The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 281: Real men without sleeves (Part 1)

Chapter 281 A Real Man Without a Sleeve (Part 1)

Chapter 281 A Real Man Without a Sleeve (Part 1)

"Do you need to bring your gloves?" The Taekwondo instructor hesitated and asked the manager and the president below. There are also frequent discussions on the ring, so protective clothing, helmets, and gloves are necessary. But what happened. Without waiting for the following manager and Li Yingjie to answer, Zhang Yang has already spoken: "True man, no jacket, whoever wears the jacket is not a man."

With a bang, the crowd watching the crowd directly planted dozens of them. This young man is good enough. "That's it! Show us without a sleeve..." A group of nv students on the other side immediately shouted, don't think that nv chapter 281, a real man without a sleeve (on), people will not play rogues , Nv people gathered together, playing hooligans absolutely shame many **** men.

Zhang Yang also has some waterfall sweat. Just when he said that, he actually wanted to ridicule the buddy opposite him. Who knows, the other party did not succeed in fooling, but instead was fooled by a group of nv people below. On the other hand, the Taekwondo instructor saw that everyone said this, and he was not hesitating. He immediately joined together and bent over to salute Zhang Yang: "Please give me more advice." Taekwondo's interests are very particular, so even if Zhang Yang is full of anger, this The instructor is also very polite.

"Wait!" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and shouted quickly after watching the instructor pose.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to fight?" The opposite Taekwondo instructor glanced at Zhang Yang and asked Shen Sheng. Of course it's impossible. They are all standing on top of it. How could it not be beaten, but Zhang Yang suddenly remembered a text he learned in elementary school, saying that the enemy's offenses are all about being vigorous, then declining and exhausting.

Fearing that he wouldn't be able to fight, Zhang Yang played a little trick and immediately said quickly: "Of course not, but I think this dress is too obstructive." Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie usually train when they don't have a jacket (Part 1) Waiting, naturally wearing white Taekwondo clothes is very loose, it is very convenient to practice boxing, but if you really want to fight, it is really a hindrance, at least Zhang Yang thinks so.

After talking, Zhang Yang quickly removed his upper body clothes. The large hall has air conditioning, so it is not cold. After Zhang Yang took off his clothes, his upper body immediately went into the air. The screams of several little girls came immediately below. In less than two months, Zhang Yang’s figure has changed greatly. I don’t know whether it is the effect of Li Yingjie’s acupuncture or the training method. Muscles are different from ordinary, unusually strong mass muscles.

If you put on your clothes, you can't see how strong Zhang Yang is, but after taking off, you will find that the muscles on Zhang Yang's body are strips with strong lines. Muscles like this are not only more beautiful. The explosive power and strength are more powerful and efficient than those of bulk muscles such as bodybuilders.

Especially on the two arms, the outer strip muscles look quite strong. Even the abdomen can vaguely see the presence of the abdominal muscles. Zhang Yang is quite satisfied with this body muscle. This may be less than two months ago The only achievement that Zhang Yang can see, but still not comparable to Li Yingjie.

If Li Yingjie takes off his clothes, it is estimated that everyone present must take a breath. Zhang Yang has seen that Li Yingjie’s upper body has almost no scars covered with scars, plus the shocking muscles as long as he is not an idiot. Li Yingjie is not easy to mess with.

"Okay, let's get started. Please advise." After taking off his clothes, Zhang Yang bare his upper body and learned the instructor bowed. Anyway, it's not a fight between life and death. It's a bit polite.

"Please advise more." The Taekwondo instructor saw Zhang Yang bowed and could only salute Zhang Yang again.

"Wait." Zhang Yang shouted again when he saw the instructor lifted his body.

"Fuck! Fuck! I can't fight!" The person on the other side hadn't said anything, and the audience below didn't let it go. "What do you shout, we are a game, do you understand the game? It's not for you to show it. I want to watch the free performance. One person pays 100 yuan for the money." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said nothing. , Directly roared back.

