The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 287: Don't bully the poor (Part 1)

Chapter 287 Don’t Bully the Young Poor (Part 1)

Chapter 287 Don’t Bully the Young Poor (Part 1)

"Okay, the old man is fine." Zhang Yang first dismissed the topic. "Well, thank you guys for today's affairs, it's just that...introduce yourself, my name is Lin Nuoxue." nv kid paused, then smiled and made a self-introduction, and then stretched out his little white hand. It's just that her hand extended to Li Keqing.

"My name is Li Keqing." Ke Qing paused, and stretched out her hand and shook her. At this moment, Zhang Yang remembered that there was one more thing that had not been dealt with. There might be two strangers in the world who look exactly the same. ? But the matter in front of me has to make people believe that Li Keqing is definitely the only child nv. This is beyond doubt in Chapter 287. Do not lie to the young and poor (on), and Li Shufang has never been remarried and cannot be reborn. This…….

"You..." Lin Nuoxue took you for a while, and then froze directly, not knowing how to continue, Li Keqing also opened her mouth, and at the same time did not know how to speak, they were also full of Tan Yudie Weird, after a Christmas, a strange twin appeared, which is too weird.

"Well, was that your father and mother just now? If they were there, it would be clear if you asked." Zhang Yang paused for a moment, or offered a small or big suggestion. Anyway, Lin Nuoxue's parents Here, just check with her parents to know what happened.

However, Zhang Yang feels that there are many coincidences. Li Keqing is the only child nv. Lin Nuoxue's family is so good. Even if it is not the only child nv, the children born in that year cannot be left outside. Besides, Li Keqing is not a southerner. The difference between them is too far. Too. "Oh yeah, you wait." Lin Nuoxue froze for a moment, then remembered suddenly, nodded quickly.

Li Keqing grabbed Zhang Yang's hand and clenched it unconsciously. Zhang Yang looked back at Chapter 287 Mo Mo Young Poor (Part 1). He saw that Li Keqing's face was full of tension and a trace of fear. Zhang Yang tapped his forehead directly, didn't he just look similar? Confirming what confirmation, thinking of Li Keqing's family environment, Zhang Yang scolded him damn, but Ke Qing was not afraid to blame it. After all, he didn't have a dad, could he not be nervous when he encountered this kind of thing?

But Zhang Yang knew the result vaguely in his heart. Li Shufang once told him that Li Keqing's father was Li Jianguo, and the nv child was Lin. Before Lin Nuoxue asked her parents to settle the old man, her parents came down from the car and walked over to this side. They should have come to thank them in person.

When they came over, Zhang Yang had been observing the couple. From this, Zhang Yang knew that Lin Nuoxue was probably following her mother. The middle-aged lady was almost similar to Lin Nuoxue. . "Hello! You..." The middle-aged couple came over, the man just greeted with a smile, and then saw Li Keqing standing beside Zhang Yang, and then he was stunned.

At this time, the middle-aged lady who followed him also saw Li Keqing. The two of them were like petrified magic, and they stayed on the spot directly. They followed the couple of bodyguards like the secretary behind the couple. è Obviously seeing this too, everyone's face is a **** expression.

It took a long time for the couple to recover, and looked directly at their nv children. Lin Nuoxue was standing beside them. The two of them couldn't help but glance back and forth on Lin Nuoxue and Li Keqing. It took a long time for this middle-aged couple to glance at each other. The middle-aged lady directly said, "This... this girl, what is your name?"

"My name is Li Keqing." Li Keqing replied in a low voice and shrank involuntarily toward Zhang Yang's side. In Zhang Yang's mind, he was constantly turning various thoughts.

"You... where is your family? You and our family look very similar to Xueer. If it weren't for me, there would be only one nv. I thought I had a pair of twins." The woman said with a surprised smile.

Zhang Yang has been paying attention to their expressions. From the beginning to the end, the couple's faces have no second expression except for surprise. They all say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Zhang Yang has been staring at Lin Nuoxue's mother's eyes. To the end of her eyes, and her husband's eyes were only surprised, there is no second look, it is clear that there is no hidden emotion.

