The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 488: This starry sky (5)

Chapter 488 The Starry Sky (5)

"Chairman, President Zhang, President Chen and they are over there, saying let you pass." After a while, a girl in her twenties came over with some anxiety and said. Zhang Yang smiled at her, then nodded and said, "Now it's time to go off work, don't be so restrained, we are not tigers, we can eat all of you? Well, everyone is free, you should eat, you should drink. Drink." In the latter half of the sentence, Zhang Yang said loudly to the people in the room.

After speaking, Zhang Yang immediately went to the table next to it and picked up a bottle of beer. He continued to say aloud: "Although we have money now, I can't drink that kind of red wine. I always like to drink beer This bottle of wine, I respect everyone first, I'll do it first." After Zhang Yang directly said chapter 488 of this starry sky (5), he raised his head and immediately dried the bottle of beer in his hand in one breath.

When Zhang Yang finished drinking, there was a burst of cheers and cheers in the room. Zhang Yang's words also attracted a lot of good-hearted laughter. If these employees and Zhang Yang eat and drink with them, no pressure is fundamental. Impossible. After all, Zhang Yang's identity is there. Although Zhang Yang doesn't feel anything, but for others, the identity of Li Keqing and Zhang Yang is a little too scary.

The richest person in the world, thinking about the assets of two people, these employees feel a little dizzy, like the people on the world rich list before Bill Gates, are they usually so casual? Even if you don’t think about it, everyone knows that it is impossible, so Zhang Yang’s words directly draw a lot of distance from these employees.

Zhang Yang didn't coax up with these employees too much. After drinking a bottle of wine and waiting for everyone to finish drinking, Zhang Yangcai and Li Keqing walked to the room where they were. Although these rooms were opened, and the doors of the rooms were open, everyone consciously left Chen Xiaowei with a separate room. Just to help Chen Xiaowei get the materials done, they then went to the next room to play the starry sky (five) in Chapter 488.

Seeing Zhang Yang and Li Keqing coming in, Li Yuxuan, who was eating happily, immediately stopped their tableware, blinked narrowly and said, "Zhang Yang, you can learn how to buy people's hearts, come and fine and drink ."

"The penalty is fine, I'm afraid of anything. I'll do three first, you are free." Zhang Yang walked up to the wine table, picked up the beer on the table and poured three glasses and then dried it. Anyway, we also claim to be the little white dragon in the wine. Okay, Ququ beer is afraid of a bird! "If you know your brother-in-law you can drink, you don't have to succeed in front of us. By the way, let's go outside and have a barbecue." Lin Nuoxue didn't know when he came over, and he smiled and raised a few skewers inside. Said the wing.

"Wait, let me do it. Can you eat it if you bake it? Don't spoil the good stuff." Zhang Yang pointed to the chicken wings in Lin Nuoxue's hands with a smile, but Lin Nuoxue's personality has been from a young age. I don’t even know what the kitchen looks like and I will grill my own chicken wings. Don’t be poisoned for a while.

"Brother, look down on me." Lin Nuoxue was angry, and a few girls laughed "hee hee", "Go away, let's go barbecue." Chen Xiaowei and several of them immediately grabbed one. Large piles of skewers walked towards the balcony. Zhang Yang and Li Keqing also took some chicken wings and walked towards the balcony.

The balconies in these rooms are large, and this living room has enough rooms. So when I opened these rooms later, I simply asked the workers to remove the walls of the balcony and the living room. The weather in May is already very hot. There are two grills in the middle of the large balcony, and on the other side is a big comfortable table with a rattan chair lying around.

"I said, you guys would enjoy it. Who bought these things?" Zhang Yang looked at the decoration in the room with some curiosity. This is definitely not the original hardcover. It was obviously re-made afterwards.

"It was my decoration. How about it? I thought about making an entertainment place for us. Anyway, upstairs and downstairs are all colleagues in the company. When it's okay, everyone can play together. I also suggested to Xiaowei , We simply hire someone to make this a casual bar in the company, only open to us inside." Xia Yiyue smiled and turned the chicken wings inside his hand and said.

"Well, this suggestion is good. Our company's current entertainment life is really quite small." Zhang Yang thought about it and then nodded, because the Star Group has always been very busy, so there is no fixed rest day, everyone is on holiday There are people taking a rest from Monday to Sunday. If the building is full, it would be nice to make this whole floor an open bar.

After all, everyone living in such a metropolis has a nightlife. With such a bar, you can work too tired and you don’t have to run too far. There is a bar in the accommodation building. "Okay, let me have some of your chicken wings. You can take a rest there first." There was a circle of people around the whole oven that was very hot. Chicken wings, skewers, etc. were all taken.

