The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 248: Financial bomb (middle)

Chapter 248 The Financial Bomb (Part 2)

Chapter 248 The Financial Bomb (Part 2)

There was no good way to publicize Zhang Yang, but this person's behavior gave Zhang Yang a good plan. Pan Wenlong presented a problem for Zhang Yang. If it was designed according to Pan Wenlong, no matter what Zhang Yang did, he would be unavoidable by then, but what Pan Wenlong did not expect was that Zhang Yang himself was Zhang Yang.

Although Pan Wenlong may know that Zhang Yang knows a little about computers, or thinks Zhang Yang knows hacking techniques, Pan Wenlong will never think that Zhang Yang will be a gd, and he will never think that Zhang Yang will have such a high technical strength. Already known by Zhang Yang.

With a decision in mind, Zhang 248th Financial Bomb (middle) Yang quickly started preparing. After Zhang Yang returned to the dormitory, the person still didn't leave the school's server, but there was nothing new. He just disguised himself in the school's server, leaving only a trace of it. It’s like Zhang Yang cleaned the traces, but didn’t clean them, but what he didn’t know is that everything he did has already been seen.

You are dangerous enough. Zhang Yang sneered, but I'm afraid you didn't expect that the devil was a foot tall and a foot high, and I was still looking at you from behind.

After returning to the dormitory, Fang Shaoyun was away, Zhang Yang directly opened his computer, but Zhang Yang did not use a springboard this time, but directly turned a part of the firewall function in his computer to ensure that the computer system will not be broken after a short period of time. , Zhang Yang began to actively log on to the school's official website, he now wants to be a bait to attract this person.

After logging in to the school's official website and opening the forum, Zhang Yang didn't do anything. After picking up the mouse pad, Zhang Yang found the business card left by Blackhawk. I want to see how you want to solve it this time. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and watched the man's actions from his cell phone in Chapter 248 Financial Bomb (Middle).

Zhang Yang's computer is online, and Zhang Yang is not hidden at all, so the other party can easily find it. After discovering that Zhang Yang was online, this person immediately started scanning Zhang Yang's system, but the one that Zhang Yang is currently logging on is a camouflage system, but because Zhang Yang had already shown a certain talent in Bai Su, he now has this camouflage system. It is also Linu.

And almost all the patches that Zhang Yang knows have been laid, as well as Zhang Yang’s own firewall. If this person wants to invade, it’s a fool’s dream. After observing it for a while, Zhang Yang has bottomed out. This person's strength is good. It is probably the same as the strength of Gu Zhu's residual dream, Lan Mo and several of them. It is even similar to gd, plus his knowledge of the financial system, and in This talent in the financial system is a master.

After he began to find a way to invade his system, Zhang Yang directly took out his mobile phone and followed the Blackhawk phone and dialed it. The phone was quickly connected. After the Blackhawks answered the phone, Zhang Yang said directly: "I am

"Ah?" The black eagle over the phone called out in surprise.

"...Master...Zhang Yang. Didn't you leave a business card for me last time and let me call you something?" Zhang Yang continued with a smirk.

"Uh..." Black Hawk's face is full of depression, **** it, is this also considered to be heredity, there is no teacher like any apprentice! The guy with gd is enough, every time he throws a mess to clean up, and then runs away by himself, now his master on the Internet has also learned to play funny.

"Okay, no more nonsense, in fact, my apprentice asked me to call you." Zhang Yang went straight to the subject.

Black Hawk froze for a moment, then asked back.

"Yes, it's him." Zhang Yang immediately replied.

"He asked you to call me? Is there anything?" Black Eagle asked heartily. He now has a headache when he hears the name gd. Since this time, gd has caused him trouble This kind of report almost filled his desk. Hearing that gd asked Zhang Yang to call him at this moment, the Black Hawk had a headache. It was estimated that it was not a good thing. The gd guy had no good thing when he appeared.

"Of course I, my apprentice said, there is a financial virus in all domestic banking systems, and now they are stealing money from major banks crazy." Zhang Yang directly stated his purpose.

"What?! Are you sure?" Blackhawk's voice suddenly raised an octave and asked with a horrified expression. Spreading the financial systems of all state-owned banks and stealing bank funds frantically, they have not been alerted so far. This is not just an evil incident. This kind of incident has already involved national security.

