The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 501: Soft girl (middle)

Chapter 501 Soft Girl (Part 2)

Chapter 501 Soft Girl (Part 2)

Zhang Yang did not wait too long to return to the city. On the third day, Zhang Yang got the news from Chen Xiaowei, which gave the Starry Sky Group a list of companies that could be acquired, and Chen Xiaowei hurried to the house to discuss with Zhang Yang. When Zhang Yang was on this list, he almost jumped up from the sofa. ;

"Northern Heavy Industry! China National Weapon Industry Group Corporation! Xinxing Instrument Factory! Xi'an Aero Engine Factory!" Looking at the names listed above, Zhang Yang almost bit his tongue. To be honest, when Zhang Yang first saw this list, he almost thought it was crazy.

This **** horse situation? The list that Chen Xiaowei took is not only a few, but the companies in the middle of Chapter 501 Soft Girl (center) are the most arrogant, and all are military enterprises! North Heavy Industry, the full name is North Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., is a wholly state-owned company formed on the basis of the reorganization of Shenyang Heavy Machinery Group Co., Ltd. and Shenyang Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd., that is to say, this is a state-owned enterprise Enterprises, not state holdings!

The current total assets of North Heavy Industry are not high, probably less than 6 billion RMB, but this is not the most important. The most important thing is the several national science and technology laboratories in North Heavy Industry. This is the treasure. The experimental equipment, researchers, etc. are all treasures. Although they can't talk about national treasures, they are definitely very talented people.

The second company is even more terrifying. China Ordnance Industry Group Co., Ltd., referred to as China Ordnance Group, is also one of the group companies after the reorganization. There are two domestic weapon group companies in China, and another China Ordnance Equipment Group Company. It belongs to Southern Heavy Industry, and this belongs to Northern Heavy Industry.

But these two are super large military industrial groups with assets of more than 100 billion RMB, with more than 300,000 employees! Will such a company country come out? In the later Chapter 501, the two soft girls (middle) are also not well-known, but it can be seen from the name. The instrument factory produces not ordinary ordinary instruments, most of them are military supplies, such as those of the army There are all used by the army, the air force and the navy, and the aero engine plant is one of the companies that produce aero engines for several state-owned aviation groups such as Shen Fei, Cheng Fei, and Xifei.

If anyone is allowed to see that these groups can actually allow the Star Group to acquire, they will definitely think that either they are crazy or the country is crazy, but it is clear that the country cannot be crazy. "What do you think?" Zhang Yang had some headaches, the first chief was ruthless enough! Don't look at the fact that these companies can allow Star Group to acquire, but the acquisition and reorganization is a huge process, and more importantly, it becomes state-owned to private.... If the turmoil is not handled properly, the entire group will collapse.

The above method, Zhang Yang is clearly understood, to put it bluntly, in one word, that is the policy, the Star Group and the national industry together, no matter how many these companies acquired by the Star Group, the number of employees will probably exceed tens of thousands of people immediately By then, these industries will naturally not be able to spread abroad. The huge gold-absorbing group, Starry Sky Group, naturally remains in China.

The kind of thing that happened last time will naturally not happen again, but the country is not paying the price. China Ordnance Industry Group Co., Ltd.... Zhang Yang sees this name with some pain, and I really don’t know what it thinks, How can I be willing! How willing! Zhang Yang is speechless. Zhang Yang now fully understands that Jiang is still old and spicy! fact, if the Star Group accepts unsuccessfully, if there are any mistakes, these people, factory equipment, etc. will not run away on their own, and the country will recover it, but the funds may not be returned. Chen Xiaowei looked strangely at the boy in front of him. He should be called a boy now!

Chen Xiaowei has seen Zhang Yang’s ID card, but this year it was only 20 years old! But this scene in front of him made Chen Xiaowei feel like a dream. When he received this list from the State Council this year, Chen Xiaowei felt dizzy. Chen Xiaowei was also incredible.

Zhang Yang did not speak, nor did he notice Chen Weiwei’s eccentric expression. He just bowed his head in contemplation. Zhang Yang thought similarly to Chen Xiaowei before, thinking that it was only willing to let Starry Sky Group buy a few engine factories, or could make cars, machine tools and other machinery. The factory slowly entered the military industrial enterprise, but Zhang Yang had never thought of killing him. It was so bold!

