The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 256: Cutting grass to remove roots (Part 2)

Chapter 256 Chopping the Grass to Remove the Root (Part 2)

Chapter 256 Chopping the Grass to Remove the Root (Part 2)

"Zhang Yang, I called to tell you something. ICBC has no way to return the extra money in your bank card." Black Eagle carefully considered the wording before speaking.

"Well?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment. What does it mean that there is no way to go back? What does this mean?

"Uh, how to say, this time, there are tens of millions of accounts involved. Almost all of the accounts have been reached by bō, except for some abandoned accounts that have no balance in the account. This matter has alarmed the State Council. The above means that the money will not be returned for the time being, because no matter who cuts the grass in chapter 256 of his account to eradicate (below) somehow after being deducted 10 yuan, and inexplicably returned, will It is doubtful that although a large number of people do not yet know that their account has been deducted, at least tens of millions of accounts in these tens of millions of accounts are subscribed to SMS notifications of balance changes. "Black Hawk is helpless. After all, this kind of thing is not easy to open your mouth."

"And then?" Zhang Yang probably guessed what ICBC was going to do, or that ICBC didn't want it, but it didn't matter.

"Uh, this is the case. I hope you don’t say it. Tomorrow the ICBC will issue an announcement and add a fee. The fee is 10 yuan per user, but after a few months, there will be a feedback activity. Probably each user will give back a fee of tens of yuan, which is probably the case." Blackhawk said helplessly.

"Okay, I understand." Zhang Yang didn't say much. From a public point of view, ICBC may be shameless, but there is no way to do this. If this matter is poked out, it may cause social panic. Causes a lot of problems, this is the best way to deal with it.

Fortunately, each account is only 10 yuan, otherwise, chapter 256 of chopping grass to eradicate (below) ICBC and useless excuses is useless. Immediately following Blackhawk's phone call, Zhang Yang's mobile phone began to vibrate again. He took it away from his ear and looked at it. Another phone call came in. It was Wang Meng's call.

"Relax, I won't tell you about this. By the way, you let ICBC unfreeze my account as soon as possible. I will use it immediately. I won't talk about it. I still have a phone."

"Well, that's it first, yes, hello to you, just now I have called the city's National Security Bureau, the order has been formally issued." After that, the Black Eagle hung up the phone directly. After the Black Hawk hung up, Zhang Yang realized what the Black Hawk said. The implication is that the safety of Baiying tonight will be history.

Zhang Yang was amused. This time Pan Wenlong's silly young man was completely finished, shaking his fist excitedly, and Zhang Yang picked up Wang Meng's phone.

"Hello? What happened to Wang Meng?" Zhang Yang asked strangely after answering the phone. His mobile phone number had a note on the class group's business card, so Wang Meng knew that his phone was not strange, but the two were not too familiar now. If so, Wang Meng will not call Zhang Yang.

"Zhang Yang? I'm not mistaken." Wang Meng quickly confirmed.

"No, what's wrong with me?" Zhang Yang asked suspiciously.

"Pan Wenlong has come to the classroom, and he knows exactly what he is looking for, and looks at him, as if he wants to be against you, so you have the heart." Wang Meng said.

"Pan Wenlong? Just himself?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, Pan Wenlong? I rely on, this silly bī is not waiting for death at home, why come to school?

"Well, he himself. We just went out and looked at it, but I didn’t bring anyone here. Do you want to come and see? He just said in the classroom that he was waiting for you to die this time. Right." Wang Meng said.

"I'm fucking, this silly bī, I haven't found him yet, he ran back to find me, you are waiting for me to go to the classroom now." Zhang Yang quickly said to Wang Meng, then hung up the phone directly, caught Put on the jacket, turn off the computer and rush outside. As soon as he came out of the bedroom, Zhang Yang happened to meet Fang Shaoyun who came back from the outside. When he saw Zhang Yang in the dormitory, Fang Shaoyun immediately shouted, "I'm close, it's not easy to see you once. What have you done recently? I haven't seen any personal photos in one day ."

"This matter will be said later, I will go to the classroom first, mlbgd, Pan Wenlong's b is coming, it is said that the roll call for me. Rely." Zhang Yang said in a hurry.

