The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 472: Fatal counterattack (Part 1)

Chapter 472 Terrible Counterattack (Part 1)

Chapter 472 Terrible Counterattack (Part 1)

The incident of the Star Group happened suddenly, but the sensation caused by this incident was terrifying. Domestic netizens did not say it, but abroad, no matter how early this morning, the ratings are not much, and countless TV stations directly link their own TV stations. Yu Yong’s critics pulled out of the bed and rushed to broadcast urgent TV programs, and there was no doubt that these TV programs commented on only one thing, that is the treatment suffered by the Star Group!

As long as it is not an idiot, everyone can know that this matter is a big problem! This is simply unfair treatment. For the time being, anti-monopoly will be ignored. Let me mention the previous ones. When the Star Group listed them for profit, they will file a terrible counterattack in Chapter 472 (Part 1) and file with the relevant departments. of! The relevant departments need to investigate the property rights of these software before they are approved!

But now there is a problem with the property rights of these software. Who is at fault? It stands to reason that Starry Sky Group can completely ignore your announcement. After all, you were listed on the market for foreign business, but now it is a problem. What is the problem? More importantly, so far, it has not been said that a court has received other companies suing the Star Group for infringement. ;

Okay, you said that there is a problem with our property rights, you first come up with evidence! If you have no evidence, you will directly announce. What are you doing? And Zhang Yang's actions were very ruthless, a series of direct methods were thrown out, and things were settled at once, and now these people are all right to regret it, don't admit it? Do you dare not admit it? If you don't admit it, is Starry Group kicked by donkeys from top to bottom, throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars in plain and innocent? You m threw me hundreds of millions to see!

In just a few hours, not only foreign media began to criticize this matter, but even domestic media began to critique this matter. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, suddenly, several departments released In response to relevant announcements, several of the 472th chapter of the striking counterattack (the last) officials were directly taken by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the grounds that they accepted bribes, used their power for personal gains, and issued an improper notice to the Starry Sky Group. Spreading rumors, saying that the products of the Star Group have no problems.

Your sister! Seeing this, Zhang Yang sprayed directly, mlbgd, the announcement came as soon as he wanted to, and when there was a problem, how many officials would you cancel? Zhang Yang didn't know whether this result was the decision discussed above, or the Lu family's own decision, but he wanted to get out so easily and think beautifully!

Zhang Yang does not understand the officialdom in China, but he has read a lot of officialdom novels in his life. In fact, he does not need to read Zhang Yang to know that any official has a person of his own faction, and this time the people who make trouble for the Star Group are undoubtedly the Lu family. Inside, Zhang Yang does not seek to trip Lu Xingmin, which is basically impossible. At that position, the most "retired" or retired for other reasons, it is impossible to remove it directly.

What Zhang Yang thinks now is to get rid of all those who make trouble to the Starry Sky Group and directly give orders! By then, all systems of the entire Lu family will completely collapse! Don't underestimate these middle and low-level people. In fact, the support of a senior official depends on the support of these middle- and low-level people. Otherwise, your official is sitting high, but no one under you executes. You are still a fart.

In fact, at this point, it is true that the Lu family is not tripping Lu Xingmin, indeed Lu Xingmin is an official, but tripping a Lu Xingmin, the forces of the Lu family below are still intertwined, and it is entirely possible to support a person from the Lu family. After a few years, what Zhang Yang now thinks is to completely destroy the Lu family!

If you want to completely destroy the Lu family, then moving to Lu Xingmin is really irrelevant. For example, if you compare the Lu family to a high-rise building, then Lu Xingmin is the symbolic building at the top of this high building, and the lower and middle floors Officials are the foundation below, as well as the supporting pillar in the middle.

What is the key to destroying a building? Needless to say, Uncle La ~ Deng once demonstrated it to everyone. If you break the middle load-bearing column, the upper part will naturally collapse, and then the foundations below will be easily handled. Want several officials to be evacuated? Zhang Yang sneered, you thought it was beautiful!

