The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 293: See who is more vulgar (Part 1)

Chapter 293 See who is more lewd (Part 1)

Chapter 293 See who is more lewd (Part 1)

"This is for you." After explaining it to Zhang Yang, Zhao Fei pulled another piece of paper directly, copied a few lines of words and handed it to Zhang Yang. Some curious people took a look at it. The numbers are above. . "What's this?" Zhang Yang asked strangely. It didn't seem to be such an i-address or the phone.

"Oh, the one above is the domestic radio frequency, and the one below is the foreign radio frequency. Generally speaking, it should be possible to call people." Zhao Fei smiled. "The radio is encrypted and is one of our business. The master gave it to the whole, if it is not for us to communicate with each other, it is impossible for other people to know who is more intractable at this frequency in Chapter 293. So, if it is not necessary, don’t tell any of this frequency People, if you have the opportunity, you can buy a civilian radio station and set it up. I will send the frequency decryption password to your mobile phone."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I understand." Although contacting through a radio station may not guarantee 100% security, after all, the transmission distance of the radio station is limited, and a frequency is a common frequency. Everyone can adjust to this frequency, even if it is Encrypted, but it can still be cracked.

Such a situation is also in line with the situation of people like Zhao Fei. The contact information of other mobile phones is really unreliable. Can people like Zhao Fei have a fixed mobile phone number or address? The rest, except for a very few, are obviously unlikely.

"Okay!" In the middle of talking with Zhao Fei, Zhang Yang's attention was diverted a lot, and the tattoo on his arm didn't feel so painful anymore. Soon, the big doctor patted Zhang Yang's shoulder.

"This is over." Zhang Yang immediately looked at his wrist with some curiosity. The tattoo was on the outside of Zhang Yang's elbow, probably in the middle of the wrist and elbow. The tattoo was not large, and the diameter was 290. In Chapter 3, who is more intractable (top) is about five or six centimeters. The overall shape is a small dagger, but this dagger is not the same as a conventional dagger. It has a small arc on its blade. The dagger handle There is also a wolf head engraved on it.

The tattoo itself is not big, the part of the handle of the dagger is even narrower, but in such a small place, it can be tattooed with a lifelike wolf head, which is simply amazing, and this tattoo is not common green and black But red is the kind of blood red blood red. The whole looks red and looks fierce and fierce.

Especially the **** eyes on the little wolf's head, if they stared at it, they even seemed to feel that the wolf was bloodthirsty. "How is it? The craft is good?" The burly man asked with a shrug.

"It's not bad." Zhang Yang nodded. It seems that Zhao Fei and these people have some unique skills. Just say this tattoo, maybe there are also masters in ordinary tattoo shops, but Zhang Yang is sure that it can be copied 100%. There must be little pity.

"Hey, there is a little secret in this tattoo. My water is specially prepared and prepared by yourself. Zhao Fei, try it with him." The burly man said proudly.

Zhao Fei immediately smiled, rolled up his sleeves, revealed the same tattoo, and put it in front of Zhang Yang. "Place your tattoo next to his tattoo." The burly man said quickly.

Zhang Yang immediately curiously put his tattoo and Zhao Fei's tattoo close together, and I didn't feel anything just after it was attached, but after more than ten seconds, a severe pain came from the tattoo, Zhang Yang Unconditionally, he took his arm away. When he took his arm away, Zhang Yang was surprised to find that the red lines on the blood-red tattoo were even more fresh, as if it was just dripping blood.

It was only very soon that the tattoo was under Zhang Yang’s gaze, how about the red color slowly quieting down and becoming the dark and crimson face again? Not bad right? "The man immediately smiled with pride and asked." Cow, quite cow. "Zhang Yang nodded and said noisily. It's too good. I didn't expect this tattooed water to be able to do this."

Although Zhang Yang does not understand the principle, it is very complicated to think about. It is reasonable to say that the preparation of this water should be the same. Everyone uses the same water. Why does this happen when they come together? "Of course, this water is very expensive, just to dispense one milliliter of this water, it needs to be close to 10,000 RMB." The burly man said quickly.

