The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 489: This starry sky (6)

Starry sky of the 480th chapter (6)

"Who is Rothschild?" Li Keqing asked curiously. Don’t even say that most of these girls don’t even know this family, but you can imagine how low-key it is, but it seems that Tan Yudie should know, Li Yuxuan should also know, Ouyang Xin, Lin Nuoxue they did not know.

"Rothschild is a legend in the financial world. You haven’t heard of it and it’s normal. The heyday of the Rothschild family has assets of over 50 trillion dollars. You know that’s fine, there are too many others. You just have time to go back and search." Chen Xiaowei didn't explain it in detail, but just explained it.

But a few girls were still shocked. After all, the figure of 50 trillion is too shocking. The starry sky in Chapter 489 (six) points, let alone this 50 trillion is still a dollar, even if it is the day Yuan, this is also a lot!

"Sister Xiaowei... aren't you wrong? Fifty trillion yuan? Dollars?" For a long time, Lin Nuoxue was scared and said a little dizzy.

"Oh, of course, I'm right, this family is now down, but in fact their family's assets are still terrifying. Forbes World Rich List, in fact, the world's richest people are not listed at all. There are still many in this world. Many hidden rich."

Chen Xiaowei explained with a smile.

"Okay, what's the matter, come and eat chicken wings." Xia January cooked the chicken wings, and took a plate and put it on the table.

"Khan, I was a little shocked. You really dare to think about it, brother-in-law." Lin Nuoxue couldn't help but stick out her tongue, half a million er... If you earn so much money, wouldn't it be true Buy a country?

"Haha, you say so, Zhang Yang, how dare you think about it, or should you just buy a country to play with?" Li Yuxuan chuckled.

"Okay, as long as there is a chance, it's not a big deal to buy a country." Zhang Yang smiled and replied smoothly, Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes. This starry sky in Chapter 489 of this family (six) is cheeky. Really thick, Zhang Yang just smiled and said nothing.

"By the way, I haven’t asked your opinion yet. What about Bai Su? I remember her computer technology is also good. Should I let her come to our company’s technology department? And it’s such a big one. It shouldn’t be difficult to find a job in our company. ? What is your opinion?" Li Yuxuan looked at Zhang Yang and asked.

Zhang Yang immediately frowned slightly, this action was very small, no one saw it, Zhang Yang had already considered this problem, Bai Su came to the Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang did not know whether this was arranged or how and more important What is arranged by Guoan, what is the purpose of her coming to Star Group?

Just monitoring Zhang Yang? Or is it to monitor the actions of the Starry Sky Group, or... to steal the Starry Group's technical data. You should know that Starry Sky Group has been greeted by the outside world in terms of Xinghai Software, and Nebula Software. Recently, Starry Sky Group has released several CG animations about Blizzard Entertainment. The shocking 3D effect is shocking. Countless audiences.

It’s just that the Starry Group has never announced anything about their special effects production, so the outside world simply doesn’t know how Starry Group did this, but as Paramount’s Superman returns, the filming progress is getting faster and faster. The expectations of the audience have reached a fairly high expectation value, and a large part of these expectations are brought by the Star Group.

If Bai Su really got the task above to steal information... Zhang Yang really didn't want to put her in the company. Bai Su is right, but Zhang Yang is not a nympho. If she doesn't talk about feelings, Zhang Yang will not soften her. Suddenly, Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Let her come in. Anyway, our company is so big, there are quite a lot of vacancies, but I have a requirement that she can enter the company, but it must be new with other companies. Like employees, you can't have any special care because you are a good sister with her." Zhang Yang confessed seriously.

It's just that Zhang Yang didn't find out, when he confessed this sentence, how old is the regret of several girls' faces...It stands to reason...It is reasonable to walk through the back door if you give it back? Especially when Li Yuxuan saw the lipstick mark on Zhang Yang's face, Li Keqing was so stupid that he didn't care at all and wiped it off.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Yang would take the initiative to say so. "Well, since you told me that, you are the boss and you have the final say. I will call her tomorrow and let her be my secretary." Li Yuxuan thought for a while and said that Li Yuxuan is now hanging on the vice president of the company. Name, Starry Sky Group now has two subsidiaries, one is Starry Sky Software Co., Ltd. The president of this subsidiary is Luo Tianshu, but Luo Tianshu and Zhao Fei went to honeymoon, the company is temporarily managed by Li Yuxuan. "By the way, Zhang Yang, you just said, you are thinking about the company's next development, do you have any suitable plans? Say us all to discuss, to be honest, I am quite confused now, I can't understand the company's future Where is the center of gravity, and you have to quickly find a profitable project. At present, our company's booth is too large for you to spread. You can say the Starry Sky Industrial Park. After the completion, the entire park will be maintained every month. How much is the cost? Is tens of millions enough? We can't sit down and eat in the sky?" Chen Xiaowei asked Zhang Yang when he remembered something.

