The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Lower Tagil (3)

Chapter 508: Lower Tagil (3)

Chapter 508: Lower Tagil (3)

"I saw your location. There were no other people around you, but a car followed the target up the mountain and stopped at a corner of a mountain road about 300 meters away from the villa." After receiving the call, Zhang Yang knew Zhao Fei It was not convenient to talk over there, he started to tell Zhao Fei without hesitation.

"Understood, I have seen it. Can you reach the target? The follow-up personnel should be KGB people according to our analysis." Zhao Fei was very low in tone and told Zhang Yang in three words. "Are you sure?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Ok, we have dealt with the KGB in countless ways, and they all know that they turned into ash. This should be the two rookie agents under Chapter 508 (3)." Zhao Fei said with certainty. Zhang Yang immediately had a headache, KGB? How could the KGB people keep up? "Time is running out, do you want to contact the target?" Zhao Fei repeated.

"If contact, what about the two rookie agents? Now the target is only one person." Zhang Yang asked with some headache.

"In this way, I let the crow and the black wolf stun them in the past. After we contacted the target, we confirmed that there are several targets, and make changes according to the actual situation." Zhao Fei gave his own suggestions.

Zhang Yang paused for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand, just act like this, keep the call, and I will provide you with all the satellite images within a radius of 100 kilometers."

"Understood." Zhao Fei promised, and then he immediately ordered another few people in the headphones he bought. After about tens of seconds, Zhang Yang noticed that the red dot on the screen began to move quickly. This should be the reason for the signal delay. Zhao Fei should have acted long ago.

Zhang Yang didn't continue to speak, but he still could hear the rubbing sound of the "brush" from the microphone running fast with the leaves and branches. Zhao Fei and their speed were very fast. Chapter 508 ) At about six o'clock, Zhang Yang noticed that four red dots appeared near the car, while Zhao Fei and another red dot appeared near the villa.

"Hands!" Zhao Fei's deep voice came from the microphone, and here, Zhang Yang immediately noticed from the satellite real-time images that two people slowly emerged from the forests on both sides, and slowly approached the car. Zhang Yang looked a little nervous, but he admired Zhao Fei and his group. If it was not for them to start action, Zhang Yang just knew that there were four people near the car, but he could not see it from the satellite pictures! It wasn't until they started that Zhang Yang discovered that they were actually in a pile of leaves less than ten meters away from the car.

This disguise is too good. If it is publicity, I am afraid that standing next to them will not find them at their feet. There was no one to clean up on the mountain road, so the leaves of winter* piled up thickly until the two of them slowly got under the car. From the satellite pictures, there was no movement from the people in the car.

Just when Zhang Yang guessed when they would start, two people on the ground suddenly jumped up, one on each side directly extended from the window with one hand. After tens of seconds, two people standing at the door slammed into the woods outside After a gesture, two more people jumped out of the woods, quickly rushed to the side of the car, and dragged out the people who were in the car.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh, it's so beautiful, although the two agents may have lowered the windows for the convenience of observation, it is convenient for these team members to start, but I have to say that this hand is absolutely beautiful, most people simply play Not coming out. Zhang Yang didn't know how they stunned each other when they reached into one hand. Although they were two rookie agents, they were also special agents. They must have been trained and not ordinary people.

After succeeding there, Zhao Fei and another red dot walked towards the waiting man in the villa. "Who are you?" Zhao Fei and another tall figure were so scary. The person who waited at the door of the villa saw a scream immediately and ran to the car with a nervous expression on his face. Next to the cab door.

Because Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei's conversation has been maintained, Zhang Yang can hear the person's voice from the microphone, but just listening to this voice, Zhang Yang is somewhat confused, what is the situation with m? Although the voice of a man is correct, the age of listening to his voice is definitely not old, it is estimated to be just about adulthood! Which is a man, is a boy at all!

"Don't be nervous, we are the ones who came to rescue you." Zhao Fei answered his question in English, because the boy asked questions in English, and Zhao Fei naturally used English. "Ah? You are the one who contacted me online?" the boy asked in surprise.

