The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 473: Fatal counterattack (middle)

Chapter 473 Terrible Counterattack (Part 2)

Chapter 473 Terrible Counterattack (Part 2)

Zhang Yang just finished calling Li Keqing and asked both of them to be busy. Just when the phone hung up, one phone call came in. As soon as he looked at the phone, Zhang Yang was speechless. It was Lao Tan.

"Hello, old Tan Na..." Zhang Yang took this Na La's elder.

"Haha, okay, your kid is ruthless enough, yes, I called to tell you something, the other party contacted me, and vaguely gave me a word, saying that your loss can be compensated... you see?" What is the relationship between Lao Tan and Zhang Yang? Naturally, there is no need to cover up.

"Money? I said, money is not a problem at all. If I care about that amount of money, I won't even directly pay the liquidated damages. Let me first release these terrible counter-attack (middle) announcements in Chapter 473. The same can be achieved, money! I don't care." Zhang Yang said lightly.

Tan Zhenglin was speechless... he didn't know how to vomit this kid for a moment, what should I say? money is not a problem? I'm gone now! This... Tan Zhenglin was completely speechless for a while. Tan Zhenglin had seen many upstarts, but this is the first time he has seen such upstarts like cattle. Let's see, money is not a problem, how easy it is.

But these five words were not thrown out in hundreds, tens, or even hundreds of millions! That was a loss of more than 500 million dollars before and after! Equivalent to RMB 4 billion! 4 billion! What is this concept? Fuck, this is the money that is thrown out in just one sentence!

But Tan Zhenglin has no way to complain... 4 billion is probably a huge sum for anyone in China! But for the Starry Sky Group... it seems that it really is nothing. It is estimated that if Lu Xingmin knows that Zhang Yang is the answer, he will. 4 billion, 4 billion, Nima, pit father does not pit father! Don’t say no!

"So what do you want?" Tan Zhenglin asked back, Tan Zhenglin didn't know what medicine Zhang Yang was selling. "Nothing, you will know in a moment, hey. Chapter 473, the terrible counterattack (middle), hey, I'll hang up first." Zhang Yang called haha, and then called the phone, but didn't give Tan Zhenglin to continue The opportunity to ask.

"Fuck! This kid." Tan Zhenglin looked at the phone in his hand and could only hang up helplessly. Zhang Yang didn't want to say that he naturally couldn't ask.

While everyone was watching the show, three announcements were suddenly refreshed on the official website of Star Group. After everyone was stunned for a while, various people who were in front of the computer immediately opened this announcement quickly. When they saw this announcement, everyone was completely stunned!

Not only stunned, more people are incredible! The first announcement is very simple, but the content in the announcement not only makes some people puzzled, but some savvy people are not only sweating with cold faces, but sweating with virtual faces! They have only one feeling, ruthless! It's too cruel!

"Star Group has stopped bidding for the headquarters building and related industrial park projects! And is willing to pay liquidated damages for companies that have initially reached an agreement! And auction the land for the relevant headquarters building near Pujiang!" This is the first announcement! After reading this announcement, everyone is a little confused, what does this mean? This announcement is a bit inexplicable, but it is naturally impossible for the Star Group to release this announcement at this time!

Unable to guess for a while, everyone immediately clicked on the second announcement! "Starry Sky Group carries out a three-day maintenance period for all products! And carries out server data transfer work! Starry Sky Group will negotiate with the Ministry of Defense to resolve the termination of both parties' new firewall and system development work!"

After watching this second job, everyone came up with a bad hunch, what is this for? What does Starry Sky Group want to do? Transfer data? Where to transfer? Everyone immediately couldn't wait to go directly to the third announcement! The third public announcement is simpler, but the third announcement suddenly silenced everyone, and some interested people almost fainted immediately before the dark, and those media reporters were almost excited and congested. past.

"Star Group applied to the Swiss bank for company account transfer, and negotiated with ICBC, the transfer of company funds totaled RMB 227.6 billion! At the same time, Star Group will purchase the West Fortic Island and several related islands from the Turkish government!" The announcement said nothing, and what was announced had nothing to do with the matter. Even Star Group did not mention the losses of its own company, how much loss it had eaten, or how much it was wronged.

Starry Sky Group is like a girl who has been insulted, but just quietly started to pack up her clothes, even without resistance. But at the moment Tan Zhenglin and others who saw these announcements by Zhang Yang were completely stunned for the first time. After a long time to recover, Tan Zhenglin was completely speechless. He didn’t know what to say about this stupid boy. This is no longer the case. Ruthless!

