The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 358: Accident (on)

Chapter 358 The Accident (Part 1)

Chapter 358 The Accident (Part 1)

There are many deputy directors of cia. Although these deputy directors have relatively large rights, they are not all at the headquarters. During the two world wars, the United States has bases all over the world, and cia is found in almost all countries in the world, and there are branches in these countries.

Even in China, there are branches of cia. The specific address is not known, but these branches are there for people to see, and by the way, direct operations in this country. Regardless of which country's branch cia is in, it is certain to get the attention of the intelligence service of this country, even if it is an ally.

The difference is that the agents in the ally countries cia are more open and can only get the support of these ally countries. The Deputy Director Turner is not in the US headquarters, but the Deputy Director in charge of the European region. Although the itinerary of the Deputy Director level like Turner is certainly confidential, but his regional division can still be found. .

If nothing goes wrong, Turner should now be in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. If someone has watched Jackie Chan’s movie, he should have some impression of the city. Finding Turner's information, Zhang Yang immediately hacked into Rotterdam's main telecommunications department. From the telecommunications department's registration system, Zhang Yang quickly found the cia branch in Rotterdam, but it was a headache. The data is available, and the cia branch uses optical cable communications.

That is to say, its communication facilities are directly connected to the national optical cable network, and will not pass through these telecommunication service providers. It will pay directly to the Dutch government without going through the Dutch telecommunications department. Zhang Yang rubbed his forehead. In this case, the problem was more troublesome. Telecom just registered a general information here, but did not have the IP address and server address of the cia branch.

It’s useless for Zhang Yang to know the real address alone. And because its communication system is directly connected to the Dutch national telecommunications network, the address of this connection can be anywhere, even if it is in Rotterdam, Zhang Yang cannot find it. Unable to detect this, Zhang Yang has no way to determine its IP address.

Zhang Yang frowned slightly, how does it feel that cia's branch abroad is more defensive than its domestic headquarters? If there is no way to find this IP address, Zhang Yang certainly can’t get Turner’s computer information. "Infected with insects, preparing to invade the No. 4 satellite." Zhang Yang thought about it, and he was ready to start with several other satellites.

Although there are 13 spare satellites in the US* missile defense system, Zhang Yang currently only uses satellites 1 and 2. The other satellites have not moved, because two satellites are used at the same time. If there is any accident, Zhang Yang can I concealed the technical staff of the other party, but there were problems with the 13 satellites. As long as it is not an idiot, it is estimated that there will be something wrong. At that time, Zhang Yang will have no way to continue using these satellites.

The orbits of the 13 satellites are shared. The satellite 4 is mainly responsible for the area above Europe. If Zhang Yang wants to use it, he can only make the satellite 4 into his own broiler, although the satellite 1 can be changed orbit. However, it takes at least several hours to change from Asia to Europe, and more importantly, this large-scale orbit change can easily cause the other party to be alert. After all, the satellites in the sky are not without any defense against the satellites.

Infected insects quickly received Zhang Yang’s instructions, and now the infected insects are stored in satellites 1 and 2, and the two satellite systems have almost assimilated them, so there is no need to deal with satellites 4 of the same system at all. Hands-on, soon infected with worms successfully turned the No. 4 satellite into a flamboyant broiler.

"Within this city, search for this person, and automatically record all his actions, life habits, etc." Zhang Yang entered Turner's information into the database of infected insects. A few satellites can complete this work. Now with the infection, the search efficiency of the satellite server is more effective, and the search speed is naturally faster.

While searching for infectious insects, Zhang Yang did not idle, but frowned and began to think about how to get Turner's account information. This is a must for Blackcia's server. Sooner or later this step has to go out, it is better to act as soon as possible. "Ding Dong." Just when Zhang Yang tried to find a way, the prompt of the infected insect sounded, and Zhang Yang immediately switched the page. It is estimated that the infected insect found the whereabouts of Turner.

After switching to the information page of the infected insect, Zhang Yang was stunned. After a stunned moment, Zhang Yang immediately knocked back. This message suggests that Turner's information was not searched, but an inquiry message from an infected insect. "...Received an external connection request that meets the third sequence of the database. Is it performed according to the original settings? If there is no response within five seconds, the default scheme will continue to be executed."

The so-called external connection condition refers to someone issuing an order to the satellite. This order will naturally not be issued by Zhang Yang, that is, it is an external person, an overhaul technician under the US Department of Defense, or someone else. In this case, Zhang Yang had already thought of it when he invaded the No. 1 satellite, and he had already set up the system to prepare the method for encountering such a function.

When this happens, the system will automatically execute, directly close all the programs that are already running, and re-disguise the satellite as a dormant satellite that is dormant. Now because there is one more infection, there is one more determination procedure. Has anyone released a new mission to the satellite? Zhang Yang frowned. Zhang Yang had already checked the system log of the satellite when he was on the No. 1 satellite. Now this time is not the time to check the satellite. Why would anyone use the satellite?

However, if there is no infection, after the system is dormant, all settings of Zhang Yang will be hidden, and the network connection between Zhang Yang and the satellite will be automatically interrupted, so as to protect Zhang Yang to the greatest extent. But now that there are infected bugs, after Zhang Yang hits the Enter key, the infected bugs will automatically generate a dormant system. In other words, the infected insect will put a shell on itself, the other party's information, and only the shell will be connected to.

