The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 380: People must not be arrogant but have arrogance (Part 1)

Chapter 380 Man must not be arrogant but proud (Part 1)

Chapter 380 Man must not be arrogant but proud (Part 1)

"Since there is no problem, then I understand what to do. You just wait for my good news. By the way, what you told me about contacting the company in the United States is probably about this time tomorrow. You are ready How to do it?" Chen Xiaowei asked quickly.

"You will know by then. Negotiate with Phantom Technology first, and I will tell you." Zhang Yang said quickly. Anyway, Phantom Technology is now just an idea, away from their first paragraph. It is still a long time before mobile phones are available.

Zhang Yang discussed with Chen Xiaowei about the Phantom Technology negotiations, and at the moment Huang Yi was stunned and thinking about this matter. If it was not Chen Xiaowei who announced this matter, Huang Yi might not consider this matter for the time being, but when After Chen Xiaowei spoke out of the cooperation with Microsoft, Huang Yi felt a shock.

What kind of situation is Microsoft in the industry? Everyone understands that no matter how many vulnerabilities there are in Microsoft's system, the status of Microsoft alone makes it impossible for everyone to ignore it, and Microsoft's temper has always been people's money. , But what is the situation now?

Does Microsoft's new system development actually need to cooperate with other companies? Is Microsoft ready to give up this cake? This idea was put down by Huang Yi as soon as it came out. It is unlikely that if it is let out, Microsoft will let it out long ago. It is impossible to wait until now and give it to a baffling small company.

But in any case, even a giant operating system like Microsoft will cooperate with the Star Group, instead of directly buying it as before, you can think of the Star Group’s technology is estimated to be quite powerful, if not strong, Microsoft It's impossible to lose face and work with such a Chinese company, and it's still a small company.

I don’t know why, Huang Yi once again remembered the suggestion put forward by Zhang Yang. Is it true that he really has a mature concept that will completely subvert the current mobile phone development pattern in the world? Huang Yi hesitated for a long time and decided to inform the board of directors about this matter. The directors of the board of directors are not all idiots. From the press conferences currently held by Star Group, many problems can be seen if they are blind. If you think that Star Group is just a small company, it is estimated that Phantom Technology is not far from the end.

Regardless of what Huang Yi thinks, the news thrown by Chen Xiaowei caused more sensation than the signing of Paramount and Star Group. Countless Americans almost directly gave Paramount to Chen Xiaowei after the announcement. Ignore it, Paramount has ignored it in their minds, and Microsoft is the real giant. From this, it can be seen what Microsoft represents in the minds of Americans.

Nor is its influence comparable to Paramount, which is just one of the giants in the media industry. After the press conference ended, Zhang Yang almost smiled and tilted his mouth after watching the various hot discussions on the Internet, regardless of whether these comments were negative or positive, but as long as someone talked about it, the influence of the Starry Sky Group would be like a snowball getting bigger. And the place Zhang Yang looks at is the highly professional hacker forum.

In these hacker forums, the news of the Star Group has caused a huge sensation. Although hackers are some unruly people, it is because of the understanding of this industry that everyone understands that Microsoft's technical strength is not bad at all. So Microsoft’s systems are all vulnerabilities, because the software it needs to meet the needs of popularization has so many vulnerabilities. For example, the systems of the US Department of Defense and even major intelligence organizations have been developed in cooperation with Microsoft. You see How many loopholes exist?

The Star Group can cooperate with Microsoft, obviously has a considerable technical advantage in this regard, these hackers understand that Star Group actually thinks that Star Group and gscsd are connected, but this claim has not been supported by everyone, and there is no Direct evidence proves this. Only a few people know the relationship between Zhang Yang and gscsd, and these hackers are naturally unable to know.

Therefore, although this view has been popular for a while, everyone has completely given up, but now the two news of Chen Xiaowei, even these hackers have completely begun to pay attention to the Starry Sky Group. Don't think that hackers are the kind of otakus who have no way out. Although they are otakus, hackers are very focused on gathering information.

Especially the latest news on the Internet and computers, they will definitely pay attention to it for the first time. Attracting the attention of a hacker can be a good thing or a bad thing. Being able to attract the attention of these people proves that your company's technology is definitely a top-notch group in the computer field, but to attract the attention of these people, then you But be careful, who is the hacker? The hacker put it bluntly is a group of idle people who hurt their eggs!

It hurts that they have time to do anything. Naturally, some hackers want to hack your system to play. Microsoft has been hacked many times. The Star Group now wants to cooperate with Microsoft, so you want to hack your system. The hackers are naturally large.

