The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 258: What is Niubi (Part 1)

Chapter 258 What is Niu bī (Part 1)

   Chapter 258 What is a cow bī (Part 1)

   "Tell me, what the **** is going on?" Sitting down behind a desk in the office, Principal Zhao knocked on the table and looked at several parties.

   "You speak first." After finishing the speech, Principal Zhao pointed to Zhang Yang and said.

   "Me?" Zhang Yang was a little surprised. He did not expect that the principal would let him speak first, not Zou Xiang.

   "Yes, it's you. Tell me, what the **** is going on." Principal Zhao said quickly.

   After a moment of stunnedness, since he asked Zhang Yang to say, Zhang Yang did not hesitate. He told all the things directly one by one without concealing anything. Even if he scolded Zou Xiang, Zhang Yang said it honestly. Director Yan and Wei Wuguang beside him were speechless for a while, neither of them knew what to say. Should they praise this student for being honest, or should he call him stupid?

   Even the headmaster Zhao's eyes looked a little strange when he looked at Zhang Yang. Obviously he didn't understand what the student meant. However, the principal Zhao is also a personal jīng. The last time Zhang Yang was taken away by Guoan, the school would be informed that the school would naturally be notified, but was taken away by Guoan, and it came back unscathed, and more importantly, a The appearance of people made President Zhao have to pay attention to this matter.

   That was Tan Yudie who followed Zhang Yang at that time! Someone like Tan Yudie, her family has been posted on the school forum. The students of the school know that he does not know as the principal? If he didn’t know, he didn’t have to sit in this position anymore, no matter what the reason Tan Yudie was following at that time, whether Tan Yudie and Zhang Yang were male nv friends, ordinary friends, since Tan Yudie followed Going, then it proves that Zhang Yang has a good relationship with Tan Yudie.

  If Zhang Yang was punished and Mayor Tan was annoyed, who would bear the responsibility? So this is also one of Zhao Hong’s considerations, so let Zhang Yang first say that as long as the problem is not too serious, Zhao Hong does not want to cause trouble because of this event. The great **** Mayor Tan is not something that these people can afford.

   But what made Zhao Hong a little speechless was that the student didn't conceal it at all, even didn't even say good things to himself, and to speak the truth directly, this looked like a child. Where does Zhao Hong know what Zhang Yang’s thoughts are, and today Zhang Yang is out of the picture. Since this matter has become a big issue, it’s better to have a full blow.

The atmosphere in the room calmed down suddenly. Everyone felt a little weird. Even Zou Zhengbang was no exception. Zhang Yang didn’t look stupid, but if he’s not stupid, everyone knows that this atmosphere is not good for him now, and there is such a Did the student fail to say good things to himself because of the opportunity to say good things to himself? What is the situation? Zou Zhengbang naturally had his own thoughts, and he couldn't help but start to ponder.

These people can sit in these positions, and they are not idiots. Don’t think that the top of the school is simple. In fact, there is no difference between the top of the school and the officialdom. These people are old fritters. The problems are more comprehensive than the ordinary people. More forbearance. Seeing that the principal and deputy headmaster didn't speak, the other people naturally did not say anything, and the atmosphere in the room immediately became quite strange.

   Even Zhang Yang did not understand what was going on. Zhang Yang certainly did not know that Tan Yudie’s actions that day would affect Zhao Hong’s judgment. The atmosphere in the room was quiet for a while, until a ringtone rang, it was Zhao Hong's mobile phone. He quickly took out his mobile phone and looked at it, then looked at Zou Xiang again, and then answered the phone.

  Mr. Zhao Hong said very vaguely. Everyone didn't know what happened. He just said a few words and hung up the phone. After he hung up the phone, hesitated for a moment, and Zhao Hong said to Zou Xiang: "Mr. Zou, you are too indifferent to do things. Although Zhang Yang is not respectful to you, he is always young and always confused, but no matter what How to say, this is an internal matter in our school, why did you call the police?"

Uh...Zhang Yang was choked with this remark, and couldn’t help but glance at Zhao Hong, tnnd, these old fritters are bull forks. Look, it was a very serious matter. Young is not sensible.

Zou Xiang just started to speak, and Zou Zhengbang sitting next to him kicked him and said, "President Zhao said yes, but in any case, they are all over 18 years old, they are already adults, they should be for themselves. Everyone is young, but it does not mean that young people can make mistakes at will. If that is the case, then what is the use of the laws of our country?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, mlgbd, Zhang Yang felt a little tired, these people are all old foxes of tm, although they don't know why Zhao Hong helped himself, Zhang Yang doesn't think that Zhao Hong just thinks he is all right, Zhao Hong that In terms of location, it is absolutely impossible to say that it is because a plain and unexplained student offended the vice-principal of the Director of the Bureau of Education, not that there is no such person.

