The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 487: This starry sky (4)

Chapter 487 The Starry Sky (4)

Zhang Yang shook his hand a bit, his heart beat so badly, the whole person was like a sheep madness, pumping endlessly, shaking his hands, Zhang Yang quickly pulled out the cigarette from his pocket and clicked one. The scorching smoke entered his lungs, and his emotions slowly calmed down. Zhang Yang seldom takes the initiative to smoke. Although he doesn't smoke at all, he doesn't have any addiction, but sometimes he mixes up and smokes two.

Looking at the information on the computer screen, Zhang Yang felt that even his breath was burning, although Zhang Yang felt a little weird, but he had a hunch in his heart, this thing is absolutely true, otherwise, anubis will not make so big Motion is looking for this server everywhere.

It’s just that in Chapter 487, the starry sky (4) disappeared afterwards. When you think about the few people who recovered the old server because of this matter, Zhang Yang understood that I am afraid that the people of anubis I didn’t know what they were looking for, so I didn’t find it. Otherwise, they would just use the torture confessions received by those dead people. They couldn’t bear it at all, and they would definitely say it directly.

In this life, it fell into the hands of Zhang Yang. I am afraid that the last end of the server in the last life was to be recycled as scrap, or it was scattered all over the place, and the information in it naturally disappeared, but now, all kinds of coincidences let it fall. In his own hands, the information in it can be seen again.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yang quickly selected all the files in the computer directly to the starry sky and said: "Starry sky, back up this file to a server in the starry sky group for the highest level of encryption, except for my authorization No one can access its information. In addition, it is broken up and stored on the network. There is no need to tell me where it is stored. Now its safety is listed as the same first sequence."

"Back up the entire file with the number 01, and carry out the highest level of encryption and protection for this starry sky (four) in Chapter 487, the security level is the first sequence, are you sure?" Took a command.

"Confirm." Zhang Yang nodded directly, and then looked at the starry sky to start copying files there. The entire file was not large, probably dozens. About half an hour later, the file has been transferred. I am glad that the encryption method Zhang Yang has no control. The starry sky will automatically process it. The encrypted file processed by the starry sky will be safer than Zhang Yang’s personal encryption, unless someone can crack the starry sky. Otherwise, it is impossible to decrypt.

Because Starry Sky encryption is actually quite simple, it will split the entire file directly into countless fragments and then disrupt their order, and then encrypt it. If you don’t know the combination method, even if you copy this Wensheng It's no use going back.

After the starry sky was processed, Zhang Yang smothered the smoke directly into the ashtray on the table. Zhang Yang took a deep breath and then stood up directly from his position and walked to the window. The brightly lit city of H shone with fascinating light under the gleam of countless neon lights.

Zhang Yang never thought about why he would be born again. Is it true that there is fate? The course of the earth was wrong in the last life. Did you let yourself come back to correct it in this life? The information in that server is amazing, quite amazing! Although Zhang Yang does not understand it, Zhang Yang can foresee that if he makes the contents inside, I am afraid that the track of the whole world will be completely changed in his memory, and there is not even a trace of imagination.

And the advantages of his rebirth will probably be completely lost. Do or not do it? Zhang Yang involuntarily lit another cigarette, but he did not smoke after this time, but let it burn in his fingers, but Zhang Yang's mind was caught in an infinite entanglement.

It wasn't until a trace of burning pain came from his fingers that a cigarette had burnt up unconsciously before Zhang Yang breathed out a long time. The difference is different. Anyway, this world is different from the previous life. The emergence of the Starry Sky Group is the biggest variable, and even many things have been changed by publicity. Wu Bo has not died, and his appearance has made countries start to pay attention to the Internet. Security construction, perhaps many things that will happen in the future will not happen.

I don’t know if the general direction will change, but if Zhang Yang decides to do it, then I am afraid that in the future, Star Group will replace the original Apple and become the world’s highest market value company. If Zhang Yang was just confident before, then he dares now 100% sure!

"I'm not taking your stuff for nothing. If there is one day, I will let the entire F organization completely dissipate!" Zhang Yang looked out the window and said softly. Although Zhang Yang has always maintained a certain degree of curiosity about the contents in the server, Zhang Yang never thought that the contents inside would bring him such a big shock and so many surprises to him!

The files on this server were circulated from a laboratory under the organization of F. Not only is there an invention of the era, but also there is information about F that Zhang Yang has never found! Perhaps no information is even used. As long as the name is known, no one will know!

F is short for this organization, its full name is: FennaedMasons! According to the literal meaning, its name is called "free stonemason"! But when it comes to another name, I am afraid everyone has heard that this name has only three words: Freemasonry!

If no one knows the name, then America believes everyone knows it? But it can be said that the United States was basically under the control of this organization. After seeing this name, many doubts were finally solved, and Zhang Yang finally understood why this organization has such a huge financial power. Hundred billion dollars! If the money is for Freemasonry, it is really not a problem.

To put it bluntly, the right to issue dollars is still in the hands of Freemasonry! This has not changed since World War II!

Nima! Zhang Yang really wanted to think that he never thought that anubis would have any contact with this organization, but now, judging from the instructions in this document, anubis is just a small organization under the Freemasonry. However, if there are other things in the files that were not unlocked, Zhang Yang would shrink back if he wanted to, even though Starry Sky Group is very good now.

