The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 288: Don't bully the poor (Part 2)

Chapter 288 Don’t Bully the Young Poor (Part 2)

Chapter 288 Don’t Bully the Young Poor (Part 2)

"You don't need to know your identity, just look at the car you drive and you will know that your family is definitely a big family? Just don't know how the money came from." Zhang Yang sneered and sneered, as if Zhang Yang didn't say anything. , But listening to Lin Congjun's ears changed the taste.

He is a lieutenant general, but what does Zhang Yang mean by that? Doesn’t that mean he took a bribe? The nv standing behind Zhang Yang couldn't help but laugh bitterly. The grandfather in front of him is really a cow. What I said, don't say that the other party is a lieutenant general, even an ordinary official may not be able to bear it. .

Even if there are some problems with the unspoken rules of Chapter 288 Don’t Bully the Young Poor (Part 2), everyone understands things, but you can’t open your mind. Aren't you cheating with Luǒluǒ? And ōu's face is still a lieutenant general. "You! Do you know that you dare to speak this way in front of me is the first one! If it is not for your help to my father, I want you to look good today." Lin Congjun still suppressed the fire. .

"Thanks, I helped an obsessed old man, not you. Also, the power seems to be given to you by our people. Could it be used by you to bully the people? I will see today how you want me to look good? This square There are so many people, let everyone comment on it." Zhang Yang glanced at him lightly and said, Zhang Yang has already turned on the recording function of his mobile phone. If Lin Congjun dares him today, Zhang Yang dares to put this thing online. , Political fǔ can be a river crab, but the river crab can not be a crab, this is an unknown.

"You!" Lin Congjun pointed to Zhang Yang, but he still didn't dare to take Zhang Yang's words. At his point, if he said the wrong thing, there might be a big problem. Lin Congjun is not stupid, but how angry is this heart Can't hold it down, for a long time, Lin Congjun took a deep breath and said that Chapter 288 shouldn't bully the young and poor (Part 2): "I don't know what you use to say this, young man, I advise you, It’s better to be humble. Do you believe me or make a phone call? All your information can be put into my hands within an hour? Including what backstage do you have? I advise you that some people are not something you can mess with ."

If you change someone, Lin Congjun would not be able to make such a big fire. After all, he is a lieutenant, even at this point of the city, and is in conflict with a young man, letting others know that he has to laugh his teeth, but Zhang Yang is too poisonous to speak After a while, Zhang Yang’s mouth, the dead can be alive. If Zhang Yang directly stabbed Lin Congjun, he would not be as real as a young man, not to mention that the other party helped his father, Maybe it could be the junior of his wife and sister.

Lin Congjun is considered a military representative of the young and strong, and he has been hot since he was a child. He usually has no sand in his eyes. Zhang Yang satirized him for taking bribes, and Lin Congjun is not angry until he is a ghost.

After listening to Lin Congjun's words, Zhang Yang smiled immediately. To be honest, if it wasn't Li Keqing's mother, Zhang Yang didn't even bother to produce any jiāji with them, but Lin Congjun didn't figure out the truth and began to doubt things. Let Zhang Yang be a little hot, you think we are approaching your home, we are not bothered to approach your home yet.

"Do you believe it or not, I make a phone call, at most half an hour, I will know all your information? Including your family?" Zhang Yang sneered.

"It's a big talk, I don't care about you today, let's go." Lin Congjun snorted coldly and snorted.

"Lieutenant General Lin, I just want to tell you that not everyone will go to stifle your house and try to approach your house. To be honest, I really disdain to do that. There is a saying that is good. Now what about a lieutenant general? Without the power in your family, is it still an unknown whether you are a lieutenant general, and, when I reach your age, I might be an admiral." Zhang Yang snorted. .

No sand in your eyes, but no sand in my eyes, stubborn? In the future, I don't know who is stubborn. Zhang Yang’s words made the people on both sides laugh bitterly, and Lin Congjun had turned around and walked a few steps. He stopped directly, quickly turned around and sneered and looked at Zhang Yang and said, “Why? Lived, exposed? Are you saying you don’t know my identity? Didn’t you approach our house on purpose?"

"General Lin, I told you your identity, it has nothing to do with him, and to be honest, you just said something a little too much." Tan Yudie's voice suddenly rang. Zhang Yang smiled helplessly, but Tan Yudie was also enough to be a friend. Her opening undoubtedly helped Zhang Yang get rid of it.

Lin Congjun's eyes immediately turned to Tan Yudie, looking at her strangely and asking, "How do you know me?"

"My father is Tan Zhenglin." Tan Yudie was too lazy to talk nonsense, and she directly said the name of her old man.

