The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 257: Cutting grass to remove roots (Part 1)

Chapter 257: Chopping grass to eradicate roots (next)

Chapter 257: Chopping grass to eradicate roots (next)

"Wait!" Seeing a few school policemen rushing up, Zhang Yang spoke to them directly, and Zhang Yang didn't want to endure it. "Why? You are a serious violation of school regulations. You don't understand it. You are no longer in the category of fighting and fighting. You are intentionally hurting people!" Zou Xiang sneered and looked at Zhang Yang.

Grass, okay, I don't see it, this grandson will keep his hat high. "Will you hurt someone deliberately or fight? It's not up to you. Are you a bird? No one touches me today. Even if I deliberately hurt someone, I want the police to take me away. Is it related to you? Also counted as a policeman?" Zhang Yang sneered similarly.

Chapter 257: Cutting the Grass to Remove the Root (Next) "You! Violating school rules, you are still alive and do not repent! I will call the police now! You are waiting to be expelled from the school. You don't need to learn this." Zou Xiang snorted coldly.

"I want to see who can get rid of me. Lao Tzu will take this sentence today, md, just this school. If you are a scum scum like Zou Xiang, you can still teach and educate here. Soul engineer, Lao Tzu can stay here and want to expel Lao Tzu, OK! No problem, as long as your scumbag is expelled, Lao Tzu can't get out of school and learn." Zhang Yang's anger also came up.

Grass, I want to see, who can fire me today!

"You!" Zou Xiang almost didn't come up in a breath. He was directly passed out by Zhang Yang. Of course he did what he did. Of course he knew that there were many people who knew it, but he knew how to know, and no one dared to be like him. His face was so unpleasant, Zhang Yang's words fell, and the whole classroom became needle-deep. Everyone looked at Zhang Yang's eyes like a lunatic.

Niu bī, too niu bī, this is almost the common thought of all the students present. Although Zou Xiang is still more convergent in their class during this time, Chapter 257 is chopping and weeding out (next), but They all know the reputation of Zou Xiang, and all the things Zou Xiang has done have been heard by the brothers and sisters, so Zou Xiang’s eyes on people are disgusting. Zou Xiang's nose scolded, but had to survive in this school, no one dared to do so.

Otherwise, Zou Xiang wouldn’t be so good for so many years, and Zhang Yang today did something that everyone didn’t dare to do. The students present looked abnormal at Zou Xiang’s liver-like face. Deflated.

"What are you, md, you haven't been killed by a car now, and I'm naturally not going to have an accident, so just wait, yeah, did Pan Wenlong tell me to be arrested by the police? Then you came over? Truth I’m telling you, I’m fine today, I’m fine in the future. Did you see him? Just because I did too much bad things, all the eggs were kicked, and now at best it’s a dead shemale. It's already overthrown, and it's enough to be cool. Zhang Yang simply pointed at Zou Xiang's nose and scolded!

With a sigh... Pan Wenlong beside him didn't come up in a breath, and was directly fainted by Zhang Yang on the spot. Zou Xiangqiang endured the anger in his heart, sneered at Zhang Yang and said: "You scold it, I want to see what you can scold today?" After talking, Zou Xiang ignored Zhang Yang and directly took out his mobile phone and called Call the police.

Zhang Yang didn't continue to scold anymore. He scolded this kind of person. Zhang Yang felt a little slobbered. He directly pulled the chair of the table next to it and sat down after it was accommodated. Fang Shaoyun quickly gathered around Zhang Yang and said, "I said, what should I do?" Even Fang Shaoyun was calmed down by Zhang Yang's toughness.

Fang Shaoyun feels that he has lived on a dog for more than 20 years. Who is his roommate Niu Bī? Who has ever seen a student who dares to swear at the teacher's nose? And this teacher dare not refute? Although those school police officers are not ashamed of Zou Xiang’s personhood, but after so many years of work, what kind of status Zou Xiang has in this school, these school police officers still understand that the eyes of Zhang Yang are full of Sympathy.

"It's okay, you just look at it next to it. You can rest assured, when have I fought an unsure battle?" Zhang Yang's voice comforted Fang Shaoyun. Seeing Zhang Yang so calm, Fang Shaoyun hesitated, and then Mō got out of his cell phone and quickly wrote a text message and sent it out.

Zhang Yang's gaze focused on Zou Xiang's body, and no movement of Fang Shaoyun was found. After reporting the police, Zou Xiang quickly made several calls, not only calling Zhang Yang's class teacher Wei Wuguang, but also the school's director of politics and education, as well as the head and vice principals were alarmed. There are several vice-principals. Zou Xiang is naturally calling his old man Zou Zhengbang, whose name is righteous.

