The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 368: Lin Xiaohu (Part 2)

Chapter 368: Lin Xiaohu (Part 2)

Chapter 368: Lin Xiaohu (Part 2)

"This gentleman, can we call out our young lady?" The strong man looked at Zhang Yang and asked seriously, hesitating for a moment, anyway holding a pistol in his hand, Zhang Yang nodded and shouted to the house: "Ke Qing out Let's bring Lin Xiaohu out." Zhang Yang's voice fell, and soon the bedroom door was opened by Li Keqing. Open the door first and stick out a small head to look at it. Seeing Zhang Yang standing in the living room, there is nothing wrong with Li Keqing. Before he was relieved, one hand took Lin Xiaohu out of the house.

Immediately after coming out of the bedroom, after seeing the strong man, Lin Xiaohu immediately shouted with joy: "Wild bear dad." "Uh..." Zhang Yang almost choked on his spit, feeling Lin Xiaohu screaming. Dad's habits are brought up? Why is it that everyone is called dad? And why is her father so much?

Seeing Lin Xiaohu rushing into the arms of the strong man, Zhang Yang was finally relieved. My mother, this grandmother was dismissed. "Well, you hurriedly left my house, and, clean up the matter for me, otherwise don't blame me." Zhang Yang said quickly.

Seeing this, the strong man also understood that Zhang Yang rescued Lin Xiaohu. He immediately said to Zhang Yang respectfully: "Thank you Mr. Zhang, thank you very much, we will keep in mind. If you have any questions, please contact us. Success. We will help you deal with Mr. Zhang later."

After finishing the speech, the strong man walked outside holding Lin Xiaohu, and Lin Xiaohu struggled immediately: "Wait, I still have something to say." The strong man stopped himself immediately, Lin Xiaohu Lying on the shoulders of the strong man, he looked at Zhang Yang and Li Keqing and said, "Daddy Zhang Yang, I'm sorry, I know I have caused you a lot of trouble, and brought a lot of danger to Ke Qing's mother, really Sorry."

Zhang Yang's body immediately froze slightly, to be honest, Lin Xiaohu was actually quite cute, but Zhang Yang had no special feelings for Lin Xiaohu, in fact, it was the same with anyone. After all, he only got along for two days, but Lin Xiaohu's very serious words touched Zhang Yang greatly.

A child of five or six years old can say this, this child's future achievements must be extraordinary! More importantly, it is enough for him to have this heart.

"It's okay, it should be. Go home and be good, don't run around." Zhang Yang paused and said to Lin Xiaohu with a smile. "Well, I know!" Lin Xiaohu nodded heavily, and then waved to Zhang Yang: "Father Zhang Yang, goodbye mother, goodbye!" After that, Lin Xiaohu turned his head straight.

It was only at the moment when she twisted her little head that Zhang Yang saw tears flashing in her eyes, and the little guy was quite emotional. Li Keqing's eyes were slightly red, and Zhang Yang reached out and took her into his arms. Seeing the strong man holding Lin Xiaohu to leave, Zhang Yang walked over to close the door. When closing, Zhang Yang squeezed the pistol into his waist and pinched.

Li Keqing must have seen it, but she was clever and said nothing. "I'm sorry." Walking to Li Keqing, Zhang Yang reached out and touched her long hair, apologizing. Don't think about it, Zhang Yang knows that Li Keqing must have been scared to death just in the bedroom.

Shaking his head vigorously, letting his long hair sway in the air, Li Keqing said: "No need to say sorry, this is what you told me, I don't say sorry to you, and you don't need to say sorry to me."

Zhang Yang nodded and stretched his hands to hold Li Keqing in his arms again. Just as he took Li Keqing into his arms, there was a knock on the door outside, and then Zhao Fei's voice rang: "Zhang Yang, are you inside?" "I'm here." Zhang Yang hurriedly agreed, and then opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, Zhang Yang saw the strong man who was twisted by Li Yingjie's arm and Lin Xiaohu who was hugging Zhao Fei's arms.

"Uh... why are you back?" Zhang Yang asked with a helpless shrugged shoulder. The strong man smiled bitterly and said, "I said, there is peace between me and Mr. Zhang. Can you let me go now?" Li Yingjie's eyes immediately turned to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang nodded slightly and Zhang Yang discovered It’s not just Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie. On the elevator side, Yun Wei and another instructor are guarding the elevator door.

"Mr. Zhang, can you let the people under you let go of me below?" The strong man looked at Zhang Yang honestly and asked. Although the brave man had just respected Zhang Yang just now, it was just because the man in the mouth just thought that Zhang Yang was talented by the Ministry of National Security.

