The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 474: A terrible counterattack

Chapter 474 Deadly Counterattack (Part 2)

Chapter 474 Deadly Counterattack (Part 2)

No one is an idiot. As soon as these announcements appeared in the Starry Sky Group, anyone with a little brain thought of it. And everyone knows that it is impossible for the Star Group to move abroad. Of course, it is not 100% sure. If the above people really don't deal with it, then the Starry Sky Group will certainly be transferred out.

Just when everyone was thinking about the reaction above, the State Council spokesman has directly released the latest handling measures on this matter to major media, and the latest handling decision has also appeared on the official website of the State Council. Less than twenty minutes before and after! Less than 20 minutes before the Star Group issued its announcement, there was a terrible counterattack (Part 2) in Chapter 474!

And when everyone saw this processing announcement, they couldn't help but take a breath! Not many announcements, only four main contents! But the weight of these four people is too heavy! A minister directly under the Central Committee and two deputy ministers! And this official at the ministerial level is also a member of the Politburo! Although the two deputy departments are not members of the Politburo, they are also members of the Central Committee!

And there are more than twenty other officials suspended, big and small! Everyone is stunned! Although after the announcement of the Star Group, everyone has guessed that the above will be directed to the Star Group, but no one expected that this force would be so great! A main department, two deputy departments, and some department-level, department-level and other cadres are a lot more, just because the Star Group has been directly removed and investigated! There is no explanation!

The State Council also issued another announcement that the Prime Minister has personally called the chairman of Star Group to deal with the matter, and the state will make up for Star Group’s losses in this regard. At the same time, there is also a lot of remarks about dealing with * molecules, which is definitely not like * molecular compromise!

When these two announcements from the State Council came out, the entire network was shaken! Then the terrible counterattack on Chapter 474 (below) was a sensation! Almost everyone is applauded! Ordinary people, ordinary netizens do not know what is going on, but everyone can see that because of a company, the state directly handles one official at the ministerial level, two officials at the deputy ministerial level, one of which is also a member of the Politburo. It shows that the country attaches great importance to this matter!

At the same time, it is undoubtedly a shot of stimulant for all businessmen. Although some smart people know that this is because of the horror influence of the Star Group, it does not matter, as long as this gesture is made! This proves that you can come up with examples in the future! These companies are not afraid! We do not have as high influence as the Star Group, but with this lesson in mind, even if there are any problems at that time, then we also have a basis!

These businessmen also raised their eyebrows! The State Council announcement was sent first, and Zhang Yang received the Prime Minister’s call while watching the announcement. To be honest, Zhang Yang was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the Prime Minister would actually call him in person. Leader, but Zhang Yang looked at the announcement of the State Council with emotion.

Ginger is still old and spicy! Although my goal was achieved! But nothing was lost on it! Instead, it has gained popular support! Although it is said that people are not so good, and it is also domestic, but people's hearts are still very important. After all, few leaders want to see the Internet, and the people are all abusive.

Moreover, it is not unreasonable for these officials to be removed. In fact, even if the Star Group does not come here, Zhang Yang does not go to extremes. Because of this matter, their official career has come to an end. Although they will not be removed immediately, they will not. There will be any progress. This has broken through some bottom line issues, some minor issues are okay, but if you dare to come up with such big things, then I'm sorry.

The Prime Minister called and said nothing about this matter, but kindly extended condolences to the Starry Sky Group and reassured the Starry Sky Group. The state will support legitimate business practices! Resolutely crack down on these forces, the existence of black forces. At the same time, it also gave Star Group a preferential policy, which can be used as compensation for these losses.

Of course, it is impossible to directly give the Star Group money, but this policy makes Zhang Yang Xi smile, this is not a loss at all, this is simply a big profit! In fact, this policy is nothing wrong, only two words! duty free! Of course, it is not comprehensive, but only 50% tax exemption! But this is not just an ordinary business tax, which also includes 50% of the Star Group’s overseas group products and related taxes!

This discount is going to be a big deal. Star Group Overseas Group, needless to say, is the Apple Group! The ine series products are exempted from 50% customs duties, and the prices sold domestically will be almost the same as those abroad! And more importantly, it can also be sold simultaneously with foreign countries!