Zhang Yang is a bit stunned, it takes 10,000 yuan per milliliter. I am afraid that tattooing a person is not enough. No wonder this pattern is so small, if it is bigger, the money is just bottomless. "It's okay, huh, huh, there are some people in our group who are very prosperous. They all donate money, so you don't have to worry about money." Zhao Fei seemed to see what Zhang Yang was thinking and explained with a smile For a moment.

"Ghost Knife, we're gone, I won't stay here anymore, I stayed enough times." Zhao Fei said with a smile on his shoulders.

"Well, go, boy, I have time to play here, yes, my name is Wang Dadao, you just call me ghost sword, that's my nickname." The burly man introduced himself to Zhang Yang.

"I know." Zhang Yang nodded. After Zhao Fei came out of the basement, there was no excessive greetings. After coming out of the basement, the ghost knife turned directly and left.

After getting in the car, Zhao Fei said to Zhang Yang: "Don't look at him because this place is very broken, but even if the ghost knife is placed in the Bj Military Region General Hospital, it is definitely a director-level doctor, especially his scalpel, jīng, Accurate, ruthless, not only can be used to save people, when used to kill people, you will never think about how you died. Hey, and when the famous mb medical school in the United States, the ghost knife used hands and surgery The knife completed the bypass surgery."

"And, you come here to see a doctor, I promise that the same surgery and wound treatment is definitely more insurance than the hospital." Li Yingjie added.

"Of course, some slow-growing diseases are still going to the hospital." Zhao Fei shrugged and started the car. There was a lot of sweat in publicity, and it seems that these people have a history of cattle, but now they have all become ordinary people.

"We two go out and have some things to deal with, why should you go?" Put Zhang Yang to the entrance of the community, and Zhao Fei abandoned Zhang Yang with a smile. Zhang Yang was a little speechless. After a whole day, he hadn't eaten yet, so the two of them threw him away.

Just two steps away, the community’s big one hadn’t entered yet. Zhang Yang’s cell phone rang, and he picked up the phone and looked at it. The caller ID was Lin Nuoxue, and Zhang Yang paused. I haven't told Li Shufang yet, Lin Nuoxue's call is definitely related to this matter.

Yesterday, Li Shuqin said nothing when they left, but Lin Nuoxue left it behind, the intention is already obvious, so when Lin Nuoxue finally wanted to publicize their contact information, Zhang Yang did not refuse, he called Li Keqing on his phone Her phone is left to her.

"Hello, this is Zhang Yang." After a pause, Zhang Yang answered the phone.

"Brother-in-law, it is me, that, my mother said, would like to visit tomorrow morning, do you think it is appropriate?" Lin Nuoxue asked carefully.

"Okay, come on, I will talk to Ke Qing's mother tonight about what happened yesterday." After hesitating, Zhang Yang nodded and agreed. Sooner or later, this kind of thing will not be avoided, and Zhang Yang has nothing to do with Li Shufang. To make a decision for her, tell Li Shufang tonight, as to the outcome, Li Shufang must decide for herself.

"Well, then you give me a call at night, please, my mother has been crying with me for a day. I quarreled with my dad when I came back yesterday. Don't be angry about your brother-in-law's things yesterday." Lin Nuoxue Whispered to Zhang Yang.

"Oh, it's okay, I didn't care about it, your dad was right to think that, and there will be results at night, I will tell you." Zhang Yang chuckled lightly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he had not resolved the matter last night. Quickly using his mobile phone to connect to the No. 1 satellite, Zhang Yang quickly opened a few i addresses outside those three buildings. Although Zhang Yang left something behind yesterday, the computer systems of the three buildings all have Zhang Yang’s

Checked the computer systems of the two previous buildings. The neon control program has been modified by someone. It should be that Zhang Yang made the neon control program of the two buildings yesterday and was restored by the other party's technical staff. Zhang Yang didn't care too much. He just checked it casually and confirmed that no masters were present. Zhang Yang ran directly to the computer system of the building where the problem occurred yesterday.