What is this? Blunt knives cut the flesh, playing with the dead is worthless! The three announcements seem to have nothing to do with this matter, but what does Starry Sky Group want to do? Needless to say? As long as it is not an idiot, it can be seen, Starry Sky Group will not play! In other words, I will not accompany you, I will not play with you! But I can't hide!

I can’t afford it, can I still hide it? But can't this be annoying? Quite the contrary! This is not to be annoyed, this is just urging! If the world's richest man and a company with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars would completely transfer their assets, how big would an earthquake happen?

This is more than just causing vibration, it is simply a twelve earthquake! If the government dares to relocate the Star Group, then you just wait, the entire economic market will completely collapse! At that time, it will cause disastrous consequences! Fortunately, after the announcement of the Star Group, the stock market was closed, otherwise the stock market of several stock exchanges such as the city will definitely plunge!

What does it mean if the Star Group really moves out? It means questioning the fairness of this country's economic market! Who would invest in such a market? Today is the Starry Sky Group, tomorrow may be other companies! Not only domestic villains have been blown out, but also foreign media have also been blown out.

If Star Group did this, what would the loss be? At least more than 10 billion US dollars! Generally speaking, any company cannot bear such losses, because the board of directors cannot agree! This kind of decision is a contest of will and spirit! How can a profit-oriented businessman agree with this childish temper? But the Star Group is different, because the Star Group has only one chairman! There is only one supreme person! Her decision represents the decision of the entire Star Group owner.

And she doesn't care about money! If you lose, you will lose! In half a year, you can go from nothing to the richest man in the world. What is it to throw 10 billion dollars? At the moment when everyone was stunned, Star Group's official website released another announcement, but this announcement was no longer Star Group's announcement, but Li Keqing's personal announcement.

"...First of all, thank all the domestic users for their support to the Star Group, but today we have been treated unfairly, and the real creators have not been punished! I don’t want to say anything, I just want to say one thing Zhang Yang is my boyfriend! My fiancé! This group was also created by him! It’s just that the shares are in my name!

I'm just a little woman. I don't know anything about politics and I don't know any rules. I just want to say that Star Group has always followed the rules and regulations and has been doing what ordinary citizens should do! But now there is no explanation. I am ready to emigrate and I am tired. "A personal announcement surprised everyone, including Zhang Yang.

Especially the last three words, so that all the people who are sitting in front of the computer seem to see a weak girl. The Internet is quiet. Only a few people have sent out angry posts and abuses, but most people He remained silent, but everyone felt depressed in his heart, because everyone knew that if there was no result, the anger of the people that broke out in the end could not be resisted by anyone.

Lu Xingmin is no good! When he saw the four consecutive announcements of the Starry Sky Group, Lu Xingmin was immediately black and almost fainted in the office. There are only two words in Lu Xingmin's mind, finished! In the position of Lu Xingmin, he naturally can see the strength of this strategy of Starry Sky Group.

This silent protest is more effective than any other request! All works! Dare to gamble on it? Lu Xingmin didn't have to think about it, only two-word answers. And this matter, the country has no way to influence the decision of the Starry Sky Group, because this is completely other people's freedom!

Not only was Lu Xingmin completely stupid, but when they heard about it, they were also shocked. After being shocked, the No. 1 chief could not help but sigh and said, "Young people's sharpness! It seems that we old guys are Pharaoh, please call the Star Group, Immediately let all the people in all departments act. In addition, all the people involved in this matter will not stay, all will be wiped out to the end! Including the top leaders of those departments! As for Xiao Lu, let him reduce Load it."

The No. 1 chief made a decision almost without thinking. At the moment, the office is no longer an old man, but besides Lu Xingmin, several other standing committee members are here! When the No. 1 chief's words were spoken, everyone was stunned and paused. Another member of the Standing Committee carefully said, "Chairman... Is it a bit too much."

"After? You want to be able to solve this matter, and to appease the attention of the outside businessmen, as well as the attention of all foreign countries, I will use your method." The No. 1 chief glanced at him lightly.

There are also factions in the Standing Committee, and this Standing Committee is undoubtedly on the side with Lu Xingmin. On the forehead, a large bean of sweat came out, and the Standing Committee immediately said quickly: "I firmly obey all the decisions of the party." Reducing the burden, what does it mean? This means that Lu Xingmin has no possibility of progress, and even his current rights will be reduced a lot! RO! ! ! ;




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