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked, and Zou Xiang’s old man is not a good thing. Otherwise, he will not raise such a son. Wei Wuguang and the director of the Political and Religious Affairs Department hurried over quickly. The Director of the Political and Religious Affairs Department was a fat man in his forties. Although this figure seemed to meet the * standard, Zhang Yang knew that the strict director of the Political and Religious Affairs Department was still a good person. At least in the university, this person is fair.

"What's the matter?" Director Yan asked Shen Sheng as soon as he entered the classroom.

"Director Yan, can you tell us, can this kind of student school still be accepted? Is there any Wang Fa? There is no such quality student, our school will never want to be expelled." Zou Xiang saw Director Yan coming in, He frowned, but said aloud, and said what he said, adding oil and vinegar to what Zhang Yang did.

Director Yan looked at Zou Xiang and couldn't help but sneer, quality? Do you deserve to talk to me about quality? However, he can only talk about it in his heart. Although he despises Zou Xiang very much, the situation is stronger than others. He is a director of the Political and Educational Department who cannot take Zou Xiang down. Zou Xiang not only has people in the school, but also educates in the city. There are people in the bureau.

"Mr. Zou's words are true?" Director Yan heard Zou Xiang's words and did not make a comment. Instead, he set his sights on Zhang Yang and gave Zhang Yang a glance.

"In addition to some exaggerated words, the others are true, and his words are not complete. Just now I not only scolded him, but also scolded it hard to hear. He is a personal scum and a scum. I dare to scold now. "Zhang Yang glanced at Director Yan. This director is quite good, but Zhang Yang also understands that these things are not what his director said.

"Look, you see, does such a student still have Wang Fa? Director Yan, you have to hold a meeting with Director Wang and meet. Our school committee will study it and we must expel this student." Zou Xiang was not angry at this moment, just pointed to Zhang Yang and said.

Director Wang is the director of the school's Academic Affairs Office. The expelled student still has to meet his head. "Aren't we discussing this matter? We can't just expel students, and Teacher Zou, did you do anything excessive? Now that the society is a fair and equitable society, we can't listen to your side? Many students are here, and they can be investigated if they want to investigate." Wei Wuguang next to him said quickly.

Zhang Yang looked at Wei Wuguang with some surprise. Wei Wuguang was a good teacher, but it could only be said to be right. Although Wei Wuguang's quality was not bad, in his memory, Wei Wuguang belonged to the kind of relatively honest Pakistani, very rigorous 'S teacher will not rebel against the school's regulations at all, so he has been an ordinary teacher for more than ten years in college, and he hasn't even practiced a team leader.

Unexpectedly, he would stand up and dare to refute Zou Xiang. Zou Xiang looked at Wei Wuguang. Although Zou Xiang was also a little surprised, but after many years as a colleague, Zou Xiang knew Wei Wuguang too well. After glancing at him, Zou Xiang said, "Old Wei, do you believe it? Am I? What can I do too much? I came with the school police and saw him beating his classmates. When I let him stop, he started to scold me. What am I doing wrong?"

Regardless of what happened to Zou Xiang, today the grandson really did nothing wrong, so he also had a lot of confidence to speak. In such a big battle, the students in the classroom did not go out, and there were many students outside the classroom. Soon the school leaders rushed over. Seeing this, Principal Zhao, who rarely met, also rushed over. .

The principal is Zhao Hong, a middle-aged man in his fifties. Except for some major activities in the school, he rarely meets in the school. Zhang Yang did not know this person in his last life, and he has never seen him deal with it anyway. whats the matter. Looking at the surroundings, Principal Zhao frowned and said, "No matter what happened, why is it not too shameful? Go, go to the office of the Political and Religious Affairs Office. And you Zou Xiang, who told you to call the police? Follow me."

After dropping the next sentence, Principal Zhao turned his head and walked outside. Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, and thought about the other party, Shao Yun, said: "You just wait for me I will go with them."

"I'll go with you." Fang Shaoyun said with a frown.

"It's okay, I'll do it myself. You can go back to the dormitory. I'll call you later." Zhang Yang shook his head.

"Okay." Seeing Zhang Yang resolutely, Fang Shaoyun nodded helplessly and agreed. There are too many students watching here, and some words can't be said. Zhang Yang also decided to follow them to the political and religious office.

The office of the Political Office is not in the teaching building, but in the administrative building next to the teaching building. A group of people, as well as several school policemen, walked into the administrative building together, and arrived at the office of the Political and Religious Department. With so many people coming in, the huge office was a little crowded. Zhang Yang noticed that even Zou Xiang’s Laozi was coming. Obviously came to support Zou Xiang.

To tell the truth, Zou Xiang is not a good ghost when he is a ghost. He is in his thirties, and it's not a shame to ask him to rub him every day. A! ! ! ;




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