The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 252: Dry (medium)

Chapter two hundred and fifty-two stem (middle)

Chapter two hundred and fifty-two stem (middle)

It’s also Fuyun. After finding the real i of the other party, Zhang Yang couldn’t help but smiled smugly. For example, brother let me know today what happens when a coffee table is filled with cups, brother Today, all these cups will become tableware!

With the progress of the scanner, Zhang Yang soon had a way to invade. Although the protection of this system is quite awkward, for Zhang Yang, it is still very simple to invade it. No way, height problem, this world will only look at your height, and you don’t care whether you stepped on the garbage dump, or stepped on the shoulder of a giant. Zhang Yang’s current height, but no one else can The two hundred and fifty-two chapters do (middle) shoulder to shoulder.

Zhang Yang did not step on the garbage dump, nor on the shoulders of giants, but stepped on time. Who has time to be stronger? A scanner from a few years later, scans such a system. Although the host computer of this system is very powerful, in front of Zhang Yang, he is still a cloud.

While preparing to invade this server, Zhang Yang also monitored the actions of the financial hacker. When this person just returned to the big server, he was very heart-wrenching. For this reason, he spent a lot of time. Otherwise, Zhang Yang did not have so much time to trace his real i-address.

But now it’s okay, this guy can’t run even if he wants to run at this moment. He glanced at what he was doing. Zhang Yang just chased him out just after chasing him out. Things were deleted, and now this person started copying things to the server again, and in the software this person copied this time, Zhang Yang found the parent program of the financial bomb.

Well, it looks like you really want to plant, but baby, you may never think of it. Your current planting is completely useless after Chapter 252 (Middle). Whether it’s Pan Wenlong or this hacker, I’m afraid I will never think that Zhang Yang and Black Hawk will have a direct connection, and what Zhang Yang can say in Black Hawk, otherwise, Zhang Yang still has today It's very likely to be a tragedy.

After glancing at what he did, Zhang Yang quickly began to invade his computer. Zhang Yang was ready to invade long ago. When he started to work, the efficiency was very high, that is, in less than 10 minutes, Zhang Yang successfully broke through his firewall and entered his computer. Checking this computer carefully, it's very good and very powerful. Zhang Yang couldn't help drooling.

This server can be quite awkward. Although it is not comparable to a supercomputer, it is almost the same as a general iǎ-type supercomputer. The cost may be at least millions of dollars. It seems that these financial hackers are rich. Ah, but this risk is also quite a lot. Many hackers actually use their own technology to spend money, but the amount of money these hackers get from the bank is the amount of money.

Thousands, or tens of thousands of pieces, like these financial hackers, although the usual action is not like this time at ICBC, it will be more than one billion at a time, but at least several million will come out each time. Tens of millions of dollars. After the money is transferred through the websites of large international money laundering organizations, although there may be a small part, for most hackers, the money is still a huge amount.

The financial system is not just referring to the banking system. It is like many websites like Taobao, or some companies have organized activities such as online awards. Most of them are obtained by these hackers. Although it may be said that some companies hold ōu awards events, most of the similar events held by companies are fair, but as long as such fairness is targeted by hackers, the chances of ordinary netizens wanting to get ōu are almost zero.

The firewall in the server and the system settings are also quite good. More importantly, when Zhang Yang secretly opened the hard disk of this server, it was filled with a lot of software related to the financial system, viruses, etc. These are the biggest evidences .

But this person's i shows that it is in Hawaii in the United States. Even with these evidences, Zhang Yang only made a wedding dress for fbi in the end, which was not good for Zhang Yang. American financial hacker, Zhang Yang thought about it carefully. One of the famous id is mney, and the id is directly used for money, while the other is a greedy ghost from English translation.

The talents of these two guys in the financial system are absolutely superhuman. Will they be one of the two? Zhang Yang had only heard of mney and greedy ghosts, and he had never yelled at these two people in his previous life, but only knew a little bit of their record, so I can't tell who this guy is from the system.

In this guy's computer hard drive, Zhang Yang quickly found all the data of the financial bomb, as well as the method of dismantling, etc., but the provincial Zhang Yang cracked it. Zhang Yang unceremoniously copied all these things back into his computer. When he saw that the guy was still "playing with each other" as evidence to frame Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang smiled strangely. To kill the server, let this guy move out quickly?

