The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 502: Soft Girl (Part 2)

The team dispatched by the State Council came quickly, but the leader made Zhang Yang stunned for a while. ; It was a very beautiful girl, a beautiful girl who was overkill, or rather pretty. Zhang Yang has seen a lot. In fact, Zhang Yang has always been surrounded by many, but to be honest, this girl's beauty, even faintly, is still above Tan Yudie and Li Keqing.

If you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t believe that there is a woman in this world who looks so perfect, but it’s a pity that perfection is perfect, but she lacks a temperament in her body. The person feels like a robot, and the feeling of being quite wooden makes her look a little discolored.

When I saw this girl, Zhang Yang couldn't help but touch Soft Girl (Chapter 502) and touched her nose. Is it true that rebirth is really good for attracting soft girls? "Hello! My name is Liu Lian." The girl's soft voice made several girls in the Starry Group feel as if they were facing a gentle sister. After shaking hands with the girl and introducing them, everyone looked at each other. They didn't expect to kill them. The leader would be such a girl who has just turned her twenties.

"Hello everyone, Dong Dong Li, Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhang, I am in charge of this main negotiation. Before I came, I probably calculated that the funds that the Star Group can raise is about 432.5 billion RMB, according to our take out On this list, Starry Sky Group can probably acquire more than 80% of these groups, including China Ordnance Industry Group, North Heavy Industry..." After the people sat down, the girl started talking slowly.

And her words made Zhang Yang amazed, demon! After the girl finished speaking, Zhang Yang even understood why they let such a girl take charge of the main negotiation. Is this... still human? How much data has been designed for such a huge negotiation, I am afraid that it is not too much to send a negotiating group with dozens or hundreds of people, and it is certainly quite difficult to negotiate the soft sister (below) in Chapter 502, but ......The girl said there for nearly twenty minutes, and the data she talked about has never been glanced at! Although there are some materials next to her hand, they didn't read it at all!

"I don't know how do you know our company's financial situation?" After the girl finished speaking, Chen Xiaowei asked her own question for the first time. Even her president does not know the specific amount of funds that Star Group can mobilize. How does the other party know? Could it be said that the state has investigated the bank accounts of the Star Group?

"It's very simple. According to the financial trends previously announced by the Star Group, it is not too difficult for the relevant policies of the United Bank to calculate these data." Liu Lian said with a blank expression.

Jane... is it simple? Starry Sky Group is not a small group... such a huge number... simple? Zhang Yang is completely speechless. In the past, Zhang Yang never believed in genius, but now it seems...genius is really... there is, and such a genius, I am afraid that this girl's IQ will be high.

The progress of the negotiations between the two parties was unexpectedly fast. In fact, before the arrival of the negotiating team, Zhang Yang had already started to select those companies. The entire China Ordnance Industry Group had 113 subsidiaries, and Zhang Yang only selected 65 of them. In addition, Zhang Yang also picked several other companies, these companies have related industries, as well as advanced industrial foundation.

But these companies did not involve those high-tech industries, such as the production of tanks, missiles, aviation bombs, etc. These companies did not touch them. Most of the companies he bought were companies engaged in basic industries, and a small part of them It is a company that can produce firearms. After all, it wants to give the outside world an intuitive impression. That is to allow private enterprises to involve these important military industries.

Can the production of firearms be considered a military enterprise? However, the following negotiations finally let Zhang Yang know that the soft girl also exists! In front of the girl, in the negotiations that lasted for a week, she had never seen any information! As for whether she went back to the hotel to see Zhang Yang, I don’t know, but she has never seen it during the negotiation, but she knows all the information of hundreds of companies, including personnel, finance, and even the technology patents of these companies. Remember everybody!

If she was not the leader of the negotiating team sent by the State Council, Zhang Yang would like to dig her over. However, even if the general direction has been finalized, the negotiation between the two parties still took more than a week. There is no way this soft girl is too powerful! Throughout the negotiation process, grasping the funds acquired by the Star Group, etc., simply made the Star Group pay a considerable price!

