The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 386: Rising speed (on)

Chapter 386 Rising Speed ​​(Part 1)

Chapter 386 Rising Speed ​​(Part 1)

Following Li Guotao's elegant room number that Zhang Yang told Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang pushed open the door and walked in. Pushing the door open, Zhang Yang saw Li Guotao sitting alone and saw Zhang Yang coming. Li Guotao, dressed in casual clothes, stood up and stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, brother, come sit."

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile, then sat down on the spot. After sitting down, Li Guotao directly opened the door and shouted: "Waiter." When the waiter came, Li Guotao quickly said: "First get a box of wine, the same as before." The waiter apparently knew Li Guotao, looked at Zhang Yang, and then nodded. Turned his head and left.

"Zhang Yang, today's things are a bit uncomfortable." After the waiter, Chapter 386, Rising Speed ​​(Part 1) left, Li Guotao looked at Zhang Yang with embarrassment. Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders: "It's okay, I can understand." Although Li Guotao and Zhang Yang have the same tattoo, Li Guotao's origin is naturally impossible to be the same as Zhao Fei and they should obviously be similar to Zhang Yang's joining.

It is understandable that Li Guotao’s family life has some minor problems, but as long as he can enter this organization, it is still very good. "Actually... what do you say about this matter, mainly because Grandpa proposed to give Keqing our family business shares last night, you know, all of us juniors have shares in family businesses, and Grandpa suddenly proposed to give Keqing Qing Qing’s 10% of the shares, but our group added up to a total of less than 25%. To Ke Qing, our shares naturally decreased for no everyone complained a little."

Li Guotao hesitated or explained it to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang suddenly realized, no wonder, as soon as he went today, the group of people looked at Zhang Yang and Li Keqing's complexion. The original reason was that it was here. If Zhang Yang encountered it It is estimated that there are some complaints. Li Guotao can do that very well.

How big is the Li family's family business, Chapter 386 The Rise Speed ​​(Part 1) Although Zhang Yang does not know, the 10% share is estimated to be worth at least several hundred million, or even more than one billion, such a big sum The money, the old man said that it would be given, and it was still Li Guotao who divided their money. It was normal for Li Guotao to feel uncomfortable. However, Li Guotao and Zhang Yang can understand, but people like Zhao Wenyu, Zhang Yang did not regret to slapp her.

The waiter came up in the room while talking, but just after the waiter pushed the door in, Zhang Yang almost fell on the table. "I depend on it! Is it you who call wine like that?" Zhang Yang couldn't help crying. Li Guotao just said that Zhang Yang didn't care about the last case of wine, but Zhang Yang didn't expect that this case was not beer but liquor! I'm gone now! Although it is said that the box of Wuliangye is not big, a box of six bottles...but they are two people.

"Haha...Today we are not drunk and we are not going back. We are not going to meet each other anymore. Brothers have good skills. If it is estimated that there is a real battle between life and death, I am probably not your opponent." Li Guotao said with a laugh. "I won't say much more than that, and we won't talk so much about it. Something is wrong with me today. I will do three first."

After talking about Li Guotao, he unscrewed a bottle of Wuliangye and poured it into the glass in front of him. Zhang Yang just reached out to stop his wine glass. Some words said it would be finished. Although there are not many three glasses, it is estimated that it will be more than six or two. It is estimated that Li Guotao I didn't even eat rice. The three glasses of wine fell into my stomach, and the Dionysian could not stand it.

"Zhang Yang, don't stop me. These three glasses of wine are necessary. I'll do it." After talking, Li Guotao grabbed Zhang Yang's hand, lifted his hand away, and directly raised his head to dry the wine glass in his hand. In the stomach. Seeing that Li Guotao was so determined, Zhang Yang was embarrassed to continue to block. He could only stand up, unscrew another bottle, and fill the glass in front of himself and said, "Okay, why are we so different from each other? Knowing that the flood water rushed to the Dragon King Temple, it would be meaningless to say that, I will accompany you two."

"Haha, okay!" Li Guotao was also refreshing, directly filled his own wine glass and directly took it up to touch Zhang Yang, then looked up and dried again. Two cups of wine under the belly, the amount of wine is not small, but I also feel that the stomach is a bit hot. Drinking without eating is not good for the stomach. No wonder that the soldiers have bad stomachs. It is estimated that they drink well.

"After you left, my grandfather was angry and drove all of us out. It is estimated that this time the trouble will be serious. My dad and they must have suffered." Li Guotao shook his head with a smile after three glasses of wine.

"I'm sorry, it's hurting you." Zhang Yang also smiled.

