The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 271: Something that makes thanatos crazy (Part 1)

Chapter 271 The Things That Make Crazy (Part 1)

   Chapter 271 The things that make you crazy (Part 1)

The reason why I think of infecting insects is because most of the incidents that Zhang Yang used to deal with infecting insects are related to it. For example, the last time mak was discovered because of the accidental tracking of infecting insects. , Something named Adam is also very possible.

  If they want to maintain their mystery, then they cannot appear frequently, so it is very likely that some of the computers they use will be disconnected for a long time. Then the feedback message of the infected insects was sent back at this time, which is justifiable.

  After thinking about it, Zhang Yang even thought it out completely. The original reason for the emotions is here, but what are the things that can make you crazy, and what can you jump out of? Adam is a mythical character. From the name, this is more like a secret research project.

   Could it be that the infecting worm stole the secret researched by the other party? The problem is that Zhang Yang's use of infected bugs is just to track the other party, and there is no instruction to steal data.

and many more! Zhang Yang's eyes lit up suddenly, Zhang Yang's eyes immediately began to shine, and he suddenly remembered where he had set up the infection! The last time I followed Tan Yudie to negotiate with Li Yuxuan, Zhang Yang encountered mak when he escaped halfway, and then Zhang Yang invaded mak's computer! At that time, Zhang Yang placed the infected insect in mak's computer and set up the settings for copying data.

   But after Mak directly jumped from a dozen-story building and fell on a car, Zhang Yang thought Mak was killed by someone, and his computer would be dealt with by the murderer. Zhang Yang forgot about this afterwards, but now it seems that Mak’s computer was not destroyed by these people, but was taken back and entered the network of the secret laboratory. What about the infection? Zhang Yang wouldn't know if he went in. But only this explanation can be explained!

That was the only infection that Zhang Yang had set up, and it was completely forgotten afterwards, and the confidential information that was also likely to be touched. If this is really the case, then it seems that there must be other important things in the mak computer at that time. Information, otherwise, just to destroy his computer, there is no need to take it back, just find a place to destroy it completely.

  Mlbgd! Unintentional chaliu willow shade! Zhang Yangmeng shot a big tuǐ, it seemed that he had left the infested insect right, otherwise how would it drive him crazy and jump his feet? Originally Zhang Yang thought that the other party was wronging himself, but now it seems that people are not wronging it! Cool! Zhang Yang feels right now, cool! Reliable, something that makes such a ròu pain is definitely not simple, otherwise, it will not be so crazy!

  Nòng cleared the source of the thing, looking at the long copy time, Zhang Yang immediately eagerly felt, he wanted to see, and in the end why something ròu hurt.

   But now there is no way to be anxious. After a pause, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered who the ten names that were just posted on the NetEase official website homepage. Blackhawk must know this. Zhang Yang thought of the website that Blackhawk gave him last time.

  Zhang Yang entered the website directly without saying anything. After logging in to the website of the network supervision bureau, Zhang Yang just entered here and found that it was indeed guarded. This chat room is not only for text chat, but also for direct voice chat. After nòng a voice changer, Zhang Yang shouted directly: "Black Hawk is here, I am, I am looking for Black Hawk."

   "I'm here!" Less than a minute, the black eagle's calm voice rang.

"You should know why I came, can you tell me, what information about those people posted on the website." Zhang Yang asked, just announced the name of a person, but there is no slight result, the same name There are a lot of people, and there doesn't seem to be the information you want.

"I'm looking for you to analyze it for me. The names of the dozen or so people are not complete. I only have the information of five people. If you accept the documents, I will pass on their information to you." Black Eagle said. Road.

  Zhang Yang did not refuse, he placed the document directly on ròujī and accepted it. The data is not large, only a few hundred kilobytes, and it was quickly transferred. After the transmission was completed, Zhang Yang left a sentence to Blackhawk: "I will read the data first, and I will find you after reading it." Copy these materials into one of your first-level ròujī, and then open it.

