The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 279: The men have risen (Chinese)

Chapter 279 The Masters Have Rise (Part 2)

Chapter 279 The Masters Have Rise (Part 2)

No wonder this Taekwondo instructor's tone is rushing, and it is a bit irritating to whom this matter is placed. ; It is really not easy to bear these teaching functions today. Who makes people a customer? If you can't live with your customers, you can't live with your salary. Everyone still has to eat.

It's just that the instructor is a little bit more angry, this little mm looks delicate and lovely, and also speaks softly and carefully, who knows that Ge is not at all delicate and cute, the instructor's words just exported, this mm immediately stared at him, rubbing I stood up from the ground and said, "What do you say? I don't want you to control it? If you don't care, the tone is so. What are you doing? Can you be patient? You can be patient with that person over there. I really don’t know what you said, but I don’t know how to work under your hands!"

At the exit of this mm, a few people around the same who were also students immediately feared that the world would not agree: "That is, that is, you will be arrogant with us and have the ability to find those two people, I am afraid to watch Dare you come to others, don't you dare?"

"You! You don't believe me, what do you come here to learn from? Dare? They look dangerous, but they are all uā fist embroidered." Although the instructor also knows, they shouldn't play tricks, nor uā? Fist embroiders, but as the saying goes, people fight for a breath, and Buddha fights for incense. It is impossible for this mouth to soften.

"Cut! It's not the men, the old lady doesn't learn anymore." This mm is so hot-tempered that he directly pointed at the instructor with a **** and turned and walked towards the mouth. The instructor's face immediately became very ugly, but he took a few deep breaths to hold back that he didn't get angry. After all, he just had something wrong. If the manager knows it, I'm afraid the deductions are all light.

In chapter 279, the lords have risen (in the middle). The fitness center has an independent broadcasting system on each floor, usually playing some light music, or informing the instructors or staff in the hall of something. Ruthless enough, he didn't leave directly. Instead, he walked to the front desk responsible for controlling the horn. He picked up the microphone and said, "md, the old lady is fed up. She came here to learn taekwondo and was angry. Who knows but found a group of eggless ones. , The instructor who teaches Taekwondo in this hall is neither of you, you can!"

The hot sound rang directly from the horn, even Zhang Yang, who was in a daze, was awakened directly. When he heard the mm in the horn, Zhang Yang sweated a bit. Although I don't know what it is, this mm is enough. Hot, dare to challenge all the instructors here.

Of course Zhang Yang didn't know that he was the cause of the matter. "Uh? What's the matter with the instructor?" After returning to God, Zhang Yang looked strangely at Li Yingjie next to him and asked, Li Yingjie had already got up from the ground, but Zhang Yang was just in a daze, and Li Yingjie did not bother him. Just let him think there.

Hearing Zhang Yang’s question, Li Yingjie smiled and said weirdly, “What’s going on? That’s what happened. Didn’t you say that you haven’t made any progress? See, this is progress! I can’t cover you. I didn’t expect that you are quite talented as a soldier. This progress is fast. Do you know why you feel no progress? I tell you, at first I wanted to let you down, so you can do it with both hands and feet, but Now I have to do my utmost to let you down without leaving any traces, a little careless, what you see is just the situation just now."

In fact, there is a word that Li Yingjie hasn’t said yet. Zhang Yang’s subconscious response didn’t even have time for him. Zhang Yang can now say that what he lacks is experience. Once Zhang Yang has the same fighting experience as him and the experience of fighting between life and death, he is definitely not Advocate opponent.

After training, everyone can become a master, but there are levels among the masters. The level between the masters is not compensated by the training. The emphasis is on talent and innate conditions. Some people's nerve response speed is fast , This is born, no one is wrong.

Moreover, the body of Zhang Yang is not bad at all, and although he is also in his prime, but years of fighting have made Li Yingjie a little tired.

"So I'm a master?" Zhang Yang asked, looking at his hands inconceivably, and then Li Yingjie.

"It's almost the same, but what you lack is fighting experience, or I will take you abroad to Africa, Afghanistan and the like? After I come back, I promise you are a master." Li Yingjie smiled and asked Zhang Yang. If they could have such a super computer expert in Zhang Yang earlier in their team, how many brothers could they sacrifice less in these years.