You know, this is something that countless foreign companies can't do. Zhang Yang actually wants to say a few words. The reason for the above decision is nothing more than a long-term investigation. In fact, that it is the Star Group Not too much. Who are Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie? It's too easy to investigate. The two people don't own many shares, only 6%!

But with the addition of 45% of the shares of Star Group, this has already reached absolute control! More importantly, because the two girls bought shares before Star Group and Apple Computer signed a contract, and the two people strictly have nothing to do with Zhang Yang, so the contract between Star Group and Apple Naturally, the above agreement cannot be established.

It is precisely because of this investigation that the above 50% tariff and so on were generously exempted, and it was directly given for three years! For other companies, the three-year tariff may not be as much as 500 million US dollars, but for the Star Group, especially Zhang Yang, who knows the ine mobile phone and the id horror boom, is naturally happy to agree.

Exemption of all taxes such as 50% duty and business tax! And it's still three years! Zhang Yang smiled a little weird, but didn't know if he would regret it until he died! Only Zhang Yang himself can probably know how much of these taxes have been waived in the past three years.

That is definitely not a small number, but a horrifying number that makes everyone dumbfounded! The above gesture has been released, and has given the Star Group face, the Star Group will naturally not "know what is wrong", and soon the Star Group released the latest announcement on the official website, announcing the cancellation of all previous decisions, and The preferential policies given by the state have been released.

Then praised the country's brilliance and the like, and hoped that major companies from all over the world would come to China to invest. The European and American countries are also approaching the morning, and major media newspapers have reported this matter in detail, because the matter is too mysterious, it can be said that it is not too much.

From the beginning, to the outbreak, to the end, it is about twelve hours, but there are too many things happening in these twelve hours. Almost all domestic and foreign media newspapers have added a full page to report this. Thing! Some famous media in the United States praised the Chinese government a bit sourly, saying that the Chinese leaders are wise and similar. These media are also shameless. If the above reaction is not so rapid, if there is not such a strong effort, it is estimated that It's another statement.

However, these things have nothing to do with Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang doesn't care anymore. It's enough for him to get the benefits. What about other people? Zhang Yang was relaxed here, but after receiving a call from Lao Tan at night, Zhang Yang was still happy and surprised at what happened behind the scenes.

Naturally, Lehe is about the Lu family. Almost all officials, big and small, who have been swept to the end this time are from the Lu family, and this time the Lu family is true. One main department level, two deputy departments, as well as some key department levels, the main division level, etc. are the backbone of the future! But this time I got so much, it can be said that the forces of the entire Lu family were almost born and cut off from the middle to the lazy waist!

But this is only superficial. From Tan Zhenglin, Zhang Yang also knew that the Standing Committee was convened. When I heard that Lu Xingmin had already laid down several key department positions, but was only responsible for some idle duties, Zhang Yang calmed down again. Surprised, Zhang Yang did not expect that he could affect Lu Xingmin! And the influence is still so far away, even if Zhang Yang is not in the officialdom, he understands that Lu Xingmin will probably retire this time!

When he heard this, Zhang Yang was shocked. UU read books www.uukanshu. com is not just about Zhang Yang's consternation. Many people feel shocked and incredible. A company... can be said to have a standing committee... what is the concept? Many people can’t understand it. You must know that the conflict between domestic officials and business is not one or two, but in the end, there is almost no loss of officials. Even if some officials are involved, some of them will be thrown out for the dead ghosts, and then on Will find balance and deal with low-key.

But this incident directly overthrew a standing committee... After all the consternation, everyone was very contemplative, but soon they could understand, the reason is that without him, the starry sky group has too much influence! There is no second reason. Perhaps compared to the United States, a company with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars is not a big deal. The United States has a grasp, but for the domestic market, this is the first! What's more important is that all the people of the starry sky group have done something to raise their eyebrows!

It’s unbelievable that a company with a market value of 100 million U.S. dollars has acquired 45 percent of another company with a market value of 50 billion U.S. dollars! Where did the 45% stake in Starry Sky Group come from? That's when Apple AG removed some very small retail investors, and the remaining 99.99% of the shareholders each took out about 20% of the shares to gather and then took it to the Star Group. of! RO! ! ! </p>;




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