The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 509: Lower Tagil (4)

Chapter 509 Lower Tagil (4)

Looking at the flames rising from the forest in the satellite image, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while..., Zhao Fei's gang of animals is simply...I'm not afraid of a forest fire? But think about it... ; Let's get started, anyway, can't burn the country, and care about their hair. This season is the most prone to forest fires in places like Kyzyl. Although the forests here are basically coniferous forests, even coniferous forests, dead branches and leaves all year round A thick layer has been laid on the ground of the forest. After a spring, after the snow melts, these branches have been dried by the mountain breeze. Once there are some Mars, it is easy to cause a forest fire.

And now it’s clear that Zhao Fei’s burning of their equipment was fueled by some terrible flammables in Chapter 509, Lower Tagil (4). When Zhao Fei approached the city, Zhang Yangcong The giant Mars has been seen on the satellite image. And these Mars burned quickly to the villa on the top of the mountain.

"Amen!" Zhang Yang drew a cross on his chest again. The two unlucky ghosts were convenient this time. Even the corpse was saved and they were directly cremated. However, Zhang Yang was not relaxed. After glancing at the situation there, he directly let Xingkong lock the perspective of Zhao Fei's truck and constantly monitor the situation of Kizil.

The boy lived not in the urban area of ​​Kyzyl, but in a remote ordinary small house northeast of Kyzyl. After Zhao Fei and their car parked near the wooden house, Zhang Yang saw the four team members put the car in a very erroneous place, as if they were monitoring the house, and then Zhao Fei and they followed The boy entered the place where he lived.

About half an hour later, six people who changed their costumes came out of the boy’s house again. From the satellite, even the boy should have been moved by Zhao Fei. Zhang Yang personally appreciated it. Although Zhao Fei's methods of their makeup are not changed much, if you look back at Tajir (4) in Chapter 509 of Meat, you will never think they are the same person. There is no airport in Kyzyl. The place they go to is Kyzyl's railway station. Zhao Fei and they will take a train from Kyzyl to the largest city nearby, and then transfer to a plane to Nizhny Tagil.

Zhang Yang had been waiting for Zhao Fei to get on the train, and then whispered a few words to hang up the phone with Zhao Fei. After leaving Kyzyl, they are in no danger. Zhang Yang will let the starry sky remove the satellite imagery. When launching the computer, Zhang Yang thought about it, hesitated and gave the starry sky a new command: "Under the guarantee that it is not found, try to take over the entire hotel's monitoring system, it is not a necessary task."

After issuing this instruction, Zhang Yang closed his notebook and prepared to go downstairs to eat, but he hadn't eaten yet. It was almost night before the time. Nor can it be blamed for Zhang Yang to be careful who let him do bad things on other people’s sites. It would be best if the infecting insects could take over the hotel’s monitoring system. If not, Zhang Yang would come back later and do the same thing, not just In this matter, Zhang Yang also wanted to hack the surveillance system of Lower Tagil Airport and even the urban area.

In this way, Zhao Fei can be guaranteed to the greatest extent that they sneak into the plane silently, which is a great proof; there is a Boeing that can hide a few people in the place, and this time there is a benefit to come by the special plane of the country. Hey, now they advertise their planes but they are a system external to the national planes. That is to say, the special plane of the Star Group is now Gaga with diplomatic immunity.

As long as Zhao Fei entered the special plane of the Star Group, even if the KGB knew something, they would only stare in the air! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang was happy and called Russian-style Western food in the restaurant below, as well as some caviar. Zhang Yang did not have the opportunity to eat these expensive caviar in his life. Now that he has the opportunity, I want to eat and see this thing. What is delicious, it seems that many people like to eat this stuff.

There are very few people in the restaurant at this moment, but there are still a few people who are eating. Among these people, there are a few officials who are obviously Indians. Obviously, the special personnel of the Indian government should have arrived. I just don’t know what Lao Hui Maozi asked these people to discuss. Is it the issue of peace in the Asia-Pacific region? Zhang Yang thought very much that with the simplification of the former Soviet Union, Russia's international status has plummeted, so now the greedy polar bears are always looking for opportunities to find a position in the international community that originally belonged to polar bears.

In order to get back to this position, it is imperative that the Republic, which is entangled with Russia, is naturally the first to get it first. Otherwise, Lao Hui Maozi would not dare to do anything. Don't think that the Republic and Lao Hui Maozi are so-called friendly neighbors. In fact, the potential hostile relationship between the Republic and Lao Hui Maozi even exceeds that of the Republic and Japan!

