The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 369: trouble

Chapter 369 Trouble

Chapter 369 Trouble

"That, officer, your phone." Zhang Yang handed the mobile phone in his hand to the policeman. This is also no way. If possible, Zhang Yang didn't want to trouble Tan Zhenglin. It's all human love that owes! The policeman immediately took Zhang Yang's cell phone respectfully and took it to his ear and said carefully, "Hello, hello."

Soon, the policeman's face became very serious in an instant, and his body straightened a lot. He has been there for a long time. Tan Zhenglin quickly finished talking with the police officer. After that, the police officer flew quickly. He came over and whispered next to Zhang Yang: "Mayor Tan wants to talk to you."

Zhang Yangchong smiled at the police officer, then nodded and picked up the phone and said directly to the inside: "Old Tan, thank you." "Sordy boy, I sold you a big face, and this is very important , I will let the * Bureau give me a separate report, maybe this matter will alarm Guoan. Those black people, you confirm their identity is no problem?" Tan Zhenglin first smiled and scolded, and then asked very seriously.

"This...I'm going to find them alone and let you investigate. But you shouldn't get me into it. I'm the victim all through." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said quickly to the phone.

"I understand, so, I will make a phone call with Guoan. Those bastards, I will let them send someone to interrogate." Tan Zhenglin thought and said. "Wait!" Zhang Yang suddenly remembered a very important thing. Although he had just hidden the gun, these gangsters must be taken to the police station. At the last interrogation, there was a gun in Zhang Yang's hand. These gangsters There is absolutely no good intention to hide for Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang, a strong man here, is at ease. They shouldn't say it, but those who don't need to know about it, it's estimated how serious they are. If Zhang Yang is really a member of the National Security Bureau, he is not the problem, he is just a fake, and if the pokes come out, it will be serious.

"Why?" Tan Zhenglin asked in a strange way. Zhang Yang didn't tell Tan Zhenglin that he had a gun. Zhang Yang had a headache. What should I say about it? Do you tell the truth to Lao Tan? Zhao Fei, who was standing next to Zhang Yang, seemed to understand why Zhang Yang was troubled. He immediately took a step forward and lowered his voice in Zhang Yang's ear, saying, "Push things to Li Yingjie, don't worry about other things. The pistols were taken away by them, there will be no other problems, let the people of Guoan come."

Zhao Fei said this, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that Zhao Fei told Zhang Yang that if they were retired, they would be monitored by Guoan for a long time, even if it was not real-time monitoring, but their whereabouts must also be within the scope of Guoan. within. Then their identity is clearly that the National Security Council will have a person in charge.

Zhao Fei has guns in their hands, which is naturally not difficult to explain. "Is there any trouble?" Zhang Yang paused, then asked in a lower voice.

"No trouble, as long as we don't make trouble," Zhao Fei quickly replied. "Hello?" Tan Zhenglin's inquiry came again from the phone. "Oh, nothing, there are a few bodyguards around me, you should have information, their identity is a little special, so I have a pistol at know." Zhang Yang said ambiguously.

Tan Zhenglin is estimated to be a little speechless. He hasn’t spoken for a long time. After about twenty seconds, Tan Zhenglin said with a headache: "You’re going to cause me trouble. You can’t escape Guoan’s eyes and ears. I can’t give you anything. Block, but you should not have any problems."

"Uh, thanks, you don't need to stop. You can just let the people of Guoan come over. The status of these people around me is special. They know the people of Guoan and let them handle it." Zhang Yang did not expect Tan Zhenglin to prepare to help him Blocking this matter, after a choking, Zhang Yang immediately said what Zhao Fei meant.

"Oh?" Tan Zhenglin immediately surprised, and then said: "Since you said so, then I will be on business, you can rest assured, no big deal, just like this, I have already explained, you don't need to go for now Police station, it is estimated that Guoan will find you soon."

"Well, I know, thank you. Lao Tan, invite you to dinner someday, and give you hundreds of thousands by the way." Zhang Yang smiled and made a joke. Without waiting for Lao Tan to get angry, Zhang Yang hung up the phone directly, and the policeman standing not far from Zhang Yang was a bit dizzy.

Zhang Yang said that the police will naturally not take it seriously. Who does not know that the president of Jinghai Group is the wife of Mayor Tan? It is estimated that Mayor Tan will accept bribes, and it is estimated that the entire official city of H will not believe it. But those who dare to joke with Mayor Tan, even if Mayor Tan's daughter is not, dare not, what is the identity of this young man?

