The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 367: Lin Xiaohu (Part 1)

Chapter 367 Lin Xiaohu (Part 1)

Chapter 367 Lin Xiaohu (Part 1)

"What do you say about this? Xiaohu is still outside." Li Keqing, locked in the quilt, looked at Zhang Yang with a blushing face, and Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. "What should I do? We are both old and old, and we are afraid What? As for the little girl, I didn’t treat her as a child anyway.” Zhang Yang’s voice just fell, and suddenly there was a “bang” knock on the door. Zhang Yang was helpless and quickly walked over and opened the bedroom door. .

As soon as the door was opened, Lin Xiaohu drilled in. Zhang Yang reached out and grabbed her directly. Before waiting for Zhang Yang to speak, Lin Xiaohu said anxiously, "Dad, there are bad people outside." After that, he pointed to the living room. Inside, Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Lin Xiaohu had freed Zhang Yang's hand directly and ran into Li Keqing's bed corner.

Zhang Yang was just about to speak, and suddenly there was a subtle voice in his ear. Zhang Yang's eyebrows immediately frowned, and he quickly turned his head to Li Keqing on the bed and said, "Ke Qing, lock the door, if it's not mine Voice, don’t open the door. Do you understand? Now you call Zhao Fei and let them come."

After talking, Zhang Yang directly locked the bedroom door and went out. The subtle sound came from the door lock at the door of the room. It was obvious that someone was prying on the door lock. Zhang Yang took off his shoes and quickly flashed into the bedroom where Li Yingjie lived, pulling a box from the bed.

There is a pistol in the box, which Zhao Fei left behind. There are not many bullets, only a magazine. In case, Zhang Yang took out the pistol just in case, and then quickly retracted it to the door. There was a slow and slight opening of the door outside, followed by a chaotic footsteps. Zhang Yang hid his pistol behind his back and opened the bedroom door to take a look.

Seven or eight men rushed into the living room. These men carried choppers in their hands. A figure of a woman followed them. When they saw this woman, Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed slightly. This woman was no one else, just Zhang Yang. The girl I met at the entrance of the corridor was the one that Zhang Yang had encountered in the bar. Now it seems that this woman is probably not a student of s University.

"A few of you go over there, a few of you go over there, remember, find the little girl, the others..." The man who took the lead made a gesture of wiping his neck directly. A flash of cold flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes, and a closer look. There were a total of seven men and a woman. When the voice of the man fell, three men immediately approached here, and the rest were Turned to another direction. Walked over to Li Keqing's bedroom.

Zhang Yang's mind turned a few thoughts in a flash and opened the door and went out. With a clatter, the eyes of everyone in the room immediately turned to Zhang Yang. "Who are you?" Zhang Yang asked coldly. "Boy, I ask you, what about that little girl?" The man who had just spoken in the living room immediately pushed away a few daggers and came to ask.

I glanced at the girl I met at s and saw Zhang Yang's gaze sweeping over. The woman immediately turned her head away with some guilty conscience. Although Zhang Yang did not know how the other party knew his family, but it must have a lot to do with this woman. When he left Lin Xiaohu that day, no one behind Zhang Yang should be followed. Afterwards, Zhang Yang went to the Netherlands for three days, and encountered it just after returning today. If it were not for his own return, Yun Wei, some of them followed Li Keqing, and with Yun Wei’s ability, it was impossible for someone to follow. Not found.

The key issue is estimated to be this girl. It’s not too difficult to ask Zhang Yang’s things in s big, because in the Star Group’s press conference, Zhang Yang is also a small celebrity in s big. "Who are you? Song Zhaojun's men?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

The three words of Song Zhaojun changed the faces of these people slightly, but the leading man said quickly after stupefying: "I didn't expect you to know the people on the road, but this is when Song Zhaojun came That's right, but looking at the boss Song's face, you hand over the little girl, and I will let you go."

Zhang Yang sneered and didn't speak, so he slowly walked over to the leading man. The man was so courageous and just stood there watching Zhang Yang coming. When Zhang Yang walked in front of him, he directly took out the gun in his hand and directly pressed it against the man's head.

The pistol that popped out of Zhang Yang's hand made everyone in the room stunned for a moment, and the cold muzzle was tightly pressed against the man's forehead, and fine sweat beads immediately appeared on his head. Although Zhang Yang said that he had practiced with Li Yingjie, Zhang Yang, who was empty-handed, did not learn it. As the saying goes, the teacher was killed by a fist, such a big place in the house, in case of a fight, he was cut and cried. It's too late, why not use a gun?

"Are frightening anyone with a fake gun?" This man was hard enough, but Zhang Yang's pistol was on his head, but his mouth was still hard, and he stared at Zhang Yang hard, but his hand holding the knife was Still dare not move.

"Bang" and "Wow", two consecutive clear voices sounded, and Zhang Yang pulled the trigger in his hand directly at the coffee table. The sudden gunshot made the woman scream a sharp scream, and the other little **** shrank back.

When some hot muzzle was once again pressed against his forehead, the man was no longer able to breathe, and the knife in his hand fell directly to the ground with a bang. "I tell you the truth, I killed you and killed you in vain. Isn't it strange why I have a pistol in my hand? Didn't Song Zhaojun tell you that there was a man named Zhang Yang who had been found by the National Security Bureau? Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes.

Zhang Yang is not sure what these people are doing. Lin Xiaohu's identity is a little special. Zhang Yang has thought about it, but Zhang Yang did not expect Lin Xiaohu to attract people on the underworld. As for how Lin Xiaohu appeared in the big s, it was not something that Zhang Yang could know. Now Zhang Yang can only swindle and swindle. Let’s swindle this man first, as long as he has passed this level, it’s related to Lao Tan. There are Zhao Fei and they are there, Zhang Yang need not be afraid of anyone.

