The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 481: Have a strong waist (top)

Chapter 481 The waist must be strong (Part 1)

Chapter 481 The waist must be strong (Part 1)

Zhang Yang called Lao Tan naturally. Lao Tan is now following the Starry Sky Group. The investment in the construction of a starry sky industrial park alone is 6.3 billion, and this money is undoubtedly pulling the city's economy. This is not the same as the previous auction of so much land by Star Group. Although the money for auctioning land is more than this, the money is actually circulated among various real estate companies.

It looks very good, but it has little effect on the economy, but these 63 billion yuan are different. These 60 billion yuan are solid investments in the market. In other words, these 6 Thirteen billion is to be consumed completely in the huge market of the waist of Chapter 481 of the city!

The economic pulling effect brought about by this is much more direct than the money that can't be seen, and what's more, these 63 billion investments really don't count the land value, and count this 1,200 mu of land If the auction price cannot reach the price of the commercial center of the new development zone, there is no problem for 30 to 40 million yuan per mu. If the land value is counted, the entire investment is more than 100 billion RMB.

It can be said that these are Tan Zhenglin's achievements! Who made Starry Sky Group rise in the city, and who made Starry Sky Group rise under Tan Zhenglin? This is Tan Zhenglin's political capital! So who does this phone call Lao Tan call? Wu Bo's words reminded Zhang Yang that power supply is a big problem, especially after the completion of the Xingkong Industrial Park in the future, the power consumption will definitely be even greater.

It’s okay to say these things all at once, “How about? Should we give us a discount? We haven’t asked the government for any preferential policies since the beginning.” Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"This is not a problem. I greet the Secretary of the Power Supply Bureau. After a while, I will call him directly from the waist of Chapter 481. (Part 1) You should contact him directly. You can do this directly. It is not a problem to add a group of large transformers separately to the leased office building. As you said, the problem of separately supplying power to the future Xingkong Industrial Park is basically no problem, but there is a small problem..." Tan Zhenglin said with a grin.

"What's the problem?" Lao Tan's laughter made Zhang Yangsheng fight a cold war, how could he have a bad hunch? "The one you know... Although the city is said to be the largest municipality directly under the Central Government and the largest city in China, but my mayor is not good, the city's finances are not ample... so the cost of this separate power transmission The problem..." Long-distance power transmission has power loss. In order to reduce power loss, high-voltage power transmission is absolutely required during power transmission, and from several major large-scale substations in the city to the Xingkong Group Industrial Park. There is really a distance.

"Let's get out." As soon as old Tan spoke, Zhang Yang immediately knew his thoughts. Without saying anything, he agreed directly. Anyway, the big money came out. If it can really go through a separate power supply system, then the Star Group's future power The impact on supply will be much smaller.

"It’s okay if you are so simple. Your location is good. The Pujiang River is next to you. It’s convenient to send electricity. Since you promise to pay, it’s okay. I let the power supply bureau make a budget At that time, you can just hit the money on the account of the Finance Bureau." Zhang Yang is refreshing and Tan Zhenglin is refreshing.

If you put it in the past, you really have to ask for it, but it is not necessary now. The response of Star Group and General Li two days ago is not a secret to Tan Zhenglin. In China, this is the officialdom. Situation, if you win, then you will definitely get all kinds of benefits, such as the tilt of this policy is also a benefit.

If you are defeated, let's follow the bad luck. I don't see the sorrowful situation of the Lu family now, because the Starry Sky Group was withdrawn by a large number of officials from the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, and because of General Li's words, a large number of officials were transferred away. Although the current position has not been removed, it is no longer possible to go further.

This is the game, and the Prime Minister personally called Tan Zhenglin, asking the municipal government to support the work of the Star Group. Therefore, there is no need to ask for advice on this matter. Not to mention that the Starry Sky Group is willing to pay its own money, but it does not pay. The city and city governments will repair this transmission line.

"I said, Lao Tan, you are too unreasonable. This was originally your government's business. If you let us pay the money, we will pay the money. Would you give me another discount? Could you go to Xingkong Industrial Park? The nearby road was changed from the two-way six lanes on the planning drawings of the Urban Construction Bureau and Planning Bureau to the two-way ten lanes?" Zhang Yang tentatively asked.

Because the location of the Star Group is not a central location in the Pujiang New District in the future, so if the road is not a non-motorized lane on the city planning map, the remaining motorized lanes are just ordinary roads with two lanes and six lanes, basically in the existing It will be refurbished on the basis of it. The problem is that if it is built according to the publicity standards, the entire Star Group will probably become a tourist destination for many tourists in the city. By then, the two-way six-lane road will not be blocked until there is a ghost.

"Aha... this is not a problem...but this fund..." Lao Tan made a haha, smiling no more. Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. The city's finances are unlikely to be bad. Companies with a market value of more than 10 billion RMB are almost triple digits. Can the financial situation be bad?

"We can pay for the construction of several roads nearby, but I request that the more than 400 acres of green space in front of the 1,200 acres of land currently owned by Starry Sky Group be freely allocated to Starry Sky Group for use." Money is not a problem, but it can't be used in vain. In front of the 1,200 acres of land in the Xingkong Industrial Park, there are probably more than 400 acres of green land. There is a standard for urban construction and green land. Don't look at 400 acres. But it is calculated in the entire city, so this land is unlikely to be converted to other uses in the future.

"If you can guarantee that the land will not be used for other purposes, no problem, this land can be allocated to the Starry Sky Group free of charge, but there is a premise that the Starry Sky Group must sign a contract with the municipal government, the 400 acres of green land cannot Use it for other purposes." Tan Zhenglin said cheerfully.

