The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 479: Injustice (Part 1)

Chapter 479 The Big Head of Injustice (Part 1)

"Let's ask the reporters and friends to calm down, and the following is to invite the chairman of the Star Group, Ms. Chen Xiaowei, to speak." The host looked at the at least three or four hundred reporters gathered below and said aloud. The host's words fell, and immediately remembered the warm applause, the sweat sitting behind, to tell the truth, Zhang Yang did not expect so many reporters to come today, just know that this is only one night!

The Star Group’s press conference was not because of anything else, but because the overnight negotiations with the Yangtze River Industry had resulted in the result of the night, and the PR department was responsible for notifying reporters. These reporters notified more than 9 o’clock last night, but More than three hundred reporters were gathered here at nine o'clock this morning... Even Zhang Yang felt that the star group's popularity, Chapter 479, was too terrible (Part 1).

Now that we are ready to hold a press conference, we have naturally decided to use that design. Although Long Xiaoqi's major is not architecture, Long Xiaoqi has prepared a detailed data issued by a world-renowned architectural engineering studio, proving that her design is not untargeted, but is actually feasible, just The high cost is basically impossible for anyone to build.

But now there is such a big injustice, the construction budget has not yet come out, but it is not expected to be less than 7 billion US dollars, and the advancement of Cheung Kong Industry has also been reduced from 20% to 1.5%, and the penalty for contract breach is as high as 100 100 million US dollars, that is to say, if the Yangtze River Industry can not complete the construction according to the standard quality of the project, it will compensate the Star Group with a penalty of up to 10 billion US dollars.

Now all of Li Ka-shing's net worth is less than 20 billion US dollars, which means that basically half of his assets are pushed up. If now it is said that Long Xiaoqi is only his dry daughter, Zhang Yang will not believe it. This is strange if it is not an illegitimate girl. In addition, Li Ka-shing has obviously done work before coming. Before Long Xiaoqi’s design, Li Ka-shing has asked the construction engineers of their company to evaluate Chapter 479 (Part 1). Ping this list, so I dare to sign this contract.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm. Today's press conference is about the construction contract of the Starry Sky Park of the Starry Sky Group. We will answer the reporter's question in a while. We will not answer any questions about other aspects. I hope that our reporters and friends will cooperate." Politely speaking to the front, so many reporters came more because of the series of events that broke out in the Star Group two days ago.

Be aware that in the past few days, the public relations department and the news department of Star Group did not know how many media interviews were rejected. If this matter is not to be clarified today, it is estimated that the reporter's questions will be concentrated on the incidents of the day before yesterday.

"..., I will announce the latest decision of Starry Sky Group. Yesterday, Starry Sky Group and Hong Kong's Changjiang Industrial Co., Ltd. formally signed the construction contract for Starry Sky Park, and the design plan for Starry Sky Park has been officially confirmed. The 100 million USD bonus has been delivered to the main designer of this design plan! The total construction cost of the signed contract between Star Group and Changjiang Industry Co., Ltd. is 633 billion RMB," Chen Xiaowei said with a smile.

"咣当" "噗嗤……""Because the Star Group did not explain why the press conference was held before the press conference, most people thought that the Star Group held the press conference because of the affairs of several departments in the previous country. It was held, so there are quite a few people who are concerned about this matter, and all the audience are watching this press conference.

But Chen Xiaowei just said that he would not answer any questions about what happened before. Although everyone was a little disappointed, he turned on the TV and watched it. When Chen Xiaowei announced the budget for the building, he didn’t know how many people had sprayed the tea from his mouth or fell off the chair.

6.3 billion RMB... This number makes all the people who watch the press conference have a feeling of madness. Isn't it fun to play with more money? The people who basically watch the press conference are all in a shape, all open their mouths, and stare calmly at the TV screen. In fact, not only the audience in front of the computer in front of the TV is so, even the reporters under the stage are big. His mouth looked at Chen Xiaowei on the stage like a monster.