   But people with such a style can never sit in that position. In official terms, that kind of **** political consciousness is not enough and needs to be improved.

   "Well, do you deal with it or not, if you don't deal with it, I'm hungry and I'm going to eat." Zhang Yang glanced lightly at these people and said. No matter whether it is Zhao Hong or Zou Zhengbang, Zhang Yang has no good feelings for them. Even Zhang Hong who helped him, Zhang Yang does not feel his kindness. At least Zhang Yang feels that Yan Fat, the director of the Political and Religious Affairs Office, is a little cute. .

   These people must have something to do, although Zhang Yang doesn't know yet.

   "Look, Principal Zhao, he hasn't repented until now." Zou Zhengbang immediately caught Zhang Yang's shortcomings and said quickly.

   Zhao Hong frowned, turned his head to look at Zhang Yang, his face was a little unhappy, and the student was too ignorant. Zhang Yang ignored Zhao Hong's gaze and left Zou Zhengbang at one glance, saying: "Okay, don't stop sloppy. There are some things that others dare not say, don't I dare to say that? On the night of March 24, 2002, Zou Xiang was At the time, the office was impolite, and a sister in her junior year used her job to threaten others. On May 12, 2002, Zou Xiang was strong in the house he rented outside the school. At that time, the freshman Luo Hong was freshman, which caused Luo Hong to be discouraged. Sister ǎo..."

   "You shut up!" Zou Xiang's heart palpitations, jumped directly from the sofa. "If Hu Luàn speaks, we can sue you for slander!" Zou Zhengbang next to him was afraid that Zou Xiang would say something out of place, and directly interrupted Zou Xiang's words and said. Zhao Hong, who was sitting there, gave Zhang Yang a surprised look, while Wei Wuguang and Yan Fatty looked at each other, and several school policemen looked at their leather shoes honestly without looking up.

"Why? I said your pain? You one by one, you patted your conscience every night and asked, are you embarrassed to sit in your present position?" Zhang Yang raised his finger directly and pointed at Zhao Hong, Zou Zhengbang, and others did a bit of it, and even Wei Wuguang and Yan Fatzi didn't let go.

   Anyway, I got rid of it today. If I want to scold, I will scold it with pleasure. Some words have been held in my life for a long time. "...I'm really embarrassed for you so-called educators. Look, what do these domestic universities look like to you? Don't tell me these things, you don't know about it! You have to dare to pat Conscience, said to the two-foot **** on the head that he did not know, and I immediately jumped from the eleventh floor. But you all know that you are doing nothing for your status and rights. What the university is doing ?Teaching and educating people, but here tmd is not teaching and educating people, everyone said that they are tireless, you all tm is ruining people!"

"...Don't say that I killed you with a bāng son. There were ancient literati who admonished to death, inheriting the kind of Chinese 5,000-year-old literati's guts. How much do you have in your bones?! I dare not say that I am a good person , But some of the things you did, to be honest, Lao Tzu is ashamed of you! You, Zou Xiang take you for example, tmd, people play Pan Wenlong nv people, anyway, they play with their own money, what about you tm? Grass!" Zhang Yang Directly pointed at everyone and screamed.

Surprisingly, both Zou Zhengbang and Zhao Hong didn't speak, although the two faces were a bit but they didn't speak, no matter who they were, I was afraid that they would be scolded by their noses and their faces wouldn't be Good looking, as for Zou Xiang, he was so angry that he couldn't even speak, let alone fight back.

"Laozi was scolded today. If you want to get rid of you, just get fired. I don't care. Isn't it just a broken diploma? Laozi puts his words here today. You can't go out and break a university. Maybe you can go out and start a career. You broke the university, and tm was a part-time job until death. I shit, I don’t want to go to dinner anymore. You love to deal with it." After that, Zhang Yang spit on the floor of the office directly, then turned his head to Walk outside.

   Before Zhang Yang walked to the mén mouth, there was a mén knock outside the office mén. Zhao Hong said: "Come in." Mén of the office pushed away, and a school policeman walked in with four or five policemen. Zhang Yang had to stop himself. Now that the police are there, I am afraid that even if he wants to go, these people will not let him go.

   "Haha, Zhang Yang, aren't you cattle? Now that the police are here, how do you think you are?" Pan Wenlong sitting on the sofa finally couldn't help but jumped up and laughed loudly. Zhang Yang glanced at him indifferently and as if looking at a silly bī: "I dare not say anything else, but Lao Tzu is sure that you are dead and Lao Tzu is alive and well."

   "You just have a hard mouth, I think when you can harden your mouth!" Pan Wenlong was not angry at this moment, he looked at Zhang Yang with a smug smile.

   "Cough...cough...Well, can I ask which one is the police? What is going on?" At this time, the policeman who led was coughing twice.



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