But Zhang Yang didn't even know how to fight against this organization. Its huge size made people feel like they couldn't talk. "Damn, these old things." Zhang Yang couldn't help but want to vomit. There were a total of 16 scientists who left this document, and 11 of these 16 scientists were defeated by the United States and Germany after World War II. German scientists who got back from the Soviet Union!

World War II? * Deer  Raise the lame  Sedan blame the mulberry squad  Measure the yard to converge the noni file pen bar deer  萪 煪  鍪 Lan Lan 续 Raising the inter-annual education: stop  retreat camp  髯越 Deer  Yo Tomb 貮目  Gong 崃 剖詖 Yu   delete the local reefs 鍪兰缟 shrimp out of the vinegar 貲蟮 tomb  remote  淙 yellow rendering machine bag 顎詈頓 direct view 胛霠   Bibi ZhangWhich one sees the heart resisting the catch?

And the other is now the only superpower in the world, the United States! Although many people have imagined that China will one day be able to truly rise and compete with the United States, but to be honest, even if the United States is unlucky because of the world economic crisis after a few years, the United States is not China at all. Too many people are addicted to those. The data described by the media.

But if Zhang Yang really takes out the contents of the server, I am afraid that in the next few years, China's economic strength may really catch up with the United States. But there is a premise! That is, the Starry Sky Group will not be swallowed by the state. This possibility is not impossible, it is very large.

If we simply say that the current Star Group, although it makes a lot of money and has a great influence, it does not care at all, because the technology of the Star Group without other facts is not too important for military value, and the rise of the Star Group can also be rapid Promote the national industry, but if you really take out the technology in the server, then I am afraid that you will have to consider it again.

It’s okay to use it, but Zhang Yang has to think about the future, and how future generations can’t control it, but in his lifetime, Zhang Yang doesn’t want to make a wedding dress for the country in the end. And, more importantly, if the government is very clean and has always been thinking about the people, although Zhang Yang is not great, he also recognized it, fearing that in the end Zhang Yang’s struggle for a lifetime will be stolen by some intentional people. It's about to happen.

Tangled! Zhang Yang rubbed his forehead, to be honest, although Freemasonry is terrible, but as long as he knew this organization, Zhang Yang was not so scared. The US government has been thinking for so many years, and has never wanted to take back the right to issue dollars. It’s not a big deal. Everyone shoots twice, Zhang Yang poke out the news directly, Zhang Yang will not believe it. So many countries around the world can tolerate the existence of such a powerful Freemasonry?

The reason why Freemasonry is so cautious now, in fact, to put it bluntly is to be afraid of becoming a public enemy of the world. Their organization is strong and good, but if all countries start to deal with them, unless they can arm their own troops, they can build In your own country, otherwise everything is ridiculous and useless.

What's more, if Zhang Yang can make perfect use of this thing in his hand, then he is even less afraid, and then the Starry Sky Group will become a monster. The question now is how to pass this most dangerous early stage before the Star Group becomes a monster. As long as the Star Group can stabilize the early stage, Zhang Yang will not be afraid after the middle development.

"Bang Bang Bang" just when Zhang Yang struggled, there was a knock on the door outside. "Come in."

Zhang Yang said quickly. Li Keqing quickly pushed the door and walked in and said, "Okay, everything is ready, let's eat hot pot." Zhang Yang remembered this, the girls were still preparing to eat hot pot below, look at the time It was almost morning, hesitating a moment, Zhang Yang nodded: "Let's go, let's eat."

If you can’t figure it out, don’t even think about it, you will always come up with a way to do it. The place everyone made was not on the floor where they lived, but on the two floors below them. All the rooms on this floor were opened, and the entire floor was turned into a huge room. After entering the house Zhang Yang was a little dizzy. The house was not just about Li Yuxuan and their girls. Even many employees of the company living in this building, as well as some department experienced executives, were all there.

What makes Zhang Yang speechless is that everyone estimates that he has gone out and bought a thing again. I don’t know how to make a big table with several tables. There are more than a dozen mandarin duck pots on it, and they are made in several rooms. On the large balcony, there are four or five barbecue grills, which are now full of fire, and some boron that is good at cooking has grilled chicken wings and the like with cooking wine.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yang was a little speechless. No wonder they had been upstairs for almost an hour before they got it right. The idea of ​​having these couples eating supper has almost become a dinner for the whole company. Although Zhang Yang did not How many people are there, but visually, it is estimated that there are still 30 or 40 people.

"Hee hee, how is it? Hilarious? We think we haven't been together for a long time, and we haven't eaten with employees. This time everyone is having a dinner together. How?" Li Keqing shook his head Fist asked with a smug smile.

"Not Not bad, but do they dare to have dinner with you?" When Zhang Yang and Li Keqing came in, Zhang Yang noticed that the originally large argument in the room was much quieter. Many boron and company employees are secretly watching Zhang Yang and Li Keqing.

"Although Sister Xiaowei told me to maintain the prestige of the boss, I feel that being able to approach these ordinary employees while maintaining prestige will make them feel more attributable." Li Keqing said with a smile.

Zhang Yang is a little ridiculous, but Li Keqing has been able to think of this already. It seems that the experience is to train people. How long will it take, it is estimated that it will not take long before Li Keqing will truly have the temperament and that of the richest man in the world. Charming style.

Just thinking of the temperament that Li Keqing would have then...and then go home to bed...Zhang Yang felt that he was too evil, well, I am a good person, I am a good person, not a blame uncle.

Li Keqing naturally would not have thought that Zhang Yang's thinking had already climbed to the Kingdom of Java in such a short period of time. ! ! ! ;




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