"Yeah, if it didn't happen by coincidence today, we can't believe that there are strangers who look similar in the world." Tan Yudie and several of their nv children also said excitedly. At this time, Lin Nuo Xue's parents only discovered the nv children around Zhang Yang. After seeing Tan Yudie's appearance, Lin Nuoxue's parents' eyes focused on Zhang Yang's body involuntarily.

Seen by them, Zhang Yang couldn't help but touch his nose, nnd, it seems too windy, no way, who can make himself too bluff, with six super beautiful nvs for Christmas, only I am a man, I am afraid this is the only one? Especially these nv children are also good in temperament, appearance, figure, etc., especially the temperament. Lin Nuoxue’s parents are naturally not ordinary people. You can know these nv children by looking at the temperament of these nv children. They are all excellent nv students who pick one out of ten, and such nv students can be led out by a boy.

This... Lin Nuoxue's parents' eyes were a little weird, while Zhang Yang's eyes stayed on Lin Nuoxue's mother's face, and a thought suddenly appeared in Zhang Yang's mind. After thinking of this thought, Zhang Yang I couldn't help asking: "Auntie... are you an orphan?" Zhang Yang's question was very abrupt, but Lin Nuoxue's parents were stunned for a moment, and then there was a trace of surprise in her mother's eyes. look.

"Why are you asking this? I'm not an orphan." Lin Nuoxue's mother said strangely.

Zhang Yang weirdly pulled Li Keqing's hand and said, "Ke Qing, look at this aunt, does it look like your mother?" Zhang Yang didn't see it just now, but he kept staring at Lin Nuoxue's parents. Looking at Zhang Yang, the more I feel that Lin Nuoxue's mother and Li Keqing's mother are more and more similar.

Li Keqing’s mother spent most of her life to raise Li Keqing’s face, and the heavy traces of her face have naturally been unable to compare with the woman in front of her, but as long as you look carefully, do not look at wrinkles, hair and the like, you can It was found that the eyebrows and noses were unusually similar, even more similar than Lin Nuoxue and Li Keqing.

"Huh, you say... it seems that the more you look, the more younger you are than my mother." Li Keqing looked carefully before speaking quietly. Li Keqing's words made Lin Nuoxue's parents look at each other. Long time Lin Nuoxue's mother suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked quickly: "Ke Qing, your mother's surname is Li?"

"Well, I grew up with my mother's surname." Li Keqing nodded.

"My name is Li Shuqin, what is your mother's name?" Lin Nuoxue's mother asked impatiently. As soon as her words were spoken, Zhang Yang knew that he was completely right. The problem was not Lin Nuoxue and Li Keqing, but Lin Nuoxue's mother and Li Keqing's mother, Li Shufang once said that Li Keqing and her were like they were carved in a mold when they were young. When they first saw Lin Nuoxue and her mother, they had similar points. And, more importantly, Li Shufang once said that she was an orphan since childhood.

The reason why Zhang Yang did not respond at the time was because Li Shufang was working for a lifetime now, and his appearance was very different from that of Li Shuqin, so Zhang Yang did not react at that time.

Li Keqing also understood, looked up at Zhang Yang, and after seeing Zhang Yang's positive gaze, Li Keqing said, "My mother's name is Li Shufang."

"Gosh!" Lin Nuoxue's mother Li Shuqin exclaimed directly, covering her mouth. The people around were not stupid. Li Shuqin's reaction made them all understand what was going on.

"I... I remembered it, grandma's cabinet..." Lin Nuoxue suddenly seemed to remember something, and also exclaimed suddenly, and then quickly lowered his voice and said, but he was only half said. Her mother interrupted.

"Ke Qing, can you take your aunt to meet your mother?" Li Shuqin asked eagerly.

"This...may be just, just." Li Keqing hesitated, then looked at Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang hesitated and said: "Auntie, so, shall we call first?" Li Shuqin thought for a while. Then he nodded and said yes, but the middle-aged man kept frowning and said nothing, because Zhang Yang had been talking to Li Shuqin, and he didn't see the expression of this middle-aged man.

Leaving them there, Zhang Yang, Li Keqing and others immediately walked a few steps away. Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and was just about to make a call. Tan Yudie next to him suddenly stretched out and pulled Zhang Yang's sleeve. "What's wrong?" Zhang Yang looked back strangely at Tan Yudie.