Once a country's financial system goes wrong, it may be a complete disaster at that time!

"Of course I'm sure, if I'm not sure, will I call you? Just now, my ICBC account is inexplicably more than 820 million, and it's just that my self-taught computer during this time is not bad, plus me The apprentice gave me the firewall, so I discovered the anomaly. Someone just tried to invade my computer, so I contacted my apprentice, he told me these things, and my apprentice also said that, if not unexpected It should be someone who wants to frame me. The 820 million in my ICBC account is the amount that this hacker collected from ICBC through a financial virus." Zhang Yang said half-truly.

Except that gd is his apprentice, everything else that Zhang Yang said is true. Zhang Yang is simply playing Yangmou now. Since you want to frame me, I will tell Guoan directly, and Zhang Yang still has A master with the identity of gd throws gd as a shield. Black Hawk doesn't pay attention to it, and it's a ghost, and will never doubt Zhang Yang's head.

"I know, I will arrange for the personnel to investigate this matter now. You should do nothing about your bank account. We will investigate it clearly. As for who framed your question, I know what to do if gd still If you're online, you tell gd that I got the relationship, and I owe it to him. I hung up first, and I will contact you when something happens.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang blew his whistle. Instead of using his computer, he quickly started to use it as the No. 1 satellite and directly hacked into the school’s server. This time Zhang Yang did not hide his whereabouts. After the server, Zhang Yang directly began to follow the data flow of this person to start anti-tracking. The other party dared to invade the domestic banking system so unscrupulously. Zhang Yang had a hunch that this person was definitely not in the country.

Otherwise, even if Pan Wenlong gave the other party more money, he probably wouldn’t dare to do this. If Zhang Yang followed this blatantly, the other party couldn’t find it. When Zhang Yang just scanned his first one, this person had already reflected it, quickly stopped invading Zhang Yang's system, and began to shrink the defense quickly.

Tracing this person with Zhang Yang’s technology, if he wants to get rid of it, it may be quite difficult, not to mention Zhang Yang’s first hand. Within just ten minutes, several of the person was directly blown away by Zhang Yang. If it’s not that Zhang Yang is using a mobile phone now, the keyboard is too slow, the code input is too slow, and the data synchronization between d and satellite 1 is also a bit slow, I am afraid this person has been found by Zhang Yang.

Even so, this person has no way to get rid of Zhang Yang's tracking. In just a few minutes, Zhang Yang has already exploded several of the other party in China. At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly found that several other data streams were biting up at the same time, and Zhang Yang immediately slowed down his movements. However, these data streams quickly bite this person away, and Zhang Yang immediately understood that these people should be security experts under Guoan.

Or it may be the technical department of ICBC, but since they are also here, it proves that this person may not have withdrawn from the banking system, otherwise they will not be able to come up so quickly. After a little thought, Zhang Yang understood why this person did not withdraw from the banking system. He was definitely not chased in the ICBC system. Zhang Yang remembered that when he was eating, he found that several other banks were the same. Caught this virus.

I'm afraid this guy is also preparing to transfer all the money from other banks to Zhang Yang's But this time, is it a tragedy? Let you blame Laozi for blame and watch this guy get caught by several security personnel under the Guoan who are specially hackers. The master who is known as a hunter is like a dog, and Zhang Yang can't help but gloat.

He didn't wait long before Zhang Yang laughed, and his phone rang. It wasn't anyone else who called him, it was Black Hawk. He answered the phone quickly, and the voice of the Black Eagle immediately came out from inside: "Zhang Yang, thank you for these. If it weren't for you, the loss this time may be great."

"No need to thank, I think I should say I'm sorry. If my apprentice did not make a mistake, I'm afraid it's caused by me. Of course I have to work hard to avoid the loss of the country!" Said.

"Although it may be your reason, you don't have to apologize. Anyway, this incident sounded a great alarm for us, and there are still big leaks in our financial system. By the way, thank you gd. , Just say that I owe him a favor this time, and I will give you a jiā generation for your affairs. In addition, you don’t have to worry, we are not stupid, so we will investigate for such obvious stolen and marrying. "Black Hawk said with a smile. A! ! ! ;




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