The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 291: Brother forever (middle)

Chapter 291 The Eternal Brother (Part 2)

Chapter 291 The Eternal Brother (Part 2)

"Now that you have said it, Zhang Yang, go out with us a few at noon." Zhao Fei thought about it and said. "No problem." Zhang Yang was fine, and nodded briskly. The three men chatted for a while, and Li Shufang and Li Keqing both got up. When they saw Zhao Fei, Li Keqing hurriedly greeted with a smile.

"Oh, Ke Qing is good, in the future you will be our boss, and our brothers will work in your company." Zhao Fei said with a smile. Zhao Fei's words immediately let Zhang Yang and Li Keqing take a subconscious look at Li Shufang. Li Shufang doesn't know these things yet.

A trace of surprise flashed on Li Shufang's face, but the Chapter 291 Forever Brother (middle) did not ask, but just smiled and said: "Xiao Zhao, you are here, wait a moment, I will give you the next Let's eat early. You chat first, Zhang Yang, you and I will go shopping for something, I may not mention it myself."

Zhang Yang nodded helplessly: "Okay." Needless to say, Li Shufang was ready to question. When they came out of the bedroom, Li Shufang and Li Keqing should have heard the movement of the living room, so they finished washing in the bathroom of their room. Both Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie did not know that Li Shufang did not know about Zhang Yang and Li Keqing starting the company, and neither thought that they both stood up and said they went downstairs to help.

Li Shufang smiled and said that Zhang Yang should go, and Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie did not insist. After Li Shufang came out of the room, Li Shufang looked at Zhang Yang strangely and asked, "Zhang Yang, tell your aunt, what's going on with this company? Is it a company started with the money you said last time? Is it related to Ke Qing?"

Now that the matter is over, it's useless to hide. Zhang Yang can only tell the truth about the matter. After that, Li Shufang looked very strange in Zhang Yang's expression. It took a long time before Li Shufang sighed and held out his hand. Shooting the shoulders of the everlasting brother (middle) in Chapter 291 of Zhang Yang said, "You child, don't know what to say to me. You are alright. Although Qing Qing has such ideals, it's good, but don't you Don’t know Ke Qing yet? Isn’t she able to be the chairman? Isn’t that nonsense? You’re married, and it’s nice that she can stay at home.”

I don’t know if it’s because of Zhang Yang’s practice, so Li Shufang is completely relieved of Zhang Yang, knowing that he is not playing with Li Keqing, but sincerely treats Li Keqing, Li Shufang’s tone of speech immediately began to consider the future of the two. . To be honest, Zhang Yang is still somewhat surprised. Although he may be happy to be the mother-in-law if he does so, to be honest, Li Shufang’s performance is sincere, and Li Shufang’s style is quite open-minded, and he is also very talkative. Everyone's style.

Is this also inherited? Do not know why, Zhang Yang thought of Li Shuqin last night. "Auntie, I believe Keqing, don't you find it? Auntie Ke's style has changed a lot during this time." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Well, it's...but this is a big deal. Why don't you worry about giving such a big company to her an nv child who doesn't understand anything, that would be tens of millions! You children." Li Shufang smiled bitterly. Shook his head and said.

"Auntie, don't worry, as long as you don't blame me. After all, if you can take care of things in the company, you must delay school." Zhang Yang couldn't help saying.

"Oh, it's okay, I can still see this point. Other people can't ask for this kind of experience. The aunt is not the hypocritical person. I won't say much about it. You are already adults. You have your own thoughts on these things, but I think that when you make a decision, it is best to discuss with your parents first, and get their consent." Li Shufang thought about it and said seriously.

"Well, I know. By the way, aunt, I have another thing to tell you. Isn’t this about New Year’s Day? Our school has a holiday. I want to take Ke Qing to see our house. You see?" Zhang Yang tried. Asked. During this time, Zhang Yang made many phone calls with his father and mother, and vaguely talked about finding an nv friend.

Zhang Yang's old man didn't say anything, just said not to live up to the good nv children, but Zhang Yang's mother was very excited and asked a lot of gossip, but Zhang Yang did not elaborate.

"OK, go, you are all like this, I can't stop it. It's a good thing to meet your parents early. If the opportunity is right, I want to meet your parents." Li Shufang said with a smile. Li Shufang got it right, then the rest is simple.

After going to the supermarket downstairs with Li Shufang and buying a lot of things, Zhang Yang left Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie early after eating. "By the way, Zhao Touer, I just forgot to ask, what about the little brothers of Xuehu? Like us?" After the off-road vehicle drove out of the area, Li Yingjie suddenly thought of something and asked.

