The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 272: Something that makes thanatos crazy (middle)

Chapter 272 The thing that makes you crazy (Part 2)

  Chapter 272 Things that make you crazy (Part 2)

Killing Zhang Yang wouldn’t have happened. He just analyzed it casually and let the Black Eagle think so much, but if Zhang Yang knew that the Black Eagle could think so much, he wouldn’t know if he would be happy to die. There is a preconceived máo disease. Once a thing is determined, unless some abnormal level characters, otherwise it is difficult to turn around, the subconscious will always think with their own thinking.

   Both were thinking in Hu Siluàn, the atmosphere in the chat room suddenly became quiet. He thought that he had grasped some main things, and he began to analyze in this area. The more he analyzed, the more he felt that he was thinking right. After all, only in this way can he explain why he has caught up with this If, from the current perspective, it is a deeply hidden organization, and it is related to those who have already died, then maybe it is one of them!

Otherwise, it was the same reason he had just thought. There was no reason why the technology just appeared. It was as strong as this kind of person. When he first debuted, his technology was not as old-fashioned. It’s been four years, and it’s been more than four years. With the technological progress, Black Hawk can naturally feel it, but it has shown a stronger level since its appearance. So who was he before?

   If you say joining is one of the people in this group, it is only in this way that you can explain why it is so big. With this in mind, Black Hawk has a consideration in mind. No matter what, Black Hawk cannot want to find and find. Anyway, such talents will serve the National Security Bureau, as long as they are found by Guoan, if they don’t want to spend the rest of their lives in prison However, then there is only this choice.

It seems that there was a problem in the scope of his previous investigation. He said that he was Chinese, and he regarded him as Chinese. It seemed that he was too sincere. Even if he was Chinese, he might not be in the country, and he might not be a young man. .

"If you have any clues over there, please tell me these, or call my master directly. Matrix Safety has cooperated with me, you should understand that my master just opened the company, I might not let me The master manages the shares of Matrix Security on behalf of him." Zhang Yang saw that Black Eagle did not speak, and did not know what he was thinking. After a long while, Zhang Yang said.

But Zhang Yang did not expect that the Black Hawk had thought so much, and even attributed his id to one of the foreigners who had just announced. After he spoke this, the Black Hawk who was seriously thinking about the problem over there would bear it. Can't help but scold, old fox.

I was thinking about this problem just now, but I didn’t expect that this old cunning guy tried to direct his attention to that publicity, and let his attention be paid to his master, thus ignoring the id of the investigation itself. . Black Hawk has obtained the information gathered by his men. Anyway, this organization has existed for so many years, and it may be a very powerful organization, which has always been low-key. This is beyond doubt.

   But this time, it was crazy to toss such a big thing. Obviously, the data lost by their organization is probably a very important thing. And those who have the ability to steal things from these masters, except for those who are currently known as lunatics around the world, Black Hawk can't think of a second person.

   More importantly, according to the following data analysis, the place that broke out first this time was not the country, but the United States! At this point, I have to make the Black Hawk associate. The Black Hawk has already seen the strength of this organization. It is not worse, but it has tossed in the United States first. Why? Does it mean that in the United States?

Otherwise, judging from the attitude of talking, obviously hated. Then they should go to the country to find the first step. Why did they go to the United States? Is this proof that this group of people can’t find it there, But also sure that the location is in the United States? Only in this way can it be explained!

   "You can rest assured, I understand that if there is any clue, I will contact your master." The black eagle's head figured it out, his eyes were bright, and he quickly agreed to the conditions proposed.

   "Then I still have something to do, so I will leave first." Zhang Yang greeted him. He didn't know the idea of ​​the Black Eagle at all, so he simply quit the chat room. Zhang Yang didn't know that such a madness actually helped him a lot, and it was impossible for Guoan's eyes to return to Zhang Yang.

  Looking at leaving, Black Eagle stood up directly and said aloud: "Liu Dafei!"

   "Here!" A major immediately pushed mén in, "Leader."

"Give me all the hacking materials about the United States in our hands immediately, including those that died unexpectedly more than a decade ago or even decades ago. Remember, I want the most detailed, write another report and put it directly Going to the minister’s office, I asked for authorization to exchange information with him.” The Black Eagle thought for a moment and gave the order directly.

   "Yes!" The major gave the Black Hawk a surprised look, then directly saluted a military salute, and then turned around and quickly walked outside.

There is also cooperation between the Ministry of Information and Mén. Don’t think that the Ministry of Information is a dead enemy. In fact, the more frequent the cooperation between the enemy and the Ministry of Information, the more the number of cooperation between the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Information. The frequency is quite frequent.

Black Hawk is getting busy here, and Zhang Yang is staring at the screen on the computer. The long copy time above makes Zhang Yang feel a bit of a pain, but fortunately, Zhang Yang is much more comfortable than the disordered array. That's more than 8 times. After more than 8 hours, you will see what these things are.

Netease's official website homepage has returned to normal, it seems that their group has disappeared, Zhang Yang detected the virus released, but this virus has not disappeared, and is still in a crazy infection around the world. In this situation, Zhang Yang understood that I am afraid he has not given up on finding him.

  Because this incident happened in the morning in the country, the United States was in the middle of the night, and Europe was in the afternoon, so almost all people in the world are online at the moment. Although there are many people who know about NetEase's intrusion in China, they are limited to the country, but few people abroad know it.

