The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 359: Accident (below)

Chapter 359 The Accident (Part 2)

Chapter 359 The Accident (Part 2)

"Check if his laptop is powered on? Can he enter his computer through the signal he connected to the satellite?" Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that since this person has been using the functions of the laptop, his computer should be in Powered on, and since his laptop is connected to the satellite, he should be able to hack into his computer directly through the satellite.

No matter why he defected, there should be an answer in his computer. Even if there is no answer, there may be something unexpected.

"Can't invade through the connection signal, the other party's firewall is different from the cia's internal firewall. If you crack the firewall or invade the system, it will cause anomalies in the satellite system, and the chance of exposure is 36%." The infection is almost in Zhang Yang's voice. When it fell, it gave Zhang Yang's answer.

"The other party sends a new command to calculate the best escape route." Infected insects again sent the other party's latest operation prompt. Zhang Yang's eyes lit up and said quickly: "Immediately simulate the command and tell the other party that they need to strengthen the signal connection, perform the calculation, and require the computer's three-level control authority." Since it is impossible to enter the other party's computer through illegal invasion, then take the initiative Attacked well.

The infected insect quickly executed the publicized instructions. About thirty seconds later, the infected insect's prompt sounded: "The other party passed the request and the connection has been established. The hard disk of the other party cannot be connected. Without being discovered by the other party, you can The only devices connected are the laptop’s built-in microphone, video, and network card."

"Connect to the other party's microphone." Even if the video is over, Zhang Yang can directly see the car he drives through the satellite. The notebook's camera generally has an auxiliary light source. If the camera is connected, it is easy for the other party to find abnormalities. There is no problem with the connection of the microphone, and soon the sound of the car engine can be heard in Zhang Yang's computer. At such a long distance, the sound and the picture certainly cannot be synchronized.

With the help of an infected insect, this person quickly circumvented the other party's encirclement, but these people obviously also have powerful hardware resources. Although they were surrounded by this person, they were still tracing back and forth from the satellite. From the map, the distance between the two sides is only one or two hundred meters.

After five or six minutes, there was a clear ringtone ringing on the speaker, because the man was driving, and Zhang Yang could only see his vehicle through the satellite, and could not see the inside of the car.

"...Don't dream, it's impossible." The white man in the car should have received a call. What the other party said could not be heard, but it was obviously very angry to hear the tone of the white man named Huck.

"...Do you want information? The information is in my hands. You have the ability to get it? You are holding American wages but betraying the interests of the United States. Do you still have the United States of America in your eyes?" After a while Huck said angrily. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, ha, it looks different from what he thinks. It seems that the current stage is a Hollywood blockbuster. It is the good guys who are being tracked, the actor, and the bad guys are being tracked.

"...If you tell me what benefits anubis or f gives you, maybe I can consider your suggestion, as for the others, it is useless to say more, and, don't follow my signal, your manpower is at least … It took 30 seconds to track my cell phone signal. Sorry, I hung up.” After that, the man should hang up the phone directly.

"The second sequence of keywords is detected, the relevant call records are immediately saved, and the event level is raised to the current highest priority level. Is it tracking?" Almost the man just said anubis and f in his mouth, and the infected insect immediately responded here. . It wasn't until the sound of the infected insects dropped that Zhang Yang suddenly recovered.

Zhang Yang looked at the blurry picture on the computer with a daze, anubis, f? This American CIA agent knows about the two organizations? But why did they kill them? Is it possible that anubis and f are funded by cia? Zhang Yang was a little stunned. When I thought about it carefully, this situation was not impossible. cia funded the government of other countries. Various kinds of resistance organizations and the like have gone a lot. Supporting a mysterious anubis and f does not seem to be a big deal.

With the huge resources of cia, it is very possible to have a strong organization. But what this Huck said, Zhang Yang couldn't help but frown. From Huck's words, it seems that someone else from cia was bought by the people of anubis and f, and Huck investigated this situation, but the other party Want to kill him.

According to this analysis, it seems that anubis and f are not funded by cia. Zhang Yang's head immediately became a mass of paste. Since this white man can get information about these 13 satellites, then his level of confidentiality in cia's internal intelligence system is certainly not low.

