The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 329: The head was kicked by a donkey (middle)

Chapter 329 The head was kicked by a donkey (middle)

Chapter 329 The head was kicked by a donkey (middle)

Zhang Yang's entanglement is not over yet. His cell phone suddenly rang, and he picked up the phone to see it. It was Li Keqing's phone. Zhang Yang suddenly remembered it. It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening, and Li Keqing had not returned. Just tossing all the time, I was too nervous Zhang Yang answered the phone immediately: "Ke Qing, are you back?"

"No, Zhang Yang, you come to the company quickly, and Yudie has an accident." Li Keqing said anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and asked immediately, what happened to Tan Yudie? how could it be possible? Anyway, there is also a mayor elder! Who dares to mess with her in city h? But if you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it. God knows what will happen.

"It's unclear on the phone, you come to the company, she's in the company, she didn't speak, she just cried there." Li Keqing whispered.

"Ah, okay, I'll come over immediately." Zhang Yang was relieved immediately when he heard Tan Yudie in the company. As long as it wasn't an accident, if there was nothing wrong with the person, then the other problem is probably something happened. . After agreeing, Zhang Yang hung up the phone directly.

He glanced at the computer and hesitated for a moment, but Zhang Yang was not thinking about it anyway. As long as cia couldn't find herself, she would love tossing and tossing. After shutting down the computer directly, and then setting the infected system to passive dormant defense, Zhang Yang closed the door and left the house.

At this time, there was no traffic jam on the road. It took about half an hour for the taxi to stop to the downstairs of the company. I looked up and looked at it. Most of the lights on the floor where the Starry Sky Group was located were on. In overtime, it is estimated that it has a great relationship with the negotiations between Chen Xiaowei and Blizzard.

After quickly going upstairs, as soon as he came out of the elevator, Zhang Yang saw Xia Yiyue waiting at the door of the elevator, and when he saw Zhang Yang came out, Xia January immediately smiled at him strangely and said, "Well, everyone is sunny In your office, just waiting for you."

"What's the situation?" Zhang Yang hurriedly asked.

"Uh, we don't know very well about this. She didn't speak. She was crying there, so we discussed it and called you." Xia Yiyue said something weird and Zhang Yang stunned. After a while, I was a little crying and laughing, what theory is this, what does it mean that she does not speak, just crying, and you called me after consultation? It sounds like I have something to do with her.

However, Zhang Yang was also embarrassed to tell Xia Yiyueming that Tan Yudie helped Zhang Yang so many times. Everyone saw it, and these girls were all wise and smart. Maybe Zhang Yang could feel it vaguely in his heart, Tan Yudie seemed to have a little meaning for him, but Zhang Yang pretended not to know, so he was just in peace.

With a sigh, Zhang Yang said helplessly, "You guys, just push me into the fire pit." Xia Yiyue Burmese smiled twice and didn't speak. When approaching the door, Xia January hesitated He just said, "Zhang Yang, this is your business, I don't know what to say, but you can't be sorry for Ke Qing anyway. You must know Ko Qing's character better than me. I don't think it's exaggerated. I said that Tan Yudie would be sad for a while without you, and then she would live normally. But Ke Qing lost you, and I think her entire world is gone."

Zhang Yang's walking body immediately stopped at the same place. It took a long time before Zhang Yang reached out and waved his hand. Without heading back, he walked quickly to Li Keqing's office. Walking to the door of the office, Zhang Yang saw Li Yingjie sitting in the lounge next to them. When Zhang Yang came, Li Yingjie shrugged their shoulders at Zhang Yang and then pouted into the office.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, then pushed open the door and walked in. Zhang Yang just opened the door and came in, and found that the eyes of everyone in the room were directly focused on his face. Zhang Yang couldn’t help but touch his nose, he saw Tan Yudie who was sitting on the sofa crying, Li Keqing was sitting beside her, and Li Yuxuan were all there, but Luo Tianshu saw Zhang Yang coming in , Could not help but blush slightly.

Zhang Yang was a bit crying and laughing. You and Zhao Fei had a leg. You blushed with me, but now it’s not like this. When Zhang Yang pushed the door in, Tan Yudie also raised her eyelids and glanced at Zhang Yang, but quickly lowered her head again. . But with this glance, Zhang Yang saw a blue slap mark on Tan Yudie's face, which was unusually clear.

Zhang Yang's face was slightly ugly. Anyway, let's not talk about Tan Yudie's thoughts about Zhang Yang, but at least he was a good friend. Such a beautiful girl, can anyone be scared to give such a heavy slap? From a friend's point of view, Zhang Yang can't ignore it, not to mention, when Zhang Yang had an accident, Tan Yudie did not hesitate to pull out her father's relationship.

"Who hit?" Zhang Yang immediately asked coldly.

