The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 385: Proud (below)

Chapter 385 The Proud Bone (Part 2)

Chapter 385 The Proud Bone (Part 2)

"You guys shut up for me, what the **** is going on?!" General Li sighed. The middle-aged couple immediately dared not speak, and General Li's eyes turned to Li Guotao.

"It's like this..." After hesitating, Li Guotao said the things just now. After Li Guotao finished speaking, Li Shufang's face standing beside Li Keqing instantly changed. It took a long time before Li Shufang took a deep breath, reached out and touched Li Keqing's head, and then quickly said to General Li: "Dad, Mom, let's go, I will come back to see you often, but Keqing Don't let her come back."

"Wait!" General Li Li shouted quickly. After the call, General Li Li turned to Zhao Wenyu and said: "Are you saying this?" Looking at General Li's gloomy eyes, everyone in the room They all felt chilly, and Lin Congjun, who was following them, looked at each other, and there was no expression on their faces. This kind of thing... really shouldn’t be a word spoken by Zhao Wenyu, even if they were both Dare not say.

This is simply a face slap, or the face of the old general. If it was not the old general who lost his daughter, did Li Keqing even have a father now? Has Li Shufang never been married in his entire life? Originally, this matter was a lump in the hearts of the two old men who might not be able to solve it in his life. Now Zhao Wenyu dare to sprinkle salt on this wound.

"Old General." Zhang Yang interrupted General Li's question, because Zhang Yang suddenly felt quite boring. "Huh? Zhang Yang, don't worry, I will definitely give you an account of this matter." General Li said back and said in a deep voice.

"The old general doesn’t need it anymore. Forget it. It’s all over. It’s useless to punish her. I still take Ke Qing away. Although Ke Qing has no father, my parents are her parents, and my father is her father. Although the aunt doesn’t have a husband, she still has my future son-in-law. I don’t want them to be bullied. When it’s okay, let the aunt and Ke Qing come back to see you, and the rest of the people will be fine, after all, the aunt left It’s normal for everyone to have no feelings for so many years. Let’s go first.” Zhang Yang looked at the old general seriously and said.

Zhang Yang's words made the house quiet, and the old generals did not know what to say for a while. Zhang Yangwei smiled, then owed to the old general, turned directly and pulled Li Keqing to walk outside. Just walked up to the stairs, a sharp voice suddenly remembered: "What cattle are you cattle? Are you just a little white face? Isn't the company still Li Keqing? It's your business? You came to our house, not just for us Home power?"

Zhao Wenyu's words were anxious and fast, and her mother standing next to her didn't stop her, let alone the others. Many people in the house shook their heads slightly as soon as Zhao Wenyu's words were spoken. Are you happy? General Li’s complexion became even more ugly, but Zhang Yang stopped his footsteps and turned to smile, saying, “Yes, I’m just a little white face, what’s wrong? I’m willing to eat soft What can you do with rice? But anyway, our results are all made by ourselves. You left your parents and left this house. What do you have?"

"We now have a car, a house, and a company. At least all of this is made by us step by step. In addition to spending your family's money every day, using your family's power to pretend to be outside, what else do you have? It’s hard to say, stripping the coat of the Li family, you are nothing. And your character, if you don’t have the protective cover of the Li family, it is estimated that you will be beaten up by your mother. Forget it, I It’s not interesting to tell you, I’m for your family’s power? Sorry, I’m not interested in the Li family, and we haven’t used any of the Li family’s power. Goodbye." Zhang Yang waved at her, and then pulled Li Keqing directly to continue walking down.

Watching Zhang Yang pull Li Keqing's mother and daughter one by one toward the outside of the villa, General Li opened his mouth, and finally did not open his mouth to shout. Li Shuqin was immediately anxious: "Dad, did you let my sister go like this?"

"Don't let it go? What can you do if you don't let it go? You are a group of people who I gave birth to, and they are all my kind, but it is you who let me lose my old face, and I can still live? You all now Leave me, no one will come to my house in the future, I will not die if you die, get away!" General Li did not get angry at Zhao Wenyu, but pointed at all the children and shouted out the door.

The grandmother standing next to General Li did not speak, just stood there wiping her tears. "Dad!" Li Shuqin was startled and hurriedly shouted.