"Ah? Really, let's go, I'll go and see with you." Fang Shaoyun froze for a moment, then immediately followed Zhang Yang and rushed out of the dormitory. Zhang Yang didn't stop it, anyway, now Pan Wenlong is a grasshopper after the autumn, and he can't lie for a few days. Fang Shaoyun should follow him.

In the process of taking the elevator to the first floor and running towards the teaching building, Zhang Yang could probably guess why the silly bīn Pan Wenlong came. The person who worked for the gold coin **** must have paid the fee first and then the secretary, so the money for Pan Wenlong must be paid And, if something goes wrong in the domestic banking system, Baiying Security cooperates with the Agricultural Bank of China, can you know? So Zhang Yang is sure, this b must think Zhang Yang is over soon, so he can’t wait to run into the school and want to see Zhang Yang is unlucky, but this b forgets one thing, he is now running into the school, not finding embarrassment himself ? What's more, I'm afraid he can never think of it. Zhang Yang is unlikely to have an accident. Now he is the one who is waiting to die.

I'm afraid Pan Wenlong never thought that the result of the whole thing would be completely different in just a few hours. After ten minutes, Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun rushed into the classroom. This class seems to be a self-study class. Except that Zhang Yang has not come to class for almost a month, other freshman students are very honest, even for self-study classes. Most will be present.

Pushing the classroom open, Zhang Yang directly shouted, "What about Pan Wenlong's stupid bī?"

Zhang Yang's voice was very loud, and the eyes of everyone in the classroom almost all focused on Zhang Yang's body. "Grass! Whom are you scolding, are you looking for death?" Pan Wenlong's shrill voice came from the other side of the podium. Zhang Yang discovered that Pan Wenlong was standing on the other side of the podium. Boys don't know what they are talking about.

"Yeah, Master Pan trembles, you still have a face in our school. Are you embarrassed or not? I still have the iǎ movie starring Pan Dashao in my computer, do you want to see it? Zhang Yang sneered and said.

"So what? Lao Tzu is rich, just playing nv people. As long as Lao Tzu pays for money, there will be nv people willing to let Lao Tzu play, how can you do?" Pan Wenlong looked indifferent, looking shamelessly. Zhang Yang said.

As soon as Pan Wenlong's words came out, there was a lot of discussion in the classroom. "It's really shameless. I didn't expect there are such shameless people in this world. Why did I get into a class with him, grass." The voices of several boys rang directly in the classroom.

Pan Wenlong’s face immediately turned into pig liver Zhang Yang, waiting for him to speak, he continued to say ambiguously: "Oh? Really? Can you play nv people? But I heard that somebody seemed to be hospitalized some time ago? I am a friend In the hospital, it seems that you just saw Master Pan in the hospital. If I remember correctly, will you still be able to play nv? I'm afraid it can't be done? You just say goodbye to Li Lianying." Zhang Yang smiled. Looked at Pan Wenlong, and then looked at him ambiguously.

"Wow..." There was silence first in this classroom, and then there was an uproar. All eyes involuntarily focused on Pan Wenlong. Everyone looked at Pan Wenlong strangely. The eyes of everyone suddenly poked at Pan Wenlong's most secret pain point. The reason why he was so vengeful to vengeance this time was because this matter had completely twisted his inner sting.

Originally he wanted to come to the school to see how Zhang Yang was captured by the police and wanted to see Zhang Yang's desperate expression to satisfy his expectation, but Pan Wenlong's death did not expect that Zhang Yang would actually know such a secret thing, It is absolutely impossible to spread the news that all the people who treated his disease have been bought by him.

Pan Wenlong's face instantly changed from red to green, from green to blue, and then from blue to blue. Finally, Pan Wenlong screamed directly, and then rushed to Zhang Yang. Although the two were separated by a podium, Zhang Yang still surprised Pan Wenlong. I leaned, didn't I? How long did it take before I became an eunuch, and my voice changed? Although I was shocked, Zhang Yang was not ambiguous at all, nnd, if they fight Zhang Yang with Zhao Fei or they are afraid, but fight with people like Pan Wenlong, don't you know that Brother Yang was the king of fighting in junior high school?

