The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 328: The head was kicked by a donkey (Part 1)

Chapter 328 The head was kicked by a donkey (Part 1)

Chapter 328 The head was kicked by a donkey (Part 1)

"Cut off the network connection." The man with a hooked nose hesitated for a moment, then immediately said decisively. The captain immediately turned around and directly hit the Enter key on the keyboard, obviously he was already prepared. Just after he was ready, a sudden change of his computer screen prompted him to be directly brought out of the system, and he could no longer continue the operating system. The captain immediately burst into cold sweat. Fortunately, he had just given the order. Although the physical connection was not temporarily disconnected, the other party could not get any news.

Because the operation he just gave was a network disconnection instruction directly given to cia's internal intelligence system, the host that received the instruction was not in the official website server. Otherwise, if the other party enters the intelligence system and the consequences are unbearable, although the other party still cannot obtain confidential information, the official website has certain authority in the internal intelligence network system.

Regardless of the disclosure of confidential information at any level, it is irretrievable for cia. This is not only about the intelligence itself, but also means that there is no way for the public and the media to explain.

But fortunately now, although the official website was invaded by the other party, the official website is actually a place for announcements and wanted orders. There is no useful information. It does not matter if the other party is invaded. The hackers who were watching from outside were looking at each other, and they did not find the movement of the infected insect.

In fact, they should not be blamed. Although these hackers all scan cia’s official website server, but they scan all the server ports and some relatively easy to invade places, but they did not expect to use these small means at all. However, it is very simple to start from the front and directly forcibly crack cia's firewall. These hackers are not likely to find that the action of the infected insect is naturally impossible.

And from the frontal crack, even if it is scanned, it is difficult to determine what it is doing. So when cia’s official website suddenly became inaccessible, everyone was dumbfounded. Just after everyone didn’t know what was going on, and all guessed whether cia’s official website had fallen off, they found that cia’s official website was posted. A new announcement was made, and the homepage of the official website was gone. Only this bare announcement was on it.

The announcement is quite simple, so simple that everyone almost fell to the ground when they saw it. The great **** deserves to be the great god, this announcement is awesome. The whole announcement is just a few English letters. "No.1." This is the largest font on the left, and the gscsd id in the lower right corner.

Just before everyone has responded, what does this no.1 mean? Infected insects have invaded the firewalls of three other official websites at the same time. Although the firewalls between them are different, the core technology is the same. After all, the US government cannot give each of the three intelligences and three budgets its own firewall. So it looks like the outside of the firewall is not the same, but some settings have something in common.

After the infecting insects invaded one of them, the efficiency of invading the other two was no longer preventable by those technicians. As expected by the hackers before, once a website's firewall is breached, other websites are like the * layer of the film to gscsd, which is not threatening at all, and can be broken as soon as you poke.

Soon Zhang Yang numbered the remaining three websites. no.2, no.3, no.4. The homepage of each website is the same. After posting the last one, Zhang Yang did not continue. It is actually meaningless to continue. Other government websites are estimated to lack interest in resistance.

All the hackers were dumbfounded at seeing the four brushes turned into a leafless homepage like spring grass. Although before they thought that several intelligence organizations such as cia might not be able to keep their official website, they were hacked by gscsd. But they did not expect this result to be like this in the end.

Especially in the calm ten-odd minutes, no one knows what happened, but everyone understands that the previous crazy and various forced attacks are purposeful and not aimless. It's just that everyone is not gscsd. I don't want to understand what this purpose is.

And this time gscsd did not look like his style, did not give off any wild rhetoric, but arrogantly numbered the four websites. Although this is arrogant enough, but everyone is a bit uncomfortable, it seems that if you don’t see any sensational actions from gscsd, it is not like gscsd.

However, everyone also knows that the official website of the gscsd invasion is not the same as in the past. Although gscsd has also invaded the official website of the intelligence agencies of other countries, such as the Japanese computer emergency center, such as the unlucky network security agency in France, but Everyone in these countries doesn't care much. To put it bluntly, these countries also seem to be developed countries, but they are not comparable to the United States.

In particular, the power of these intelligence organizations around the world, as well as the status of the United States in the Internet, have made everyone silent. So although it seems temporarily strangely calm on the Internet, everyone has not left their computer screens, and everyone seems to be waiting for the response of intelligence agencies such as cia.

In everyone's view, these major intelligence agencies should respond quickly. After all, after so many years, I dare to face directly, except for the previous 911 incident, cia was completely beaten, this time. Perhaps this time is not comparable to 911, but from another possibility, it is even more serious than 911.

Zhang Yang was also waiting for the reaction of cia and fbi in front of the computer, and touched his chin, which made Zhang Yang somewhat surprised that it seemed that cia and fbi no longer responded as fast as they legend, but became extremely speedy, even Did not shut down the server, still let the homepage of the official website hang gscsd conspiracy, and even no upgrade maintenance.

The Internet is strangely quiet, and Zhang Yang is also a little dazed. Can't he just wait so silly? After hesitating, Zhang Yang immediately set up an automatic message. When there are any new announcements from these websites, he will automatically send an email to notify Zhang Yang.

