The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 330: The head was kicked by a donkey (Part 2)

Chapter 330—Head kicked by a donkey (Part 2)

Chapter 330—Head kicked by a donkey (Part 2)

As soon as Zhang Yang’s words were spoken, he could feel that Tan Yudie’s tears were more violent. For a long time, Tan Yudie suddenly let go of Yang Yang and said with tears in her eyes, "I understand, so today Let me be capricious once, I'm really sorry." Tan Yudie bit her lip and said with a terrible throat.

After speaking, Tan Yudie slammed openly and rushed out of the office door. With a clatter, Tan Yudie directly opened the door of the office. The eyes of the several girls waiting outside immediately cast their eyes. Tan Yudie ignored the eyes of everyone and rushed towards the elevator in tears.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked at Zhang Yang from the door, but within a minute or so, what could happen? Why did Tan Yudie cry and ran away? Could it be that Tan Yudie confessed to Zhang Yang and was rejected by Zhang Yang? Several girls' minds are full of all kinds of gossip.

Zhang Yang paused, then quickly walked to the office door. When Zhang Yang walked to the door, Tan Yudie had already run to the elevator.

"Stop!" Zhang Yang roared, his tone was unprecedentedly harsh, and a few girls standing outside were startled. Tan Yudie, who was running towards the elevator, immediately stopped himself, but he stood still, didn’t look back, didn’t talk, stood still so quietly, and stretched his hand to touch a few tears from time to time.

Waiting for about thirty or forty seconds, when everyone felt that the time was so long, Zhang Yang said: "What run? Run back? You all come in." After saying Zhang Yang, no matter what everyone is. Reaction, turned his head directly into the office.

Everyone looked at each other and paused, or Li Keqing took the lead and entered the office. Several girls looked at each other and followed Li Keqing into the office weakly. Tan Yudie standing in the corridor stood still Seven or eight seconds, and then turned around silently, head down and walked back into the office.

When Tan Yudie came in, Xia January, who was at the door, hurriedly closed the door. "What do you want to see? You haven't asked you to buy a station ticket. You have to find a place to sit down. Tan Yudie and Ke Qing are on my side." Zhang Yang glared at everyone and then exited. As soon as Zhang Yang's words came out, the faces of several girls were a little weird. Li Yuxuan looked at Zhang Yang's face as if he were watching a living beast.

Wouldn’t this be to play with two women and serve one husband? I don't know why, such a scene popped up in everyone's mind. Tan Yudie and Li Keqing also froze for a moment, but after Li Keqing just paused, he went straight to Zhang Yang without hesitation.

The sofa that Zhang Yang sat on was a four-person sofa. Zhang Yang sat in about three-quarters of the positions. On one side, he could sit alone, and on the other side, he could sit in two people. When Li Keqing walked over, he sat directly there. One's location. Li Keqing's behavior made everyone a little stunned. Looking at the firm expression on Li Keqing's face, Zhang Yang felt distressed for a while, and Tan Yudie saw Li Keqing's movement, and he was shocked.

After hesitating for a few steps, Tan Yudie also walked firmly to the sofa and then sat on the other side of Zhang Yang. After Tan Yudie sat down, Zhang Yang naturally couldn't ignore the eyes of several girls. When they saw their strange eyes, Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. What do you think? My thoughts are innocent, okay?

Zhang Yang could only pretend not to see their eyes. After Tan Yudie sat on the other side, Zhang Yang reached out and picked up the tea cup on the table, knocked on the coffee table, and snorted coldly, "I said, Can you? Now you have a good temper? Why? Our group is not even your friend? Just run and run? Now, say, what is going on on your face, why did your dad hit you?"

It wasn't Zhang Yang who wanted to do more business, but if this business is not concerned today, he really jumped into the Yellow River and could not be washed. After Li Keqing sat down, Zhang Yang was facing Tan Yudie sideways, and Li Keqing was sitting next to Zhang Yang, so most of Li Keqing's body, including his right hand, was blocked by Zhang Yang's body.

After sitting down, Li Keqing was like a child afraid of losing an adult. His right hand involuntarily grabbed the corner of the clothes behind Zhang Yang. This action made Zhang Yang feel that his heart was as soft as the same water.

"He wanted me to marry Vice Premier Zhang's son, and I strongly disagreed. Then he gave me a slap." Tan Yudie lowered her head as if turning the wrong child.