The budgets originally announced by these companies were probably about 180 billion RMB, but in the final negotiation, they spent more than 20 billion RMB. The final amount of the whole negotiation was 200 billion RMB, because of the Star Group These purchased companies do not have too confidential information... so the researchers and related technical personnel of these companies will not be transferred away, only the management will be taken away, and all the remaining industries will be transferred to Star Group.

"I said, don't you know how to hook a girl? How about hooking that to our company?" Chen Xiaowei reached out and poked Zhang Yang, pointing to Liu Lian opposite. Zhang Yang almost fell to the ground, what does this say, what do you mean you don’t know how to hook a girl? your sister! When will I hook up my sister!

However, after this, Zhang Yang scratched his head and finally refrained from saying it. Although he said that he was not, in everyone's opinion, he was yes, there was no way. Who made the management of the Star Group seem to be Zhang Yang? Are you hired back? And more importantly, so many beautiful girls, except Luo Tianshu and Zhao Fei were married, Li Yuxuan and Fang Shaoyun are unclear, all the remaining MM have no boyfriend.

"People seem to be very popular in the State Council. I guess I can't get it. Without that ability, why don't you try it out?" Zhang Yang said weakly. "Cut, look at you like this, such a good girl, you actually said that you have no skills, don't you know that men can say anything, can't you say it? Can't you?" After that, Chen Xiaowei was very suspicious. His eyes glanced openly.

Zhang Yang's face was full of grief, he finally understood how the female rogue was born. In fact, it's very simple. You put together a bunch of them, and don't have so many men as additives in their lives. They will definitely be a group of women for a long time!

"There is a well-known saying that everything in this world has a theorem, maybe you haven't found it, but all related things always end in the same direction." For a long time, Zhang Yang said without a word.

Chen Xiaowei looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously: "Is there a famous saying? Why haven't I heard of it? And, what do you want to say?" "I just want to say, something that doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. With a close relationship, I suddenly felt that I used to be very pure. Why did I find that I started to deteriorate after recruiting you into the company? The original reason is here." Zhang Pi said with a sad face.

"Rely! What reason." Chen Xiaowei rolled his eyes directly, because Li Keqing and the chairman of China Ordnance Industry Group signed on behalf of Xingyu Group, so there is nothing Zhang Yang and Chen Xiaowei, two people rarely have time to fart chat. "You give me an example. If you can give a related example, I believe that you have a relationship with me as a rogue." Chen Xiaowei looked at Zhang Yang fiercely and said.

"Do you know the word FU~CK?" Zhang Yang smiled and said directly.

"I know, I still often say, you continue." Chen Xiaowei looked at Zhang Yang speechlessly, she wanted to ask Zhang Yang, do you still say you are pure? Does the pure person think of the word in the first instance?

"Nothing, hey, you typed these four English letters with the smart input method that our company newly installed, and you will find that the first option that appears is Obstetrics and Gynecology." Zhang Yang said with a narrow smile.

"Xiao Dang", Chen Xiaowei fell straight, looked up at Zhang Yang desperately, it is estimated that she wanted to defeat Zhang Yang with her eyes, you call it pure? You are not called insolent, are you called a rogue? Your name is affected by me? by! But...thinking it carefully, Chen Xiaowei couldn't help crying and laughing, ‘...Obstetrics and Gynecology... Very good and powerful! According to someone's strong explanation, these two words are related.

"Old bull!" The little fat man sitting in the back obviously heard Zhang Yang's He stretched out his hand with admiration and gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up. The little fat man always thought that he was already vulgar enough, but compared with Zhang Yang, this was far worse! What is the wretched god, this is the wretched god!

I am still in appearance, the boss has begun to think about a higher level! ...Obstetrics and Gynecology! The significance is profound! There was a serious signing ceremony over there, and Zhang Yang and their side were carrying on a trivial topic. If the people on the opposite side knew it, they wouldn't know if they would spit out a breath of blood. Is there such a person?

With the official conclusion of the signing ceremony of Star Group and China Ordnance Industry Group, as well as several other groups, it is also announced that Star Group has officially entered a diversified enterprise from a high-tech company! And this step is a considerable step forward!

The State Council Information Office has also officially announced that it will jointly hold a star conference with the Star Group tomorrow at the State Council Press Conference Office, and this news has suddenly attracted the attention of the world. ! ! ! ;




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