This setting can be set in the browser, so it will not be found by the other party. After it was set up, Zhang Yang turned off these websites and ignored them, but turned to domestic forums. He wanted to see if the results were the same as he had imagined. After logging in to several professional websites, Zhang Yang was very satisfied to find that the topics discussed in major hacker forums at this moment are basically about l and gscsd.

Many people are comparing gscsd and l. After reading a few posts, Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and it seems that his goal was still successful. I don’t know if Zhang Yang’s remarks were too nauseous. Ninety percent of the people said that l was like those ancient warriors. He shot at a critical moment and then used his own power to reverse the situation.

For gscsd, everyone's evaluation is in a mess, but most people agree that if l is said to be a knight, then gscsd is more like a sect, with joy and joy, and the style of action is simply According to your mood, there is no moral code.

Sometimes it's cute, but sometimes it makes people feel itchy. But in any case, these two are the kind of peerless masters, but the sudden emergence of l makes everyone guess whether l is a vest of a known god, or a new master is born again.

However, what Zhang Yang was worried about did not happen. Everyone did not associate l and gscsd as a single person. After all, the work done by these two people on any other hacker may not be able to do it, and the two together are even more impossible. Too. After all, whether it's gscsd or l, it's all human, not god. At the same time, defending more than 20 websites at home and simultaneously invading the official websites of four powerful intelligence organizations at the same time. Is this something human can do?

Just as Zhang Yang was chasing around, God was also discussing who he was. God sitting in front of the computer was about to tell others to take a break when his cell phone suddenly rang. God picked up the mobile phone on the table, and the caller ID on it made God a little surprised.

But after stunned for a while, God picked up the phone: "Hey? Why are you looking for me?" "Why? Can't I find you if I'm fine? But don't say, I really have something to do with you this time." Phone There was a sweet female voice inside.

"Say." God nodded immediately.

"It's no big deal, you know, I'm not interested in those things on your network, but this time I can't refuse, someone asks you, who is the person whose id is l? Do you know specific? Situation?" asked the female voice on the phone.

God was stunned for a long time before he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is this alarming?" "Yeah, that's right. It was the news from Grandpa, so I couldn't refuse it." The female voice was helpless. Said.

"I don’t know. Although you don’t know the Internet, you should know that it is impossible for someone like us to publish his true identity on the Internet, and if my identity is not the accident, it is impossible for the family to know. , They couldn't find me at all." **** sighed slightly, then said seriously.

"Well, I understand, you can rest assured that with me, you're okay, you guys don't like these things very much. You can rest assured, if they dare to provoke you, I squeeze their yolk." Female Yin finished the sentence in a very gentle tone.

God called a sweat: "He Ran, when can you be a lady?" "You go home and my lady will show you." The female voice said very seriously.

God thought carefully about Lady He Ran's appearance, and then he felt a little sweaty in his waterfall, and said quickly: "Then forget it, I'd rather you look like this now, well, just like that, then I am Having said that, you tell grandpa, don’t disturb them often, I don’t want to be harassed by them, otherwise, I will run again."

"Well, I will tell you, that's it. I hang up." He Ran quickly dropped a sentence, and then hung up the phone directly. Black Hawk looked at the information given to him in his hand in silence, but Black Hawk had no idea why the people on it would have the true identity of god, but the last investigation by the Ministry of National Security did not find it.

So what is the identity of god? Could it be that people in Guoan? Not quite like it, the Black Hawk quickly rejected this idea. If it is a person inside Guoan, when talking to him several times, **** will not be so mean. Especially when there is a contradiction between the two, **** should be on his side to guess right.

Black Hawk quickly remembered the last time he applied for the Intelligence Service mission, the other party seemed to have said about the identity of god, but it was just unclear, and the words were taken. Now think about it, it is very strange, it seems that the other party seems to know **** But the people of the Ministry of National Security do not know it.

"Okay, your level is not enough for this matter. To be honest, my level is not enough." The secretary shrugged and patted Black Hawk's shoulder. "However, you can rest assured that there is no problem with this information. Since God said that he does not know, then he certainly does not know. You don’t have to think about it anymore. It is estimated that the possibility of finding this is also very small. But anyway, this l The character should be different from gscsd. Unlike gscsd, it is simply a lunatic."

"Okay, I understand." Blackhawk nodded. Since the Secretary said so, Blackhawk knew that this was not something that a small person like him could encounter. It seems that no matter what, God's identity is definitely not simple. .

Black Hawk looked at the information in his hand a little, and Zhang Yang looked at the computer screen. Some intelligence agencies did not know whether they took the wrong medicine or had any conspiracy. Anyway, the announcement of Zhang Yang’s invasion was still hanging on There is no point to cancel, and the website is not maintained, and nothing is done.

Looking at the time, it's been more than half an hour. This tm is really a **** horse situation! How do things feel so weird today? Zhang Yang couldn't help crying, could it be said that cia also took the wrong medicine? Or are all the heads of the US government kicked by donkeys today?

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