Although Pan Wenlong rushed up quickly, Zhang Yang did not rush up. When he rushed over, Zhang Yang's body flashed directly to Pan Wenlong's movement, and then a sly turn around Zhang Yang kicked on top of Pan Wenlong. . With a clatter, Pan Wenlong threw himself directly on the table in the front row. The nv students sitting in the front row made a few screams in fright, and quickly retreated behind the seat.

"I'm leaning!" Zhang Yang was shocked suddenly, reaching for Fang Shaoyun next to him, and looking at the stool in Fang Shaoyun's hand, Zhang Yang burst into sweat: "Khan, I said, as for? It's not worth it." Zhang Yang was instead Unexpectedly, this guy Fang Shaoyun was so hot, he directly lifted the stool above the podium. If it was not Zhang Yang blocking it, I might be thrown at Pan Wenlong directly.

Anyway, he was also a dead person, and could not commit anymore because he let Fang Shaoyun violate the school rules.

Pan Wenlong, who was embarrassed to climb from the table, was also taken aback by Fang Shaoyun's movements, standing there although the expression on his face was somewhat distorted, but he dared not rush over. After a while, Pan Wenlong panted and said: "Zhang Yang, don't be complacent, I came here today to tell you that you will be finished soon, haha! Don't think that others do not know about your black banking system, it is estimated that the public security The Bureau will soon send someone to catch you! At that time, your Li Keqing, you see how I play with her."

Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly flashed a cold awn, and the whole person rushed forward, and a loud slap in the face popped, Zhang Yang almost used the greatest force to ruthlessly Pan Wenlong's slap, ōu finished Afterwards, Zhang Yang's palms felt some hot pains, because the two were very close, Pan Wenlong was unprepared, and was directly slapped by Zhang Yang to the side, crashing his head on the table, and immediately nibbling on the forehead. After the boss had a wound, blood ran directly from his head.

The classroom was immediately quiet. Zhang Yang rushed to the foot of Pan Wenlong who fell on the ground. Although it only took a few days to exercise, Zhang Yang's strength was not Pan Wenlong's person who was hollowed out by the wine. Can be countered.

"I **** your mother, I have endured for a long time, mlbgd, you can't blame me if you find yourself dead, catch me? md, see who catches who at the time, and I'm not afraid to tell you..." said here, Zhang Yang directly Squatting down on Pan Wenlong's iōng mouth, he lowered his voice and said, "... remember that night? The person who kicked your egg last is Lao Tzu." Zhang Yang's voice was very low, except for Pan Wenlong, Fang Shaoyun who was standing behind Zhang Yang None heard.

"You!" Pan Wenlong's eyes were originally full of crazy twisted pleasure. At this moment, the eyeballs opened wide, and the pupils seemed to protrude from the eye sockets. The eyes stared at Zhang Yang, his eyes full of eyes. Unwilling and resentful, he held Zhang Yang's feet with both hands for a long time and said, "You are ruthless, I admit it today, I want to see, when can you be arrogant, and you have been so arrogant, I have informed the school To control you to the police."

"Do what! Do, give up, give me up." At this time, there was a loud noise outside the Then several teachers rushed in from the outside with the school police. "Zhang Yang... What are you doing! Don't let go of him!" The teacher who took the lead screamed loudly.

Hearing this sneer, Zhang Yang sneered. md, it really gathers like creatures and divides beasts into groups. The old ghost Zou Xiang actually wore a pair with Pan Wenlong. This kind of thing is generally handled by the Political Education Department, the class teacher is responsible for it, is it related to the teacher like Zou Xiang? Zou Xiang can come here, obviously Pan Wenlong greeted him.

Zhang Yang picked up his feet and gave way to the path between Pan Wenlong and the classroom, then walked to the side and sneered at Zou Xiang. He wanted to see how Zou Xiang wanted to play this drama today.

"A few of you took him to me and took it to the political and religious office!" Looking at Pan Wenlong on the ground, Zou Xiang quickly walked over to support Pan Wenlong, and then pointed to Zhang Yang and spoke to the school police officers behind him. . The school police officers looked at each other, and then they were ready to come up and catch Zhang Yang. Although it is not uncommon to fight in the university, it is like fighting to this extent, especially in the classroom, in front of nearly a hundred student teachers. There is no fight. A! ! ! ;




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