As for Lu Haitao, Zhang Yang did not care at all. What did Lu Haitao rely on? If it were not for the strength of the Lu family, he would be a fart at all! It is impossible to directly destroy a family, but letting it spit out blood sturdily and letting its vitality hurt, that Zhang Yang can do.

Zhang Yang did not turn on the phone, so there are basically no people who can contact Zhang Yang, even people from Zhang Yang's side, such as General Li, etc., are not good to contact Zhang Yang directly. This is not Huang Kexin directly took the phone to find Zhang Yang. It was the old general's phone. "Haha, good boy! Ability! Grandpa, I'm right to see you!" Zhang Yang just picked up the phone, and there was a cheerful laugh of General Li.

"Thank you grandpa!" Zhang Yang did not call the old general this time, but called Li Keqing directly. There was no way. General Li said that he was a grandfather. Zhang Yang also called the old general, and he didn't give the old man a face, so he rushed to the old man. Because his affairs have been kept for a whole night, the grandfather Zhang Yang called it willingly, and now, no one in the Li family will say that Zhang Yang is becoming more powerful. With this incident, who would think that the Starry Sky Group For the big family in Shanghai, is it free?

"Now the opponent has made a move, what do you think?" General Li did not directly give an opinion, but asked instead. Zhang Yang smiled faintly and said, "Grandpa, I don't know what you think, but I think this is the same as fighting. If the two countries are at war, you send troops to our country to burn and rob, and then send People grabbed the few chiefs of the soldiers, and they were very wronged and said internationally, we are innocent, and if the people under our hands decide arbitrarily, and then we can solve the problem, then the world is already in chaos."

General Li choked, and the analogy of Zhang Yang was true... But when Zhang Yang said this, the old general knew that Zhang Yang had chosen, and he immediately asked: "So what are you going to do? Do you want to contact the senior directly? If you want to directly If you contact the senior level, I think No. 1 is also willing to see you, but it is not possible to deal with Lu Xingmin, but it is still possible to let the other party give some blood."

Although General Li was a soldier, he still had a political vision for a lifetime. Zhang Yang laughed twice and said, "Grandpa, I won't contact the top management. This is something that Star Group has done wrong from beginning to end. Why should we contact the top management? Now we want to see how the top management deals with it. Is there any justice at all! They want to evacuate this matter with a little blood? That is unlikely. "

"Then what are you going to do?" General Li is curious to die, because besides contacting the high level, General Li can't think of any other ways Zhang Yang can do. After all, Starry Sky Group can only contact the leaders of these countries. People can decide this matter, because the Star Group is not a big group, and there is little power in the officialdom. General Li Lao shot it. This is possible. The problem is that Zhang Yang has long rejected it.

"Grandpa, forgive me for selling a pass. You will know it in a moment. I will hang up first. I'll explain it first." Zhang Yang laughed aloud twice, and then hung up the phone directly. Listening to the blind tone on the phone, General Li was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help but laughed and cursed: Stinky boy!

The latest announcement above comes out, and there is still a lot of scolding on the Internet. Most people are not satisfied with this announcement, but is there any way to be satisfied? Everyone is waiting for the response of the Star Group. After all, the Star Group is the main victim. If the Star Group does not speak, these ordinary netizens just want to help the Star Group. They don’t know what to say. After all, they can’t represent the Star Group. .

Not only ordinary netizens are talking to the Star Group, but Lu Xingmin is somewhat disturbed by the response of the Star Group. Lu Xingmin is the Standing Committee and also serves as the Disciplinary Committee of the Central Disciplinary Committee. The announcements just issued are not the highest-level decisions! It's Lu Xingmin's decision!

Why is Lu Xingmin uneasy! Because now the No. 1 chief has not spoken at all! Everyone remained silent and seemed to be watching Lu Xingmin's reaction. Lu Xingmin knew that he could have gone further. Although it is not possible to be No. 1, he is currently the last in the Standing Committee. If there is no problem with his current age, it will be no problem to attack the Prime Minister.