"No, but we sent him." Zhao Fei said seriously. "The people in need of rescue are there? We need to act quickly. Our time is tight." Now that he has confirmed that there is no danger, Zhao Fei immediately asked.

"If it's gone, it's just me." The boy said immediately. "It's just you? What's the matter? The task I got was that a group of people needed to be rescued." Zhao Fei asked directly, although he was asking the boy, obviously he was also asking Zhang Yang, who didn't know exactly what happened.

"No! The files in that server are just a test, and I am the one who needs to be saved. Those who left the files are already dead, but you need to come back to my residence with me, there is a lot of my research there The document needs to be taken away." Without thinking about it, the boy threw out a large paragraph directly.

Zhang Yang pondered for a moment and immediately said decisively: "Take him away!" Zhang Yang now wants to scold his mother, these old guys, wouldn't you explain the white point when you left a message? Come on, if you’re bringing someone alone, it’s so troublesome! grass! Zhang Yang almost died of depression. However, the situation now has some advantages for Zhang Yang. It is much more convenient to bring at least one person than many people.

"Still test, test your sister!" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes in front of the computer.

"Now you go with us, come to your house to pick up your things, we immediately leave here." Zhang Yang has made a decision, Zhao Fei immediately said to the boy.

"Okay, you get in the car." The boy nodded and opened the car door to get into the cab.

"Wait, who is the person behind you?" Zhao Fei asked again.

"The person I'm following? I don't know." The boy's face was a little dazed.

"Grass!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but scolded again. I'm afraid this boy's identity is also a problem? Being tracked by the KGB, he didn't find it? Is there such a silly person?

"Boss?" Zhao Fei asked two words. This boss was called Zhang Yang. Because there were outsiders at this time, Zhao Fei could not be called Zhang Yang's name. After pondering for a long time, Zhang Yang thought about it and said quickly: "Take him away, as for the two people, you look at the treatment."

"I understand. Old bear, you get in the car and drive, and we leave." Zhao Fei punched another sturdy figure, Nu Nuzui, and then walked directly to the truck. The old bear should be Anthony. Upon receiving the order from Zhao Fei, Anthony immediately began to remove the camouflage. Zhao Fei also quickly removed the camouflage from his body.

The movement of the two people is very fast, probably in less than two minutes, Zhao Fei and Anthony become two ordinary people in casual clothes. "Destroy them, clean up all traces, and we evacuate." Zhao Fei ordered directly in the headset, Zhang Yang paused, opened his mouth, and finally he didn't speak.

Just kill it. Whoever made you unlucky, sorry, since you joined the KGB, then you should be very happy to see your great comrade Lenin, Amen. Zhang Yang made a cross on his chest, prayed for the unlucky ghost, and threw the matter directly behind his head. Those who have become major events are not inconspicuous. Zhang Yang is not a saint. Anyway, M is not a good bird. If you kill it, you will get rid of it. Zhang Yang has no pressure at all.

Zhao Fei did not enter the cab, but jumped directly behind the truck and threw their two piles of clothes onto the car. The truck hit a steering wheel on the open space in front of the villa and drove straight down the mountain. "Old bear, ask him, what's in that villa." After the car started, Zhao Fei asked again from the quickly asked the boy again in English. "Nothing. It was just an empty villa. I bought it." The boy answered directly. The truck drove directly past the car, and when he passed the car, Zhao Fei threw down both his and Anthony's equipment. After the truck passed, Zhao Fei said directly in the headset: "Take all the traces clean, you take the car to catch up, if you remember correctly, there is a spare license plate under the back seat of the car, change the license plate on."

Then Zhang Yang was dumbfounded to see that the four team members beside the car quickly took off their own equipment. I didn’t know where I got something from them and spilled it on the equipment. Then I threw it directly. I lit it in the woods next to it.

After being ignited, several team members actually found spare license plates from the car. After quickly replacing them, they drove to the truck in front. "...This is really understandable... even know where the spare license plate is placed... Is the KGB person an idiot? This habit has always been maintained." Zhang Yang couldn't help but slander. RO! ! ! ;




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