Although what she said is simple, the process is certainly not so simple. Deputy Prime Minister? Zhang Yang frowned slightly, and Tan Yudie's old man whom Zhang Yang knew was limited to news and what he did. Strictly speaking, Tan Yudie's old man is a good official. Those things he does are for the people, and speaking and doing things gives people a very serious feeling.

Just what Zhang Yang thought was that Tan Zhenglin is also the kind of person who would sacrifice the happiness of his children and engage in political marriage. To be honest, Tan Zhenglin's appearance is really not like this kind of person, but it seems that if you are in the officialdom, you want There are few people who want to be different.

"This Vice Premier Zhang, what is his son's name?" After a pause, Zhang Yang continued to ask.

"Zhang Yunfeng." Tan Yudie said silently.

"Did you drive?" Zhang Yang asked again.

A few girls were stunned by Zhang Yang's jumping thinking, and they were all stunned. "Yeah." Tan Yudie is like a puppet now, and she answers whatever Zhang Yang asks.

Zhang Yang immediately pondered, and the room suddenly fell into silence. Zhang Yang's question was very strange. Everyone didn't know what Zhang Yang wanted to do. Someone asked him somehow. Seeing Zhang Yang thinking there, everyone didn't know what to do. Why did you speak?

After about five or six minutes, Zhang Yang decided in his heart that he stood up directly from the sofa, but when standing up, Zhang Yang's left hand held Li Keqing's right hand holding his clothes corner.

"Let's go to your house." Zhang Yang said to Tan Yudie. Zhang Yang's words made everyone stunned again. Tan Yudie was also a bit confused. I don't know what Zhang Yang's words meant. I subconsciously looked up at Zhang Yang. "I'll go with you." Zhang Yang added, afraid that Tan Yudie didn't understand.

While saying this, the hand holding Li Keqing's small hand tightened. After this little action, Zhang Yang could feel that Li Keqing's body seemed to relax at once. After Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, sometimes, one action, one look, the other party knew what he meant.

Li Keqing knew that this was Zhang Yang's reassurance. If she changed to another girl, she wouldn't be at ease, but I don't know why, Zhang Yang did this, and Li Keqing felt that her heart had calmed down at once. She believed Zhang Yang and believed unconditionally. . "Ah." Tan Yudie exclaimed softly after she recovered.

"Ah what, car keys, let's go. That, Ke Qing, you will go to Yu Xuan at night, and your aunt is not at home. Li Yu Xuan, Ke Qing will give it to you." Zhang Yang turned around and said a few words.

"Oh, I know." Li Yuxuan was obviously a bit ill-conscious, nodded subconsciously, and Zhang Yang looked back deeply at Li Keqing. When the two met, Zhang Yang seemed to see Ke Qing. In a quiet heart, he immediately calmed down and smiled at Li Keqing slightly. Zhang Yang couldn’t help but reach out and touched her hair and said, “You don’t need to worry anymore, I’ll help Yudie to solve the problem. ."

"Well, you go." Li Keqing also smiled, and nodded softly. Such small movements made several girls see their eyes. I don't know why, and suddenly everyone was a little envious. This unconditional trust is not shared by every couple. How many couples broke up because of mutual suspicion?

I am afraid that there are at least more than half of the things that were not there, and we guessed and guessed each other. "What about the key?" Zhang Yang turned to Tan Yudie and explained the matter clearly.

"Oh." Tan Yudie passed her car key out of her pocket with some confusion. "Let's go." Zhang Yang nodded slightly at her, then turned and walked outside, Tan Yudie subconsciously followed Zhang until the two figures disappeared at the door of the office, the office After the door closed at once, blocking everyone's sight, everyone started to look at each other suddenly.

"What is this...?" Ouyang Xin asked weakly for a long time.

"Is this publicity?" Li Yuxuan asked another question.

"Anla, there is Zhang Yang, there should be no problem, I believe he can handle it, we continue to say that the company's business is good." Li Keqing smiled and clapped his hands, and said to everyone.

Looking at Li Keqing's stable smile, a few girls have some unreal feelings. What's the situation? How did they get around, it seems that they have really become the onlookers of unknown truth? Can't understand anything? These things are too weird, right?

From the office, until the two got out of the parking lot and got on Tan Yudie's Porsche, neither of them spoke. After starting the car, Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and wrote several instructions directly to the infected insect while driving. After finishing the compilation, Zhang Yang quickly picked up his mobile phone and pretended to dial a number, and said to it: "It's me, find me all the information called Zhang Yunfeng. His father is the deputy prime minister. The more information about his private life, the better."

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