Although Japan’s economy is very strong, the narrow land area and its resources determine that Japan is unlikely to compare with the Republic or the polar bears in the future. In the event of war, Japan will definitely be ruled out first, and then the contest in the Asia-Pacific region will focus on the Republic and India, the Republic and the polar bears. Of course, the relationship between the Republic and the polar bears will depend greatly on the United States. Attitude.

Actually speaking, the relationship between countries is basically shit, and the supremacy of interests! Do you really think that the Republic has forgotten the land that the polar bears seized from the Republic a hundred years ago, and the split Outer Mongolia? Regardless of the current ending, there are some things that cannot be forgotten. Although the war caused great damage to the Republic in the past, Japan did not get a fart in the end. Although the former Soviet Union pretended to be in the guise of helping the Republic ,but…. The small methods behind them are emerging one after another. What splits Outer Mongolia and encroached on the Far East are all things that polar bears do.

While Zhang Yang was eating, he was thinking about the cranky question. This time, Huihui Maozi invited the Republic to come. I am afraid it has a lot to do with the several fighter planes that the Republic wants to introduce, but I don’t know what conditions Laohui Maozi will give. Just when Zhang Yang was thinking about it, his cell phone rang suddenly. Zhang Yang opened it strangely and looked at it. When Gang saw the content in the text message, Zhang Yang's face changed slightly.

However, his face quickly returned to normal, and no one else saw that Zhang Yang was still elegantly eating all the leftover meals, but if someone paid attention to it, he would find that the speed of Zhang Yang’s meal quietly accelerated A lot. Ten minutes later, Zhang Yang left the restaurant with a smile and took the elevator to the floor where he lived. When Zhang Yang entered the room, his smiling face suddenly changed.

Zhang Yang threw himself directly in front of the computer and quickly opened the computer. After contacting the starry sky, Zhangyang said in a hurry: "What's the matter with the starry sky?" Zhang Yang just received the SMS alert from the starry sky. The content of the alert was found in Kyzyl After waiting for the abnormal movement of the department, Zhang Yang was almost scared to death at that time. If it was not Zhang Yang who had watched Zhao Fei on the train and left Kizil, I was afraid that Zhang Yang would rush back to the room.

"Thirteen minutes ago, a large-scale gathering and movement of people was discovered within a 100-km radius of the target." Starry Sky directly gave the answer and directly assemble the images.

At this time, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to cancel the instructions given to the starry sky in the market. Starry sky is a program after all. Although it has the ability of logical analysis, it cannot think for itself, so after Zhang Yang just forgot to cancel, it still Faithfully carried out the work of monitoring the wooden villa on the outskirts of Kyzyl.

When Zhang Yang saw the picture above the image, he understood why, and Zhang Yang was relaxed. "Ye" Yang, there was a false alarm. It wasn't a big deal. It was caused by the pile of equipment that Zhao Fei ignited when they left. Zhang Yang guessed that the thing ignited dead branches and leaves that had been accumulated in the forest for many years and so on, and caused a fire in the forest.

Now the place where the wooden villa is located has completely become a sea of ​​fire. From the satellite point of view, the red tongue has burned a very scary area with the thick smoke. At this time, if there is no special movement in Kyzyl, there will be ghosts. Too. No wonder the starry sky will sound an alarm, such a big forest fire, this time Kizil forest, fire brigade, etc. will naturally come forward.

But soon, UU read books www.uukanshu. com looked at the picture of Zhang Yang and couldn't be more happy. He saw some people in suits appear in the crowd of these people, and he didn't know what to say at the foot of the mountain. With a move in his mind, Zhang Yang immediately said to the starry sky: "Starry sky, switch a new surveillance window out and monitor the second target that left."

As Zhang Yang's voice fell, a second screen soon appeared on the computer screen. This screen was the house where the boy lived, but there are more than a dozen cars parked around the house at this moment, and from the satellite map. I saw that these people in suits were checking what was in the boy's room, and there were still people checking the car that the four team members had purposely parked.

"All the pictures of Kizil's bus station, train station, and all major exits leaving Kizil are collected." Zhang Yang gave a new order with a serious face.

Soon, the computer screen became a dozen small windows. Looking at the pictures on these small windows, Zhang Yang's previous ease completely disappeared.

The entire city of Kyzyl is now blocked by the Russian army! ! ! ! </p>;




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