Zhang Yang’s words made the atmosphere in the room a little weird. Zhang Yang’s tone made everyone a little bit uncomfortable. Normally, Zhang Yang smiled and looked like a good old man, but at the moment this tone is a little too harsh, and everyone seems a bit chilly. .

"My dad." I don't know if Zhang Yangdie's imperative tone caused Tan Yudie to answer the question subconsciously. Anyway, Tan Yudie's mouth was open, and the answer was only two words.

Zhang Yang immediately choked. It seemed that I was beating her daughter. Although it might be excessive, it was justified. But think about it too. In the city of H, Tan Yudie’s parents and elders are out. I’m afraid no one else dares to slap her casually.

"Your dad's head was squeezed by the door?" Zhang Yang paused and said again, if it wasn't for the head to be squeezed by the door, who is such a big daughter, who is willing to fight? And a slap directly hit the blue seal.

"Puff...cough...cough...I...I'm continue." Li Yuxuan, who was drinking water next to him, was choked by Zhang Yang's words, and the sip of water was sprayed all over the floor. Seeing everyone's eyes focused on her, Li Yuxuan quickly waved his hand, coughed twice, and patted his chest.

It is estimated that Tan Yudie was also hit by Zhang Yang's sturdy question. He raised his head and stared at Zhang Yang for a while, then lowered his head again. "What do you guys say?" Chen Xiaowei gave Zhang Yang a white glance, quickly walked to the other side of Tan Yudie and sat down, then whispered: "Yudie, if it's convenient, can you tell us, What is going on? Why did your dad hit you?"

Tan Yudie fell silent again and stopped talking. She just sat down and played with her clothes corner. Everyone's eyes drifted into Zhang Yang's body involuntarily. I feel that everyone's eyes are a little weird, and Zhang Yang has some scalp numbness. I said, grandma, can you not play in front of so many people.

I know you are wronged, and you can't play with you if you are wronged, and I can't wash it out when I jump into the Yellow River. Zhang Yang couldn't help but whispered, but Tan Yudie didn't say that it wasn't a matter of hanging like this. Someone looked at Li Keqing worriedly, and found that Li Keqing didn't look at him, just holding Tan Yudie's hand and whispering Comfort her.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang gritted his teeth, and for two lifetimes of understanding, Zhang Yang believed that Li Keqing was weak, but not the kind of unreasonable and jealous girl, so Zhang Yang simply went out and explained it to Li Keqing afterwards. , "Why did your dad hit you?"

"Because of you." Tan Yudie whispered three words in her mouth. With a puff, Li Yuxuan was okay this time. The other girls couldn't help being choked by their own saliva. Even Luo Tianshu and Chen Xiaowei were no exception. Everyone couldn't help but pat the forehead. , Is this going to stage a two-female capture?

Everyone felt a little at a loss, after all, this kind of thing... Other people are not very good to intervene, Li Keqing was also stunned for a moment, and involuntarily released Tan Yudie's hand. Zhang Yang almost fell directly to the ground. What's wrong with this horse?

"This... rice... what's going on with this?" Zhang Yang originally wanted to say that rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but not in nonsense, but after saying a word, Zhang Yang felt that it was not good to say so, and he just turned the corner. . Fortunately, everyone's emotions were confused by Lei Tan's three words, and they didn't notice anything wrong in Zhang Yang's words.

"Can I talk to you alone?" Tan Yudie raised her head and said with tears on her face. The people in the room looked even weirder. When everyone didn't know whether to leave, Li Keqing got up from the sofa and walked to Zhang Yang to whisper: "Zhang Yang, she is not in a good mood, you comfort her. "

After talking about Li Keqing, he turned and walked outside the Seeing that Li Keqing had acted, and several other girls were not good at staying in the house, they could only follow Li Keqing to the outside of the office. Soon, Zhang Yang and Tan Yudie were left in the house, because Li Keqing's office was glass, but they were all frosted glass. From the outside, they could not see what was inside.

Just as everyone had just closed the office door, Tan Yudie suddenly stood up from the sofa, threw it directly, hugged Zhang Yang’s neck, and hugged him fiercely, which could have been easy with Zhang Yang’s current reaction. She escaped, but Tan Yudie's movements were too violent. Zhang Yang was afraid that she would fall directly, hesitated for a moment, and still did not hide. Anyway, he didn't have any special ideas in his heart.

Soon, Zhang Yang felt cold inside his neck, obviously Tan Yudie's tears. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Tan Yudie couldn't help but say these three words. Although the voice was very low, the two of them were in the room, and Zhang Yang heard it naturally.

Zhang Yang also understood what she meant by these three words. Obviously because she has just acted, it will definitely cause trouble between Zhang Yang and Li Keqing. This kind of approach is expected to make everyone who knows the situation shameless, no matter what her original intention is, so she apologized.

"I love her, so, it doesn't matter." For a long time, Zhang Yang was ruthless and said a word.

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