Lin Congjun was stunned for a while. As the mayor of the largest city and the largest municipality in the country, the nj military area where Lin Congjun is located is not far from the city. Naturally, it is impossible to know who Tan Zhenglin is, but he never thought that the other party There is actually a Central Committee member and an nv member of the Politburo alternate member. Although the other party is not yet a Politburo member, once it becomes a Politburo member, it looks like a national leader.

Even now, Tan Zhenglin is higher than his lieutenant general, and Li Shuqin is obviously a little surprised. "It turned out to be Miss Tan. I didn't recognize it before and was rude. Today, it's wrong to be in the army. His temper has always been like this, letting you juniors read jokes." Li Shuqin smiled slightly and said softly.

Li Shuqin is undoubtedly making a siege for his husband. Zhang Yang sighed in his heart. It seems that the living environment is different. This person is really different. Li Shuqin's words, regardless of the timing of the call or the way of speaking It's quite appropriate, not only did he care about his husband's face, but even calmed down the already hot scene directly with the fight.

"It's okay, it's my temper that's not too good, sorry, General Lin." Zhang Yang nodded slightly, and then said, taking the initiative to say, his wife will be given to you down the stairs, Zhang Yang is not a person who doesn't know the good and bad, let's say By the way, there is definitely a relationship between Li Shuqin and Li Shufang, and I will definitely meet again in the future. This relationship must not be too rigid.

Zhang Yang took the initiative to apologize and let all his eyes be focused on Zhang Yang. Li Shuqin's gaze at Zhang Yang was also full of appreciation. I haven't seen such a good young man for a long time. I am not arrogant, calm, calm, and not afraid of power. And, more importantly, there are evidences to advance and retreat, especially at this last point, there are too few young people who can do this.

Looking at Zhang Yang, who knew Lin Congjun’s identity, he still dared to speak that way. Obviously, he was the kind of arrogant young man, but after she gave the stairs, Zhang Yang was able to immediately apologize and gave Lin Congjun the initiative. One step, this calmness and dignity, can appear in a young man in his twenties, so that Li Shuqin who has seen too many outstanding young people can't help but admire him.

Lin Congjun is also obviously a little surprised, but Zhang Yang has already taken the initiative to apologize. As an elder, he can’t be true anymore. He can only say with frustration: “It’s okay, but your temper is very similar to mine.” Although Lin Congjun said it was a bit stiff, but it was a step back anyway.

Shaking his head helplessly, it seems that this identity is easy to use. Tan Yudie said, this crisis will be resolved. Otherwise, today, I don't know how to solve this matter.

"Today is Christmas Eve, we adults will not bother you to play, Nuoxue, if you are fine, just play with them." Li Shuqin smiled slightly, and then said to her nv.

"Okay, okay." Lin Nuoxue froze for a moment, then nodded quickly, and said with a happy face. After speaking, Lin Nuoxue let go of Li Shuqin's arm and walked towards Zhang Yang. After Lin Congjun left them, Zhang Yang looked around and smiled bitterly. Well, this time, there is another big light bulb of 10 million yuan.

As soon as Lin Congjun left, Lin Nuoxue jumped directly to Li Keqing and said quickly: "I was born in 1987, how about you?"

Zhang Yang and Tan Yudie glanced at each other, and then they couldn't help crying and laughing, how to listen and how to feel like a child no matter who is bigger and smaller.

"I am 86 years old." Li Keqing smiled slightly and said very happy.

"Ah, okay, I'm a sister again." Lin Nuoxue immediately pulled her hair a little tangled, but soon she reacted again, rushed to Li Keqing, and shocked Li Keqing~ But Lin Nuoxue didn't care at all, just hugged Li Keqing's shoulder quickly, and then stuck his left face with Li Keqing's face, and said to Zhang Yang, "You guys, brother and sister , Are my sister Ke Qing really the same?"

Zhang Yang looked at each other for a while, then Xia Yiyue couldn't help saying, "It's more than the same. If you let a stranger come to see you, you two are twins." Everyone nodded in sympathy. Indeed, if it is not personal experience, it is difficult to imagine that the children of a pair of sisters can actually look like twins.

"By the way, speaking, Zhang Yang is Christmas today, what gift did you prepare for us? Anyway, we are all nv scholars." Chen Xiaowei suddenly seemed to remember something, and looked at Zhang Yang with a smile. Zhang Yang couldn’t help crying: “I said, you guys won’t rely on me anymore. Besides, you are all big bulbs of several kilowatts, not to give us two one-two worlds, I will buy you a gift ."

"Haha..." A few nv immediately smiled with pride, and even Luo Tianshu's cooler smile followed him. A! ! ! ;




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