The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 480: Injustice (below)

Chapter 480 The Wounded Dog Head (Part 2)

"What's the situation?" Zhang Yang looked at Chen Xiaowei with some surprise. Chen Xiaowei said with a weird face: "Look at yourself, it's a call from several famous architects all over the world. They want to participate in our project construction, even if they don't pay them."

"Puff..." It was said that it was not Zhang Yang who sprayed the water this time, but Long Xiaoqi, because the starry sky group adopted the design scheme of Long Xiaoqi, then the main designer of Long Xiaoqi naturally wants to stay in Starry Sky Group has said that it has adopted Long Xiaoqi's design plan, but it is still far away from the construction. The drawing of engineering drawings, topographic surveys, etc. may last for half a year or even a year.

"Isn't it true?" Qi Qi, head of Long Xiao Chapter 480 (Part 2), wiped the water stain on the corner of her mouth awkwardly and asked inconceivably. "It's true..., this makes it clear that you are being treated as an injustice." Chen Xiaowei rolled his eyes and said to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there would be designers who wanted to be able to participate in it, even without salary. "Well, don't you mind if they all come over?" Zhang Yang asked, turning his head to look at Long Xiaoqi. Long Xiaoqi quickly shook his head: "Do not mind, don't mind, in fact, my design was just a matter of course. I didn't expect someone to cover it."

Obviously, Long Xiaoqi also felt that her design was a bit too big, but she encountered even more publicity. "Although I have specially invited the world-famous design office to help determine the feasibility of this design, there are actually many details in it that require post-processing, especially the drawing of engineering drawings. If the level of the design institute is not enough, it is easy to There are problems. And these famous architects, each of them has an excellent team. If we put them together, our project will basically have no problems."

The drawing of the engineering drawings is the most critical part. Chapter 480, Chapter Two (below), you must know that for such a large project, even if there is a problem with one of the details, the whole building may be demolished. It is the top priority. Usually these designers are not invited. Now they are willing to come by themselves. This will be a pie in the sky.

"Well, since that's the case, then Mr. Chen will leave it to you. Try to flick these people over as much as you can. How much can be flickered. The salary is not a problem. Anyway, big money is spent. Is this little money?" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said quickly.

As the saying goes, the three heads are still one Zhuge Liang, so many architects gathered together, there may be a better plan is also uncertain. Anyway, Long Xiaoqi doesn't mind, Starry Sky Group is naturally more beneficial, in fact, Long Xiaoqi is also embarrassed to mind, where to look for such a big patron, if you miss this village, you won't have this shop, if it's not the Starry Sky Group With this scheme, her gadgets have just been addicted to the computer, and they can never become real objects.

"You can rest assured that I will handle this matter, but the IBM supercomputer will arrive in the city the day after tomorrow. Then we can start the installation. Yesterday I received a call from the staff of Sibo, Today we have to investigate whether the floor rented by our company can put down so many hardware facilities, and also need to respond to the wiring arrangement, as well as heat dissipation and other issues, this matter is left to you.

"Chen Xiaowei said quickly.

"Oh? The computer is back?" Zhang Yang immediately opened his eyes. For a computer player, the most advanced hardware conditions are as powerful as putting a super in front of them. When Zhang Yang heard the news, it was Zhang Yang who knew that his company would have a supercomputer, but he still couldn't help being excited.

Supercomputer! This thing has never had a chance to contact himself in his life, and even invading these supercomputers is difficult to achieve, because there is no other reason, and their calculation speed is too powerful. Although there are loopholes in their firewalls or systems, these supercomputers can all make up for these deficiencies with powerful computing power! The firewall running on a supercomputer is not even advanced, but it is an insurmountable obstacle for ordinary hackers.

This is why it is often heard that some hackers can hack websites of some government departments and the like, but never heard of hackers being able to enter the military systems of various countries or various secret research departments. It was the last life that thantos invaded the North American Air Defense Command and finally had to spend four or five years to make a bureau to successfully invade.

This is the power of supercomputers! Powerful computer performance combined with powerful software is not as simple as one plus one equals two. This combination will cause qualitative changes. Just like the current infectious insect system, although it looks very powerful and terrifying, it is not the case. For example, in the past few times, infectious insects were used to invade. Infected insects need to rely on more than a dozen first-level broiler collective operations to meet its needs.

