The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 475: Follow up

The storm came and went quickly, but the result was beyond the expectations of too many people. ; Just when everyone thought it came to an end, no one thought it was not over. Zhang Yang naturally has nothing to do here, and he will not be too busy to say anything about the Lu family. As for the surveillance video file, Zhang Yang just saved it. This thing will be evidence at that time!

Zhang Yang is done, it does not mean that everyone is done, but ordinary people can not know what happened at night. Zhang Yang solved this matter by himself. This is Zhang Yang's power! But Li Keqing is the Li's female daughter, and no one can change this. A family as big as the Li family has been bullied on their heads, can it be so without saying a word?

No! This is related to the question of face. Before General Li 475, the follow-up general did not intervene because General Li gave Zhang Yang his chance to solve the matter. Now that Zhang Yang has solved the matter, then the Li family should also come out to solve it. solved. However, the media and ordinary people did not know about it. When everyone was having dinner, General Li Lao made a call to Zhongnanhai. He didn't say anything extra, just said: "When, I Can my grandson-in-law let anyone bully? It’s okay for a child to be slapstick, why? It’s a big bully? Is bullying me about to die? Is this world still unreasonable?”, this sentence If it is a different person's words, the person above may not hear it after listening to it. After all, the other party is a standing committee member, and some privileges should be appropriate. But who said this sentence? It's Mr. Li! It's a surviving founding father who said! This is not just a sentence, it can be said that it is affecting a large number of people in a certain sense.

There are no secrets in the officialdom, especially this kind of upper-level struggle is even more secret, not to mention the fact that General Li has not covered up. This call was made at the reception of Zhongnanhai. After leaving a sentence, General Li even He hung up the phone without talking to several major leaders.

The follow-up news of this chapter 475 is almost spread in the circle at a terrifying speed, grandson-in-law? At first everyone was stunned but no one was an idiot, almost everyone thought of Li Keqing almost instantly! This happened to Zhang Yang and Lu Haitao, and Li Keqing said, Zhang Yang is her fiance. Then General Li jumped out at this time, that is to say, Li Keqing is the grandson of the old general?

After returning to God, everyone's jaws fell off in shock. And some people who haven't dismissed their jobs for a while, but they have helped from behind are aware of this news and they are in the dark! Nima! These people would like to point to Zhang Yang and scold. You said that since you have such a hard background, you just let the old general mention the words and you are done. You have to wait for our action before you play the pig and eat the tiger?

I'm not kind! No matter what these people think, after receiving the report from the secretary, the No. 1 chief couldn't help but laugh bitterly. The decision that was so big under the No. 1 chief was to appease the old general, and others didn't know Li Keqing's identity, Can the No. 1 chief know? I originally thought that after dealing with such a large group of people, the old general's anger should have disappeared, but I didn't expect this call to come over.

If there is no such call, the matter of Chief No. 1 opening one eye and closing one eye will be over, but the old general's phone has already been called. This matter cannot be solved so easily. After a pause, the No. 1 chief still picked up the phone and made a call to the old general. This call must be made.

Although there were only a few marshals in those days, in fact, I was prepared to honor the second batch of generals, but the list of the second batch of generals was not large, and General Li was on the list of the second batch of generals, but because the first batch of marshals at that time The generals are still alive, and the second batch is basically the old men of the first batch of marshals, so these people refused to be promoted.

Including General Li, the people at that time were so simple, especially the soldiers now seem to be unlikely to happen. And now the old general is the only one left. "Lao Li, it's me. Are you in good health?" The No. 1 chief's phone was quickly connected to the No. 1 chief. He quickly greeted with a smile.

"It's okay. I can't die. Fortunately, I didn't die. Otherwise, my grandson wouldn't know what it was like to be bullied." The old general said full of gas. The No. 1 chief smiled bitterly, and the old general's temper no longer became clear. If the matter was said to be Yang Yang's fault, I'm afraid he hadn't waited for it to be dealt with. The old general had already cleaned him up, but this matter was not only It's not Zhang Yang's fault, but Zhang Yang is still the victim! But the victim was bullied by someone in turn, and this matter was probably unbearable for an ordinary official.

Not to mention being the oldest general! "I called to report this matter to Mr. Li. What do you think should be done with this?", No. 1 Chief asked tentatively.

"I'm not involved in the affairs of the party and the government. I have retired and have no right to influence your decision. Your handling is very good. I just want to say that these parties seem to be still at large. I heard that even when the guns were pulled out of the soldiers, when the leaders’ children could be equipped with guns? And they could shoot directly without regard? Who will guarantee the safety of our people?" the veteran general asked calmly.

"Relax, old general, we will take this matter seriously. Nothing similar will happen in the future.

"Head No. 1 said immediately and seriously. In fact, even if the old general didn't say it, Head No. 1 would ask about it. It would be fine if he said it wouldn't poke out, but poke out, and poke out like this." Big basket, this is not a trivial matter!

Taking a gun and shooting it are two different things! "Well, that's good, you look at it, don't forget, although most people don't know about it, but some old guys like us are watching." General Li nodded.

The No. 1 chief personally called the old general. Although most people didn't know about this, the No. 1 chief immediately made a few more phone calls to explain the matter in person. Lu Xingmin, the old general’s phone, could not have been unaware of it. Lu Xingmin, who had just opened the Standing Committee, was already full of stubbornness, but he did not expect that this matter was actually over. After hearing his secretary’s report, Lu Xingmin was almost dizzy. past.