"Their home is not easy, you have to pay more attention to this matter." Tan Yudie paused before speaking.

"Well? What do you mean? I know their family is not simple, but we have nothing to be conspired by others." Zhang Yang said strangely.

Tan Yudie couldn’t help crying, and Chen Xiaowei next to him said, "Yudie doesn’t mean that we were conspired by others. Don’t you think that today’s things are too coincidental? Even we all feel too coincidental, they naturally think so. And people’s status is not simple, they will think that all this is arranged by us. In modern society, cosmetic surgery technology is so developed. If you are a caring person, it is not difficult to arrange all this."

Tan Yudie didn't say anything. Obviously Chen Xiaowei meant what she meant. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, but he didn't think about it, but it was indeed possible to think about it carefully. "The two of you may have just failed to notice, but I noticed that the middle-aged man's expression is not as happy as his wife's, and if I admit it correctly, this middle-aged man should be the air force commander of the nj military region, Lin Congjun! "" Tan Yudie added.

"Uh..." Zhang Yang choked, and he reacted suddenly with another thing: "So..." Tan Yudie shrugged: "You guessed it, the old man is probably not easy, even Not at the level of the founding fathers, but definitely the general who came from that era."

Zhang Yang pours a sigh of relief. Generals who can come from that era can be said without exaggeration. The influence in the army is unquestionable. Even if the elderly are suffering from Alzheimer's disease, this influence will not weaken until When the elderly go, this influence will slowly subside. But his son is now the commander of the Air Force, and is a lieutenant general. I am afraid that the forces in his family will not be so small.

No wonder this middle-aged couple will be followed by so many people, "How do you know Yudie?" Ouyang Xin couldn't help but ask, Chen Xiaowei was also curious on their faces, Tan Yudie smiled bitterly: "You forget What did my dad do? Although it is said that the military and the government are separated, do you think it can be divided? It is better for me to remember from a young age. I encountered it by chance."

"Then what do you mean? No matter what they think, if this is true, I think the aunt should really want to see her parents." Zhang Yang hesitated, it was normal for people to think so, but Li Shufang was already forty More, and then drag on, God knows whether she can see her parents.

"Wait a minute." Tan Yudie shrugged her shoulders and then turned her mouth to the other side. Yang Yang and they looked in the direction of Tan Yudie's mouth. They immediately found that Li Shuqin was arguing with the middle-aged man. All said blushing and thick neck. Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. It seemed that Tan Yudie guessed right.

After a few minutes, the middle-aged man walked directly to this side, and Li Shuqin and Lin Nuoxue followed him quickly and walked over to this side. Those behind him should be guards. People of this kind are scattered around without leaving traces, and begin to isolate the crowd.

"Young man, thank you for today's affairs." Lin Congjun came over and stared at Zhang Yang with a faint opening. Zhang Yang had some feelings for the family, but after this, the feelings in Zhang Yang's heart faded away immediately, especially It is even more disliked to Lin Congjun.

"No need to thank, respecting the elderly and caring for the young are the virtues of the Chinese nation." Zhang Yang nodded indifferently. The nv standing behind Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Yang's face with some inexplicable At this age, even if he knew that the other party was a lieutenant, he could not be frightened, and the wind was light. Yun Dan, I am afraid that few young people can do this.

"Today is too late, and the time is too suitable. We will talk about things just now. What do you think?" Lin Congjun said in a deep voice. It is estimated that after going back, I am afraid to investigate Zhang Yang's identity.

Looking at Li Shuqin next to Lin Congjun, her eyes were a little red, and she looked at Zhang Yang's words again, and apparently she had just been persuaded by Lin Congjun.

"I'm afraid we don't need to talk anymore. We have no intention of climbing high. Mr. Lin, you can go. We still have Christmas." Since everyone began to doubt, Zhang Yang was too lazy to warm his face and stick to the cold. After all, it was a matter of decades. Even if Li Shufang encountered this by herself, it would be unknown whether they would see them. For decades, they had no feelings and looked like strangers. Even after seeing them again, their feelings were weak.

"Looks like you know my identity?" Lin Congjun sneered and asked if he had any direction. A! ! ! ;




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