The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 379: Blowout rhythm (below)

Chapter 379 Blowout Rhythm (Part 2)

Chapter 379 Blowout Rhythm (Part 2)

"I knew you would say that, I have refused, but Microsoft said it was to be discussed. I called to just ask what your bottom line is." Chen Xiaowei replied with a smile.

"There is no bottom line, as long as we can make money other than code sharing, we will sign this contract." Zhang Yang quickly replied. In fact, it does not matter whether you make money or not. What is Starry Sky Group missing now? It’s not humble to say that Starry Sky does not lack technology. As long as there is an infectious insect system, Starry Sky Group does not lack technology in this respect. Don’t look like Zhang Yang does not have a systematic learning, but with the help of infected insects, write a new It's a matter of minutes before the system comes out, and now the problem is the patent right.

However, by next year, most of Microsoft’s patent protection period should have passed, so this is basically not a problem. Besides, Zhang Yang is not ready to grab the share of the computer market with Microsoft. Let’s start with the mobile phone. In terms of development, the Internet frequency of mobile phones in the future is even more popular and more numerous than computers.

As for the money, Starry Group said that it was enough, and that it was not lacking. At least for Starry Group, you just gave it a few billions of dollars and there was no place to spend it, and now Starry Group is most influential! The most missing is prestige! And cooperation with Microsoft, especially equal cooperation, is undoubtedly to borrow eggs and use Microsoft's influence in the world to expand the influence of the Star Group.

Even if you don’t make money, as long as you can expand the influence of the Star Group, Zhang Yang has done it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t lack money. You can make money later, but the prestige and influence are not so easy to expand. "Uh, I understand what you mean." Chen Xiaowei was very smart. As soon as Zhang Yang's words were spoken, she probably guessed Zhang Yang's thoughts. "You can trust me with this matter. Wait for my good news. Hey, if you are watching our press conference, don't leave for a while." Chen Xiaowei greeted Zhang Yang with a smile. Then hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang scratched his head, does it mean that Chen Xiaowei can get Microsoft in a while? Now that Microsoft is not working, it is estimated that everything will be delayed until tomorrow. The press conference was nearing its end. After hanging up the call to Zhang Yang, the main things were over. The rest were some minor activities, and there was a briefing on the Star Group’s products with reporters. Short video special effects.

Nothing can be seen from the video effects, but the effect still shocked many people. After about 20 minutes, when these reporters were ready to leave, Zhang Yang saw Chen Xiaowei's appearance again from the live broadcast, which had been pinched, but saw what Chen Xiaowei said to the host there, control The live reporter did not cut off the live broadcast.

"Friends of journalists, please stay here. The president of our company has the latest news to tell you." The host said quickly through the microphone. Some reporters have already reached the door. Hearing the host said these reporters looked at each other. , And then returned to the venue again. After these reporters came back, Chen Xiaowei walked onto the stage again with a smile.

Looking at the many reporters below, Chen Xiaowei said with a smile: "This is the case. I just forgot a very important thing. Now I will re-announce it to the reporter friends, that is, I hope that the reporter friends will come to participate in three days. Our Star Group, at a press conference with Microsoft, this cooperation is about the latest system development of Microsoft and the Star Group cooperation."

With a click, I didn't know how many reporters dropped his chin. Chen Xiaowei didn't walk off the podium for the first time, but just stood there with a smile on his face. All the reporters were directly agitated by Chen Xiaowei's sudden problem. When everyone reflected what Chen Xiaowei said, these reporters' faces were full of shock, and then they were unbelievable.

After they came back, all the reporters could not wait to ask immediately, "President Chen, please..." "President Chen..." "Miss Chen Xiaowei..." "Miss Chen Xiaowei...please ask your company..." All kinds of voices turned the market into a vegetable market almost immediately and again.

Chen Xiaowei immediately knocked on the microphone a few times and said aloud through the microphone: "Dear reporter friends, please be quiet, I will give you a detailed short answer." It was not until Chen Xiaowei repeated several times that these reporters They quieted down, but many reporters raised their hands high, showing that they had questions to ask.

