The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 292: Brother forever (Part 2)

Chapter 292 The Eternal Brother (Part 2)

Chapter 292 The Eternal Brother (Part 2)

Zhang Yang nodded silently, in an era when they both thought it was peaceful, in an era when they all thought the world was war-free, in a small corner of this city, in a quiet cemetery, here lies 399 quietly Of the seventeen soldiers who died, no one knew why they sacrificed, no one knew their surname, and no one knew their name. ;

Because Zhang Yang has seen that there is no name on the tombstone, only the date of birth, and the date of sacrifice, Zhang Yang did not speak, but slowly walked slowly from the first row of the first column. Go in. Tombstones represent the young and eternal life Chapter 292 Forever Brothers (Part 2). Zhang Yang silently looked at each of the tombstones with their age, but no one was more than thirty. Five years old.

When walking back along the second row, Zhang Yang saw Zhao Fei and they started to pick up a bottle of liquor, poured them into bowls, and dropped them in front of these tombstones. Zhang Yang also quickly walked to a carton A bottle of wine, and a bowl, began to toast the brothers.

While toasting, Zhang Yang found that there were some flowers under each tombstone, some were just placed, and some had withered for a long time. And there are some envelopes just placed in front of the tombstones, "This cemetery was not so big at the time. We people who lived each year bought a little bit and expanded slowly, although there are also them in the national martyrs park. However, we feel that it is better to build such a cemetery here, because we cannot appear in the National Martyrs' Garden." Zhao Fei didn't know when he came to Zhang Yang's side and said slowly.

"What is buried here is not necessarily ashes, some are just a relic, some are just a piece of clothing, some are even just a national flag, and there is nothing. The flowers inside are some chapter 292 forever Brothers (below) occasionally left here, they may not know who is buried here, but there are still many people who come here silently every year to put a bunch of flowers or some sacrifices in various festivals, Give them a glass of wine and hand a cigarette."

"Salute!" Suddenly a loud roar came again, and Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei looked down at the voice. I saw another group of people wearing mí color suits standing there to salute here. Forties, should be the batch that has been retired. During the period when Zhang Yang toasted them, some of the retired people came here, some of them were older, some of them were of Zhang Yang’s age, and some of them came in wheelchairs, some of them lame. of.

Everyone who comes here sees the people in this cemetery as if they saw their brothers. Perhaps they are strangers to each other, but here, everyone is a brother. Seeing the sacrificed people here, Zhang Yang knew that there would be many of these unknown heroes, but Zhang Yang still didn't expect that there would be so many people. How many people Zhang Yang does not know exactly, but Zhang Yang they are the earliest, until Zhang Yang is ready to leave, there are still people coming in endlessly.

Coming out of the cemetery, the setting sun was almost set, and Zhao Fei told several instructors to discuss the decision with Zhang Yang. Without exception, the other instructors had no opinion. Everyone is dying of love, they are all familiar, and they will not be polite with Zhang Yang. ,

"Go, I will take you to a place." Zhao Fei said to Zhang Yang with a smile.

"Okay." Although he didn't eat for a day, Zhang Yang wasn't too hungry either. Seeing the mystery Zhao Fei said, Zhang Yang didn't refuse and directly nodded his head to agree.

Apart from Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie, the other instructors did not follow, but everyone seemed to understand where Zhao Fei was going to take Zhang Yang. They all came over and hugged Zhang Yang one by one, then patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder and left. After getting on Zhao Fei's off-road vehicle, the car drove towards the city quickly.

It took about an hour or so before the car stopped in front of a very small clinic. This is a suburban area. This clinic should be a community clinic and an independent courtyard.

However, the three did not go straight but Zhao Fei walked in directly from behind with the key. Zhao Fei just rang a pleasant bell and rang. "Wait a moment." Zhao Fei smiled at Zhang Yang. "What are we doing here?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"You will know in a moment. I have wanted to bring you here for a long time, but there has been no chance. Today is just an opportunity and I will bring you over." Zhao Fei smiled.

About three or four minutes later, a man in his fifties with glasses pushed away and saw Zhao Fei. The man immediately laughed twice and said: "Haha, you, Zhao monkey, What's wrong? Who is dying this time?" Zhang Yang bursts into sweat, and the greeting is really straightforward.

"I'm not looking for you to cure the wound. Well, Li Yingjie is ready. Your craft is still as good as ever." Zhao Fei said with a smile.

This man's figure is very burly. If it's not a white coat, it doesn't seem like a cry at all, but like a butcher with a beard and five big and three thick. If it's not his age, Zhang Yang even thought that this man and Zhao Fei should be a teammate.

The man looked at Zhang Yang and asked with a smile: "What's the name of the little brother?"