Li Yingjie, standing in the direction behind Zhang Yang, had a strange look on his face, okay, this kid was dangerous. Li Yingjie naturally saw what Zhang Yang wanted to do. The momentum is very important in the battle. A martyr had not said that when the narrow road meets the brave, the emphasis is on the momentum. When the Taekwondo instructor just jumped up, because he desperately wanted to hit Zhang Yang, plus people were very Excited, so the momentum has almost reached the apex. On the other hand, to advertise yourself, because you do not have an intuitive understanding of your strength, it is inevitable that you will have a lack of confidence.

After two or three of his interruptions, the momentum on the opposite Taekwondo instructor was much weaker, and his emotions were a little irritable.

"What's the matter with you?" the instructor asked helplessly.

"It's like this, I think this dress is a bit of a hindrance, should you be similar? Or should you take it off?" Zhang Yang gave me a good expression for you. In the eyes of this instructor, Zhang Yang's expression is a beating expression.

"No, we usually train like this. You can rest assured that if I lose, I will never make any excuses. Let's get started." The instructor was impatient and quickly posed himself.

"Oh, okay." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders and then bowed formally: "Please advise."

The instructor was speechless for a while, but he could not say anything. He could only take back his own nature, and then bowed to Zhang Yang and said, "Please give me more advice." Without any posture, he shouted directly and rushed towards Zhang Yangmeng, the ring was so big, the two were not far away, the instructor stepped one step, then left to the ground, and a very simple roundabout kick Kicked to Zhang Yang.

"Fuck, you sneak attack." Zhang Yang screamed. Although his brain didn't respond for a while, the movements under his hand were not slow at all, and his upper body leaned back directly. It turned almost ninety degrees backwards, letting the opponent's swift roundabout kick.

Seeing that Zhang Yang had let his attack off, the instructor was ruthless enough, almost immediately followed by a side kick. A dull voice of "Bang" sounded, Zhang Yang's body just bounced, and the preparation was not enough. The opponent's foot kicked directly on Zhang Yang's iōng mouth.

After two steps back, the long-term Zamabu's achievements made Zhang Yang's lower plate extremely stable. A wrong right foot directly stabilized his body and shook his arm. Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the instructor did not. Taking advantage of the opportunity to attack, the first round of attack was just a temptation, but this temptation caused many instructors below to start moving, and Zhang Yang directly took the trick. Can they not be excited? It is estimated that Zhang Yang will not even use the second person.

However, they did not know Zhang Yang's thoughts at this moment, only Li Yingjie's face standing behind Zhang Yang had a non-existent smile. Looking at the instructor on the opposite side, Zhang Yang quickly compared him with Li Yingjie in his mind. After the comparison, there was only one result, which was incomparable. The speed is not as fast as Li Yingjie, the power is not as great as Li Yingjie, the angle is not tricky by Li Yingjie, and each attack does not know how to hide the coordinated movements of his body.

Although it is a Taekwondo black belt, it is clear that this fitness is more than fighting skills, and Li Yingjie they are under the threat of death. Although Li Yingjie didn't teach Zhang Yang's fighting skills, he taught Zhang Yang a lot of techniques to hide his own coordinated movements, even the fragile parts of the body. These are all killing tricks.

"Wait, I suddenly remembered something." Zhang Yang shouted quickly.

"Are you going to fight?" The instructor was completely upset.

"Fight! But I won't say this, I won't fight, I just said, I was injured, I am responsible, but what if you are injured?" Zhang Yang asked aloud.

"Since it is a game, we are all mentally prepared for any results." The instructor said impatiently.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Yang asked quickly, he had just thought of a very serious question, what he learned from Li Yingjie, it is no exaggeration to say that the hands are all dead hands, even if Zhang Yang is not deadly. Critical attack, but unloading an arm and breaking a uǐ and so on is something that may be wrong, Wan said in advance and then said.

"If they are injured, our company will help out with all the medical expenses, and there will be compensation ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 according to the injury." An abruptly good nv sound suddenly sounded, and Zhang Yang did not stand in the stands, and he knew it by listening to the sound. That president said.