But now they are not talking about the No. 1 chief! This made Lu Xingmin feel embarrassed. Nothing on the 1st, this matter is not qualitative. If Starry Sky Group is so unlucky now, Lu Xingmin has already prepared some measures to compensate for the loss of Starry Sky Group. It is nothing more than the preferential policies of some countries. For Lu Xingmin, this is not to seek power for personal gains. After all, companies like Star Group should give preferential policies.

However, Lu Xingmin is not too worried. After all, Star Group is just a company. Now that some people have been removed, and they have taken the initiative to soften, should they stop? After all, continuing this way is a huge loss for the Star Group! If the previous announcement is cancelled now, even the liquidated damages can be returned. After all, it is only a half-day interruption of the contract. If the Star Group is really going to talk, Blizzard Entertainment and Paramount will not kill the chickens and retrieve the eggs. They will definitely return the liquidated damages. .

Now look at how to choose the Starry Sky Group? This incident has almost aroused the attention of most domestic officials and some interested people. When the latest announcements of several departments came out, these officials and people in the business sector could not help but sigh, they all know that this is the Lu family If the service is soft, if the service is not soft, the Lu family will not be rational from the beginning, and it has miscalculated the influence of the other party!

What happened to the Starry Sky Group at this moment just proves the old saying that water can carry boats and overturn them! Other companies dare not compete with these big families because they have less influence, and the Starry Sky Group is different. Such huge influence is immediately reflected, which is better than any weapon!

This is the *naked Yangmou, in front of absolute power, some small shoes are floating clouds! Starry Sky Group is not a child, this little shoe can't be put on, this giant is too big! With this incident as an alarm, almost all families have started to explain their backstage, don't mess with the people of the Starry Sky Group.

Young people like to be arrogant, there is no way, they are young, they are second generation rich and second generation mad because of their cattle, but others are mad because of their own strength, but there is a fundamental difference. Thinking about the anxiety of waiting outside, Zhang Yang opened his mobile phone, and then directly picked up the phone to call Chen Xiaowei.

Although Zhang Yang is also within the Starry Sky Group at the moment, he is remotely commanded in a company lounge, which is inconvenient for him to come forward directly. As for the surveillance video and the like, if the other party is not serious, Zhang Yang will not let go. When is the biggest role of nuclear weapons?

Not when you throw it out! It's when the nuclear weapons are placed in your arsenal! As long as these things are in Zhang Yang's hands, the Lu family will not dare to make trouble, and Zhang Yang will have time to slowly increase his strength! The Starry Sky Group is powerful, but the Starry Sky Group is like a big tree growing up now, with too little background!

The fat man didn't eat it in one bite, now Zhang Yang will first put the blood of the Lu family, and the rest, let's take it slowly! We have time, don’t worry!

"You're like this now... I'll call Ke Qing to explain this... will you understand?" Zhang Yang called Chen Xiaowei's phone for three minutes before he was busy!

"I rely on! Are you crazy?" Chen Xiaowei almost exclaimed when he heard what Zhang Yang said! Think about how shocking Zhang Yang said! You know Even if Zhang Yang made so many amazing decisions before, Chen Xiaowei did not have such an amazing response.

"Don't worry, I will do what you want! We want a breath, otherwise, they thought we were bullying!" Zhang Yang said lightly.

"The problem is this, our loss will be an unknown number..." For a long time, Chen Xiaowei took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and said worriedly.

"Relax, the money will come back, well, that's it, I'll call Ke Qing." Zhang Yang hung up the phone after he finished speaking, and Chen Xiaowei looked at the phone for a while, and she took a deep breath. Said out loud: "Yun Wei comes in!"

Unlike Chen Xiaowei's reaction, when Zhang Yang said his decision, Li Keqing almost didn't even hesitate, just say yes, and say to arrange it immediately. Impressed by Zhang Yang for a while, this girl never questioned her decision, but when she knew that it was not time for her sons and daughters, Zhang Yang quickly hung up the phone and allowed Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei to play. RO! ! ! ;




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