigate even now.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yang did not have a very good way. Just when he was thinking hard, his mobile phone rang again, and he gave a subconscious glance. This time Li Keqing called. Looking at the time, Zhang Yang discovered that he had been out for more than twenty minutes.

Picking up the phone quickly, Zhang Yang walked out of the bathroom: "Ke Qing is me."

"What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Going for so long?" Li Keqing asked worriedly.

"Oh, it's okay, just an old friend called before and talked for a while." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"The food is coming. If you are fine, hurry and eat. If you don't eat early in the morning, you must be hungry." Li Keqing said.

"Okay, I will go back now." Zhang Yang nodded.

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment and decided to ignore this for the time being. He couldn't do it now. Quickly walked outside. Back at the table, a few nv kids didn’t know what they were talking about. They laughed and leaned back. The eyes of the whole restaurant were almost focused on this table. Zhang Yang also saw several people taking pictures there with their mobile phones. It is estimated that not many people have encountered such a situation where five or six Damei nvs are concentrated together.

Smiling and saying hello to everyone, Zhang Yang sat down next to Li Keqing: "Everyone is sorry, a friend of mine called and asked me to help, I will give you things in the afternoon, even if I owe you a meal You can pick any place.” Zhang Yang is already mentally prepared, so once again, he will go to all the places.

After dinner, Zhang Yang greeted everyone with the Zhang Yang took a taxi and walked to the school. Not long after he got in the taxi, the alarm in Zhang Yang d sounded again, quickly Opened it and looked at it. This time it was not the bank's business, but someone had invaded the school's system and was looking for Zhang Yang's information.

Zhang Yang moved his heart. It was easy to find his information from the school. The other party in Zhang Yang's dormitory can also find it. However, Zhang Yang's computer was not on at this time, and he certainly could not invade. Zhang Yang quietly entered the school's server, this person did not find Zhang Yang.

After checking the school's server, Zhang Yang found that he was copying things into the server. These copied files Zhang Yang can only determine by looking at the name. These things are all tools used to invade the system. Zhang Yang instantly understood what this guy wanted to do. Obviously this was preparing to blame.

Looking at the software that this person copied, Zhang Yang's heart moved. He suddenly had a good way. After he figured out a way, Zhang Yang sneered, mlbgd, let you plant it, brother this time, you must give yourself a shit. . A! ! ! ;




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