If it were not Lu Haitao's own biological word, Lu Xingmin really wanted to rush to the hospital and beat him to death! If you don’t do any serious business every day, you will know whether to provoke trouble or not. But it's too late to say anything. When I learned that General Li had called and asked about it personally, after sighing, Lu Xingmin could only pick up the phone and call General Li as well!

Even if you let him back now, "He must call this phone! It's a call, which proves that this comrade is just because his family made a mistake, he was just implicated, and it is still good. But if you don't call, this is him The problem is inherently different. If the Lu family does not want to have nothing at all, this call must be made!

When Lu Xingmin called the old general, the old general had already finished talking with the No. 1 chief. After receiving the phone call from Lu Xingmin, the old general did not show him his face, but just calmly chatted with him, and then confessed that Lu Xingmin took good care of his descendants" and hung up the phone directly.

Zhang Yang knew it was almost early in the morning, and at this time, Lu Haitao was no longer able to comfortably lie in his high-dry ward, and was directly pulled to the prison hospital. However, it must be impossible for Lu Haitao to escape punishment for the time being.

Because a phone call from the old general was not only affected by the Lu family, even the Guo family was also affected." As for many people who have ambiguous relations with Guo Lu, they quickly cleared their relationship. In the case of the situation, it is too short-sighted.

The Lu family is very strong, but the Li family still needs to be backed up. Although the overall of the Li family is similar to the Lu family, the Li family’s old general is still there. This is the most powerful place. Even the No. 1 chief heard the old general You have to make a phone call to report on your work in the past. Think about the influence of the old general.

In just less than twenty-four hours, the entire senior management can be said to have undergone a major change. "Everyone looks at the Starry Sky Group as if they were looking at a monster. If the Starry Sky Group still relies on money and influence to influence In the words of the high-level, then this is to tell everyone that "we also have a relationship and a backstage, but we just disdain to use it."

Ordinary people cannot know these things. Chen Xiaowei [Xing] Fen did not fall asleep all night, not only Chen Xiaowei [Xing] Fen, but even Jobs [Xing] endlessly endeavors, the reason why Jobs announced the global scheduled plan is that there is no [China] country, that is Because of the policy issues in the "China" country, it is impossible for iphoen to be sold simultaneously in the "China" country and globally.

But Jobs didn't expect that the matter would be completely resolved so soon.

You know, half of the population of a Chinese country is equivalent to the total population of Europe! And after entering the 21st century, the economy of China is growing at a terrifying rate, and no company in this huge market will ignore it.

The most critical issue is now resolved. Almost immediately after being notified in the evening, Apple immediately announced on the official website on January 1st that iphoen and ipad will be fully and synchronously sold around the world, and the country of synchronous sale suddenly appeared in the 〖China〗 country. ! And Apple's official website has also started accepting reservations from users in China!

Because of things during the day, the number of domestic Internet users at this moment far exceeds that of ordinary Internet users at the same time. ?*Also 偻 Cheek squid ⒅螅記覘母鷔朱voNong Jiong 淏少少少谝皇奔渚徒飧隧⒆亓視視脖 The tomb was burned 砑 invaded benzene, yo, ant, Lu, , scarred, surnamed, Su, Su, ⅰ?br/>

After knowing this news, the domestic network became a sensation once again. Most users who are interested in iphoen and ipad have rushed to inform each other. Many users almost immediately went to Apple's official website to start booking, but because of 〖中〗The country's banking system is still very different from foreign access, so Apple's official website can only accept non-payment bookings from domestic users for the time being.

Because the payment of full payment is not yet supported, so when this news came out, the number of reservations on Apple's official website has almost skyrocketed. In just a few hours, the number of global reservations, which had originally been just over 4 million units, surged to more than 15 million units!

This number makes the mobile phone giants in Europe and America look stunned. Everyone knows that the market in China is large, but the market is so large that it still feels a little scary, especially those mobile phone companies. For smartphones, Because Apple has not yet been listed, and they have no information for the time being, it is naturally impossible to study it from Jobs' demo video.

Even if they get the real thing, there will be a crucial problem that troubles them, that is the patent problem! I have to say that Zhang Yang is very ruthless. Although the company has been accused of applying the touch screen to the mobile phone and has applied for this patent, it has not applied for a global patent.

Now Zhang Yang holds 60% of the patents of the major sales countries in the world. More importantly, several smartphones are essential. Multi-touch technology is the key to smartphones.

Although the increase of more than 10 million predetermined figures is not paid, but these people at least have the intention to buy again, of course, it is not ruled out to join the lively, but in any case, there are at least five of these more than 10 million Millions of people are interested in buying?

So? * also 偻  Nai Chen profile  loyal key planting Lai Nai Min Ren Xian  neon roasting  樗 孀 Nuomu faded to see also  tomb cedar 囅 俅 solace  agent recite chaos and drop Na ?br/>

In the early morning of 〖China〗 when the US stock market opened in the afternoon, Apple’s stock price had reached a new high, reaching $187.65 per share, and Apple’s market value had also reached $174.5 billion! Accompanying this is that the market value of the Star Group has risen to more than 110 billion US dollars, and Li Keqing's worth has also risen from more than 80 billion US dollars to 100 billion US dollars when the World Forbes Rich List has just been announced!

And then Paramount and Blizzard Entertainment have issued announcements to resume cooperation with Star Group, and the penalty paid by Star Group before will be fully refunded. This announcement was issued a little late. It was close to early morning when the two companies issued the announcement, but the news reached the domestic market. Who made many media now pay attention to the Star Group?

And because General Li had a phone call, some people who couldn't sleep at night almost spit out their blood after knowing the news, and the feelings had been up for a long time. In the end, the Starry Sky Group did not lose their hair? And those of them are completely unlucky? ! ! ! ;




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