Moreover, many calculation steps are delayed. If Zhang Yang can build a large data center that satisfies the current operation of the infected insects, then the infected insects will increase the efficiency of these broilers by at least two or three times. More importantly, the current logical thinking library of Infector cannot run at all, and many functions are closed.

Hearing that Chen Xiaowei said that the supercomputer had returned, Zhang Yang immediately threw everything to Chen Xiaowei and ran directly to the technical department. When Zhang Yang rushed to the technical department, the guys in the technical department except for a few people who needed to sit in the technical department, the others were not there.

"What about them?" Zhang Yang asked strangely.

"Good director, they are all upstairs, and there is a hardware engineer with Sibo to install the line there." Several people in the technical department left helplessly pointed upstairs and said. Judging from their appearance, it is estimated that if it is not impossible for the server to be unsupervised, a few of them will also run up.

Now there are many people in the technical department of Star Group. Although Zhang Yang does not know the specific numbers, there are dozens of people. "You work hard, I'll go up and see." Zhang Yang couldn't wait to walk to the elevator after he dropped the next sentence. It's a long-awaited thing for Zhang Yang to run all the functions of infected insects.

And this is also one of the important reasons why Zhang Yang can compete with anubis. Otherwise, don’t look at Zhang Yang’s current contest with Bin, and he hasn’t suffered. Toss you, and Zhang Yang is only himself.

Taking advantage of the huge sensation caused in France, the intelligence agencies of all countries in the world searched anubis in their own country like crazy, Zhang Yang wanted to hurry up his knife first. I must be strong enough to be able to contend with Pa Shan when the time comes, and the infection is undoubtedly the capital of Zhang Yang.

He took the elevator upstairs and the whole building was rented by Star Group. The supercomputer will occupy about two floors. There is no way. The weight of the entire supercomputer is more than 300 tons. Although the load on one floor is no problem, if it is placed on one floor, heat dissipation is a problem. Therefore, he simply decided to place it on two floors, and these two floors will also become the most important location of the Starry Sky Group.

Even the personnel of the technical department do not have the right to enter and exit the computer room casually, and they will use the supercomputer to access through the high-speed data line in the lower layer of the two-level computer room. The entire technical department will also become the largest department occupied by the Star Group. As for the other departments, a total of three or four floors are actually dead. Most floors of the entire office building are empty.

No way, the Star Group’s current technology set has been targeted by many commercial spies. If there are many companies in a building, even Zhao Fei, who is responsible for protecting the company’s security, cannot be foolproof. And if there is only one company in the whole building, there are not so many idle staff, so the company's security work is much better.

"Zhang Yang, you're here." Seeing Zhang Yang coming up, Wu Bo immediately came over excitedly. "Well, what's the matter, what are you doing now?" There are almost at least a hundred of Tian Bo's hardware engineers busy in the two floors.

"Wiring is done first, and all the lines are laid out. After the server group comes back, we can assemble it quickly." Wu Bo pointed to the whole hall and said. The most troublesome installation of the entire supercomputer is actually wiring. There are seven or eight lines on the back of our personal computer case, sometimes it feels messy, not to mention such a big guy weighing nearly 300 tons.

More than two hundred people are working in the entire hall, including hardware engineers of four boron and related decoration personnel. The sound of various electric drill cutting machines echoed in the empty floor. "How long can it be done?" Although the sound was harsh, Zhang Yang still felt a little excited. We are also people with supercomputers!

At that time, TMD wants to hack anyone, and what account will be hacked in the future. "The line can be completely laid in three days, but the director, we have a serious problem, that is, the power supply is insufficient. A transformer used in several buildings near us, if a supercomputer is installed, our power consumption will be The amount will be terrible. There is no way to support a large transformer outside. We'd better apply to the municipal government to separately equip our building with a transformer. If it can be isolated from the power supply lines of the surrounding buildings, it will be better to take a single line. "Wu Bo suddenly remembered an important thing and said Zhang Yang's sleeve.

"Ah" I'll give it a call and give it a try. "Zhang Yang has forgotten this problem. The power consumption of ordinary servers and supercomputers is simply not comparable. In fact, the power consumption of supercomputers is not much. The main power consumption is its heat dissipation system! The power consumption combined with heat dissipation, etc. is not even lower than that of a medium-sized factory!!!!!!;




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