What they see is all illusions, unless the bottom command is used to completely search the satellite server, otherwise, the shell will not be found at all. However, it is impossible to use the low-level instructions. The server on the satellite is not the server placed in the computer room. The cost is extremely high and the special environment allows the satellite server to perform a deep format restart and the power supply and even the signal transmitter. It is easy to malfunction, which makes it impossible to boot.

If this happens, the satellite is completely abolished, so if it is not a major emergency, the satellite's server will generally not use the underlying commands for deep format search. In this way, no matter what the purpose of the other party's command is to send to the satellite, they "see" the same as the original system of the satellite. The difference is that an infectious insect is hidden under the satellite's system.

But all of their operations infected with insects are clearly seen. "Which satellite is the other party sending signals?" There are three satellites in Zhang Yang's hand, including the newly invaded No. 4 satellite. No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4 satellites are all Zhang Yang's broilers. The other satellites Zhang Yang are not. move.

"Satellite 4!" Infected insects quickly gave the latest answer. Zhang Yang froze for a moment. He didn't expect that he had just let the infected insect turn Satellite 4 into his own broiler. Someone sent instructions to Satellite 4. Did the other party find himself? If it was not for discovering oneself, how could someone inexplicably give instructions to the satellite?

This situation is unlikely to happen. These 13 satellites are one of the Department of Defense's secrets. Not many people know of their existence. Even the unit under which they are attached does not know the existence of these 13 satellites. .

"Monitor all the instructions sent by the other party, and list the other party's instructions on the computer screen." Zhang Yang directly issued new instructions to the infected insects. A separate page immediately appeared on Zhang Yang’s screen, and lines of instructions appeared directly on the computer screen.

When he saw the other party's first command, Zhang Yang was speechless. What was the situation? The first command actually used the satellite's g* navigation function? Although these 13 satellites are all military satellites, g* positioning and navigation naturally also exist, but you give orders to this kind of confidential satellites, anyway, you also use some advanced commands, okay? Such a commercial satellite has all the functions. Do you use this top military satellite?

Anyway, like a brother, you use a satellite server to invade other people's computers? Although a little speechless, Zhang Yang was still curious. After a pause, Zhang Yang asked the infected insect to orbit the No. 4 satellite, and in fact monitored the information sent by the other party.

The satellite quickly located the location where the other party sent the message. Seeing this location, Zhang Yang's face was a little weird, not elsewhere, just because Zhang Yang was still thinking hard, how to steal the deputy director of cia to enter the account of cia's internal system The location of Turner, Rotterdam, the Netherlands!

In addition to the monitoring screen, the screen sent by the infected insect to Zhang Yang also has a satellite map next to it. Zhang Yang glanced at the map. The current location of the person was in a motel. According to the instructions sent by the infected insect, the person seemed to be looking for a way out of the city.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang turned on the voice prompt function of the infected worm. If there is any latest situation, the infected worm can directly voice reminder, and the text may miss any important news. At the moment Europe is still in the middle of the night. From the position of this person, he is not far from the suburbs of Rotterdam.

"The other party's position started to move." Suddenly the sound of the infected insect rang out, and Zhang Yang immediately saw the target marked on the map, and the target of sending instructions came out of a room. At this time, the weather in Rotterdam was very clear. Although it was night, it still could not be an obstacle for the No. 4 satellite. The high-definition far-angle lens and the superb image analysis and processing software made Zhang Yang look like he was watching over this person.

Although the light is not very good, Zhang Yang can still see clearly. He is a white man about thirty years old. The man also carried a backpack. From the signal monitoring of the No. 4 satellite, the signal came from the man. Obviously, he should carry a wireless signal such as a laptop.

"His identity." Zhang Yang suddenly remembered an important question. He was able to know the specific conditions of these 13 satellites. No matter which person this person belongs to, his authority is not low, because he is normal through the military system. Logged in, so it can't be a hacker.

"Retrieving login account information, Holland Hack, Director of the Intelligence Division of cia Europe, United States! Male, 32 years old, major rank. Unable to confirm how the other party knows the reason for the existence of 13 satellites. From the analysis of the login situation, the other party also uses I sent an instruction to the satellite by illegal means." The voice of the infected machine quickly told Zhang Yang about the general analysis.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. In the internal system of cia, there are definitely records about the 13 satellites, but is it enough for a major to be at this I don’t know, but now the other party Now that I know about it, it's a system that uses illegal means to enter. So prove that there must be something wrong with him, is it a traitor of cia? What information was stolen to escape?

"The other party sent a new command, scanned all the neighborhoods, and entered a communication frequency, asking the satellite to monitor all targets with the same signal transmitter." The voice of the infected insect rang again.

"Execution." Zhang Yang gave two words. He wanted to see what the **** this guy was doing. Unexpectedly, he just wanted to find a deputy director of cia, and he could see such a good show.

Soon, dozens of new targets appeared on the electronic map, which was only monitored with the communication frequency entered by the man. The specific number of people must be much higher than this number.

"Retrieve the communication frequency. The frequency is confirmed to be the internal encrypted communication frequency of cia. A target with the same communication frequency is 97% likely to be an agent of cia." Infected insects also gave the latest analysis.

Hearing the infestation saying this, Zhang Yang knew that without further thought, it was already certain that this person was definitely one of the agents of the mutiny cia. As for why the mutiny, who was right and who was wrong, Zhang Yang was not interested.

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