The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 251: Dry (on)

Chapter 251: Qian (Part 1)

Chapter 251: Qian (Part 1)

Regarding the contradiction between Blackhawk and GD, Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders in front of the computer after persuading GD. Although this seems to be inseparable from Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang has no pressure at all. , The relationship with him. Even if there is no publicity, such a relationship between Blackhawk and GD cannot be maintained for too long. The fundamental contradiction is not that this temporary camp relationship can be maintained.

But what makes Zhang Yang helpless is that without gd, they will be contacts, and if there is any black pot that needs this guy in the future, it will be difficult to contact. You can't always call Black Hawk yourself, right? In this way, chapter 251 (chapter) comes up, and after a long time, his position in the black eagle's eyes will definitely rise.

Zhang Yang doesn't want to be regarded as a tool for Black eagle contact by Blackhawk, even if GD is Zhang Yang himself. However, this matter was not decided by Zhang Yang. He shook his head and Zhang Yang left the matter behind. Anyway, he couldn't contact himself. Blackhawk must find a way, and if Zhang Yang didn't guess wrong, I'm afraid Blackhawk's phone soon Came over.

Before Zhang Yang's thoughts fell down, his cell phone rang, and he quickly picked up the cell phone and saw that it was indeed Black Hawk's phone. Zhang Yang took the phone out and picked it up: "Hello, who?"

The call from Blackhawk, there is no caller ID on Zhang Yang's side, the encrypted phone number, so Zhang Yangming knew that it was Blackhawk's phone, and he also made a vague call.

"It's me, Black Hawk. There was a problem with the previous thing. Their chat room can't be used for that GD. Have you contacted GD?" They broke down with GD and Black Hawk can only pin their hopes on GD. Now that gd has discovered this, if this guy wants to do something, then the Black Hawk can’t stop it at all. Instead of stopping it, it’s better to ask gd for help. At least chapter 251 of him starts (upper). How much should gd take care of?

If you don’t make this call, what other things will be tossed by gd.

"I left a message, but he didn't respond. It was estimated that he had eaten or went to take a nap." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Siesta." Black Hawk felt a little dizzy, and he wasn't allowed to gd what this guy's head was thinking. If you change to a normal person, such a big thing, even if he is not interested himself, I'm afraid he won't do it casually. Can you fall asleep if you are? But gd said he went to bed when he went to sleep... Black Eagle still believed in Zhang Yang’s words. After all, from the current point of view, the relationship between gd and his cheap master is really good.

"Well, anyway, I'll give you a new contact website. You can just let gd go directly to this website." Black Hawk hesitated for a moment, and only left a URL to tell Zhang Yang. Then hung up the phone. After the Black Eagle hung up the phone, Zhang Yang threw his mobile phone aside. He immediately started cracking the virus. Although he hadn’t figured out what to do with the Black Eagle, as long as he had any ideas, crack this. A financial bomb is a must.

And even without the Black Hawk relationship, Zhang Yang could not allow hackers from other countries to run into his country’s financial system and throw a financial bomb. At that time, not only the country’s face will be damaged, but his public face will be gone. . At least in the hacker world, everyone divides the territory according to the country. Fortunately, the domestic territory is also ours. If someone wants to go to their backyard to do it, is it okay?

It didn't take long for me to start, and suddenly a crisp prompt sounded, Zhang Yang paused, and then quickly switched the page. This prompt sound is the prompt sound of the ghost virus, the prompt sound of the ghost virus tracking the enemy, switch to On the control panel of the ghost virus, I was stunned when I saw the information. Isn't this just the ghost virus tracking the person's information? How come there are new tips?

After a closer look, Zhang Yang was a bit crying and laughing. Is this guy a b? Zhang Yang's weird discovery through the prompt of the ghost virus found that the hacker who had obviously got rid of the tracking of the master of the National Security Bureau was the one who placed the financial bomb The guy is back. Isn't this guy still upset? Or did he really not live this financial bomb?

Shouldn’t it? Zhang Yang was also not allowed, and now the master is back. Zhang Yang stopped his cracking action, but secretly mōmō started to follow. Soon Zhang Yang stole mō and followed him, but this time Zhang Yang did not go after his true i. Even if Zhang Yang was found, it was impossible to treat him. Zhang Yang wanted to see what he wanted to do first.