While hesitating if he wanted to find out what this guy was calling from the Hawaiian city system, Zhang Yang did not listen, but quickly placed traps and viruses in his computer. Just when Zhang Yang was about to directly kill this guy’s computer, his eyebrow jumped suddenly, and Zhang Yang suddenly remembered a crucial thing, that is, if he found his true i, he would follow Zhang Yang all the time. The ghost virus should also be found.

But if the ghost virus finds the real i of the other party, there will be a reminder, but so far Zhang Yang has not received the prompt of the ghost virus. Could it be said that this computer is not his own computer, it is still just impossible? After invading this computer, Zhang Yang quickly retrieved the i-address connected to this computer, and confirmed that this computer was the last connection broken, and no new i-address appeared.

Some suspiciously stopped the action inside the hand. Zhang Yang quickly switched to the ghost virus page. After switching over, Zhang Yang was even more weird. The ghost virus did indeed find the front of this server. The i found and the i confirmed by Zhang Yang are The same, but the difference is that the ghost virus at this moment has not stopped working and is still in the search state, that is to say, the analysis of the ghost virus, this server is still his, but now the ghost virus can not confirm the new i stream , So it will be in search state.

by! Is it **** impossible? Zhang Yang was a little weird. He quickly switched back to the front of this server. He re-searched all the ports again, as well as the computer and i connected to this server. That’s right, only the one that came with me all the way. Connect the second new i to this computer?

Could it be that the ghost virus went wrong? Zhang Yang frowned, it seemed that only this was possible, but Zhang Yang had a feeling in his heart that the ghost virus should be correct, and there must be something that he didn't expect. This is the advantage of the program. Although the program is rigid, it has the rigid advantage. Only if it feels that it is not a real i, it will continue to search, but if it is a human, seeing such a situation, it will not continue to track at once. Then, confirm that this server is the real i.

Without data flow, without a new i, it is impossible for a person to connect to the network. This is the essence. It is impossible for a person to appear on the network for no reason. Unless it is played in a movie, artificial intelligence that appears quite arrogant may not happen. Otherwise, there will be an i.

Since there is no second i connected to this computer, if this computer is not the real host of the other party, then there will certainly be data streams that have not been discovered by myself.

by! Thinking of this, a bright light flashed in Zhang Yang's mind. He thought of a possible Zhang Yang's eyes. He immediately searched quickly, mlbgd. If it is true, this guy is really md enough. And to describe him with cunning rabbit three caves does not seem to be enough to describe the cunning of this bitch.

Zhang Yang quickly opened his analysis software, he did nothing, but quickly began to scan the data between the data streams connected to this computer. While scanning and analyzing, Zhang Yang withdrew from this server, and then quickly returned in the same way. While returning, he tested each data one by one except for his own data flow. Soon, in the penultimate station where Zhang Yang thought it was this guy's first-class place, he found it greasy.

In addition to the data used by Zhang Yang itself, starting from this station, all the data has been greatly reduced. Zhang Yang immediately understood that he finally found the real host of this guy! The real host of this guy is not the host in Hawaii at all, but the level that was once viewed by Zhang Yang and then drilled out of it, is the real host that continues mō out!

It seems that there is a bit of mí in fact, if you compare the data flow of this **** to each computer as a line, then this guy will make a part of this line. Fold, first extend out in one direction, to a point, that is, the server in Hawaii, began to disguise that server, and then fold back, and then think of his server as a black one, and then from his own Another server was connected, and then extended all the way to do other people's things.

It was like Zhang Yang hacked the school server with his own computer, and then used the school server as a springboard to turn over his computer again, and then hacked another computer with his own computer. When I traced Zhang Yang’s computer, the data stream from the trace was illegally entered into Zhang Yang’s computer. This person would think that Zhang Yang’s computer was then continued to be traced. When tracing to the school server, he found that there was no second If an i is connected to the school computer, it will be taken for granted that the school computer is the server.

But I never thought that this **** simply overlapped the data flow. Who would think that the real target you are looking for has actually been hacked by you, and then you are too far? A! ! ! ;




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