"No, they are different from us, this matter has nothing to do with them, but they must also converge their actions in the short term." Zhao Fei shook his head slightly.

It seems that Zhang Yang did not understand, and Zhao Fei took the initiative to explain: "Silver Fox is a group of people similar to us, but the difference is that most of them are post-80s, unlike our group of old men, they The oldest is only 25 years old." Zhang Yang nodded his head clearly. People like Zhao Fei could not be without them.

The so-called Snow Fox should be Zhao Fei's successor, just like those lurking agents abroad. Those agents who have been lurking for decades will trust their work if they have something wrong. People, and these people will not be appointed by the state.

The car slowly drove to the suburbs. Zhao Fei pressed a few phone numbers on the road, but did not say that when approaching the suburbs, Zhang Yang noticed that there were three vans behind their car. Zhao Fei He and Li Yingjie would naturally not find out that when contacted with Zhao Fei's previous actions, Zhang Yang knew that there should be other instructors in the car behind.

The surrounding buildings soon became sparse, and the environment became better and better. Zhang Yang vaguely knew their destination. The road headed towards the cemetery area.

The people buried here do not need to know who they are. Sure enough, soon, one of the cemetery areas appeared around. Following the middle road of the cemetery area, four vehicles drove to a relatively remote corner of the cemetery area. When approaching here, the car stopped to the side. After getting off the bus, Zhang Yang discovered that there was a fence in this cemetery area that separated them from other cemetery areas. A plaque was erected next to the cemetery area. It is written with four strong and powerful running script characters: Anonymous Cemetery. In the lower right corner of this stele is also written: Donated by unknown well-meaning people.

The three vans in the back seated the other nine instructors, but what made Zhang Yang strange was that there were not only nine other instructors on the three vans, but also three middle-aged people in their fifties. There are also two 20-year-old nv people.

The clothes on these people are all uniform, and they are all dressed up in color. After getting off the bus, no one spoke. Everyone stood silently in a two-line queue. Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie also walked towards them. Zhang Yang hurried up and stood at the end of the queue with Li Yingjie, and Zhao Fei Is standing at the front of the first row.

Almost everyone in the arms of a few instructors held a big suitcase. After Zhao Fei entered the team, he said aloud: "Everyone, turn left!...and walk in one step!" At a neat pace, everyone walked into this unnamed cemetery go with. The inside of the cemetery is surrounded by green trees, and the scenery is quite beautiful. When standing at the entrance of the cemetery, you can’t see any tombstones in it. , Then there was a grass.

When this meadow appeared, Zhang Yang was completely shocked! Looking into the eyes, there are at least hundreds of tombstones, large and small, on this grass, all the tombstones are neatly arranged, whether they are vertical or diagonal, they are neatly arranged, just as they stood before their death Those queues that have passed, those military postures that have stood.

"Set up! Turn right! Put everything down and salute!" Zhao Fei shouted loudly! The loud voice spread far and far in the silent cemetery.

"Li Bi! Disbanded!" For a long time, Zhao Feicai roared with tiger eyes red. Although it was disbanded, no one said anything, including Zhang Yang. Everyone started to open the boxes in front of them. Zhang Yang discovered that the pure white liquor was in these boxes.

In front of this neat cemetery, there is a huge and neat stone stele. Zhang Yang walked to the front of this stone stele, on which a poem was carved with a knife.

"We are soldiers! Soldiers defending the motherland. We are eagles against the blue sky, tigers on the earth, and dragons on the deep sea. To defend the motherland, we are willing to sacrifice our lives.

We have no name, we are not born, we only have a common name-soldier! An honorable title!

For this title, I am willing to abandon everything, for the motherland, I am willing to dedicate everything!

Sacrifice on the land of the motherland is our last When we water the earth with blood, when our lives disappear on the blue sky, we must dye the sea with the blood of the enemy, but we will not disappear!

When the war reignites, we will be reborn in the raging fire and continue our unfinished mission! Because we are soldiers, soldiers made of iron and fire!

December 25, 1993"

"That was the time when the cemetery was first established." Zhao Fei's voice rang softly behind Zhang Yang, seeming to be afraid to wake up the brothers here.

Zhang Yang was shocked directly. In 1993, today is December 25, 2004, that is to say, a full 9 years, but here... Zhang Yang looked up, line by line, column by column, how much was buried here people?

"A total of 397 brothers." Zhao Fei seemed to understand what Zhang Yang was thinking, and said softly. A! ! ! ;




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