Anyway, it’s just greening land. As long as you can guarantee the greening area, it doesn’t matter who you assign the land to. Anyway, you can’t use it for any other purpose. If this allows the Star Group to pay for several roads, then it’s a good thing. .

"It's no problem, but the conditions can't be so fixed. Let's say the contract we signed. On the 1,700 acres of land owned by the Starry Sky Group, as long as there are 400 acres of green area, how about this?" Zhang Yangta Haha. Tan Zhenglin hesitated, and finally nodded and said, "OK, no problem, that's it."

There is an essential difference between the two. Now, the more than 400 acres of land is a large-scale park. If according to Tan Zhenglin, this park is nominally Star Group, but the Star Group cannot do it at all. What, maybe you have to invest money in it.

However, if you sign the contract according to Zhang Yang’s statement, it will be beneficial. The 400-mu acres of green land can be used exclusively for other purposes. Anyway, as long as there is a total of 400 mu on all the land within the group, Green area is enough.

More importantly, the original 1,200 acres of land originally from the Starry Sky Group were not next to each other. Four hundred acres were for those communities that were relocated to households. When I first bought it, I had already thought about it. Four hundred acres are separated from the remaining 800 acres. This large park is connected by the Starry Sky Industrial Park. As a result, the area where the land was somewhat dwarfed by the construction of the headquarters of a super skyscraper immediately became much larger.

At that time, the shadow part blocked by the building can be directly used as a green belt, and the remaining light position is used to build other buildings. What Zhang Yang can think of, Lao Tan can also think of it, but Lao Tan just closed his eyes and closed one eye. Anyway, for the municipal government, the four hundred acres of land can only be used for greening, it is better to give the starry sky Group, and the Starry Sky Group only needs to guarantee the total green area of ​​400 acres.

Both Zhang Yang and Lao Tan have already made their decisions, and the rest is simple. The Star Group and the municipal government signed the contract almost at lightning speed, and announced the news to the society. Ordinary people have no special response to this news, mainly because the Star Group has just been a victim. Most people have not recovered from the previous incidents, and the Star Group has been working on the development of the Pujiang New District. Left a great reputation!

You should know that when the Star Group carried out the demolition, the city government of Pujiang's old city development plan had not yet announced it, but the Star Group still gave such high demolition costs! Now go to the Pujiang Old Town to inquire, as long as the Star Group is mentioned, there is no one who does not give a thumbs up. The Star Group’s investment has caused other developers to complain, so a large old city, most of the land needs to be purchased by other developers, and now the Star Group has done things there all of a sudden. Unless the demolition work reaches a level with the Star Group, it is difficult to continue.

The cooperation between the Star Group and the municipal government has made people in the domestic business community red-eyed. They have obtained 400 acres of land without saying anything, and they can also enjoy special power supply. Although the Star Group has also paid a price, it has paid the same price. The income is not directly proportional, but everyone knows that this is to find a balance. In order to appease the Starry Sky Group, their eyes are red, and they have no way.

When dozens of famous architects and engineers from around the world came to Starry Sky Group, when the address detection team hired by Starry Sky Group began to detect the land owned by Starry Sky Group, the city’s power supply bureau began to quickly starve the sky. When the industrial park went to build a new high-voltage transmission line, what everyone didn't know was that just days before the arrival of May 1, the Star Group's supercomputer was finally commissioned and officially put into operation.

These days Zhang Yang almost smiled and tilted his lips. With the Star Group supercomputer in use, it means that Zhang Yang's weakest item can finally be stronger. This supercomputer is critical. It's like a man's ability. If everyone has the same basic conditions, it depends on your waist.

Even if you are strong, your back aches and pains after a night of tossing, it doesn't matter how strong you are. My own tofu waist has finally become a bull! During this time, Star Group added more than supercomputers. Zhang Yang spent another 100 million RMB and bought 8,000 sets of the latest blade servers!

These blade servers and those previously purchased by Star Group will be mainly used for data storage. The powerful computing performance that supercomputers are good at is not data storage. These servers are still needed. Another reason for buying these servers is that Xinghai translation software will soon be listed with the listing of ine.

At the moment, the software in Apple's online application store has exceeded 100,000! Apple’s powerful appeal is really extraordinary, from most free software to paid software, etc., among which Xinghai translation software is undoubtedly the most expensive and simple function, and the monthly usage fee is It is 10 dollars, and the domestic usage fee is 80rmb per month.

And its advanced function has reached a monthly usage fee of more than one hundred dollars, which is also no way. If it does not increase the usage fee, the performance it occupies can make the Star Group bankrupt.

These servers are also served by the instant translation function of infecting However, Xinghai Software Zhangyang is not prepared to use it as a separate software, it can only run on ine and id, leaving these two This platform will be completely inoperable.

It’s not that the technology is out of reach, but Zhang Yang is thinking about another issue, that is, the generation after the 80s. One can say that the generation after the 80s has put too much effort into foreign languages. If Zhang Yang promotes this software, So I am afraid that it will cause tens of millions of people who are engaged in related translation jobs to lose their jobs.

This issue was not only seen by Zhang Yang, but also by the relevant government departments of the country. To this end, the Prime Minister specially called to exchange views with Chen Xiaowei and Li Keqing. And in the end, the Prime Minister meant that Starry Sky Group should not promote this software in the next two or three years, so that the country has an emergency response capability, and the Prime Minister has revealed that the Ministry of Education will announce recently that starting this semester, all The university’s requirement that the graduation certificate must pass English Level 4 or Level 6 will be cancelled.

At the same time, it will slowly adopt the method of public opinion guidance to reduce the number of students registering for related language majors. RO! ! ! ;




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