At the moment, sitting on the side of the main stage, Zhang Yang, who was facing the reporter, directly smiled and took a camera to take all the expressions of the reporters off the stage. Have you seen more than three hundred people open their mouths neatly and stare blankly in one direction? Never seen it! After Zhang Yang took the picture, he almost looked at the photo in the digital camera. Can't help but laugh again.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Keqing reached out and quietly poked Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang hurriedly handed over the digital camera in his hand to Li Keqing, and Li Yuberry sitting next to Li Keqing also joined them. After seeing the neat Zhang Cheng O-shaped mouth in the middle of the photo, a few girls didn't show as much endurance as they did, and they just "giggled" and laughed there.

Fortunately, the main stage seat is quite large, plus the need for the atmosphere of the venue, the lights are relatively dark, and the people below can't clearly see what they are doing in this corner. "Zhang Yang, you are too damaged. If this photo is circulated, haha ​​is also a must." Li Yuxuan they laughed endlessly.

Zhang Yang they are happy here, and the audience has been completely messed up, no matter whether Chen Xiaowei announced that he has entered the time period for answering reporters' questions, all the reporters in the audience raised their hands high. Sixty-three billion... This figure is a bit crazy. What kind of building needs 63 billion yuan? Are you going to build a palace? Even if it is built into a palace, it doesn't need so much money?

At that time, the Old Summer Palace didn't know if they had spent so much money. Chen Xiaowei did not care about these reporters "not following the rules." She casually ordered several reporters to ask questions. Although the questions of these reporters are not the same, but they are basically the same, they are all asking Chen Xiaowei for the 63 billion preparations. Where to spend it.

In fact, many people cannot understand it. After all, this kind of company headquarters is enough to spend more than one billion yuan to build a building. After all, there is not much Yan Gong in the Star Group, more than six hundred... Do you plan to use money to transfer the entire building Are they all renovated? This is no longer building a building, it is simply burning money!

No matter whether you can figure it out, but this matter is already a thing of the past, and many TV stations in Europe and the United States are actually doing live broadcasts at this time. Many local commentators have been invited by local TV stations. These TV stations are also Because the Star Group’s press conference today is about what happened two days ago, but no one expected that such a big news would be thrown.

And the hosts of these TV shows, including the comment experts, after listening to this news, almost no difference from the reactions of the reporters on the scene. When they came back, these comment experts were very strange to give a comment. : "..., Starry Sky Group has the same style as before, making money and spending money fast, but fortunately, Starry Sky Group is a private group, otherwise, I am afraid that we will never be able to see this move of burning money. After all, change to other companies. If that is the case, it is impossible for those shareholders in the company to agree to burn their money like this. God! It’s 63 billion, which is equivalent to nearly US$2. Is Star Group really prepared to use the money to post the entire building? ?"

Although these media did not say that it was hard to hear, but the meaning of the words has been very clear. The typical star group is the face of the upstart, throwing money everywhere! But no one can say anything. Everyone knows that the Star Group has more than 200 billion boron in their hands. The 60 billion yuan is actually nothing but a fraction.

Despite these more than 60 billion yuan, the Starry Sky Group still has 200 billion yuan in cash... People can throw it away. While commenting on the upstart style of the Star Group, more people are curious. Apart from the more than six billion Peng in the community where the Star Group has moved back due to land problems, the remaining 63 billion What will be the starry sky industrial park that will cost 5.7 billion boron!

Many architects are completely crazy, more than 50 billion buildings, such a building is probably a classic building in the world, just like the world-famous building like the Sydney Opera House. Because the Star Group has not announced, these architects do not know which design drawings of the famous studios used by the Star Countless architectural designers have a common idea in mind at that moment, that is to When going to China, Lai depends on the Star Group. They want to see what a building can cost so much. Every architect has a dream to make his building a timeless classic, but this opportunity is not every architect can have, at least no one will invest so much money.

A classic building costs more than design, it is more money, okay, now there is finally a willing to spend money, although the designer is not them, but can witness the birth of this building group, if you can Keep your own name, it would be better.

Zhang Yang didn't know that his crazy decision actually caused such consequences. The press conference didn't last long. Chen Xiaowei simply answered a few questions and announced that the press conference was over. It was less than noon when the press conference ended, and when Zhang Yang and their return to the company, the boron of the public relations department of the left company had sent a few calls to Chen Xiaowei with strange faces. ! ! ! ;




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