"William Damres, male, 32 years old, born in 1967, computer artificial intelligence expert, senior engineer of computer hardware, American, born in a family of ordinary workers in California. Since graduating from Harvard University, he has been studying computers at home for a long time, 1999 On February 12, 2003, he died of a fire in his home. Later, according to his neighbor, William had built a very advanced computer."

"Bauer Colt, male, 46 years old, Indian, born in 1950, senior engineer of computer hardware, senior engineer of computer software, senior engineer of microprocessor. He once served as the processor R&D project leader at IBM, 1996 On July 25, the gas in the house exploded and died."

  Zhang Yang looking at these materials is getting more and more shocked. The data of these few people in the Black Hawk hand are all experts in the field of computers, but they all have a common result, that is, accidental death! But judging from what I just said, it is that these people did not die at all!

   They are all alive, and since these people are not dead, then only one result is given to nòng. But it seems from the meaning of the words, these people seem to be fighting against them. But what Zhang Yang couldn't figure out is, is it really silly? Just send these out? You know, just when they were talking, it was not just them.

  Now that the Black Hawk knows it, then these people must know it too. Isn't it making you angry? something wrong! There is definitely a problem in it, Zhang Yang will soon be sure, there must be something wrong in it, in order to hide himself in his last life, he even spent five years invading the North American Air Defense Command to go to the information they need. Will it be so white with the ups and downs?

   Not to mention that the other party is a tight organization, even if they are confused, they are not taken into account, but the people in their organization cannot be taken into account by nobody, and no one can be reminded. smoke bomb! Zhang Yang soon thought of a word, what he said may not be all false, but absolutely not true, there must be news that they deliberately threw it out.

   After all, what Zhang Yang just thrown out is enough for them to pay attention to, especially for the root server, what do you want to throw out so many things?

   "Have you finished watching?" Black Eagle's voice rang in the sound.

   "Eh, after reading, what do you think?" Zhang Yang asked back.

   "I don't know for the time being, what do you think? What would you tell me?" Black Hawk didn't say anything, just asked. Zhang Yang scolded secretly, this old fox, Black Hawk would be a ghost if he didn't know, but Black Hawk obviously didn't want to say, wanted to see what Zhang Yang knew.

   The brain started to run crazy, and soon Zhang Yang made a decision. These things told Black Hawk to be nothing. After all, Black Hawk may have been analyzed. At the moment, Zhang Yang is not hesitating, and he has all the questions he just thought about, including the affairs of this organization. Zhang Yang did not hide this time, but Zhang Yang did not elaborate on the previous things, but said that he accidentally discovered ~www.mtlnovel .com~ After listening to this, the Black Hawk sighed, unlike a researcher. Originally Black Hawk was going to get some words out of his mouth, but now it seems undoubtedly delusional, and now he begins to doubt the age of this person. People can feel it, their thinking is very meticulous, and it gives people a sense of oldness, such a way of thinking is definitely not something a young man can think of.

   Black Hawk began to wonder if he was a middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s. After all, it makes sense to say that a master can be born outright, but it is impossible for a master to come out directly to this point. Is the technology high? In Blackhawk's view, it is not only high, it is almost as high as the Himalayas.

   If it is said that a master has never appeared before, and waited until the technique has been achieved, he jumped out suddenly and didn't believe it. Moreover, the Black Hawk has already thought of another possibility, that is, the master Zhang Yang is probably a smoke bomb thrown by this guy! Just as there was definitely misleading news in the news that was just thrown, I am afraid that it is also a person who is misleading all the mén of the intelligence department before they recognize this master Zhang Yang!

   Moreover, from the meaning of the words, Black Hawk also thought, maybe it is not Chinese! Even if his Chinese is very good, he can't hear any flaws! More importantly, just after obtaining the information of the people mentioned, Blackhawk recalled anything that happened on one side. It seems that these big events seem to have a mysterious hacker on the other side.

   If these mysterious hackers are organized in their mouths, then this guy's intentions are not simple!



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