The world has completely changed. Zhang Yang has a feeling that he can’t say. It seems that many people in the previous life have made wrong evaluations. It’s not that the top leaders and other leaders did not do anything, but there was no opportunity! Zhang Yang is not like boasting someone blindly, but now Zhang Yang has to admit that he can sit in the position of No. 1 in that country. His strategic vision and courage are definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

The situation in the previous life was not not inaction, but inaction! Now, there is a chance to dare to be so ruthless. Obviously, the courage required is not half a minute! But now Zhang Yang has to consider other issues. What Zhang Yang originally thought, maybe it can be done with a few billion dollars, but he did not realize that the above action would be so big, and when this news was announced... Zhang Yangdu I can't imagine what the media will be crazy about.

In particular, the European and American media may be even more crazy. Zhang Yang did not want to eat fat in a bite, but now he has the opportunity to let Zhang Yang eat fat in a bite. Does he eat it or not? If nothing else, if the Star Group can win the China Ordnance Industry Group, then the Star Group will suddenly become a giant heavy industry giant!

China Ordnance Industry Group, the entire group has more than 300,000 employees, their business includes heavy vehicles and equipment, specialty chemicals and petrochemicals, photovoltaic materials and equipment and other products. Looking at the introduction of the Weapon Industry Group in my hand, there are 113 wholly-owned subsidiaries all over the country, and there are 12 colleges and universities under the China Weapon Industry Group, including Beijing Institute of Technology. It seems that they are now all affiliated to the China Weapon Industry Group. Colleges and universities!

To be honest, Zhang Yang was completely ignorant, and he couldn't figure it out. How could he make such a decision above? "How much funds do we have now?" Zhang Yang raised his head and asked for a long time. The annual turnover of China Ordnance Industry is close to 150 billion RMB. Although the total assets are only about 170 billion RMB, it is impossible to believe that Zhang Yang will sell the entire group to him at this price.

"At present, the funds we can mobilize are about 400 billion RMB, but we need to use Apple shares to raise funds." Chen Xiaowei apparently had already made a budget before and gave Zhang Yang an answer directly. 400 billion, which means about 50 billion US dollars. Fortunately, except for the Xingkong Group, which burned a sum of money in the Xingkong Industrial Park, there is no place to spend other funds, all of which are stored in the bank. If Apple’s shares are used for financing, plus Apple’s current World sales and Apple’s stock price are rising wildly, and it is not difficult to mobilize $50 billion.

"What do you think?" Chen Xiaowei couldn't help but say it. The reason why Chen Xiaowei didn't make a decision on her own was that these companies were too unexpected for her, and even Zhang Yang didn't think of it, let alone Chen Xiaowei. It's nice to eat a fat in one bite, but if you die, it's more than worth it. Take the China Ordnance Corporation for example. The entire group of employees is close to 300,000. The current employees of the Starry Sky Group are more than a thousand. If a thousand people are all managers, it is impossible to manage 300,000 people. what!

China Ordnance Industry Group is a ministerial-level enterprise. If its original management team is sold to Star Group, it is impossible for all of them to stay within the group. It is bound to be recalled by the state. A large number of management teams will be lost by then. Such a huge group, I am afraid It will be completely paralyzed.

"I'll make a phone call." Zhang Yang said breathlessly for a long time. Chen Xiaowei’s worries are also Zhang Yang’s worries. It doesn’t matter if you can’t eat it. If you die, it will be tragic. Picking up his cell phone, Zhang Yang thought about it, and finally dialed the number directly.

The phone rang only two times and was picked up, and then the prime minister’s hearty laughter came over: "Is it Xiao Zhang? I knew you would call, how? Get those business lists?" Do you have any ideas?" Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. The prime minister and they are obviously good... no idea? How can there be no idea, who these companies give to, anyone may have ideas!

Can a company with an annual turnover of over RMB 100 billion RMB have no idea? But whether the nutrients or poisons contained in this big cake should be carefully considered. "Hello, Prime Minister, I'm calling this, I just want to ask, are you sure that China's military industry can also be sold to the Starry Sky Group?" Zhang Yang has already left out. Since they dare to put these lists down, Zhang Yang asked again Anyway?