From what he said, Zhang Yang was sure that this detailed information about anubis and f was definitely not from the intelligence server of cia, but the man used other means to investigate. Otherwise, he will not be hunted down by others. After hesitating, Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and called Chen Xiaowei.

After the phone rang twice, Chen Xiaowei picked up the phone: "Zhang Yang, why?" "I'm in a hurry, please arrange for Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie to go to the Netherlands with me, you tell them, just Say I need their help." Zhang Yang said quickly.

If you publicize yourself, God knows what will happen, it is not domestic, and the power of cia in Europe is sometimes no different from that in the United States. If you don’t want to die, it’s better to bring a professional. "What happened?" Chen Xiaowei paused, then asked in a low voice. Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie reached out their hands. Although they didn't encounter anything, Yun Wei followed her for so long. It is estimated that Chen Xiaowei knew how much Zhao Fei was able to bear. Now when Zhang Yang says he needs help, Chen Xiaowei naturally has to worry.

Otherwise, why didn't Zhang Yang call Li Keqing, but called here instead. "It's okay, don't think about it. It's just that I want to go to Europe and order some equipment. Regarding the company's technical safety, some things can't be bought at home. Zhao Fei and they have a way, so we went to Europe. Buy." Zhang Yang lied directly, the company's equipment has not been bought, so this reason can be said.

"Well, okay, then I will arrange it, when will you leave?" Chen Xiaowei asked.

"If there is a ticket today, we will leave today. Otherwise, it will be almost Spring Festival after a while, and everyone will have no time, and after a while, are you not doing Blizzard? The company is also very busy, how can there be time to toss These things." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Uh, okay. But I have a question. Do you have a passport?" Chen Xiaowei choked, then promised, and asked helplessly.

"The passport matter is not easy. You forgot what the old man Tan Yudie did? The big deal is to use a special identity to go abroad." Zhang Yang said with a smile, Zhang Yang didn't worry about the passport matter, Zhao Fei absolutely What can be done to achieve this.

"Uh... then you call her yourself, anyway, you figure it out, I will inform them now." Chen Xiaowei choked, and then hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang did not call Tan Yudie or Tan Zhenglin. Even if Tan Zhenglin was the mayor, it was estimated that it would not be possible to get the passport within a few hours.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Fei's phone came over: "Go to the Netherlands?" "Yes. But no passport." Zhang Yang said quickly. "Is it urgent?" Zhao Fei asked again.

"En is very urgent. It's best that we can appear in Rotterdam, the Netherlands at this time tomorrow." Zhang Yang looked at the laptop screen. The man has got rid of cia's pursuit, but he still can't leave Rotterdam for the time being, obviously he was arrested* The profit is great, and there are more cia resources that can be mobilized than this man named Huck, and from various circumstances, this man named Huck seems to have become a wanted person.

" I got it. Mr. Chen just said that he would fly to the Netherlands in the afternoon and ask if we can get a passport. I will call and ask if it’s good, it should be nothing. Question, the two of us will come back now. You are waiting for us at home." Zhao Fei simply dropped a sentence, and then hung up the phone directly.

Zhang Yang immediately began to pack up his things. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang found that he could pack few things, hesitated, Zhang Yang reconnected to the network, and then remitted to an anonymous bank account he opened at Swiss Bank. Pen money.

No matter what you do in the Netherlands, it is estimated that leaving money will definitely not work. Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie came back very quickly. Within 40 minutes, the two men each carried a box into the door. When they entered the door, Zhang Yang had already done almost all the preparation work.

"We can't go out like this. We have a problem with our passport. Li Yingjie, you help Zhang Yang make up. I'm going to get the passport now." Zhao Fei took a photo of Zhang Yang in his hand and said to Li Yingjie.

"No problem." Li Yingjie nodded, then put his box directly on the coffee table in the living room, Zhang Yang cursed a little curiously. From this point of view, Zhang Yang was a little dizzy. The things in the box are actually all kinds of cosmetics, and all kinds of wigs are there.

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