"Okay, then I'm fine, let's continue." Zhang Yang's eyes did not leave the other party, he said loudly immediately. As soon as Zhang Yang's voice fell, he directly rushed at the Taekwondo instructor. The instructor was obviously impatient. When Zhang Yang's voice fell, he also rushed to Zhang Yang. He originally planned to attack with uǐ again.

But without waiting for his uǐ to lift up, Zhang Yang's tremendous movement made him directly startled, and immediately stopped his posture, his hands quickly blocked the fist attacked by Zhang Yang. At the same time, his left fist also slammed into Zhang Yang's head.

I don’t look at who Zhang Yang played with during this time. No matter how fast Zhang Yang moves, Li Yingjie can easily block it. Zhang Yang didn’t even realize what his movement reached during this time, but the surrounding The audience saw it clearly. Zhang Yang's movements were much faster than that of the instructor.

Zhang Yang leaned slightly on the side, and suddenly let go of his fist, and at the same time, his right hand turned straight up and retracted, turning the fist into a grab, directly grabbing his left fist wrist, and then violently blocking his fist with his shoulder In the right hand, Zhang Yang's left hand directly hit his abdomen sideways.

"Bang" a dull voice, Zhang Yang's arm directly hit his abdomen, this instructor subconsciously arched his body, Li Yingjie's creed to Zhang Yang is to kill him while he is sick, Zhang Yang naturally inherits all, catch With the right hand of his arm, he shoved his body down, and then the raised elbow slammed onto the instructor's back.

A "bang" sound, accompanied by a painful cry from the instructor, he "cracked" on the ground in front of Zhang Yang. The great strength, plus the impact on the iōng mouth, made him a little bit Closed breath, temporarily no power to fight back. Zhang Yang did not continue to start, but quickly backed away a few steps, with joy in his eyes, shouting arrogantly: "Next!"

With a "wow", the audience under the stage suddenly recovered and made a loud noise. The four segments of a black belt were simply downright neglected? I'm used to watching those Taekwondo matches on TV. It's okay for the two sides to drop a few times. The result of this kind of neatness makes them unacceptable.

They think that this instructor is too fragile, so they lose their fighting power? Countless boos immediately rang, and the instructor on the stage could naturally hear it, but he couldn't say it bitterly, it seemed that Zhang Yang only attacked him twice, but the great power and the location of the other party's attack made At this moment, the internal organs of his body were still a little painful, and his body was so painful that he couldn't get up on his own for a while.

But the remaining instructors froze for a moment, and immediately jumped up a few people. Several people carried the instructor down with seven hands and feet, while the other stood across from Zhang Yang and said, "I'm coming!" "In the eyes of these instructors, the Taekwondo instructor who was just placed was simply ignoring the enemy. At first, he still had the upper hand.

The ring was quickly emptied, and the manager had invited the doctor of the fitness center under the direction of the nv person. Such a large fitness center naturally has its own specially equipped medical room and doctor.

"Zhang Lei, please advise." The new instructor also bowed and said Ha ha, we are a surname, my name is Zhang Yang, please advise, but there is a sentence to explain clearly, if there are any consequences conceited. Zhang Yang smiled and said, defeating an instructor, Zhang Yang's confidence is bursting! In Zhang Yang's view, these instructors are basically paper tigers, compared to Li Yingjie's terrifying counterattack, it is basically a cloud of clouds.

When I just launched my last elbow, I shifted a little to the side. If not, according to Li Yingjie, that place is a nerve plexus. The powerful attack is not only painful but also breathtaking. Ten seconds, or even passed directly because of hypoxia. Zhang Yang tried the taste in person, but he couldn't breath with his mouth open, and Zhang Yang almost fainted.

"I know!" This Zhang Lei simply, nodded calmly, without a word, slammed directly, and then attacked Zhang Yang directly.

What kind of sickness, howl do you come up with? Zhang Yang whispered in his heart, but he also rushed up. A! ! ! ;




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