"Khan, forget it. Mars is too dangerous. I'll stay on the earth. Mars still needs your Martians to conquer." Zhang Yang felt a terrible cold, thinking of Zhao Fei's life like that, Zhang Yang felt terrified. Although he said that he had seen Zhao Fei killing them, for Zhang Yang, killing was still a very remote thing.

"However, instructor, did you lie to me? I'm really a master? Can I fight a group now?" Zhang Yang could not wait to ask.

"Well, although what you lack is actual combat experience, it should be okay, hey, now you have a chance to experience actual combat experience." Li Yingjie's eyes narrowed slightly, and happened to see the group behind Zhang Yang coming together Instructor and the manager in charge here.

"What chance? Do you want to fight me? Then I'm not an old loser." Zhang Yang said with a sad face.

"Of course not. Hey, you will know in a moment." Li Yingjie smiled strangely and said quickly. Feeling that Li Yingjie's eyes were different, Zhang Yang turned back quickly. Zhang Yang couldn't help but froze as soon as he turned around. Anyone who saw a large crowd of people coming around him might have this expression.

"I rely on, what do these people want to do? Fight in groups?" This situation is too scary. With the manager came over a dozen Taekwondo instructors, although there are two nv, but most of them are five big and three thick Strong men, and these people are followed by one or two hundred watching the lively students. Isn't this momentum great?

Zhang Yang screamed and quickly hid behind Li Yingjie: "Instructor, you are holding it, can you put dozens of them alone? It should be fine."

"Uh..." Zhang Yang's reaction made Li Yingjie a little cry, and stretched out his hand and dragged Zhang Yang's ear to drag him to the front. Zhang Yang honestly followed Li Yingjie's hand to him and stood helplessly: " Let’s let go of the teaching function? I’m not scared, I forgot that there is a master instructor around you."

Li Yingjie rolled his eyes, and the flattering was too obvious. "That, two gentlemen." The manager greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Why?" On this occasion, Li Yingjie has always been unconnected. Zhang Yang naturally took the topic. The scenes that Zhang Yang has seen recently are too large. They have seen everything with Tan Yudie, even the people of the National Security Bureau. After all, this kind of scene just made Zhang Yang just a little surprised. In fact, he was not afraid at all, and there was one next to him, what was he afraid of?

"It's like this, uh..." This manager is also a little speechless. If he says that he is dissatisfied with the next person, the manager can still suppress it, but this time the instructors are directly united, and there are one or two hundred followed. A number of customers asked themselves to give them an explanation, proving that these Taekwondo instructors are not parallels, this manager is also quite difficult, but when he came to Zhang Yang, he was unable to speak.

What do you tell this manager? People are customers, they don’t use any of the facilities in your fitness center, but they are practicing against their own. Are you still not convinced? Isn't this m all right to find something? But this doesn't mean there is no way. After all, there are a large group of customers behind him, but there are also quite a lot of energetic people in this group of customers.

The manager has made a decision in his heart, so he is afraid to refund the full amount of the publicity of the two of them, even if it is compensated, he must keep the latter group of customers. After all, there are still many customers behind.

Zhang Yang does not know what happened, but can Li Yingjie not know? Many years of battlefield careers have allowed Li Yingjie and them to develop subconscious habits. Everywhere they go, they must observe the surrounding environment, as well as the distribution of personnel, analysis of the situation, etc. These things are already like Zhang Yang training now. Like fighting, it becomes an instinctive reaction, and the subconscious will analyze it.

So don’t look at Li Yingjie has been teaching Zhang Yang to fight at this But his surroundings are clear, even the daily commuting time of these instructors and so on. So what is the situation of these students and instructors, even if Li Yingjie never asked, they know clearly.

As for Zhang Yang, he was stunned every day and suffered dizziness and dizziness. He had to suffer from dizziness and dizziness. No matter how Gu went to see what was happening around him, Zhang Yang had no idea what these instructors and managers were doing, but I feel a little inexplicable.

The manager's face is awkward. Anyway, it's because they are wrong. Now what do you ask him to say? It's because the manager has been so thick-skinned in the mall for so many years that he doesn't know how to speak for a while.

"I know what you mean." Zhang Yang is a little bit of a monk here, and Li Yingjie suddenly spoke.

"Ah, Mr. Li, you understand the best. I hope you can understand the difficulty of my job. I can make a full refund of your dues." The manager said with a happy face immediately. A! ! ! ;




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