The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 280: The men have risen (Last Part)

Chapter 280: The men have risen (Part 2)

Chapter 280: The men have risen (Part 2)

As soon as the manager's words came out, although Zhang Yang didn't understand the specific reason, he also knew what it meant. Zhang Yang just started to speak, Li Yingjie sneered and said: "I know what the reason is, you don't need to say, you let go, this matter has nothing to do with you, just like the nv kid just said, you group If it is brought, let's fight, if we lose, we won't appear in front of you in the future, if you lose, obediently leave me."

Li Yingjie's words left Zhang Yang dumbfounded, but Li Yingjie didn't expect to speak, but how shocking the speech was, but the 280th chapter masters rose up (below). His words made Zhang Yang take it seriously. nnd, I have money, so let’s go? By what. "We are not short of money, we want to let us go, come up with our own skills, and you can rest assured that if there is any problem, I will be responsible." Zhang Yang looked at the manager and said the same.

"This..." The manager was dumbfounded at once. He didn't expect that things would go in this direction. Will these two people be stupid? Although they are more powerful, they are all masters of Taekwondo, and there are 17 or 8 people. Are you two? If something goes wrong, he, who is a manager, can't walk around.

"Stop this one, you guys, if you are a man, just stand up, we are not afraid of the two of you, if you are afraid that if you are not a man, you can say that you are not good, and tell your nv friends by the way, We immediately turned our heads and left." Anyway, Li Yingjie was next to them. If there were more than two hundred people behind, the two of them would definitely not be able to fight, but for these dozen people, Zhang Yang was not worried at all.

Once, Zhao Fei personally demonstrated what the 280th chapter masters got up (below) to make a pick a group, what is called a wolf into the flock, most people are floating clouds. Zhang Yang pretends to be here, but Li Yingjie looks at Zhang Yang with a strange face, okay, his little apprentice is more provocative than the kung fu cow under his hand. Can a man say no?

Especially when there are more than two hundred people watching next to me, can it be said no? "Okay! Well said, instructors, if you are not soft eggs, prove to them two, we cheer for you!" These Taekwondo instructors were not angry before the group of students immediately started excitedly Coax.

With the lead, the remaining two hundred people immediately began to applaud, and now the faces of these instructors can no longer be described as ugly. "What do you pretend to pretend to be? Come on, who is afraid of who, which of you two will go first?" These instructors, except for two or three or thirty years, the other ages are twenty-seven or eighty years old. It was the age of Fang Gang, Zhang Yang said so. If he really stepped back, it would be a shame.

"It's not bad, just like your group of people, you're of average strength, but your temper is not small, and I won't do it. Just my little apprentice will follow you with it." Li Yingjie said with a grin and a smile.

"What?! Instructor, you can't play like this." Zhang Yangmeng screamed screamingly. I went there and didn't take this kind of play. But this is a dozen people, just let me shoot alone? Wasn't it beaten to death?

Li Yingjie stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. He originally thought that even if he said it himself, Zhang Yang would lose or not lose, even if he catches the duck, he will stick his head on the rack. Who knows, this guy doesn't know anything at all. Is it called losing, not losing?

Nonsense, of course I know, but I know I’m a fool who is going to be beaten up. If there’s no one around, it’s not a fool, but I’m going to be beaten up by myself. Sadistic.

"Wow", the group of instructors was happy, and the group of students behind immediately started to coax: "I said that the handsome guy can't do it? Just bragging is very arrogant, how did it impoverish before the battle?"

"That's right, didn't you just despise others? Isn't it your turn to stop it?" Countless boos immediately rang, and the faces of the group of instructors immediately became beautiful, boos from more than 200 people The sound was still terrible, especially when booing opponents, the group of instructors immediately slammed into the blood, but they still persevered without provoking provocation.

Otherwise, even if they win, they may be the last ones to be unlucky. Anyway, the trainees behind are provoking, and this group of instructors is satisfied.

The boos of more than two hundred people are still very bullish. Zhang Yang suddenly admired those who played football, and he often faced the boos of tens of thousands of people. I don’t know how they could hold back. It seems that the football players are all cattle. what. Especially the domestic gang, not only in the face of boos, but also in the face of swearing, can withstand it. It can be compared with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

However, Zhang Yang was not moved at all. Isn't it just the boos of more than 200 people? The uncle still can't bear it, or is his face important, just in case it's broken, what's the matter?