When Zhang Yang said the words, the man's complexion turned white, and even the little gangsters behind them were so scared that he dropped the knife in his hand to the ground. I have to say that all the big cities are very well-educated. At least you have to go to a small county town under some remote provinces and cities. If you say the National Security Bureau, you might as well say that the threat of coming is huge.

And the screaming woman was directly paralyzed to the ground, and there was no expression on her face, both blue and red. The atmosphere in the room was so quiet. Zhang Yang didn't know what to do for a while, the police? The trouble was so serious that Lin Xiaohu was given to the police. Zhang Yang had no special idea. She was just a child, and the police could not embarrass him.

Now Zhang Yang is somewhat worried about the black forces behind these people. Although Zhao Fei told Zhang Yang last time, the black forces in city H are basically under the control of the government, but this kind of control is definitely invisible control and cannot be achieved. With a 100% effect, there are a variety of people in the fish and snake mix.

The king is good at seeing little ghosts, the police are not omnipotent, and the national security is not omnipotent. Zhao Fei's manpower is limited. If the other party used any means to retaliate, Zhang Yang would not dare to risk even one percent.

But let them go, it's even more impossible. As long as Zhang Yang let go of these people today, the other party would immediately know that Zhang Yang did not have the courage to start. The atmosphere in the room became more and more quiet, Zhang Yang's expressionless face, but the cold sweat on the face of Zhang Yang's forehead was more and more, and his spirit could not bear it.

A person who hasn't been pointed by a gun can't imagine, as long as the opponent's hand moves, his life will be gone. What is it like? The other little **** in the room stood honestly and did not dare to move. Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps in the corridor outside. The footsteps were very messy, and it looked like at least a dozen people.

Zhang Yang's complexion immediately went down, and he changed his direction without leaving any traces, mingling a few in the house, and the man was right in the middle of him and the doorway. When the footsteps outside approached the door, suddenly quieted down, Zhang Yang immediately became more certain that these people were definitely directed at him, presumably with the man.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang said loudly, "Why don't you come in and sit down and sit outside when you come here? I'm still very hospitable." Li Keqing's phone is in the bedroom. Zhao Fei estimated that Already rushing back in time, as long as they wait for Zhao Fei to come back, everything is easy to say, and now I am afraid that other residents in this building will call the police.

It was quiet outside for a while, and suddenly someone’s voice rang out: “Are you a cobra, right? I tell you, cobra, you can’t eat this list, if you dare to touch the little girl with a finger, don’t think it’s China. I can't treat you, even if I die here, your tm will definitely step on the cement column first, and I will come in now."

Although this person speaks Chinese, the tone is a little weird, unlike the people in China. From his tone, Zhang Yang heard it directly. This person should be from abroad. After this man finished speaking, then a footstep sounded, and from the gap in the door of the room, Zhang Yang saw a strong man.

This strong man has a height of at least about two meters, and the door is a standard one-meter and two-wide door. The man's body is almost the majority. When he walked in, the situation inside the room immediately froze him. Obviously, this situation was far beyond his expectations.

Soon the strong man found the man pointed at by Zhang Yang with a gun, and Zhang Yang standing on the spot. Several suspicious eyes flashed on his face. After looking at Zhang Yang, he asked in a deep voice, "This A friend, it seems that it was you who just spoke to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not with them."

"I'm not stupid. Who are you." Zhang Yang asked coldly.

"You don't need to ask who we are. It's no good if you know this." The strong man hesitated and said quickly.

"You* yes*, didn't you see Lao Tzu being pointed at??, this is domestic, not Canada, how do you think the pistol in his hand came from? This person is from the National Security Bureau." Zhang Yang used the gun The man pointing pointed out suddenly. Zhang Yang didn't stop him, his eyes still looked at the big man through the gap of the crowd.

Hearing this man's words, a sigh of consternation flashed on the strong man's face, and the expression on his face instantly became dignified. It took a long time for him to think of something, and hesitated before continuing: "Friend, since you are Guoan, do you know this?"

After speaking, the strong man pulled the sleeves of his clothes straight up, and a blue dragon-shaped tattoo with teeth and claws appeared on his arm. This tattoo is very strange, the shape of the dragon is not clear, but most of the dragon's body is hidden under the clouds, only a looming part is exposed, and even the dragon head has only one mouth to drink the sharp teeth inside.

Zhang Yang glanced back, and then withdrew his gaze. Zhang Yang certainly didn't know what this tattoo meant, but from the meaning of this strong man's everyone who looks like Guoan knows? A dozen thoughts turned inside his head, Zhang Yang nodded expressionlessly: "Is there a problem?"

"Yes... since you know that, it's fine, Lin Xiaohu is the daughter of our next leader, I hope you can hand it to us, we will leave China immediately." Zhuanghan said.

This sentence made Zhang Yang's head immediately three circles. From the moment the men pointed to by Zhang Yang appeared, Zhang Yang had a bad hunch in his heart. When this strong man appeared, Zhang Yang's hunch increased. . The appearance of this sentence undoubtedly made Zhang Yang's hunch a reality.

"Let your people control them." Zhang Yang hesitated and took a step back, said with a pistol pointing at the person here.

"No problem. Come in and tie all these **** to me and take them away." The strong man shouted immediately outside the door, arrogant, and as the strong man's voice fell, the door immediately rushed in a dozen The man twisted out the gangsters in the house one by one.

There were many silhouettes in the gaps between these people coming in from outside the door. Zhang Yang saw that they were still carrying a swollen nose and a swollen face. The crowded room soon regained its emptiness, except for the broken coffee table and the strong man, everyone else left.

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