"Of course, do you think we are playing with you? But there is a premise that most of the researchers in the entire group will be recalled, including some of the current state's confidential design drawings, etc., all of which will be sealed in the confidential library and replaced. In short, if the entire group buys the Starry Sky Group, it can only leave the machinery, as well as low- and middle-level employees, and those researchers should retain up to one-third." The prime minister gave Zhang Yang directly.

"Fuck!" If the other party is not the prime minister, the word Zhang Yang has popped out of his mouth. Isn't that nonsense? What is the most valuable of the entire group? It is the current business and those researchers are the most valuable. If you don’t need those researchers, these employees will be a burden to the Star Group! After all, some factories produce missiles, bombs and so on. Now the drawings and so on of these things have to be recalled. Is it possible that you let Starry Group use these factories to produce toys?

Is it useful to buy a huge industrial base? "Premier...Are you kidding me? If all factories are like this, what's the use of the Starry Sky Group?" Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, then asked helplessly. Those researchers are not so easy to find. Zhang Yang went to Mao to find out, even if there are news of several old men in his hand, but those old men are just a few people, and they have arrived in a very large group such as China Ordnance Industry. , A few people's research institute, use it!

It seems that the idea of ​​being a fat man in one bite is impossible. "I'll show you a bit." I don't know if it's arrogant. The Prime Minister was a little embarrassed. The Prime Minister sighed and said, "...In fact, even if this matter has something to do with you, the materials you turned in were found to be very serious. Problem, so even if the Starry Sky Group does not appear, China Ordnance Industry Group will reorganize its assets, so it will hand over this enterprise... If not, do you think that such a company will be handed over to a private industry? We are a country, not a gambler."

The Prime Minister's words immediately made Zhang Yang suddenly feel like this, but it turned out to be the case, but even if it were like that, then it could not be sold to the Star Group as a shell? "Well, I can buy it, but I have to choose a part of wholly-owned purchases from the subsidiary companies of China Ordnance Industry Group. Branches that involve core technology are not required, but some basic ones, such as some light weapons manufacturing companies, I think The above can leave the drawings and other related things." Zhang Yang thought for a moment and said seriously.

It is not realistic to buy the entire China Ordnance Industry Group at once. Even if Zhang Yang can get the money, he is not a fool. He bought back an unusable group. When it is time to go bankrupt, is it not all attributed to the country? And those who are recalled by the state are even better, just merge them into China Ordnance Equipment Group.

"Yes, in this way, it is also a good thing to keep the China Ordnance Industry Group. So, I will let someone out of a detailed group of experts to negotiate with your Star Group, and wait for you to pick the company and sign between them. The contract is enough. As for funds... 70% can be paid first, and the remaining 30% can be paid after five years."

"Okay." Zhang Yang did not hesitate, and the general details were finalized. Naturally, no one at the level of the prime minister was required to participate. Naturally, the following staff participated. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang still looked at his phone like a dream. This world... I am afraid it will really change completely.

For the first time, Zhang Yang felt that the leaders above did not want to do anything, but that some things could not be done. Now that the starry sky group, a group with strong influence, has seen a trace of slow release of market control Hope for strength, and immediately began to implement, to be honest, this kind of courage, if not personally experienced, if put in the previous life, killing Zhang Yang will not believe that the people above will do it.

China's enterprise market is still too So the above does not dare to be completely liberalized at once. If it is completely liberalized, foreign capital will flood into the domestic market unscrupulously, which will be a serious problem for various domestic enterprises Fight, I am afraid the Republic will become the second India by then! Become an overseas processing place for European and American companies, but can not really master their core technology.

Now, I am afraid that the above thought is to allow private enterprises to participate in these industries with core technology, so as to improve the competitiveness of the entire industry and turn a pool of standing water into living water. Why is the equipment replacement in the United States so fast because of the United States The strong competitiveness of domestic companies, these capitalists do not want to go bankrupt, they can only quickly research new weapons and equipment. Although the US government does not necessarily purchase these equipment immediately, but at least this way, the US government has all the world’s The country can maintain its technological superiority!

Once their existing equipment is overtaken by other countries, the United States can immediately use its own technological advantages and technical reserves to update its own equipment! This is the advantage of having a huge technical reserve! Now, including the whole of Europe, including the Republic, we want to keep up with the level of US equipment, but we must know that the US equipment has not been updated for many years. RO! ! ! ;




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