"Don’t call my dad, you guys get me off, do you hear me? I know why you are uncomfortable, isn’t it because of what I said last night? Isn’t it just to let you give you a share of this sister who has never met, no? Just let you give me the share price of this niece who has never met? I Li Wenda has been a soldier for a lifetime and raised you. Why? Spending some money on you is not happy? You need so much money to bring into the coffin Go? Okay, now I don’t need your money, hurry and leave me.” General Li Li shouted at the door.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally walked silently out of the door. After Li Guotao came down from the upstairs, he immediately chased outside. When he chased the door of the villa, Li Keqing and Li Shufang were already in the car. Zhang Yang is also preparing to get on the bus. "Zhang Yang." Li Guotao hurriedly shouted.

Zhang Yang hesitated for a while, but stopped, watching Li Guotao run over to him quickly. Li Guotao ran a few steps, walked in front of Zhang Yang, paused, and said a little embarrassedly: "Which... Could you give me your phone? The old man got angry, and it is estimated that they will not be able to leave today. It's up to you."

"Okay." Zhang Yang thought about it, or left his phone to Li Guotao. After receiving Zhang Yang's call, Li Guotao did not retain it. Instead of sitting in the front row, Zhang Yang sat next to Li Keqing in the back seat. When Zhang Yang got into the car, Li Yingjie, who had been waiting in the car, immediately started the car and drove out of the community.

"Mom, don't cry. I'm okay." Instead, Li Keqing comforted Li Shufang in the car. Li Shufang cried when holding Li Keqing very sad. Zhang Yang had never seen Li Shufang so vulnerable.

"It's mom... I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry for you!" Li Shufang repeatedly said that, holding Li Keqing crying all the time. Zhang Yang hesitated and reached out to hug Li Keqing from behind, and then he also held Li Shufang halfway, patting Li Shufang's back, Zhang Yang whispered, "Auntie, don't be sad, Ke Qing is doing well now Isn’t this still me? The previous thing wasn’t your fault, it was just caused by that society. Now that we are all grown up, we can say what others want to say. We live happily and live happily. . Isn’t the Li family just powerful and powerful? Now our own company has become formal, and one day, I will make Ke Qing more powerful and more powerful than the Li family.”

"Zhang Yang... Auntie thank you here, auntie will give Ke Qing to you, I hope you don't live up to Ke Qing." Zhang Yang's words made Li Shufang wiped her tears, looked up at Zhang Yang and said to Zhang Yang seriously.

"Auntie, don't worry, I won't let Ke Qing get a little wronged." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Aunty can see, through today's affairs, the aunt knows that you are sincere about Keqing, and that Keqing can find you is the greatest blessing in her life. As long as you can live happily, it doesn't matter what the aunt. Auntie also listens to you." Li Shufang reached out and held Li Keqing's small hand, and then pulled Zhang Yang's hand, and put Li Keqing's hand solemnly into Zhang Yang's hand.

"Well, auntie, rest assured, I will take care of her." Zhang Yang reached out and touched Li Keqing's long hair with compassion. Li Keqing smiled slightly, and wiped tears with another hand to help Li Shufang, said: "Mom don't cry, Brother Li is still there, let Brother Li watch the joke. Mom is not afraid of other people saying that I have Zhang Yang is enough, it really doesn't matter."

" Ke Qing is right, this kind of thing is not your fault, you don't need to blame yourself, you are saying, now that Zhang Yang and Ke Qing are so developed, the people in their family are relying on The old man is waiting for the old man to go one day. They are not as good as Zhang Yang and Ke Qing. Besides, the aunt you are looking at is the old man and the old lady. It has nothing to do with them." Li Yingjie saw that Li Keqing mentioned him , And immediately persuaded.

"Well, I understand, I just can't figure it out for a while, well, you don't have to persuade me, we can go home now." Li Shufang wiped her tears and said with a smile. Li Yingjie sent Zhang Yang back to their home. When Li Shufang was tired, she went back to the bedroom to rest. Li Keqing also went into the house to accompany Li Shufang. Zhang Yang received a phone call from Li Guotao as soon as he entered the door.

"Zhang Yang, I am in Zuixianlou, can you come here? I invite you to drink." Li Guotao said after Zhang Yang answered the phone. Zhang Yang hesitated and nodded and said, "Yes, no problem. I'll go now." Zhang Yang hung up with Li Yingjie for the car key, and then drove directly to Zuixianlou. Zuixianlou is not large or luxurious, it can only be said to be an ordinary mid-range hotel.

It's just that its name makes this restaurant very atmospheric, and Zuixianlou has a history of more than 100 years, so it is also a small name in the city of H, especially its wine is its own brewed wine, which is very flavorful.

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