"Are you a man?" To be honest, Li Yingjie also admired his little brother and died. He was able to face the cynicism of more than 200 people without changing his heart, which also required quite a calm and hard work. , I don’t see it. The calmness of this animal is so talented.

However, he stabilized his emotions and forced himself to not laugh on the spot, Li Yingjie asked with a serious face.

"Yes!" Zhang Yang immediately lost his head, and honestly agreed. We don’t care about anything, but it’s about our reputation, but Qing Qing hasn’t eaten it. How can he curse himself for not being a man? Zhang Yang can only honestly agree.

"It's a man who goes up on his own, but did you just provoke others? I just said it's a good deal. It doesn't matter if you go up and hurt yourself. We are responsible for it. So many people testify that it's none of your business." Li Yingjie turned directly The group said.

"You ruthless!" Zhang Yang screamed depressively, and then turned his head directly to the ring on the other side of the hall. There were two rings in one hall, which were just used for dry racking. Anyway, this group of instructors could not Slam it up? Zhang Yang thought while running.

Seeing Zhang Yang's movements, Li Yingjie immediately snickered. This guy was not stupid. He actually knew how to use the ring. If he was doing the racks below, he would not be able to report whether they would be in groups. At first glance, there was a lot of excitement, and everyone in the whole hall immediately slammed and followed Zhang Yang to the ring.

Soon everyone closed the ring and the water was unable to escape. Zhang Yang was already standing in the corner of the ring. "What's the matter?" Zhang Yanggang, who was standing above the ring, was about to speak. A sudden voice rang loudly, and looked down the voice. It was an unusually capable young man in his thirties, looking at it anyway. If you don’t come out of age, it’s probably that age.

As soon as the nv man opened his mouth, the hall immediately became quiet, and the middle-aged manager immediately sweated away: "That, the president, this is the case." At this moment, the manager said something very fair and fair. Once again, with so many people watching, he wouldn’t want to lean on either side.

After talking, the nv face looked strangely at Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie, and finally gave a nonchalant hum. Already standing on the ring, Zhang Yang also got rid of it, and he also wanted to see if he had become a master high master as Li Yingjie said!

Zhang Yang made a decision and immediately said aloud: "Nonsense, don't talk about it, a dozen of you, are you guys, are you guys come up quickly. Anyway, it's not good to listen to anyone, listen to a lady. Hurry."

Everyone in the hall was covered with black lines, especially when many comrades almost stood up to yell for publicity. What happened to the ladies? The nv person was not angry, but instead smiled a little, looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, and saw the sight of the dozen instructors all focused on her face. The nv person smiled slightly and said, "This is Your own affairs, you are determined. Although I am the boss, I cannot deprive you of your dignity."

by! Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. The girl was ruthless enough, but Zhang Yang couldn't think about it anymore. The first Taekwondo instructor jumped excitedly onto the ring. If it is Li Ying's outstanding hand, their group may be scrupulous. After all, Li Yingjie's performance in these dozens of days is also seen by these people. Although they say that they are different from their Taekwondo, but fighting this thing, most of the same things go the same way. There is always more or less eyesight.

But if it is changed to Zhang they are not afraid, but this group of instructors have not forgotten. Although they are angry for more than half a month, they have a lot of sympathy for this. A hundred times young people, where this is training, it is simply abused, and even without a cushion, it is really abused.

If it wasn’t for Zhang Yang’s performance to be normal, they all thought that Zhang Yang was sick. After all, in the eyes of normal people, I’m afraid that no one would be alive and dead, and being beaten crazy for more than half a month, right?

Therefore, when I heard that Li Yingjie said that he was not up, when Zhang Yang went up, these instructors were immediately excited. Although they usually fell on the students, but how dare they actually fell down, now there is a Xiaoqiang who came up to look for abuse, they There is a ghost if you are not excited.

Zhang Yang naturally didn't know the sloppy psychology of these guys. At this moment, Zhang Yang has been fully absorbed into the state, and he is really asking for advice from Li Yingjie, which is normal, but with this group of people, Zhang Yang does not want to be like Li Yingjie, and, just now It's also very bullish to provoke others. If you lose too ugly, it would be too tragic. A! ! ! ;




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