   However, after Matrix safely forwarded the announcement issued by Star Group's official website, this matter was remarkable. The official website of Matrix Security is different from the Star Group. It has just been established, and no one pays attention to it. Matrix security is very hot in China because of the last thing, especially Matrix Security’s free policy, so that Matrix Security now has a daily number of users. Is rising at a terrifying rate.

  After Matrix released the evidence about the virus, the storm immediately spread to the whole world. As more and more security companies began to reprint this announcement, the virus was also known to everyone. These security companies do not want to reprint, but there is no way. First of all, their technology has no way to detect this virus, but someone in the same industry has issued a virus warning of this virus. If they do not release it, they will form a kind of Very bad impression.

   That is that this company does not take any responsibility, even if you cannot kill the virus, you don’t say to remind your own customers, so that customers can backup data, or cut off the network, etc., to avoid data loss. So these security companies can only choose to reprint. Fortunately, they are also very balanced. Although they are reprinting other people's virus warning security announcements, everyone is the same, and no one has killed this virus in advance.

This can kill the virus, but Zhang Yang cannot release the mother’s nest. If the mother’s nest is really released, Zhang Yang does not know what kind of result it will cause. There are still many abnormalities in this world. In case someone It is really a tragedy to study the virus that the mother nest can't kill based on the mother nest.

At about 12 noon, with the virus signature information released by Zhang Yang, soon, major security companies also updated their software to be able to detect this virus, but the detection was detected, they had no way Kill this virus. However, it has attracted all the attention on the Internet. Cnn in the United States, and other TV stations, media, newspapers, the European Times, the Sun and other media in various countries have adopted the emergency method to broadcast this virus. situation.

   Somewhat surprised Zhang Yang who was concerned about this matter. These TV stations and newspapers actually mentioned China's Star Group! After all, all the first virus warning announcements of these security companies are reproduced from China's Star Group's virus warning announcements. The first person to eat a crab is always the first person to taste delicious food. Starry Sky Group has undoubtedly become the first one. Zhang Yang's advertisement suddenly made Starry Sky Group famous all over the world.

The Star Group's information has also begun to appear on major media. Of course, the information that these media can find is the name, address, phone number, website, and time of company registration of the company. Oh, and the company's president. I can find it, but I don’t know anything about it.

And they can’t find Zhang Yang. Although Zhang Yang owns 90% of the Star Group’s shares, this one is confidential, and no one else can know it, even mén, such as the registration department of industry and commerce, doesn’t know it. At the time of the company, Li Keqing was registered as a wholly-owned legal person of the company, but later Zhang Yang became the largest shareholder of the Starry Sky Group, it was Li Keqing who wrote an equity transfer agreement.

  As long as two people do not disclose this agreement, in the eyes of the outside world, this company is Li Keqing. Zhang Yang eagerly withdrew his mother nests and firewalls on the ròujīs in the United States, but only cut off the connection outside the main body of the space agency and returned to the No. 1 and No. 2 satellites.

I don’t know what I’m looking for, but there is currently no movement. The space agency’s mainframe has its own defense mechanism. Although the defense means cannot temporarily defend against the virus, the space agency has no way to prevent this virus through hardware defense. Zhang Yang didn't worry about the way to invade the space agency's host.

In addition to the raging virus, other things are strange. Even the domestic hacker circle does not seem to become more active because of this virus, but Zhang Yang knows the reason. From there, Zhang Yang knows that it seems like the network security bureau of Guoan The operations are crazy, and in the United States, the nsa intelligence department mén is working together to find all the hackers related to this matter in their country.

   At this time, if there are hackers, it would be stupid. Although I don't know where the news came from, it should be related to them. Although Zhang Yang is confident in his technology, he dare not go out now, because although he can't find Zhang Yang, they can find out the abnormal server through the telecommunications and other servers in the United States.

  One million people can know the fact that they can access the Internet through the space agency Zhang Yangke will be tragic, and then these free satellites ròujī may not be sure

   is about to go wrong. Just in case, nothing happens at this moment anyway, Zhang Yang simply prepared to eat.

  Just wiped away all traces of himself, Zhang Yang's cell phone rang, picked it up and looked at it, it was Chen Xiaowei's phone, and Zhang Yang answered it directly. "Boss, I have invested in the five bodies you admire. I now regret that I chose the annual salary of 5 million." Zhang Yang did not expect that Chen Xiaowei came up with this sentence.

Chen Xiaowei's words made Zhang Yang happy: "This can't blame me, but when the company's scale grows to a certain extent, you, the CEO, are naturally indispensable, and your shares will be indispensable, ha." In fact, Chen Xiaowei's choice is understandable. After all, no one can think of what a company can develop in the beginning. Choosing 5 million is a common sense. At least at that time, 5 million was more than Zhang Yang’s second choice.

"I understand that when I called, I heard that the boss still has about 20 million in your hand. I need this money. We need to rent a lot of servers now. Now the matrix-safe servers are already unbearable because of the huge traffic. The burden is heavy, especially the set of servers leased to us has collapsed many times." Chen Xiaowei said directly.

"No problem, you give me the company's account, and I transfer the money to the company's account." Zhang Yang has no opinion. Anyway, after 70 million yuan was lost, Zhang Yang still has millions of dollars, which is enough for him. He There is no place for money.



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