But when he just got out of the elevator, he was taken aback by the situation outside. There were only five men outside, but these five men brought him more than twenty men and more than twenty. The dozen or so people under their hands were all laid down on the ground, and the hands were ruthless. The strong men who had been on the road for so long felt a little shudder.

If it weren't for him holding Lin Xiaohu in his hand, and Lin Xiaohu explained to the two men quickly, it is estimated that he would be no different from those on the ground. The fierceness of these people made the strong men understand that these people have seen blood on their hands.

Especially when they started, no matter how miserable the other party was, they were always indifferent on their faces, and even some faint excitement. The bloodthirsty excitement made him feel a little scared. "Uh? What's wrong with you?" Zhang Yang choked.

"Nothing. When we came in and saw them coming out of the stairs, we started directly. Uh... because Ke Qing said anxiously, we started a little heavy." Zhao Fei said weakly.

"..." Zhang Yang's own arm was removed by Li Yingjie. Li Yingjie said that it was a minor injury. Now the hand in Zhao Fei's mouth is a little heavy... Zhang Yang estimates that the bones of these people may have to be broken off. Zhang Yang immediately turned to the strong man and said apologetically: "Well, sorry, the situation here was just urgent for me, and you are here again soon. The people under my staff just came over and didn't know the situation. So, I paid for their medical expenses. , How much compensation do you give me a number."

The brawny hurried bye and said: "Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. You don't need to pay. We haven't repaid your kindness. What is this, as long as it is clarified by misunderstanding."

"That... there is still a problem." Zhao Fei said again, and after seeing Zhang Yang's inquiry, Zhao Fei said helplessly: "The police should be here, are you going to deal with it. Otherwise, I guess they Can't go." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, they can't go, can you go?

But when talking about the police, Zhang Yang hurriedly said: "You are here waiting, I put the pistol up, but I don't have a gun license." After talking, Zhang Yang ran to the back room immediately, and quickly hid the pistol in the back room. He walked out of the room, picked up a coat and wore it directly out of his pajamas and said, "Come on, let's go down and see."

When Zhang Yang went downstairs, a lot of police had stopped outside, and even the cordon was pulled up. Seeing Zhang Yang come down, the policeman over there immediately looked at Zhang Yang with vigilance. Zhang Yang hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Mr. Police Officer, we are good people and I am a proper defense."

"Hold your hands up, don't move, and stand where you are." Several policemen immediately said with a nervous finger pointing at them, and the other hand was already touching his waist. Several people of Zhang Yang hurriedly stood at the same place. "What the **** is going on here?" At this time, a police officer with a high-ranking title appeared opposite, looked at Zhang Yang, and then asked the wounded.

"This...we are legitimate defense, that police officer, so, let me call someone and tell him to do it?" Zhang Yang said quickly, raising his mobile phone while talking. . By the time he came down, Zhang Yang was already prepared. This situation can only let Lao Tan come forward. Lao Tan should not care.

"Okay." Living in a city such as city h, these old policemen know that in a big city like this, the bright spots of the eyes must be put, maybe there is someone with a great background, and it is not guilty. It is best not to offend people easily. It's not uncommon to see some big gods offend a seemingly ordinary person on the road, and then jump out of some great gods.

Moreover, the police had controlled the situation at this moment, and the police officer would not mind Zhang Yang making a phone call. Zhang Yang immediately picked up the phone and dialed Tan Zhenglin's phone. The phone was connected quickly, and Tan Zhenglin's voice rang as soon as he connected: "I said, Do you think my mayor is very busy?"

Upon hearing Tan Zhenglin's words, Zhang Yang knew that there must be no one else beside him at the moment. "Uh, it's like that. I got a little trouble for you, Lao Tan. Now I'm surrounded by a bunch of policemen. The situation is probably like this..." Zhang Yang said the general situation immediately. Of course, the strong men Zhang Yang was directly said to save his friend.

"Are you sure?" Tan Zhenglin's tone immediately became serious. "Of course." Zhang Yang nodded and said. "Call the policeman." Tan Zhenglin said to Zhang Yang immediately.

Although Zhang Yang's voice was not loud, it was not small, and the position of the police officer was not far from Zhang Yang. When Zhang Yang and Lao Tan were called on the phone, the policeman's face was stunned for a while, and then it seemed like he had thought of it. Seeing Zhang Yang's face was like seeing a ghost.

Among city government officials, there is only one surnamed Tan, that is, the mayor of Zhengzhou City, Tan Zhenglin, and Zhang Yang, since he called, apparently called someone who could speak, could speak to himself, and had the surname of Tan. Yes, this police officer's first contact was naturally the parent officer of city h.

But is this possible? Mayor Tan will be called Lao Tan by a young man in his twenties? And is it still so casual? The police officer was dizzy.

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