This time Zhang Yang was not reckless, but first checked it carefully with a scanner and analysis software. The computer system of the whole building had no problems. It was slightly different from when Zhang Yang invaded yesterday, but there were not many differences. After just checking it again, Zhang Yang understood that it was definitely not the outside master who modified his neon control program, it should be the technician of this building.

Although there is no problem with this system, honeypots are artificially placed on several ports. The honeypots are not very clever, and even their technology is not as good, but the location and method of placement must be managed by the system. The staff can only place it, and even shut down several system functions in order to place one of the honeypots.

This cannot be left by the invasion of outsiders. If it is left by the invasion of outsiders, the closed systems are easily discovered by the technicians of the other party, and it is useless to hide them.

One-legged, let you modify the writing left by Lao Tzu. Zhang Yang didn't say anything. He used his mobile phone to hack into the system. After successfully logging in to the other party's system, Zhang Yang had just arrived. Using the key to open it just happened to happen that Li Shufang was sitting on the sofa watching TV and saw Zhang Yang came back. Li Shufang immediately stood up and asked, "Zhang Yang, have you eaten?"

"No, my aunt has no meals, I'm starving to death." Zhang Yang is also unequivocal, he is really hungry.

"Yes, I'm afraid the two of you haven't eaten since you came back. The meal is irritating in the pan. You sit on the table and I'll give you the meal." Li Shufang said with a smile while walking towards the kitchen. Zhang Yang quickly sat next to the dining table, while waiting for the meal, while using his mobile phone to start scanning the active account in this system.

Since the other party was online yesterday evening, he should be in the evening shift, and he should be online this time. The signal in the room was not very good, and the speed of the scanning feedback was a bit slow. When Li Shufang brought the meal up, Zhang Yang had a result. "Thank you, auntie. I ate it first." Zhang Yang said thank you, and then took the food and began to gobble up. While eating, Zhang Yang looked at the results in the phone.

There are three active accounts in the entire building system, two of which are in a suspended state, and only one is active. The account of this activity is abbreviated as lmm. Zhang Yang didn't know what it meant. Following the data flow of the activity account, Zhang Yang quickly found this guy's computer on the Internet.

Because the system inside the whole building is a whole, each computer is actually a common system, but on a single computer is only a mirror image of this system, and there are some similarities with the hard disk-less host of the Internet cafe. Therefore, Zhang Yang's computer that enters this active account does not need to be hacked again, and can be directly connected to his computer.

After successfully entering his computer, Zhang Yang did nothing, first scanned the system, and then looked at the i of this computer. I don’t know if I am very confident in my technology. Anyway, there are no traps in this system. I compared this computer’s i with the building’s system illustration, and Zhang Yang found its location.

In the control computer room next to the server computer room on the first floor of the building, I checked the monitoring system connected to the system, and Zhang Yang immediately started to call up the activity screen of this control computer room. The screen is very small, but it is still easily transmitted to Zhang Yang's mobile The result of the screen feedback makes Zhang Yang stunned for a while. There is nothing in it, only some running computers and a few empty chairs.

No, when I first checked the computer, it was obvious that the data flow of the computer was not stable at all, and the system log also showed that someone was obviously working on this computer.

After stunned for a while, Zhang Yang reacted violently. I rely on, wouldn't this **** cover up the camera video of the surveillance system? Zhang Yang started to scan the monitoring system without saying anything. The results of this scan were fed back quickly. Upon seeing this result, Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. Sure enough, as he guessed, several cameras in the target room have been attacked. Secretly set up repeat playback, that is to say, the picture seen from the security monitoring room is not an instant picture at all.

Zhang Yang did not cancel this setting, but only transferred the real feedback screen data to his mobile phone. The instant screen was quickly transferred this time. "Puff...cough...cough..." Looking at the phone, Zhang Yang directly sprayed the rice and vegetables in his mouth. A few pieces of rice entered the trachea and Zhang Yang began to cough violently. A! ! ! ;




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