"Alright, then you have worked hard." Zhang Yang paused, nodded, then walked to the table next to him and sat down, opening a can of beer. Chen Xiaowei and several of them sat down one by one. They are basically the old employees of the Star Group. Later, the department managers who entered the company did not come over. Obviously, they also gave Zhang Yang a space. Knowing that Zhang Yang would definitely not be able to discuss the future of some companies. Regulation flutter.

"Right, I forgot to tell you something, I saw Bai Su." After sitting down, Li Yuxuan suddenly spoke out. "En?" Zhang Yang and others were stunned for a moment. Ouyang Xin and Chen Xiaowei and others did not know who Bai Su was, but Zhang Yang and Li Keqing would not forget.

"Where did you see it?" People don't know Bai Su's identity, can Zhang Yang know? Bai Su is basically a special agent of Guoan. Although she may have some feelings about Zhang Yang, to be honest, Zhang Yang doesn't really believe Bai Su in her heart, whether it is because of TV or novels. Anyway, Zhang Yang's intelligence agencies Agents actually don't have any favors at all. Anyway, Zhang Yang doesn't think these agents can like someone casually.

If that's the case, these agents still play a fart to steal intelligence. Although the agents described in some novels may be exaggerated, in fact, this also blunts their essence. These people can sacrifice anything to complete the task. Perhaps You don't even know if she likes you really or for her own purposes.

But in general, Bai Su also called Zhang Yang about Pan Wenlong last time and told him about Pan Wenlong, so Zhang Yang still regarded her as a friend. After listening to Li Yuxuan said that he had seen Bai Su, Zhang Yang had some problems. Asked curiously. "It's in the city." Li Yuxuan said rightfully.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, I also know it's "City, I asked where you saw her, what did you say?" Zhang Yang asked, crying and laughing. Li Keqing also asked with some curiosity: "Yes, yeah, where did you see Yu Xuan?" It seems that I haven't seen her for a long time, and she is also our good friend. There is no news about this walk, and her mobile phone is basically not turned on. "

"It was when I came to the company this afternoon that I ran into a road near the company. By the way, I asked for her latest phone. She said she had returned to the city and was looking for a job recently. This is not thinking about our company has been recruiting people, so she left her phone and came back to ask you about it." Li Yuxuan shook his head slightly and said, after that, Li Yuxuan looked at Zhang Yang with a weird look and said: "I Say, don’t do something deviant to someone."

Zhang Yang still thought about what Li Yuxuan had just said to let Bai Su come to work in the company.

"Ah? There are gossips in here? Yu Xuan, you talk about it." Chen Xiaowei and others originally listened to the clouds, but they also knew that Bai Su must be known to Li Keqing. They heard Li Yuxuan say so publicly. Then, the gossip psychology immediately came up and asked Li Yuxuan quickly.

"Fuck, aren't you you, aren't you just a little girl, do you have a soul like this?" Tan Yudie, sitting on the other side of Zhang Yang, couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but stretch his foot and kicked Zhang Yangyi directly foot.

"Ah? What did you say?" Zhang Yang asked, looking back at him, looking up at some inexplicable faces.

A few girls could not help but tolerate, "I said, brother-in-law, what are you thinking about?

"Lin Nuoxue rolled her eyes and asked a little speechlessly.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about the future direction of the company! I'm thinking about how to develop the Star Group into the world's largest what will Rockefeller, Morgan, Rothschild, etc. Step on my feet." Zhang Yang said half seriously and half jokingly.

"Pouting", Chen Xiaowei couldn't help but laugh, she smiled for a long time, she looked up and down Zhang Yang said: "OK, did not see, you are quite ambitious, did not expect you to know Rothschild Huh?"

"Nonsense, am I so ignorant?" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, this family is quite low-key. "Many people don't know, but can Zhang Yang know? When he knew it was Freemasonry, he thought of this family. , Rothschild in World War II? *Yi said that he stole the neon roast   黾 Yi Mi Nao Shi     蛞 诿 貿  ∥ 迨  蛞 诿 Water-water  the sheath cutting hammer beat Rui? br/>

And Rothschild has another identity, that is, this family is responsible for the funding of the entire Freemasonry. In other words, this family is equivalent to the financial department of Freemasonry! Funds for the entire Freemasonry are basically provided by this family. Although the Freemasonry split several times later, who knows whether these conditions are true or false? ! ! ! ;




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