"Well...Since you said this question, I also have a question to ask you." Zhang Yang thought and said. "What's the problem?" Several girls looked at each other strangely. Zhang Yang rarely had such seriousness. Once he was serious, it proved that he really thought of something.

"You about the energy industry?" Zhang Yang asked, pondering.

Energy... These two words HOLD lived in the audience all at once, and the entire balcony was instantly cold.

"Energy? Don't you want to enter this industry?" Chen Xiaowei asked weakly.

"Uh...Is this idea feasible?" Zhang Yang tentatively asked. Strictly speaking, the thing in the server has a certain relationship with the energy industry. What Zhang Yang asked was to see if Chen Xiaowei had any special ideas.

"Do you think it is possible? This thing depends not only on how we are now, but also on technology, and domestically... large-scale minerals are all owned by the state, and the entire international community is paying more and more attention to energy, oil and gas. Waiting for minerals to be contracted to private companies is impossible, unless we have the ability to develop deep-sea resources, otherwise, everything is unlikely. And... In this domestic situation, if you really intervene in this industry, it is easy to cause some unnecessary Trouble." Chen Xiaowei said worriedly.

Zhang Yang nodded his head. This is true. The situation in China is indeed like this. After a pause, Zhang Yang smiled again: "Well, I’ll take the test for you, if our company has a new technology that can develop a New energy, and the prospect of this new energy is very broad. Think about it, is there any way for our company to avoid risks? It is to maintain the characteristics of our company as a private company." Zhang Yang added vaguely.

Chen Xiaowei and others looked at each other, and for a long time, Chen Xiaowei shook his head and said: "Look at its value, if it is just a civilian resource with a vast market, then it is not difficult to operate, but if it has a very high strategy Value! For example, Longyi, such as oil! Then the possibility of our company owning it is very low."

Several girls nodded in agreement, Zhang Yang shook his head, of course, he knew this reason, the United States can throw out trillions of dollars for oil to go to the Middle East to make an uproar, the importance of strategic energy is beyond doubt. After a pause, Zhang Yang said with a smile: "Forget it, we think it's too painful to consider this question. I'm just bored and asked casually, eating, I'm really a bit hungry."

Chen Xiaowei looked at each other, they didn't know what Zhang Yang sold, and finally thought they still shook their heads and didn't care..."After all, how can this sound unreliable, Zhang Yang doesn't know that it's not reliable, but if the server If the technology inside really came can I say that Zhang Yang doesn't know how to say its prospects.

But if you want to get it out, there must be a That is to rescue a group of old guys first. This is one of the conditions for staying in that server. Otherwise, Zhang Yang does not have enough technical staff. Get this stuff out. Throwing this thing behind his head, Zhang Yang began to concentrate on destroying the food on the table. He was really hungry.

Seeing Zhang Yang eat like a pig, a few girls also threw this matter behind their heads, and immediately started to laugh. The midnight snack didn't take long, and Zhang Yang and they went away after a while, but the company's employees continued to play.

The next morning, Zhang Yang did not sleep, but followed Li Keqing to the company. Li Yuxuan said yesterday to call Bai Su today. If Bai Su really had any purpose, she should appear in Starry Sky Group today. By the way, Zhang Yang wanted to see what idea she was playing.

Arriving downstairs in the company, Zhang Yang did not go up with Li Keqing. After Li Yingjie and Li Keqing went up, Zhang Yang sat in the coffee shop downstairs in the company. He should carefully consider how to arrange Bai Su. "Uh... handsome, are you alone?" Zhang Yang just sat down not long afterwards, a sweet voice suddenly rang in Zhang Yang's ear. ! ! ! ;




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