"My name is Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang answered honestly.

"Good name, Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang, if you live, you want to be more public." The man smiled heartily and said Zhang Yang was a little speechless. This man had an idea with his old man. When the old man named himself, that was what he meant. .

"Did you take him to the enrollment ceremony?" The man clearly understood Zhao Fei's thoughts. Zhao Fei nodded: "Yes, although he is not our official member, but all of our team owe him a life."

"Okay!" The man looked at Zhang Yang in amazement, and then nodded heavily, patting Zhang Yang's shoulder vigorously, Zhang Yangqiang endured the pain on his shoulder and couldn't help but smiled bitterly. Li Yingjie has been so long, this man's slap can make Zhang Yang feel pain, if the ordinary person came, wasn't he slapped by the slap?

"Come with me." The man said a word, and then led them to another room with Zhang Yang. This independent courtyard is about four or five hundred square meters. The middle courtyard is not large. It is surrounded by a two-story building. The left and right sides look like wards. The front should be the front of the community clinic.

They walked in a row of two-story buildings parallel to the clinic. Entering the second-floor building, the man took Zhang Yang directly to a room in the back and opened it in. This room was a study. After entering the room, the man did not know where to press. Zhang Yang stared dumbfounded at the bookcases placed against the wall and separated directly from the two sides, then exposed a staircase.

There is also a secret room here. Zhang Yang looked at them curiously, and then followed Zhao Fei and they walked into the secret room. From the stairs down one floor, after turning the passage, Zhang Yang was directly shocked. At the end of the passage is a glass but looking in through the glass, there is a huge space of about 300 square meters. The whole space is divided into various rooms by glass.

All of the rooms in these rooms are equipped with the most advanced medical equipment, but no one is there. "This is the place where I will give you these little guys a doctor. I hope you don’t come here often. Hey, I haven’t lived in a few years, and I don’t know who to leave for this place. Continue to help you. See a doctor." The man said to Zhang Yang while driving.

Zhang Yang nodded. Li Yingjie's injury should have been cured by him, but I didn't expect that Zhao Fei often traveled abroad, but still had such a small gathering point in the city.

"Little boy, come with me and extend your right arm." The man pushed open a room not far from the mouth and said to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang did not hesitate to stretch out his right arm. After entering the room, he glanced at the machine, and Zhang Yang recognized it. This is a tattoo machine. Zhang Yang immediately said with curiosity: "Tattoo? Give me What about tattoos?"

"Why don't you just give you a small mark to prove that we are brothers, maybe you will need it when. Haha." The man laughed twice, then motioned for Zhang Yang to sit down. Zhang Yang had tattooed with others in his previous life, so he knew this thing, but he didn't tattoo it himself.

The water is prepared by myself. It hurts a little. You bear with it. If you are afraid of the pain, let Xiao Li give you a few needles. His craftsmanship is not bad. "The man said while starting the machine and the water.

"It's okay. Come on like this." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. For more than a month, he was almost tossed to death by Li Yingjie, and he was afraid of any pain in the tattoo. It was just that Zhang Yang didn't see it. Li Yingjie and Zhao Fei heard Zhang Yang saying that a cunning smile immediately appeared on their faces.

"Okay, but I'll say okay first, it hurts." The man shrugged his shoulders without asking, fixing his open arms directly to a dedicated table, and then said.

"Come on," Zhang Yang said directly.

The man didn't ask anymore, he just started. "His..." Zhang Yangmeng gave a cold breath, subconsciously bit his lip, and forced himself not to call out. My mother-in-law! Is this a bit painful? I went for a while. I don't know what kind of hands and feet have been moved to the skin on the equipment used by the man for tattooing, as if it was slowly cut with a knife.

And still cut the feeling on the Zhang Yang's face was almost distorted, but the words were all spoken out, and Zhang Yang's perseverance did not call out.

"Yeah kid, when Zhao Fei and Xiao Li first called this, you were called out directly, you are good." The man looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, and said with amazement.

Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie were also a little surprised. Upon hearing this man's admiration, Zhao Fei also smiled, and then said to Zhang Yang: "I will explain it to you, you should also see the end of us people, so if we After retiring, there is no danger of encountering it. For this reason, our group of people has established an identification and contact method. When a brother needs help, he can directly find other people, and no one will refuse."

After listening to Zhao Fei's explanation, Zhang Yang suddenly realized that it was like this. This tattoo is used to identify Peugeot, but think about it too. Zhao Fei and their profession are easy to offend the enemy. If there is no brother to help, God knows it is How to die. And these people are already closer than their brothers. Perhaps both of them owe each other several lives. A! ! ! ;




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