"Null talk, what does it have to do with you? This is our fault, and the money is not what you asked for. It was proposed by your grandfather. Those of us who are children are not happy, and it should be expelled. But Zhang Yang You be careful of my aunt and their family, I am not afraid of being ugly, my aunt and uncle are both kind and very cautious people, I am afraid they will wear your little shoes, if there is any problem, you call me I'll call to resolve this matter." Li Guotao shook his head again with a wry smile and said straightforwardly.

"I understand, thank you, do one." Zhang Yang nodded slightly, picked up the glass in front and touched Li Guotao again. "Fresh and dry, just call me if you have anything in the future. Leave me one for your phone. If I have any help, I will not be polite." Li Guotao said with a smile.

"Oh, okay." Zhang Yang nodded and did not refuse. Li Guotao was not bad in nature. It was similar to Lin Congjun's temperament and belonged to the kind of people who could not tolerate sand. The matter has already been opened, and the rest is much easier to manage. Zhang Yang and Li Guotao did not finish the box of liquor. The two of them went into a total of four bottles, and each person had two pounds of liquor. Zhang Yang was a little dizzy. Zuixianlou came out.

Li Guotao had already estimated that he knew nothing. He helped Li Guotao to his car. Zhang Yang shook his head with a wry smile and drove slowly towards the community. Although Zhang Yang was a little dizzy, it was not serious, so there was nothing wrong with driving, but Zhang Yang drove very slowly just in case.

When the car first came to the intersection, Zhang Yang's eyes glimpsed a somewhat familiar figure on the roadside. After stunned for a while, Zhang Yang rubbed his forehead vigorously and looked at it carefully. That's right, the girl who came to Zhang Yang's house with their cobras that day was the finger that Zhang Yang encountered in the school and bar last time. Zhang Yang said that you are that girl.

I leaned, and Zhang Yang couldn't help but called out. The Cobras didn't come out. Zhang Yang didn't know, but how did the woman come out when she was taken away together? Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment. He had already turned to the left and he directly hit the steering wheel to the right. He suddenly changed his lane and leaned towards the side of the road.

The car quickly caught up with the figure and walked in. Zhang Yang was sure again that this girl was definitely the one he had seen. Zhang Yang directly stepped on the accelerator and heard the car a dozen meters away in front of the girl before opening the door and walking down.

When Zhang Yang got out of the car and bypassed the door and walked up to the sidewalk next to it, the girl also walked right beside the door and saw Zhang Yang who was standing in front of her. Like a terrible person, the whole person stood there trembling with a trembling voice and said: "Zhang...Mr. Zhang...that thing...not blaming me...really not blaming me...sorry...sorry I am wrong Alright..."

The girl’s reaction made Zhang Yang a little stunned. Zhang Yang didn’t really have any special thoughts. After all, a woman like her is actually no different from those little bastards. It’s not even as good as those little bastards. She is also estimated to be involuntarily. . Zhang Yang was not prepared to embarrass a woman, but she was afraid that she might be surprised. "Huh? Don't be afraid, I don't want to treat you like that. Well, you get in the car, I have something to ask you, and I will let you go after you have asked." Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly.

Since this woman can come out, then Guo'an must have investigated it. She doesn't think there is anything like that. Otherwise, it's impossible to come out so quickly. At least those other people are absolutely impossible. As for being in prison How many years do you want to stay? That is not what Zhang Yang wants to care about.

After talking, Zhang Yang turned directly to the driver's seat and sat up. Zhang Yang got on the bus and waited for a while, this woman only promised to open the door of the co-pilot, and then sat up, looking at the woman in the co-pilot, and even cautiously only half of the woman on the side, Zhang Yang cried a little: " I didn’t blame What are you so afraid of me? I ask you, how do you know my family?

"I dare not, I will not dare anymore, you forgive me, Mr. Zhang." Zhang Yang asked in a word, the woman shivered violently and slid directly from the co-pilot seat. Kneeling down into the narrow space in front of the driver's seat, he still bent over and slammed his head on the seat of the co-pilot, and the bang banged.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment and couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. Isn't he so terrible? Can a good person be scared like this? "What are you doing? Stand up, stand up, I didn't say anything." After Zhang Yang recovered, he quickly reached out and prepared to help her.

The woman immediately shook her body and shrank back. Looking at the situation, Zhang Yang had no choice but to stretch her hand back, looking at the apparently frightened expression on the woman's face shrunk under the co-pilot. Zhang Yang thoughtfully touched her chin, and she couldn’t have become inexplicably like this. Obviously it was estimated that someone had intimidated her. The most likely nature was Song Zhaojun. Song Zhaojun wanted to find her, naturally it was easier than Zhang Yang Much more. RO! ! ! ;




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