After hanging up Chen Xiaowei's phone, Zhang Yang picked up the phone and called Li Keqing. "Zhang Yang." Li Keqing's sweet voice came from the phone. "Yeah, Ke Qing, are you over there? Is the press conference over, are you all right?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

Li Keqing did not attend this press conference, and Chen Xiaowei was solely responsible. Li Keqing was the chairman, but not responsible for the company's daily affairs, as long as some major decisions were made to notify Li Keqing. But don’t even mention that Li Keqing’s appearance last time was obviously very shocking. There are quite a lot of people who searched for Li Keqing’s information on Baidu.

"Well, it's okay, just give it to Sister Xiaowei. Are we going over there?" Li Keqing asked in a worried voice.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, your mother is still there, and your grandfather should like you very much. Besides, isn't Lin Nuoxue still there? With her, you have a companion." Zhang Yang hurried to comfort Li Ke Sunny.

"Well, well, then I will let Brother Li drive back to pick you up." Li Keqing whispered.

"Yes, I'm waiting for you at home." Zhang Yang agreed, and then hung up. Quickly changed a few new clothes, Zhang Yang turned off the computer, and all the exited programs were quit. With Lin Xiaohu’s affairs, Zhang Yang’s computer didn’t dare to put anything important. When there were no one in the family, those people came, and if the computer was lost at that time, the other party saw something that should not be Looking at things, Zhang Yang wanted to cry, no place to cry.

Putting on his clothes, Zhang Yang walked directly outside the community. It was already near the New Year's Eve, and the clothes in the community became more and more colorful. It is less than two weeks before the New Year. Looking at the current situation, the Star Group may be very busy before and after the New Year, and it is still unknown whether there will be time to return to the Northeast.

Li Keqing, it will take some time for them to come, Zhang Yang just ready to wander around the community, his cell phone rang. Picking up the phone and glancing at it, it was an unfamiliar number. Zhang Yang paused and took the call: "Hello, hello."

"Hello, hello, Mr. Zhang, this is Song Zhaojun." A respectful voice came from the phone. "Oh, it's you." Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. He gave Song Zhaojun a time limit of three days. Unexpectedly, it only took a little more than a day for Song Zhaojun to find out. It seems that yesterday's situation was given to Song Zhaojun. The stimulation is really great.

"It's me, Mr. Zhang. Things about you have been found out. This...I will tell you?" Song Zhaojun asked tentatively.

"Well, okay, you just say it on the phone, this phone is a confidential line, no problem." Infected insects monitor Zhang Yang's mobile phone signal, and some people want to monitor Zhang Yang's mobile phone.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the case. The cobra group was looking for a little girl. This little girl heard that she was the daughter of Longmen Dragon Head, and someone kidnapped the daughter of Longmen Dragon Head. Another group wanted this little girl. Came to threaten the Dragon Gate faucet, so what happened at your home." Song Zhaojun explained respectfully.

"Dragon Gate?" Zhang Yang asked with some surprise. "It is Dragon Gate. Mr. Zhang may not be responsible for this I will explain to you that the name of Dragon Gate looks very strange, in fact Dragon Gate There are not many people, and the number will definitely not exceed one hundred people, but the influence of the Dragon Gate is very large. The current dragon head of the Dragon Gate is also the leader of the Green Gang. The elders of the Dragon Gate are the Hongmen and the Zhulian Gang. ."

Song Zhaojun said it was simple, but listening to Zhang Yang's ear was a big bomb. Just the death of a Hongmen boss will require the deployment of 200,000 riot police in the United States, but the Dragon Gate has gathered three of the world’s seven gangsters... What kind of power does this represent?

Lin Xiaohu is the daughter of Longmen Dragon Head? "Do you mean this Dragon Gate is a group of these gangs in the world, right?" Zhang Yang asked with narrowed eyes.

"No, no, it's not the gangs all over the world, but the Chinese gangs that we went out from China to unite. The Chinese gangs are difficult to develop abroad, so there is only the existence of the Dragon Gate." Song Zhaojun quickly explained to Zhang Yang . Song Zhaojun's words have probably been heard by Zhang Yang. Song Zhaojun now has no place in what Zhang Yang's identity is, but Zhang Yang's apparently real identity must not be hidden from Song Zhaojun.

Sometimes some sources say that the gangsters on these roads are definitely more efficient than the police or the like. Otherwise, why do you think Song Zhaojun is left over in the *bureau?

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