No matter what the identity of the young man, the police officer seriously read Zhang Yang's appearance several times, and then made sure that his appearance was printed in his mind before the police officer returned his gaze.

"Mr. Zhang, let us handle this matter. This is a cold day. Please run down. We have already called an ambulance. Your friend, we will send someone to the hospital." Seeing Zhang Yanghang After the phone call, the police officer said with a smile on his face.

"Then trouble you. That, you come here." Zhang Yang is also not polite. He knows that he will be polite to this police officer at this time. It is estimated that the other party will be more panic, so he simply is too lazy to be polite. The next half of Zhang Yang's statement was to the strong man. Pulling the strong man to an unmanned corner, Zhang Yang directly said: "Explain to the people under your command. You may have to cooperate with Guoan in a moment. is that OK?"

Since he dared to speak that way after knowing his identity, no matter what his identity, this strong man obviously should have cooperation with Guoan. Let him cooperate with him, should there be no problem. Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Yang's words, the strong man's face was a little hesitant, and finally nodded, and said cheerfully, "No problem."

"That's good, you explain to your people." Zhang Yang said. The strong man immediately nodded and walked over, then said something in the ear of one of the dozen people who followed him, and then returned to Zhang Yang. After greeting the policeman, Zhang Yang turned and walked to his house.

It seems that this place can't live anymore. Although this matter must have been resolved, this group of arrested people is definitely not the biggest leader. God knows who is behind the other party. By the time he returned home, Zhang Yang already had a decision in his heart, and when the matter was over, he moved immediately.

"I believe you can see it. I am not from the National Security Bureau, but I have something to do with them. I don't want to know your identity. I'm just an ordinary person, an ordinary businessman, I don't want to be related to you, save Xiaohu just happened to be at the meeting, mainly because she was smart enough, which is the key. I know her parents may be great big men, and repaying them is not necessary. I just hope you don’t disturb our lives in the future, can you?” After sitting down in the living room, Zhang Yang thought for a while and then raised his head and said seriously to the strong man.

The strong man hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Well, Mr. Zhang's words, I will tell Mr. Lin, please rest assured, we know." Seeing the strong man understood, Zhang Yang nodded with a smile, from beginning to end Zhang Yang who said these words didn’t dare to look at Lin Xiaohu, he knew how much these words would hit the smart little girl. After all, she was just a child, and these words came to a child, especially a smart child. Said, a bit cruel.

Li Keqing couldn't bear it, but she didn't say much. She just sat in Zhang Yang, holding her big hand tightly. Zhang Yang did not wait long. About half an hour later, two men knocked on Zhang Yang's door. After opening the door, the two men looked at Zhao Fei for the first time.

Then he turned to Zhang Yang and presented Zhang Yang with the National Security Bureau's ID. "Mr. Zhang, we are here to ask him to cooperate with us in our investigation. Also, please trouble Mr. Zhang to take out your weapon." After telling Tan Zhenglin about the pistol Zhang Yang expected this situation, shrugging his shoulders, Zhang Yang turned back to the room and handed the pistol and magazine left by Li Yingjie to the man.

The man took it, then turned to the strong man and said, "Mr. Carlo, please go with us." The strong man nodded and stood up, leaned over and hugged Lin Xiaohu, Lin Xiaohu did not resist , The obedient man let the strong man pick her up, but her eyes kept looking at Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, and there was no way to tell what was in her eyes.

"Mr. Carlo, please come with me." Another man made a gesture of invitation and then took the lead to go outside. The strong man immediately followed the man to the outside of the room. After Carlos left, the remaining man looked at Zhao Fei, and finally couldn't help but say, "That... er... forget it, I won't say it anyway, you know what to do, you shouldn't doing what."

After throwing the next sentence, the man turned around and ran away in embarrassment. With people like Zhao Fei, he really didn't know what kind of cruel words to say, so scare Zhao Fei? Knowing Zhao Fei's experience, this man naturally understands that these people don't care about him at all. Let's use military rank to suppress them. People are not soldiers. As for the other... When accepting this character, the man naturally saw part of Zhao Fei’s files, only the achievements listed in the files, so that the man could not say anything else, and in the end could only lose The next sentence escaped.

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