This person obviously didn't find that he was bitten by someone, but what made Zhang Yang speechless was that this guy was a daring artist, and he didn't even say to find a new one, he just returned with the original one. Is he not afraid of being guarded by others? This guy's confidence in himself is not ordinary enough.

Often walking by the river, how can you not wet your shoes, today I will let you wet your shoes for a while. After a while, Zhang Yang's face became more and more weird, Nima, my grass, are you really ruthless? This guy is not only using the original back, but also thinking about the large school server mō back, is this typical with Zhang Yang? Still unconvinced that someone has just been tracked down and come back to find a new place?

No matter what it is, Zhang Yang can't stand it anymore. I've seen arrogant ones and never seen such arrogant ones. Lao Tzu didn't pursue you anymore. Niang, Zhang Yang yelled angrily, and then proceeded directly. The tiger doesn't show his power, do you really think Lao Tzu is?

However, Zhang Yang went back to his hands, and he did not directly alarm this guy. Zhang Yang just reactivated the ghost virus and then followed his data flow. This time Zhang Yang’s action is quite heart, although the ghost virus is also sharp, But after all, it is a virus, and it is impossible to judge that there is no one to be accurate. Now Zhang Yang is fighting with his knife. The firewalls of this guy are simply scum!

While monitoring the man's movements, Zhang Yang hurriedly followed his crazy mō back. After about half an hour, Zhang Yang could not help wiping the cold sweat on his head, mlbgd, this person should not be called a financial hacker, but should be called the emperor! I rely on it. At least half of this time, I hacked this guy with more than 70 units at the speed of publicity.

Even Zhang Yang’s own springboard is only less than twenty. Generally speaking, there are probably seven or eight first-level trackers in the middle of more than twenty springboards, which may be almost zero, as long as your strength is not As for being too rubbish, otherwise no more springboards are useful, so Zhang Yang has more than 20 springboards, which is enough, but Zhang Yang did not expect that this guy actually came up with a three-digit springboard.

Just don't know, will it be troublesome for him to land so many springboards when he logs in? The three-digit springboard, just landing on these springboards, even if it is more than ten seconds per uā, landing these will take dozens of minutes, right? . This can only be used to describe! But no matter how many of them are floating clouds, many of them are personal computers. For Zhang Yang, they may not be able to work for a minute, and at the same time, the ghost virus can't stop the action.

With the efficiency of the ghost virus, Zhang Yang simply did not bother to crack these computers himself. After more than seventy tossing it down, this guy did not have a neuropathy. Instead, Zhang Yang had a neuropathy, which is not good enough for this person's hidden level. In the middle of his several levels are quite clever, Zhang Yang does not know how this guy found these levels.

These first-level defense measures are very strong, and they are not the company's servers. It seems to be a computer server used by people. Zhang Yang once thought that this is the real address of this guy. If it is not a ghost virus meticulous analysis Flowing data streams, I am afraid that if you don’t know what to do, you will miss these mistakes and treat them as the real position of this guy.

It's worthy of playing finance. All of them are old foxes. In the past life, Zhang Yang heard a few hackers say that those financial hackers are just an old fox on tracking and anti-tracking. They can track those big-name financials. Hackers can definitely become famous hunters around the world.

At that time, Zhang Yang still disagreed, but now Zhang Yang served, he really did, so many people really can't play it out, now I don't know how much Pan Wenlong paid for this person, I am afraid that tens of millions of other people will also Not necessarily shot hundreds of millions? It is also possible that Pan Hu has not saved Pan Wenlong in recent years. Although the negotiations with Matrix Security have consumed a lot of funds from Baiying Security, Pan Hu’s own money earned in these years is not in the company. Negotiations with Matrix Security are only the working capital of Baiying Security Company, which has nothing to do with the funds of Pan Huyi.

When another powerful server appeared in front of Zhang Yang, scanning this server, Zhang Yang was relieved. This time, there should be no fake. This server is definitely the most stringent defense that Zhang Yang has seen. Defensive measures from this server It can be seen from the above, the technical level of this person is also quite good, and from the scan results of each port scanned, etc., a large number of honeypots are placed on this server.

It was finally over, and it was time to end. The big Zhang Yang had forgotten how many were hacked in total. If it is counted, even if it does not have a three-digit number, it may be almost the same. Logging in so many springboards, this guy is really a man, he doesn't think the network is delayed? Logging in so much may not affect the speed of the operation, but it certainly has an effect on the speed of the network. A! ! ! ;




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