However, Chen Xiaowei apparently did not plan to answer the question, but just smiled and said: "I can tell everyone very responsible that the news I just announced was approved by Microsoft. Although the Star Group is not big, we are also a regular Isn't it a company? We are not any stars who need to hype the scandal, so you don't have to doubt the authenticity of this matter. If we are just hype, it is better to say that we are going to make the system for the US Department of Defense. In that case, it is at least more shocking than this. Isn't it bigger?"

Chen Xiaowei said jokingly that there was a burst of laughter in the meeting place. After all, most people just had a look of disbelief on their faces. Chen Xiaowei said this, which obviously explained the hearts of these reporters. doubt. After all, Chen Xiaowei said the same thing, if it is just hype, the Star Group does not have to be related to Microsoft.

No matter how unbelievable it is to everyone, obviously this matter is true. Besides, this kind of thing is, after all, a press conference that is so precious on the occasion. If the Star Group is telling lies, it is impossible for Microsoft to let the Star Group It's just such a rumor.

Chen Xiaowei continued to wait until the laughter of these reporters calmed down again; "As for other aspects, we will continue to announce at the press conference, and the Star Group will participate in the development of Microsoft's new system, of course. In doing so, Microsoft is also trying its best to serve the majority of users. Today’s press conference is over, thank you."

After finishing the talk, Chen Xiaowei ignored the scene immediately and became very noisy. A large group of reporters rushed to noisy scenes, and directly turned their heads to go outside through another door. Naturally, there were Yunwei behind them who were responsible for stopping all these reporters. behind. After watching the press conference, I was a little crying and laughing.

In less than 20 minutes, did Chen Xiaowei already get Microsoft? This efficiency is too fast, right? However, if this is true, Zhang Yang certainly knows what kind of sensation this event will cause, and it is definitely more shocking to announce it now than to re-announce it two days later.

Just know that the Star Group has just signed a contract with Paramount, which represents one of the film and television industry giants, and now it is about to sign a contract with Microsoft, no matter what these cooperations are, but it can cause the two companies to hold a press conference. Obviously not a trivial matter.

Not long after xp came out, Microsoft announced that it would develop a new operating system. Will this affect xp's worldwide sales? However, these are not questions that everyone can consider. Seeing that Chen Xiaowei is unwilling to answer questions, and they have no useful information, these reporters can only use their imagination and give these questions to the newspaper and their company. The editor inside is responsible.

Ten minutes after the press conference in the live broadcast ended, Zhang Yang couldn't wait to pick up the phone and called Chen Xiaowei over there. The phone was quickly picked up there, and Chen Xiaowei said with a smile: "How ?Chairman Zhang? Is my efficiency pretty good?"

"It's not bad, but what conditions did Microsoft promise?" Zhang Yang casually asked a few words and asked hurriedly. "Oh, guess, I'll tell you if you want to guess. "Chen Xiaowei deliberately teased Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I said, how old are you, and like a little girl, quickly said. "

"Haha, actually nothing, but the specific terms have not been finalized, but the general direction is there, as you said, we help Microsoft optimize their latest generation but they will only Give us the finished product of the system, and then let us tell them how to optimize it, is this no problem?" Chen Xiaowei asked back.

"No problem." This is not a big deal. In fact, many problems are a long-term test problem for Microsoft's new system. After a long time, the original imperfect system has gradually improved, but vista Born by nature, it appeared a bit early, and the installed capacity of win7 is much better than it. But win7 also has problems with Vista, and the reason why XP is so popular is because it consumes relatively little energy on the system.

In this regard, optimizing vista is a key issue, especially how to reduce the system's occupation and loss of system hardware performance, which is a key issue. Of course, this part of Zhang Yang can't tell Microsoft that anything related to similar problems is a problem of more optimized processing of system code. For example, for the same problem, you can finish a sentence with only one sentence of code. You have to write it in ten sentences. The two achieve the same goal in the end, but that operation is more efficient and consumes less energy. Right?

There are thousands of programmers at Microsoft, but they need to be responsible for too many things. A system cannot be written by a programmer, so the code written between these programmers and programmers is connected to each other, and these Code optimization is quite a skill.

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